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17 marzo 2021

L 12. Buffa R, Floris G, Putzu PF, Marini E. The assessment of protein-energy malnutrition in elderly people. In (Bernhardt NE, Kasko AM eds) Nutrition for the Middle-Aged and Elderly. Nova Science Publishers, New York (2008).

L 11. Buffa R, Floris G, Marini E. Physiological and pathological changes in body composition with aging. Observations on the Sardinian population. In (Bodzsar E, Susanne C eds) Ageing Related Problems in Past and Present Populations. Biennal Books of EAA, vol. 5: pp. 91-102 (2008). Budapest (Hungary): Plantin Publ. & Press Ltd. ISBN: 978-963-06-5222-3.

L 10. Borgognini SM, Marini E. Dimorphisme sexuel. In: (Susanne C, Polet C Eds) Dictionnaire d’Anthropobiologie, pp. 126-129. Bruxelles, De Boeck & Larcier (2005)

L 9. Buffa R, Marini E, Floris G. Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis (BIVA) in the Sardinian population. In (Bodszár EB, Susanne C) Body composition and physique in Europe: variation and sources of variation. Biennal Books of EAA, vol. 3: 99-109 (2004).
Budapest (Hungary): Eötvös University Press . ISBN: 963 463 702 7.

L 8. Floris G, Marini E, Mulliri G, Porcedda A, Melis M, Usai E. Digital and palmar dermatoglyphics in diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and essential hypertension. In (Durham NM, Fox KM, Plato CC eds): State of Dermatoglyphics. The science of finger and palm prints, pp. 97-121. The Edwin Mellen Press, New York (2000)

L 7. Manunza MR, Sanna I, Usai E, Buffa R, Calò CM, Floris G, Marini E, Lai L, Tykot RH, Goddard E, Hollander D. La tomba Bonnanaro di Is Calitas. In: (M.R. MANUNZA ed) Cuccuru Cresia Arta, pp. 181-192, Dolianova (2005)

L 6. Buffa R, Floris G, Marini E, Porcu A. Caratteristiche antropometriche di un campione di popolazione senile della Sardegna. In (Guerci A, Consigliere S. Eds.). Vivere e curare la vecchiaia nel mondo, Volume I – Curare la vecchiaia, pp. 51-61. Erga Edizioni, Genova (2002)

L 5. Floris G, Marini E, Mulliri G, Porcedda A, Melis M, Usai E Digital and palmar dermatoglyphics in diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and essential hypertension. In (Durham NM, Fox KM, Plato CC eds): State of Dermatoglyphics. The science of finger and palm prints, pp. 97-121. The Edwin Mellen Press, New York (2000)

L 4. Marini E, Sanna E, Paoli G, Pericchi LR, Taglioli L, Floris G. Digital dermatoglyphics patterns of the Piaroa and genetic relationships among several South American Indian populations. In (Durham NM, Fox KM, Plato CC eds): The state of dermatoglyphics. The science of finger and palm prints, pp. 3-15. The Edwin Mellen Press, New York (2000)

L 3. Borgognini Tarli SM, Marini E. Antropologia molecolare: vecchi problemi e nuove tecniche. In (Luzzatto M., Maggiora P., Scalfari F.): Biologia evoluzionistica, pp. 134-140. Tessere, Quaderni di divulgazione, CUEN, Napoli (1995)

L 2. Marini E. Il dimorfismo sessuale nella popolazione della Sardegna centro-meridionale. Tesi di dottorato, Università di Cagliari (1992).

L 1. Borgognini Tarli SM, Marini E. Annotated bibliography on sexual dimorphism in primates. ETS, Pisa (1991)

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