26 febbraio 2021


Qualification for the practice as chemist 2003

PhD Chemistry, Cagliari University 2002

MS Graduation in Chemistry (mark 110/110 cum laude) 1999

Academic Career

Erasmus Teacher at PJ Šafárik University Kosice 2016, Sept

Visiting Professor at Stockholm University 2011- 2016

Visiting Scientist, short periods, at Université Libre de Bruxelles 2010

Researcher, Cagliari University, Pharmacy Faculty 2006-present

Aggr. Prof. In Physical Method in Organic Chemistry 2007-present

Aggr. Prof. In Organic Chemistry 2016-present

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Sezione di Microbiologia e Virologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche, Cagliari University, 2004-2005

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche, Cagliari University, 2003-2004

Visiting Scientist at Stockholm University 2003

Predoctoral stay at Stockholm University 2001

Research Interests

The scientific activity is mainly directed to the study of conformational preferences of organic and bio-organic molecules and of their interactions with other molecules and ions; these researches are carried out by means of modeling techniques often combined with NMR techniques. The employed computational techniques are based either on quantum or classical mechanics, and recently she became involved in the development of coarse grained models. Part of these studies involve collaborations either with national or international groups. More in details the following collaborations are active:Cagliari University (Prof. G. Cerioni, Prof G. Saba, Dr F. Cesare Marincola, Dr S. Porcedda, Dr Massimiliano Porcu, Ms Marianna Usula)
Stockholm University (Prof. A. Laaksonen, Prof. A. Lyubartsev, Dr Y.L. Wang, Miss T.Y. Sun Mr G. Todde)
Université Libre de Bruxelles (Prof. M. Luhmer, Dr L. Fusaro),
Sassari University (Prof. U. Azzena, Dr L. Pisano)
Biomolecular Chemistry Institute, CNR, Sassari (Dott. P. Spanu, Dott.ssa F. Ulgheri),
Vilnius University (Dr K. Aidas)
Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza (Prof. Ruggero Caminiti, Dr Lorenzo Gontrani),
Safarik University, Kosice (Prof. Jozef Ulicny & Mr Matúš Rebi?) and
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (Dr E.S. B?c?i??)Her research activity started in 1999 with a PhD in chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Giuseppe Saba, studying the effects of the nucleotides sequence on its local structure and on interactions with ions. In 2001 a collaboration has been started, and still is active, with Prof. Laaksonen, with the aim of combining the molecular dynamics technique with the study of the magnetic relaxation of quadrupolar ions, in complex solutions like those of oligomeric DNA. Quadrupolar relaxation has been, and still is, widely employed to study ionic distribution around charged molecules, like DNA, and their structural and dynamical properties or their binding modes with other molecules. By calculating the electric field gradient at the quadrupolar nuclei during the simulated molecular dynamics, it has been possible to calculate their relaxation parameters from the trajectories. This study allowed rationalizing the effect of Na/DNA direct and water mediated binding on static and dynamic parameters of the quadrupolar relaxation. These studies are now being extended to other quadrupolar ions and to different DNA sequences. Presently the validation of the NMR calculations is also being performed using QM/MM methods on simple electrolyte systems and on ionic liquids, in collaboration with Dr Aidas of Vilnius University, Prof. Laaksonen and Dr Wang of Stockholm University. The studies of nucleic acids are now extended to quadruplexes of DNA, in collaboration with the group of Prof. Laaksonen and Lyubartsev at Stockholm University, and that of Prof. Ulicny of Safarik University. The collaboration is aimed at the development of nucleic acid coarse-grained model capable of well reproducing the interactions with ions.Recently she has extended her investigations to the Modeling of Enzymatic Fuel Cell. More in details, she is currently using MD to study the denaturation process of the most used enzyme at the anode (Glucose Oxidase), in order to propose modifications which would lead to a more stable protein. Within the same project QM/MM calculations are being used to study the reaction in the active site, and the effect of protein modification on the catalytic action. This activity is carried on in collaboration with Prof. Laaksonen, and in the framework of this project she has been Visiting Professor at Stockholm University.Another important part of her research activity concerns the study of structural, dynamical and chemical properties of organic molecules by means of quantum mechanical calculations usually combined with NMR experimental data, mainly using the O-17 nuclide. Different classes of compounds have been studied with this combined approach, comprising β-diketones, vic-triketones, α-β unsaturated carbonyl compounds, λ-3 and λ-5 iodanes, acetoxysilanes and others. These studies are carried out in collaboration, for the experimental part, with Prof. Cerioni of Cagliari University, Prof. Luhmer and Dr Fusaro of Université Libre de Bruxelles.Within a collaboration with Dr Bacaita of Technical University of Iasi and Prof Laaksonen of Stockholm University, Dr Mocci is extending her interest in the simulations of polymeric systems of biological interest (so far limited to DNA and proteins) to amylose and amylopectine systems, which are to be used as drug delivery vehicles.

