UniCa UniCa News Avvisi Seminario su Introduction to Thermonuclear Fusion

Seminario su Introduction to Thermonuclear Fusion

Autore dell'avviso: Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura

13 maggio 2022
Il seminario si terrà il 17 maggio dalle 15.00 alle 17.00 in aula G_TA (ex aula Mocci), Edificio G


Il relatore del seminario è il Dr. Marcin Jakubowski - group leader at Max Plank Institute for Plasma Physics working on diverter physics in magnetic fusion devices. Obtained PhD at the Ruhr University of Bochum in 2004. He made research on plasma edge at major fusion devices in the world: JET, DIII-C, Wendelstein 7-X, and LHD.

Di seguito la descrizione del tema trattato: One of the main challenges of humankind is the ever increasing demand for energy, which up to now relied on burning fossil fuels. Thermonuclear fusion - the reaction, which powers our Sun - will help to obtain energy without high cost for the climate and environment. The most advance line of research is based on magnetic confinement, where hot burning plasma is confined by the magnetic field. The lecture will discuss basics of thermonuclear fusion and major fusion experiments.

Per seguire il seminario in remoto, il codice Microsoft Teams è  zts0wx3

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