Complete Characterization of Extracts of Onopordum illyricum L.(Asteraceae) by HPLC/PDA/ESIMS and NMR



The aerial parts of Onopordum illyricum L. (Asteraceae) are eaten raw in salad in the Mediterranean area, representing a food of good nutritional value. Extracts of different parts of this plant have been analyzed by HPLC/DAD/ESIMS and the major compounds identified by NMR spectroscopy. Fatty acids, sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenes and polyphenols (flavones and caffeoyl quinic acids) fully describe the plant metabolism during the vegetation year. All the metabolites are non toxic nutrients, and are reported in the literature to possess biological activities positive for health, confirming the beneficial use in the diet of this thistle
Onopordum illyricum; HPLC/PDA/ESIMS analysis; polyphenols; caffeoylquinic acids
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