Teaching Experience: Courses

Cagliari University

Pharmacy and Biology Faculty

2006- present

“Physical Methods in Organic Chemistry” for Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science Students

an undergraduate course covering the following topics: H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, Two Dimensional NMR, Dynamic NMR, UV.

Developed quizzes, exams, and homework, diagnostic and self assessment tests.

2006- 2009

“Computational Methods in Organic Chemistry” for Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science Students

an undergraduate course covering the following topics:

Introduction to the investigation of organic molecules properties

by quantum chemistry and force field calculations.


“Organic Chemistry” for Biology Students

an undergraduate course covering the following topics:

Introduction to organic molecules and their reactivity

Sciences Faculty:

Teaching for teachers

Since the academic year 2012/2013 I am delivering courses for developing professional teaching competencies of High School Science Teachers.

In my courses I show how the computational modeling tools can be used by high school teachers to prepare their lessons, to capture student attention, to let them perceive chemistry as a funny subject, and to easily show in a pictorial way concepts that are often considered by the students as too abstract. The courses are mostly developed by myself by combining my expertise in molecular modeling software with the chemistry problems that high school students have to solve.


“Chemistry with the Computers”

8 hrs A postgraduate course for high school chemistry teachers candidates



“Molecular Modeling”

19 hrs A postgraduate for chemistry teachers with 3 years experience in teaching in high school



“Molecular Modeling”

23 hrs A postgraduate course for high school chemistry teachers candidates


As PhD student (2000-2002):

Tutoring in Chemistry undergraduate courses

“Biological chemical physics”

“Theoretical chemistry”

Stockholm University

Division of Physical Chemistry:

2010, Erasmus teacher: “Computational methods in the study of organic molecules ”

Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo Andre (San Paolo) Brazil

2013 “II Escola Brasileira de Modelagem Molecular”: 01/02 Lecture entitled “Coarse Grained Modeling of DNA”

2015 “III Escola Brasileira de Modelagem Molecular“: 29/06 – 03/07 12 hrs Course “Solvation in simulations: models and applications.”

Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia

2016, Erasmus+ teaching activity (20-26 Sept, Introduction to NMR spectroscopy)

2015, The Course of Molecular Modeling 2015 24/02 – 8 hours course on “Molecular Dynamics of Biopolymers”

Teaching Activity: Student Supervising

Masters Students Supervised

Cagliari University

Luca Fusaro, “Studi di Dinamica Molecolare di Quadruplex di DNA” (Molecular dynamics studies of DNA Quadruplexes), 2004

Laura Caboni “Studi acido-base via spettroscopica e computazionale (Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Acid-Base properties)”, 2006

Sonia Liggi, “Idratazione del DNA: uno studio di dinamica molecolare della dipendenza dalla sequenza” (DNA hydration: a molecular dynamics study of sequence dependence), 2009

Alessio Atzori, “Studio delle Interazioni tra DNA e controioni mediante simulazioni di Dinamica Molecolare” DNA/counterions interactions studied by molecular dynamics simulations), 2009

Giulia Mameli, “Carattere flussionale degli acetossi silani: uno studio DFT e 17O NMR dinamico” (Fluxional character of acetoxy silanes: a DFT and 17O Dynamic NMR study), 2010

