Dipartimento di Scienze economiche ed aziendali

Curriculum Vitæ of Simone Sbaraglia – 22/02/2022


Name: Simone Sbaraglia

Date of Birth: June 27, 1972

Place of Birth: Rome, Italy

E-mail: sbaraglia@unica.it


March 2003: Ph.D. in “Mathematical Methods and Models for Technology and Society”, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Thesis title: “Efficient Optimization Techniques in Finance and Economics”.

October 1998: graduated in mathematics “summa cum laude”. University of Rome “La Sapienza” Thesis title: “Hamilton-Jacobi equations on bounded domains with weak boundary conditions”.


Since October 1, 2005: Professore Associato “Matematica Generale” (Tenured Professor – Research Faculty Member) at ”University of Cagliari”, Italy.


October 1, 2003 – October 1, 2005: Permanent research position as “Research Staff Member” at the “Advanced Computing and Technology Center, I.B.M. T.J. Watson Research Center, I.B.M. Research, Yorktown Heights, NY.

- Chief architect and developer of the “pSigma” performance oriented infrastructure for instrumentation of binary applications.

- Chief architect and developer of the “Sigma” project for the simulation of shared and distributed-memory architectures and deep memory hierarchies.

- Principal Investigator in the NSF (National Science Foundation) funded research project “Performance Measurements and Modeling of Deep Memory Hierarchy Systems”.

- Member of the IBM Task Force on “Performance Modeling and Tools”.

- Chief architect of the IBM HPC Toolkit v2.

March 1, 2003 – October 8, 2003: Post-doctoral position at the “Advanced Computing and Technology Center”, T.J. Watson Research Center, I.B.M. Research, Yorktown Heights, New York.

- Lead developer of “SIGMA”, a data collection framework and cache analysis tool that provides detailed cache information by gathering memory reference data using software- based instrumentation.

- Data-Centric performance tools.

- Efficient compression and anaylisis of memory traces November 01, 2002 – February 28, 2003: Supplemental position at the T.J. Watson Research Center, I.B.M. Research, Yorktown Heights, New York.

- Design and implementation of a simulator of the memory subsystem for the IBM Power3 and Power4 systems

- Development of tools to process memory trace files

- Simulation and performance analysis of prefetching algorithms January 02, 2002 – October 28, 2002: research grant with the C.N.R.-I.A.C. (National Re- search Council – Institute for Applied Computing)

- Design and efficient implementation of algorithms for the approximation of optimality problems arising in financial theory. July 02, 2001 – January 02, 2002: Supplemental position at T.J. Watson Research Center, I.B.M. Research, Yorktown Heights, New York.

- Development of architecture-independent memory simulators and tools to analyze and improve the performance of a memory subsystem. April 01, 2000 – June 30, 2001: research grant with the C.N.R.-I.A.C. (National Research Council – Institute for Applied Computing).

- Design and implementation of a prototype for the optimal asset-liability management with constraints for insurance companies.

- Development of effective approximation methods for Hamilton-Jacobi equations of first and second order.

August 01, 1999 – April 01, 2000: research grant with the C.N.R.-I.A.C.

- Quantitative analysis of Mortgage-Backed Securities

– Development of a mathematical method to price Mortgage-Backed Securities and the development of approximation algorithms to solve the pricing problem numerically. March 01, 1999 – August 01, 1999: collaboration with INA S.p.A.-Capital Markets Department

– Modeling of the assets and liabilities of a life insurance company and development of a software package to perform Monte Carlo simulations on the evolution of a life insurance company liabilities.

January 01, 1999 – June 06, 1999: research grant with the C.N.R.-I.A.C. ? Development of a software package (including graphical interface) for the simulation of the propagation of brakes and the diffusion of chemical polluting in porous materials.


2021. Characterizing movements of Palinurus elephas (Fabr. 1787) as a useful tool in Fully Protected Areas design: the case study of the Sardinian FPAs (central-western Mediterranean). DOI:10.1109/MetroSea52177.2021.9611567. pp.274-278. In Proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (IEEE MetroSea 2021) - ISBN:978-1-6654-4758-4
Mulas, Antonello; Sbaraglia, Simone; Bellodi, Andrea; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Carugati, Laura; Cau, Al...
Conference date:4-6 October 2021

2020. Which interbank net is the safest?. DOI:10.1057/s41283-019-00056-w. pp.65-82. In RISK MANAGEMENT - ISSN:1460-3799 vol. 22 (1)
Zedda, Stefano; Sbaraglia, Simone

