Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

Send an email if you want information on the possibility of carrying out the thesis on one of these topics:

Study of bioelectrochemical systems for the production of hydrogen and energy and the treatment of urban and agro-industrial wastewater

Biological production of hydrogen and methane from biodegradable matrices of urban origin (organic fraction of municipal waste) and agro-industrial (dairy residues, vegetation water, pig waste)

Composting of traditional organic matrices (organic fraction of municipal waste) and search for additives to improve the quality of the finished compost

Electrokinetic treatment of soils and sediments contaminated with heavy metals and organic contaminants


art. 18 of the Didactic Regulations: In the thesis work, the graduate student must demonstrate their original contribution and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge. The discussion of the thesis with the graduation commission is aimed at this demonstration.

1. Duties of the rapporteur:

  • The supervisor supports the student during the period of the thesis and has the following tasks:
  • chooses the topic of the thesis and proposes it to the student
  • make sure that the drafting of the thesis, in relation to the chosen topic, is achievable in a reasonable amount of time
  • provide the student with bibliographic ideas and possibly indications on where to find documentation material
  • if the thesis is experimental, provide the student with methods and instruments suitable for carrying out the laboratory work
  • provide suggestions on the structure and meaning of the work
  • discuss the results achieved and read the chapters of the manuscript from time to time
  • propose the appropriate corrections that the student must make to the written work.

The written text must contain the following data:

  • name and surname, email, any telephone number
  • full title (even if provisional) of the thesis
  • index (even provisional) of the entire work
  • the pages must be numbered at the bottom right

2. Times

The average time for carrying out an experimental master's thesis in the laboratory is 6 months. If the thesis relates to the three-year course, 3-4 months of laboratory are required. Usually the presence of the undergraduate is required 5 days a week for 4/5 hours in the laboratory. This is to be able to obtain a series of data that can be brought to support the experimental work.

The speaker illustrates the methods of processing the experimental data and asks the undergraduate to organize spreadsheets to proceed independently in the critical processing of the data obtained. The speaker, compatibly with the personal workload, discusses the progress of the experimental work with the student from time to time and agrees with the student solutions and strategies to overcome specific problems that may occur during construction.

The student is asked to proceed with the writing of the bibliographic part of the thesis during the laboratory period and to sketch the chapters relating to the experimental part as the results are obtained. This is to avoid both the student and the supervisor a concentrated work in a short time on a too advanced version of the work and close to the institutional deadlines for the delivery of the paper.

Following the partial corrections by the supervisor, the student is strictly required to submit the work in the final draft (with bibliographic and experimental part accompanied by graphs and tables) at least 1 month before the official delivery date.

3. Some tips and further remarks

A careful check of the spelling, syntax and overall structure of the text is required.

The speaker is neither a co-author, nor an editor, nor a proofreader. He does not correct every detail but tries to identify, together with the graduate student, the specific problems related to experimentation and general problems of organization of the text, focusing on some examples. It is up to the student to draw conclusions and adapt the text accordingly, even in the parts that present similar problems, which will not necessarily have been indicated.

4. How to prepare the experimental thesis

The final paper will be written in the third person singular. It will include:

  • an index
  • a brief introduction
  • a bibliographic part
  • the objectives of the experimental work
  • an experimental part
  • the conclusions of the experimental work carried out

5. Layout

  • Page format:
  • size: A4
  • upper margin: 2.5 cm;
  • bottom margin: 3 cm;
  • inner or left margin: 2.5 cm;
  • outer or right margin: 2.5 cm;
  • single line spacing

The cover must indicate:

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Degree Course (Master's) in Engineering for the Environment and Territory

title of the final paper, name and surname of the graduate, number of
freshman, supervisor (and possible co-supervisor) and academic year

There are also some conventions on the form of the titles of the various parts of the final paper.

For those who use Word one of the most common conventions is the following:
- For chapters use uppercase bold font
- Use lowercase bold letters for main paragraphs
- For secondary paragraphs, use lowercase italics
Note that chapter and paragraph titles do not end with a period.

Figures and tables have double header and distinct numbering (the first number represents the chapter).
Example: Figure 5.12 (caption, below the figure) or Table 4.15 (title of the table, above the table).


The research doctorate or Ph.D. is a university course, lasting three years, the purpose of which is to train the doctoral student to acquire the human, scientific and methodological tools to become a Researcher. During this training period, the PhD student is followed by one or more tutor teachers who guide him in the training and research activities.

The Doctorate in Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technologies ( is currently coordinated by Prof. Ing. Aldo Muntoni.

Here you can find the competition notices for admission to the research doctorate courses set up at the University of Cagliari, including the STTA doctorate.

The PhDs of which I am co-tutor are:

(concluded) Options for the valorisation of residues from the sheep milk-dairy supply chain in a biorefinery context - PhD student: Dr. Fabiano Asunis

(currently in progress) Application of bioelectrochemical systems to the enhancement of agro-industrial wastewater - PhD student: Dr. Eng. Marco Isipato

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