Valentina Porcu, “Studi FTIR della denaturazione di proteine” (FTIR studies of protein denaturation), 2014

Sara Massidda, “Sviluppo di un modello Coarse Grained per duplex di DNA” (Duplex DNA coarse grained model development), 2015

Olga Becconi, “Studio delle interazioni specifiche tra Li+, Na+, K+ e l’albumina del siero bovino mediante dinamica molecolare”, 2016

Federico Conticchio “Modellazione Molecolare della Glucosio Ossidasi – Studio della sua denaturazione tramite simulazioni di Dinamica Molecolare”, 2016

Stockholm University

Vladimir Banovic “QM/MM computer simulations of the catalytic action of Glucose Oxidase- as part of a prototype enzymatic fuel cell”, 2011

Emelie Ertan “Molecular Dynamics computer simulations of Glucose Oxidase
– as part of prototype Enzymatic Fuel Cell”, 2011

Federico Conticchio “Molecular Modelling of Glucose Oxidase – Deep inside its denaturation through MD simulation”, 2012

PhD Students Supervised:

Cagliari University

Massimiliano Porcu “Modelling in chimica computazionale: ottimizzazione di codici MD ed applicazioni allo studio di sistemi ad elevata carica”, 2015

High School Teachers Candidates Supervised:

Cagliari University

Vincenzo Brundu, “Le reazioni di sostituzione nucleofila”, 2014

Daniela Satta, “Gli enzimi: ciclossigenasi e aspirina”, 2014

Evita Bella, Final Report on the one year preschool teacher course, 2015

Invited Lectures / Seminars (Since 2010)

Helsinki (Finland), Molecules in Motion Symposium, ” On the interactions of monoatomic ions in charged organic and biomolecular systems: Insight from Molecular Dynamics simulations”, Invited Lecture, August 23, 2016

Sassari (Italy), “Docking studies for inhibition of Caspase-3”, Giornata di Presentazione dei Risultati del Progetto: Individuazione di Nuovi Lead per la Cura di Patologie Neurodegenerative. Invited Lecture, July 6, 2016

Honolulu (USA) Pacifichem2015, Symposium on Synergistic Relationships between Computational Chemistry and Experiment, Invited Lecture “CompChem & NMR studies of quadrupolar nuclei in solution”, December 19, 2015.

Novy Smokovec, High Tatras (Slovakia) Conference on X-ray for cellular imaging, Invited Lecture “DNA Simulations beyond the atomistic scale” November 5th, 2015

Bratislava, CoDECS Meeting of Bratislava Conference on ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY 2014: Invited Lecture “MD studies of quadrupolar relaxation in solution”, October 27th, 2014

University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Invited Lecture “Molecular modeling combined with O-17 and Na-23 NMR in the study of (bio)-organic molecules in solution” August 20th, 2014

Kosice, Velka Trna, Slovakia , The Multi-scale Modelling Workshop, Invited Lecture “Binding preferences of ions to DNA surface: models dependence” July 7th, 2014

Sassari, Italy, Italian Organic Chemistry Division Conference, Contributed talk, “Glucose Oxidase from Penicillium Amagasakiense: insight on the thermally-induced structural modification from Molecular Dynamics Simulations” September 12th, 2014

Pula, (Ca, Italy) –INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IIC Contributed talk, “Water and ion parameters effects on the base sequence specificity of ion binding to DNA in MD simulations” April 29th, 2013

Santo Andre’ (SP, Brasil) – III Escola Brasileira de modelagem molecular. Invited Lecture “Coarse Grained model of DNA”, January 31st, 2013

Ribeirao Preto, (SP, Brasil) –.“Coarse Grained Modeling of DNA” FCFRP – Invited Lecture at the Universidade de São Paulo, Feb, 4th 2013

San Paolo University, Symposium “Molecular Simulation and Systems Biology” – Invited Lecture “Base sequence specificity of counterion binding to DNA: Insight from MD simulations” May, 23th, 2012