2019. A Review of Static Optimization Techniques for Optimal set-Liability Management. pp.50-61. In Il Mondo che Cambia - ISBN:9788891798701
Sbaraglia, Simone

2018. Optimal Portfolio Selection And Asset-Liability Management. Static and Dynamic Programming Approach. pp.1-210 - ISBN:978-3-639-76563-2
Sbaraglia, Simone

2017. Appendix: Software References and Tools. pp.205-222. In Banking Systems Simulation - ISBN:9781119195894
Sbaraglia, Simone

2013: Patent, “Profiling application performance according to data structure”, I-Hsin Chung, Guojing Cong, David Joseph Klepacki, Simone Sbaraglia, Seetharami R. Seelam, Hui-Fang Wen

2013: Patent, “Binary programmable method for application performance data collection”, I-Hsin Chung, Guojing Cong, David Joseph Klepacki, Simone Sbaraglia, Seetharami R. Seelam, Hui-Fang Wen

2012: Patent, “Programmable framework for automatic tuning of software applications”, I-Hsin Chung, Guojing Cong, David Joseph Klepacki, Simone Sbaraglia, Seetharami R. Seelam, Hui-Fang Wen

2012: Patent, “Automated detection of application performance bottlenecks”, I-Hsin Chung, Guojing Cong, David Joseph Klepacki, Simone Sbaraglia, Seetharami R. Seelam, Hui-Fang Wen

S. Sbaraglia, I. Chung, G. Cong, D. Klepacki, S. Seelam, H. Wen, An Extensible Bottleneck Discov- ery Framework, Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE international conference on Supercomputing, November 15-21, 2008, Austin, TX.

S. Sbaraglia, I. Chung, G. Cong, D. Klepacki, S. Seelam, H. Wen, A Framework for Automated Per- formance Bottleneck Detection, 13th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, IPDPS 2008,April 14th 2008, Miami, FL.

2008: IBM Research Invention Achievement Award for the Patent Invention: A Method for an Extensible and Programmable Framework for Automating Performance Analysis and Tuning of Software Applications.

2008: IBM Research Invention Achievement Award in recognition for the research conducted on data-centric profiling of scientific applications. Patent Invention: Profiling Application Perfor- mance According to Data Structures.

2007: IBM Research Invention Achievement Award in recognition for the research conducted on the automatic characterization of application performance bottlenecks. Patent Invention: An Extensible Infrastructure for Automated Detection of Application Performance Bottlenecks.

2007: IBM Research Invention Achievement Award in recognition for the research conducted on binary instrumentation and performance data collection. Patent Invention: A Programmable Binary Method for Application Performance Data Collection.

S. Sbaraglia, I. Chung, G. Cong, D. Klepacki, S. Seelam, H. Wen, A Productivity Centered Applica- tion Performance Tuning Framework, Proceedings of the II International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Valuetools), Nantes, France. Oct. 23-25 2007.

S. Sbaraglia, I. Chung, G. Cong, D. Klepacki, S. Seelam, H. Wen, A Productivity Centered Tools Framework for Application Performance Tuning, Proceedings of the IV International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST07), Edinburgh, Scotland. Sep. 16-19 2007.

G. Cong, S. Sbaraglia, A study on the locality behavior of parallel and sequential algorithms for connectivity problems, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Comput- ing,Bangalore, India, Dec.18-21 2006.

M. Papi, S. Sbaraglia, Optimal Asset-Liability Management with Constraints: A Dynamic Program- ming Approach, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 173, n.1, 2006. ISSN: 0096-3003.

S. Sbaraglia, J. Odom, L. Derose, K. Ekanadham, J. Hollingsworth, Using Dynamic Tracing Sam- pling to Measure Long Running Programs, Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/ IEEE international con- ference on Supercomputing, November 12-18, 2005, Seattle, WA.

S. Sbaraglia, K. Ekanadham, S. Crea, S. Seelam, pSigma: An Infrastructure for Parallel Application Performance Analysis using Symbolic Specifications, Proceedings of the , EWOMP Conference, Oc- tober 18-22, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden..

M. Papi, S. Sbaraglia, Lipschitzian Estimates in Discrete-Time Constrained Optimal Control, “Dy- namics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis”, Vol.13, n.1, 2006. ISSN: 1201-3390. .

L.Derose, K.Ekanadham, S.Sbaraglia An Approach for Symbolic Mapping of Memory References, Proceedings of the International Conference Euro-Par 2004, Pisa, 31 Aug-3 Sep 2004.

