Dipartimento di Scienze della vita e dell’ambiente

ORCID 0000-0002-6357-7363

SCOPUS ID 15065958900

WOS ID J-8482-2013


  • Maggio 2010 – 27 Luglio 2013

Dottorato di Ricerca – PhD in Antropologia Evoluzionistica, with Distinction (cum laude). The University of New Mexico (Stati Uniti). Direttore: Osbjorn M Pearson. Commissione: Lawrence G Straus, James Boone, Brigitte M Holt. Titolo Tesi: "The bioarchaeology of changes in social stratification, warfare, and habitual activities among Iron Age Samnites of Central Italy". La bioarcheologia dei cambiamenti in stratificazione sociale, pratiche guerriere, e attività fisiche abituali presso i Sanniti dell’età del Ferro dell’Italia Centrale.

Titolo dichiarato equipollente al titolo di Dottore di ricerca dell’ordinamento universitario italiano decreto 0002359-26/11/2019 del MIUR, Dip. Per la Formazione Superiore e per la Ricerca, Uff. VI.

  • Agosto 2007 – 15 Maggio 2010

Master of Arts in Antropologia Biologica. The University of New Mexico (Stati Uniti).

  • Settembre 1999 – 23 Marzo 2005

Laurea in Scienze Naturali – vecchio ordinamento, 110/110 cum laude. Università degli Studi di Genova (Italia). Titolo della Tesi: "Un approccio biomeccanico allo studio dell’anatomia funzionale in una serie scheletrica del Neolitico ligure".  Relatore: Antonio Guerci; Relatore: Damiano Marchi; Co-relatore: Marco Firpo.

Doctoral Fellowships


Fulbright Fellowship, borsa internazionale in collaborazione tra Ministero degli Esteri Italiano, Department of State Americano e Institute of International Education

Spuhler Fellowship dalla University of New Mexico (Graduate Assistantship).

Postdoctoral Fellowships

2016-2019 Chaire Junior IdEx Bordeaux: Initiative d'excellence de l'Université de Bordeaux – Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-10-IDEX-03-02. Titolo del progetto "Burial practices at the Pleistocene - Holocene transition: the changing role of pathology, violence, and “exceptional events” (BUR.P.P.H)". Sede ospitante: UMR 5199 PACEA – Université de Bordeaux.

2014 – 2016 Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND – Junior Research Fellowship Durham (RF 210188). Titolo del progetto "The contribution of skeletal biology to an assessment of Italian Late Palaeolithic lifestyle and funerary behaviour (ItaLPal)". Sede ospitante : Department of Archaeology – Durham University, UK Supervisors: Charlotte Roberts, Paul Pettitt.


• Settore 05/B1 “Zoologia e Antropologia”, risultati della commissione: 27/07/2018. Abilitato per le funzioni di professore di seconda fascia in Zoologia e Antropologia (art.16 30/11/ 2010, n.240). Qualificazione valida sino al 27/07/2027.

• Settore 10/A1 “Archeologia”, risultati della commissione: 31/10/2018. Abilitato per le funzioni di professore di seconda fascia in Archeologia (art.16 30/11/2010, n.240). Qualificazione valida sino al 31/10/2027.

• Sezione 20 – “Anthropologie biologique, ethnologie, préhistoire”. Qualificato per la posizione di “maître de conferences” in Francia. Data dei risultati: 06/02/2020. N° 20220346583. Qualificazione valida sino al 06/02/2025.

• Sezione 20 – “Anthropologie biologique, ethnologie, préhistoire”. Qualificato per la posizione di “maître de conferences du Muséum national d’histoire naturelle” in Francia. Data dei risultati: 10/02/2020. N° 20420346583. Qualificazione valida sino al 10/02/2025.

Pubblicazioni su rivista indicizzata ISI/Scopus (* indica corresponding author)

