UniCa UniCa News Communication Introduction to the "Hack The Box" Lab

Introduction to the "Hack The Box" Lab

Autore dell'avviso: [70/90] Corso di Laurea Mag. Comp. Eng. Cyber AI

06 May 2024
An introductory seminar is organized on 14 May, from H14:15 to present the Hack the Box platform and the activities that allow getting credits


The University of Cagliari has a subscription to the Hack The Box platform with a large number of exercises that allow getting hands-on experience in hacking and cyber defense.

On May 14th, at 14:15, Lorenzo Pisu (PhD student) will give an introductory seminar on the platform and will present the set of selected exercises that allow getting credits. The meeting will take place in room BA (building I) of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 

The meeting is open to all students who have an interest in improving their capabilities on Cybersecurity topics.

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