M. Adamo, A. Amadori, M. Bernaschi, C. La Chioma, A. Marigo, B. Piccoli, S. Sbaraglia, A. Uboldi, D. Vergni Optimal Strategies for the Issuance of Public Debt

Securities, accepted for publication in the “International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance”, vol.7, 2004.

M. Papi, S. Sbaraglia, Regularity Properties of Constrained Set-Valued Maps, “Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications”, Vol. 54, n. 7, 2003. ISSN: 0362-546X.

R. Natalini, C. Nitsch, G.Pontrelli, S.Sbaraglia, A numerical study of a nonlocal model of damage propagation under chemical aggression, “European Journal of Applied Mathematics”, Volume 14, Issue 4, (2003) p. 447-464

M. Bernaschi, M. Briani, F. Gozzi, M. Papi, S. Sbaraglia, A model for the optimal asset liability management for insurance companies, “International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance”, vol. 6, 227, 2003.

L.Derose, K.Ekanadham, J.K.Hollingsworth, S.Sbaraglia SIGMA: A Simulator Infrastructure to Guide Memory Analysis, Proceedings of the 2002 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, p.1- 13, November 16, 2002, Baltimore, Maryland.


June 2008: Organization of the X Italian-Spanish Congress on Financial and Actuarial Mathe- matics, Cagliari, June 23-25, 2008.

Since August 2006: Research consultant of the IBM Productivity Group on the DARPA Percs/HPCS project for the development of High Performance Productive Computing Systems.

May 2006: Organization of the II International Workshop Petascale Tools Strategy Workshop, IBM Research, May 16,17 2006, Yorktown Heights, NY.

May 2006: Organization of the international workshop Petascale Tools Strategy Workshop, IBM Research, May 3,4 2005, Yorktown Heights, NY.

since May 01, 2004: Principal Investigator in the “National Science Foundation” funded research effort 2004-2007 “Performance Measurements and Modeling of Deep Memory Hierarchy Sys- tems”, Grant for $800.000. The research is conducted in collaboration with “University of Maryland at College Park”, U.S.A. and “San Diego Supercomputing Center”, U.S.A.

2003: IBM Research Invention Achievement Award in recognition for the research conducted on the effective compression of execution instruction and memory traces. Patent Invention: Control-Flow Based Compression of Execution Traces.

Aug. 2003 – Oct. 2005: Chief architect and manager of the IBM Research Project SIGMA for the simulation of shared and distributed-memory architectures and deep memory hierarchies.


March 2003: S. Sbaraglia, D. Skinner Performance Prediction and Scalability Analysis Using SIGMA, NERSC Technical Report, Oakland Supercomputing Facility, Oakland, CA.

October 2002: L.Derose, K.Ekanadham, J.K.Hollingsworth, S.Sbaraglia SIGMA: A Simulator In- frastructure to Guide Memory Analysis, IBM Research Technical Report.

January 2001: M. Papi, S. Sbaraglia, Optimal Asset-Liability Management with Constraints: A Dynamic Programming Approach, Quaderno IAC Q13/001.

May 1999: R. Natalini, G. Pontrelli, S. Sbaraglia, Studio della propagazione di fratture e la diffu- sione di inquinanti in materiali porosi, IAC Technical Report, 5/1999.

June 1998: M. Falcone, A. Siconolfi, S. Sbaraglia, Analysis and Approximation of some Optimal Control Problems, technical report and issue for the course in “Control Theory” at “Università degli Studi di Roma LA SAPIENZA”.


09/2008: Invited speaker on “Future of High Performance Computing and High Productivity Computing”, University of Berkeley, California, USA.

08/2007: Invitation to participate in the Dagstuhl University Seminar Code Instru- mentation and Modeling for Parallel Performance Analysis, Aug. 18-24 2007, Dagstuhl, Germany.

05/2006: Seminar on “The IBM HPC Toolkit”, IBM Petascale Workshop, May 16, 17 2006. IBM T.J. Watson Res. Center, Yorktown Heights, NY.

08/2005: Seminar on “The pSigma instrumentation infrastructure”, DARPA PERCS review, IBM T.J. Watson Res. Center, Yorktown Heights, NY.

06/2005: Seminar on “Latest news in High Performance Computing: The New HPCT Toolkit”, SCICOMP 11 Meeting, June 1-3 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland.

05/2005: Seminar on “The IBM HPC Toolkit and Performance Analysis of Scien- tific Applications”, SCICOMP 11 meeting, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh UK.

05/2005: Seminar on ““Current Issues in Instrumentation of Parallel Applications”, IBM Petascale Tools Strategy Workshop, IBM Research, May 3,4 2005, York- town Heights, NY.