Riberao Preto, Invited Lecture “Base sequence specificity of counterion binding to DNA: Insight from MD simulations” May, 18th, 2012

Munchen, September 22nd, 2010, (Muenster, Germany) Contributed Talk “Fluxional Character of Carboxylates: DFT & 17O NMR Investigations”

Parigi, April 15th, TheTIS 2011-Theoretical Tools for In Silico Spectroscopy, Invited talk “Molecular modeling combined with O-17 and Na-23 NMR in the study of (bio)-organic molecules in solution”

Stockholm, Sweden “Base Sequence Specificity of Counterion Binding to DNA: what simulation can tell us?” Invited Seminar at Karolinska Institutet, September, 21st 2011

Professional Services

Reviewer of Applications for

2015, Swedish Research Council ( > 30 applications )

2010, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (2010)

Symposium & Conferences Organization

Chair of the international conference THEOBIO2015 “VII International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium”. Cagliari, June 8-12, 2015.

FM has been involved in the organization of the following symposium:

La Parola ai Giovani, 2008, Cagliari

Centenary celebration of the Italian Chemistry Society, Cagliari, 2009

Scienza-società-scienza 2013, Cagliari

Reviewer of Articles for several journals, such as:

Journal of Organic Chemistry (ACS)

Inorganic Chemistry (ACS)

Journal of Molecular Structure (Elsevier)

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer)

Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics (Wiley)

Nucleic Acids Research (Oxford Journals)

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC)

ChemComm (RSC)

Member of the reviewer panel of Frontier in Chemistry

Scientific Organizations

Member of the Italian Chemical Society (2007 – present)

Member of the steering committee of the Italian Chemical Society, Sardinia Section, and treasurer of the same (2008-2010).

European Union Networks and Projects

Member of the COST action: CMST Action CM1002 – CODECS: COnvergent Distributed Environment for Computational Spectroscopy (2010-2014)

Member of the COST action: CMST Action CM1402 – MOLIM: MOLecules In Motion (2015-2018)

Member of the panel of experts which provides important complementary know-how to the FP7 Project “CELIM: Fostering Excellence in Multiscale Cell Imaging ” Grant agreement no: 316310 (2013-2016)

Host of foreign researchers/students

Long Stays in my group

Prof. Aatto Laaksonen (2008, 2009, 2012, 2015), Stockholm University, Sweden, 20 months

Dr Simona Bacaita (2012), Technical University of Iasi, Romania, 3 months

Mr Matus Rebic (2014), Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia, 3 months

Miss Dovile Lengivinaite (2015-2016), Vilnius University, Lithuania, 9 months

Prof. Christopher Gunaseelan (2016), University of Malaya, 8 months

Mr Mathieu Fossepre (2009), Namur University, 3 months

Short stays

Mr Aymeric Naome (2009), Namur University

Dr Yoaquan Tu (2009), Orebro University, Sweden

Prof. Jozef Ulicny (2009, 2015), Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia

Prof. Klaus Koch (2015), Stellenboch University, South Africa

Prof. Michel Luhmer (2010), Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Kestutis Aidas (2012, 2013), Vilnius University, Lithuania

Yong Lei Wang (2013), Stockholm University, Sweden

Dr Nikolay Korolev (2009) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Prof Igor Svishchev, (2009) Trent University Peterborough, Canada

Prof Alexander Lyubartsev (2009) Stockholm University, Sweden

Mr Alexander Mirzoev (2009) Stockholm University

Miss Tianyang Sun, (2013, 2014, 2015) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Dr Katarína Stroffekova (2016) Department of Biophysics, PJ Safarik University, Slovakia


Italian: Native Language

English: Fluent English

Swedish: Novice reading and listening.

French, Spanish: Good in Reading and Intermediate in Listening

Sardinian: Advanced listening and reading


Books Chapters

Mocci F, Laaksonen A, (2015)

“Combining MD simulations and NMR spectroscopy for molecular insight and methodological synergy: the integrated MD-NMR method”

Book Chapter in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Eds Kamienska-Trela K, Wojcik J) Volume 44, 592-616, DOI:10.1039/9781782622758-00592. Series: Specialist Periodical Reports; Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing.

