The degree is awarded after passing a Final examination, that is, the presentation of a thesis, written in Italian or English and ranging between 5,000 and 10,000 words- excluding tables and graphs -on a theoretical subject or a practical experience. Students are expected to provide a critical analysis and an appropriate bibliography on the subject.
A special committee assesses the final examination: the Graduation Committee’s assessment takes into account students' overall performance, their weighted grade average, the time it took to complete the course, as well as the type and content of the thesis. The Committee will assess the student's cultural maturity, intellectual development and presentation skills, as well as the quality of the thesis’ work. International experiences, such as Erasmus exchange programmes, can also boostthe final mark.
The discussion of the dissertation and award of the final marks are public events. A minimum score of 66 points is required to qualify for graduation. The possible award of Honours, in addition to the maximum score of 110 points, is subject to the candidate's achievement and the unanimous assessment of the Committee.
Calculating the final mark
The final degree grade is determined by three factors:
- The "base" grade. This is given by the weighted average of the marks obtained in the individual subjects and converted into a scale from 0 to 110, i.e.: [( ∑i vi ci ) / ( ∑i ci )] *(110/30), where ‘vi’ is the grade obtained in the i-subject, ‘ci’ is the number of credits corresponding to that subject, and the two summations are extended to all the examinations passed. The score thus obtained constitutes the base grade.
- The time it took to complete the Degree Programme. This relates to the session in which the student graduates, which can yield bonus points as follows:
- graduation sessions up to the end of the 3rd year (April, July, September and December), 5 points;
- graduation session immediately after the 3rd year (February), 4 points;
- early graduation session in the 4th year (April, July and September), 3 points;
- late graduation session in the 4th year (December), 2 points;
- last graduation session in the 4th year (February), 1 point.
- No additional points are granted for graduations beyond this session.
- Final examination. With reference to the final examination, additional points may be awarded based on the quality of the thesis and the presentation skills, as indicated below:
- up to 3 points if the base grade average is less than or equal to 90.000;
- up to 4 points if the base grade average ranges between 90.001 and 93.999;
- up to 6 points if the base grade average is greater than 93,999.
The final mark is computed by adding to the base grade any bonus point awarded for early or timely graduation and for the quality of the dissertation. Should the sum thus calculated reach a score of 110, the chairperson of the graduation committee may propose to award Honours, which must be agreed unanimously.
The final mark is given at the end of the Final examination.
Graduation ceremony
The committee decides on the graduation grade at the proposal of the supervisor or substitute at the beginning of the ceremony or at any other appropriate time.
The chairperson of the graduation committee declares the session open and calls the candidates one by one, in the order of the list, then giving the floor to the supervisor or substitute. The supervisor draws up a brief profile of the candidate: 'The candidate (first name and surname), enrolled in the Degree Programme(...) in the year (...), has obtained the best results in (usually two or three subject). The student has submitted a final paper entitled (...)'. The chairperson gives the floor to the candidate, who briefly summarises the content of the thesis. The chairperson takes the floor again and recites the proclamation formula with the final mark: "The candidate (first and last name) has passed the final examination. After consideration of the candidate’s overall academic performance, the committee awards the candidate with (...) points out of 110 (cum laude). By virtue of the powers vested in me, I declare you to be a doctor in (...)'.