05/2005: : invited speaker for a series on seminars at the Arctic Region Supercom- puting Center, Fairbanks, Alaska. Talks on “pSigma: A Parallel Instrumenta- tion Infrastructure for Parallel Applications”, “Totalview and the Art of Parallel Debugging”, “The IBM HPC Toolkit for Performance Analysis of Scientific Ap- plications”.

10/2004: : Seminar “pSigma: An Infrastructure for Parallel Application Perfor- mance Analysis using Symbolic Specifications”, Univ. of Stockholm, Sweden.

07/2004: invited speaker on “ACTC Tools for Performance Tuning”, SCICOMP 10 & SP-XXL IBM Scientific Computing User Group, Austin, Texas.

03/2004: : invited speaker for a seminar on “Totalview and Parallel Debugging”, Linux Cluster Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaing, Cham- paign, IL, USA. .

04/2004: invited speaker on “SIGMA: A Simulator Infrastructure to Guide Mem- ory Analysis, Performance Prediction and Scalability Analysis Using SIGMA”, Lawrence Berkeley Lab Seminars, Berkeley, California.

03/2004: Seminar “SIGMA: A Simulator Infrastructure to Guide Memory Analy- sis”, CINECA, Bologna.

11/2003: “Demo of the SIGMA memory simulator and overview of the performance tools developed at the “Advanced Computing and Technology Lab”, IEEE Su- percomputing Conference, Phoenix, California, Nov. 15-21, 2003.

10/2003: invited speaker on “Optimal Asset-Liability Management with Con- straints”, IBM Research Seminars, NY.

5/2003: invited speaker on “Performance Modeling Tools: An Overview of SIGMA, Metasim and Dimemas”, HPC Monthly Meeting, IBM Research, NY.

3/2003: invited speaker on “Optimal Asset-Liability Management with Constraints”, Univ. of Rome “La Sapienza”.

11/2002: Participation to the international conference “Supercomputing”, Balti- more, Nov. 16-22, 2002.

9/2002: Seminar on “Optimal Asset-Liability Management with Constraints: A Dynamic Programming Approach” at the AMASES 2002 workshop, Verona 11- 14 September, 2002.

06/2000: Seminar on “A Model for the Optimal Asset-Liability Management for Insurance Companies” in the symposium on Mathematical Finance during the S.I.M.A.I. (Italian Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics) Workshop (Ischia, 2-9 June 2000).


Deep knowledge of the following operating systems, programming languages and tools:

Operating Systems: Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X.

Programming Languages: C, C++, Fortran90, Fortran77, Perl, Matlab, Java, Python, Lex&Yacc

Programming Models: parallel programming on distributed-memory and shared-memory architectures (MPI, OpenMP), Pthread programming, network programming and client-server design

Architectures: Power architecture, Power3 and Power4 assembly and binary language, RISC systems, XCOFF & ELF binary formats, AIX and Linux Kernel internals

Numerical Methods: Optimization algorithms, finite difference schemes, finite element methods, stochastic methods, linear algebra, statistical analysis

Other: Compiler principles, operating system principles and design, memory-hierarchy design


Since October 2005: Dr. Sbaraglia is professor of Mathematics (Matematica Generale) at University of Cagliari, where he teaches two courses on Mathematics to a total of 450 students every year.

2008-2009: Dr. Sbaraglia is adjunct professor at University LUISS (“Libera Uni- versita‘ degli Studi di Roma Guido Carli”), where he teaches a course on Math- ematics.

2001-2005: Dr. Sbaraglia has been regularly teaching training seminars in IBM Research. Furthermore, he has been responsible and mentor for 3 co-op stu- dents and 1 summer-intern. In the context of the cited NSF-funded research, he has also been responsible for one post-doctoral fellow. Prior to joining IBM Research, he conducted teaching activity in the fields of Numerical Analysis and Programming Languages.

2001: series of seminars on “Introduction to the C programming language”, “Uni- versit`a degli Studi di Roma ”LA SAPIENZA””.

2000-2001: teaching assistance for the course “Laboratorio di Programmazione e Calcolo” (Numerical Analysis and C language) at “Universit`a degli Studi di Roma ”LA SAPIENZA””.

1999-2000: teaching assistance for the course of “Laboratorio di Programmazione e Calcolo” at “Universita’ degli Studi di Roma TRE”.

1999-2000: teaching assistance for the course of “Analisi Numerica 2” (Numerical Analysis 2) at “Universita’ degli Studi di Roma TRE”.

Rome, November 8th 2016

Simone Sbaraglia

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