Mocci F, Laaksonen A, Wang Y-L, Saba G, Lai A, Cesare Marincola F, (2014)

“CompChem and NMR Probing Ionic Liquids”

Chapt. 4 in “The Structure of Ionic Liquids” (Eds. Caminiti R & Gontrani L), pp 97-126, ISBN: 978-3-319-01697-9 (Print) 978-3-319-01698-6 (Online) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01698-6_4, Springer International Publishing Switzerland

Laaksonen A, Lyubartsev A, Mocci F, (2012)

“M.DynaMix Studies of Solvation, Solubility and Permeability”

in “Molecular Dynamics / Book 2″, p. 85-106, ISBN: 978-953-51-0444-5, doi: 10.5772/35955 Wang L. Editor

Cerioni G, Mocci F (2006)

“17O NMR spectroscopy of organic compounds containing the -O-O- group”,

Chapter 5 in “The Chemistry of Peroxides” (Ed. Z. Rappaport), Wiley

Journal Publications

Atzori A, Liggi S, Laaksonen A, Porcu M, Lyubartsev AP, Saba G, Mocci F (2016, in press. )

“Base Sequence Specificity of Counterion Binding To DNA: What Can MD Simulations Tell Us?”

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Corresponding Author

DOI: 10.1139/cjc-2016-0296

Invited paper for the special issue in honour of Russ Boyd and Arvi Rauk

Rebic? M, Laaksonen A, S?poner J, Ulic?ny? J, Mocci F (2016)

“Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Parallel Telomeric DNA Quadruplexes at Different Ionic Strengths: Evaluation of Water and Ion Models”

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (30), 7380-7391 Corresponding Author

Azzena U, Carraro M, Pisano L, Mocci F, Antonello S, Maran F (2016)

“Reducing properties of 1, 2-dipyridyl-1, 2-disodioethanes: chemical validation of theoretical and electrochemical predictions”

RSC Advances 6 (52), 46813-46821 Corresponding Author

Chiriu D, Ricci PC, Carbonaro CM, Nadali D, Polcaro A, Mocci F (2016)

“Drying oil detected in mid-third Millennium B.C. Mesopotamian clay artifacts: Raman spectroscopy and DFT simulation study”

Microchemical Journal, 124, 386–395

Benetis NP, Dmitriev Y, Mocci F, Laaksonen A.(2015)

“Rotation Dynamics Do Not Determine the Unexpected Isotropy of Methyl Radical EPR Spectra”

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119(35):9385-9404.

Rebic M, Mocci F, Laaksonen A, Ulicny J (2015)

“Multiscale Simulations of Human Telomeric G-Quadruplex DNA”

Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2015), 119(1), 105-113 Corresponding Author

Usula M, Matteoli E, Leonelli F, Mocci F, Cesare Marincola F, Gontrani L (2014)

Thermo-physical properties of ammonium-based ionic liquid + N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone mixtures at 298.15 K.

Fluid Phase Equilibria 383, 49-54

Usula M, Porcedda S, Mocci F, Gontrani L, Caminiti R (2014)

“NMR, calorimetry, and computational studies of aqueous solutions of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone”

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (35), 10493-10502

Todde G, Hovmöller S, Laaksonen A and Mocci F (2014)

“Glucose oxidase from Penicillium amagasakiense: Characterization of the transition state of its denaturation from molecular dynamics simulations.”

Proteins. doi: 10.1002/prot.24596 Corresponding Author

Usula M, Mocci F, Cesare Marincola F, Porcedda S, Gontrani L, Caminiti R (2014)

“The Structural Organization of N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone + Water Mixtures: A Densitometry, X-ray Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics Study”,

J. Chem. Phys., 140, 124503; doi: 10.1063/1.4869235d. Corresponding Author

Wang Y-L, Hedman F, Porcu M, Mocci F, Laaksonen A (2014)

“Non-Uniform FFT and Its Applications in Particle Simulations”

Applied Mathematics, 2014, Vol. 5, 520-541 DOI: 10.4236/am.2014.53051

Jämbeck J P M, Mocci F, Lyubartsev A P, Laaksonen A (2013).

