To obtain a postgraduate degree, students must acquire 120 CFU credits. The normal duration of the Degree Programme is two years.
To access the final examination, students must submit an application via the online procedure within the deadlines set by the University for each session.
The final examination is the discussion of a dissertation, which is the result of the student’s own research under the supervision of a Lecturer, also based on the evaluation of a second supervisor. Each year, the department schedules three graduation sessions (summer, autumn, and extra session).
The subject of the dissertation must be related to a discipline chosen by the candidate. Students are expected to analyse an issue, demonstrating methodological rigour and independent judgement. They must support their arguments with extensive research, and the results must be set out clearly and rigorously. Not only the dissertation should provide an extensive and up-to-date bibliography, it should also be written using specialist language and an appropriate writing style.
Furthermore, students must demonstrate the ability to make effective use of the skills acquired, as well as displaying communication skills, and the ability to learn independently.
While students can generally choose whether to write in Italian or English, International Management students are expected to write and discuss their thesis in English.
In the graduation session, students present their dissertation and, if necessary, respond to the comments of the supervisor, second supervisor or other members of the Committee, defending the choices made in the course of their work. The supervisor guarantees that the various stages of the thesis work have been met and, in the graduation session, reports to the Commission on the results achieved.
The final examination takes place in a session that is open to the public.
The Graduation Committee evaluates this final examination on a scale from 0 to 110 and may, by unanimous decision, award the candidate the highest mark with Honours.
The final mark is based on the student's weighted grade average, with further marks added on the basis of other elements, such as the student's overall performance and any period spent studying abroad (Erasmus).
The final mark is awarded at the end of the Final examination.