Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

I'm Associate Professor at the Department of Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari, Italy. I'm teach the academic courses of Laboratory of Sanitary Engineering, Laboratory of Environmental Biotechonologies and ”Progettazione di Interventi di Risanamento e Disinquinamento Ambientale”.

My research activity is mainly focused on:

biological production of hydrogen and methane from organic waste in the framework of a Waste Biorefinery concept,
microbial electrolysis cell;
electrokinetic treatment of contaminated soils and sediments
I'm author and co-author of around 70 scientific papers published on international and national journals, international and national books, proceedings of international conferences.


I'm member of the Task Group “Waste Biorefinery” of the International Waste Working Group (IWWG).


SCOPUS bibliometric data (@ 07/02/2018); 

Author ID: 55952610100

– total documents in DB: 19

– total citation: 389

– h-index = 12


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