Partial atomic charges and their impact on the free energy of solvation.

Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol 34(3), p 187-197

Aidas K, Ågren H, Kongsted J, Laaksonen A, Mocci F (2013)

“A quantum mechanics/molecular dynamics study of electric field gradient fluctuations in the liquid phase. The case of Na+ in aqueous solution”.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol 15, 1621-1631 Corresponding Author

Fusaro L, Mameli G, Luhmer M, Mocci F, Cerioni G (2012).

Dynamic NMR of low-sensitivity fast-relaxing nuclei: 17O NMR and DFT study of acetoxysilanes.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, vol. 50, p. 152-158 Corresponding Author

Mocci F, Laaksonen A (2012).

Insight into nucleic acid counterion interactions from inside molecular dynamics simulations is “worth its salt”.

Soft Matter, vol. 8, p. 9268-9284 Corresponding Author

Fusaro L, Mocci F, Muller R N, Luhmer M (2012).

Insight into the Dynamics of Lanthanide-DTPA Complexes As Revealed by Oxygen-17 NMR.

Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 51, p. 8455-8461

Fusaro L, Mocci F, Luhmer M, Cerioni G, (2012)

17O-Dynamic NMR and DFT Investigation of Bis(acyloxy)iodoarenes.

Molecules, Vol. 17, 12718-12733. Corresponding Author

Azzena U, Dettori G, Mocci S, Pisano L, Cerioni G, Mocci F, (2010)

”Active-sodium-promoted Reductive Cleavage of Halogenated Benzoic Acids”

Tetrahedron, vol. 66, pp 9171-9174.

Fusaro L, Luhmer M, Cerioni G, Mocci F. (2009)

“On the Fluxional Behavior of Dess−Martin Periodinane: A DFT and 17O NMR Study”,

The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 74 (22), pp. 8818-8821. Corresponding Author

Mocci F, Usai M, Cerioni G (2009).

“DFT and multinuclear magnetic resonance studies of diazenedicarboxylates and related compounds.”

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, vol. 47, pp. 31-37 ISSN: 0749-1581. Corresponding Author

Cerioni G, Maccioni E, Cardia M.C, Vigo S, Mocci F. (2009)

“Characterization of 2,5-diaryl-1,3,4-oxadiazolines by multinuclear magnetic resonance and DFT calculations. Investigation on a case of very remote Hammett correlation”

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. Vol. 47(9), pp 727 – 733. Corresponding Author

Cesare Marincola F, Virno A, Randazzo A, Mocci F, Saba G, Lai A, (2009)

“Competitive binding exchange between alkali metal ions (K+, Rb+, and Cs+) and Na+ ions bound to the dimeric quadruplex [d(G4T4G4)]2: a 23Na and 1H NMR Study.”

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. Vol. 47(12), pp. 1036 – 1042.

Mocci F, (2009)

“Torsion angle relationship of the 17O NMR chemical shift in α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds.”

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, vol. 47(10), pp 862 – 867. Corresponding Author

Mocci F, Uccheddu G, Frongia A, Cerioni G. (2007).

“Solution Structure of Some λ3 Iodanes: An 17O NMR and DFT Study.”

Journal of Organic Chemistry. vol. 72, pp. 4163-4168. Corresponding Author

Mocci F, Laaksonen A, Lyubartsev A, Saba G. (2004)

“A molecular dynamics investigation of 23Na relaxation in oligomeric DNA aqueous solution”,

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 108(41), pp. 16295 – 16302.

Mocci F, Saba G. (2003)

“MD simulations of AT rich oligomers: sequence-specific binding of Na+ in the minor groove of B-DNA.”

Biopolymers, vol. 68, pp 471-485.

Cerioni G, Plumitallo A, Mocci F, Rappoport Z, Rubin M.R. (2001)

“Conformation of vicinal-triketones: A theoretical and 17O NMR approach”

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, vol 5, pp. 774-777.


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