Tutor (Lectures)

The Degree Programme facilitates the orientation of students at various stages of their studies through its ad hoc structures.

The following staff are in charge of guidance activities:

The General Tutor, who is available to respond to the overall needs of Economics & Business Management students;

The Internship Tutor, who deals with all internship-related issues to enable students to carry out their work placement to the best of their ability. S/he assesses the adequacy of training objectives when students choose and organize their own placements;

The Subject Area Tutor, who provides students with specific support directly related to their individual field of study;

The Special Needs Tutor, who deals with issues raised by working students, students with children, students with Special Needs, Learning disabilities, mental and physical disabilities of various kinds etc., and directs them towards the relevant services within the University;

The Lecturer in charge of Orientation, who organises orientation initiatives tutor together with the student in charge of orientation.

Internship Tutor - Even Student number

Ferrai Cecilia
Phone: 070/675-3335
Email: cferrai@unica.it

Internship Tutor - Odd Student number

Pinna Roberta
Phone: 070/675-3356
Email: pinnar@unica.it

Special Needs Tutor

Ferrai Cecilia
Phone: 070/675-3335
Email: cferrai@unica.it

Subject Area Tutor - Amministrazione e Controllo

Roberto Gianluigi
Phone: 070/675-3336
Email: groberto@unica.it

Subject Area Tutor - Marketing e Organizzazione

Carrus Pier Paolo
Phone: 070/675-3354
Email: ppcarrus@unica.it

Subject Area Tutor - International Unica-Praha and International-Bielefeld

Macchia Silvia
Phone: 070/675-3325
Email: macchia@unica.it

Subject Area Tutor - Economics & Management of Tourist Destinations

Pinna Roberta
Phone: 070/675-3356
Email: pinnar@unica.it

Subject Area Tutor - Blended Courses

Roberto Gianluigi
Phone: 070/675-3336
Email: groberto@unica.it

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