  1. Parkinson EW*, Stoddart S, Sparacello VS, Bertoldi F, Fonzo O, Malone C, Marini E, Martinet F, Moggi-Cecchi J, Pacciani E, Raiteri L, Stock J. 2023. 30,000 years of multiproxy bioarchaeological data reveals interplay between growth, diet and population dynamics among first farmers in the central Mediterranean. Sci Rep 13:21965 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-49406-5
  2. Sparacello VS*, Goude G, Varalli A, Dori I, Gravel-Miguel C, Riel-Salvatore J, Palstra SWL, Moggi-Cecchi J, Negrino F, Starnini E. 2023. Human remains from Arma di Nasino (Liguria) provide novel insights into the paleoecology of early Holocene foragers in northwestern Italy. Sci Rep 13:16415. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-40438-5
  3. Sparacello VS*, Mottes E, Dori I, Posth C, Knüsel C, Nicolis F. 2023. A history of violence in the Mesolithic female skeleton from Mezzocorona-Borgonuovo (Trento, northeastern Italy). Quat Sci Rev 311:108149. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108149
  4. Posth C*, Yu H*, Ghalichi A. et al. (45th/125 authors Sparacello VS) 2023. Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers. Nature 615:117–126. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05726-0
  5. Trinkaus E*, Sparacello VS, Xing S, Thibeault A, Villotte S. 2022. Describing Cro-Magnon: the femora, tibiae and fibulae. J Archaeol Sci: Rep 42:103418 doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103418
  6. Micheletti Cremasco M, D’Amore G, Sparacello VS, Mussi M, Galland M, Profico A, Masali M, Di Marco S, Miccichè R, Friess M, Sineo L*. 2021. Multi-proxy analysis suggests Late Pleistocene affinities of human skeletal remains attributed to Balzi Rossi. J Anthrop Sci 99:1-42 doi.org710.4436/jass.99014
  7. Sparacello VS*, Dori I, Rossi S, Varalli A, Riel-Salvatore J, Gravel-Miguel C, Riga A, Seghi F, Goude G, Palstra SWL, Starnini E, Formicola V, Moggi-Cecchi J. 2021. New human remains from the Late Epigravettian necropolis of Arene Candide (Liguria, northwestern Italy): direct radiocarbon evidence and inferences on the funerary use of the cave during the Younger Dryas. Quat Sci Rev 268:107131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107131
  8. Ottoni C*, Boric D, Cheronet O, Sparacello VS, Dori I, Coppa A, Antonovic D, Vujevic D, T. Price D, Pinhasi R, Cristiani E*. 2021. Ancient human oral microbiomes and the Neolithic dispersal in Southern Europe. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118(32):e2102116118. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2102116118.
  9. Sparacello VS*, Samsel M, Villotte S, Varalli A, Schimmenti V, Sineo L. 2020. Inferences on Sicilian Mesolithic subsistence patterns from cross-sectional geometry and entheseal changes. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 12(5):101. Doi.org/10.1007/s12520-020-01044-y.
  10. Villotte S*, Thibeault A, Sparacello VS, Trinkaus E. 2020. Disentangling Cro-Magnon: The adult upper limb skeleton, J Archeol Sci Rep 33 (2020) 102475. doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.
  11. Kacki S, Trinkaus E*, Schotsmans EMJ, Courtaud P, Dori I, Dutailly D, Guyomarc’h P, Mora P, Sparacello VS, Villotte S*. 2020 Complex mortuary dynamics in the Upper Paleolithic of the decorated Grotte de Cussac, France. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 117(26): 14851-14856. doi/10.1073/pnas.2005242117.
  12. Goude G, Dori I, Sparacello VS*, Starnini E, Varalli A. 2020. Multi-proxy stable isotope analyses of dentine microsections reveal diachronic changes in life history adaptations, mobility, and tuberculosis-induced wasting in prehistoric Liguria (Finale Ligure, Italy, northwestern Mediterranean). Int J Paleopath 28:99-111. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpp.2019.12.007.
  13. Dori I, Varalli A, Seghi F, Moggi-Cecchi J, Sparacello VS*. 2020. Environmental correlates of growth patterns in Neolithic Liguria (northwestern Italy). International Journal of Paleopathology 28:112-122. 10.1016/j.ijpp.2019.12.002.
  14. Orellana González E, Sparacello VS, Bocaege E, Varalli A, Moggi-Cecchi J, Dori I*. 2020. Insights on patterns of developmental disturbances from analysis of linear enamel hypoplasia in a Neolithic sample from Liguria (northwestern Italy). Int J Paleopath 28:123-136. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpp.2019.12.005.
  15. Varalli A, Villotte S, Dori I, Sparacello VS*. 2020. New insights into activity-related functional adaptations and entheseal changes in Neolithic Liguria (northwestern Italy). Bull Mem Soc Anthropol Paris Paris 32(1-2):34-58 doi.org/10.3166/bmsap-2020-0072
  16. Sparacello VS*, Varalli A, Rossi S, Panelli C, Goude G, Palstra SWL, Conventi M, Del Lucchese A, Arobba D, De Pascale A, Zavattaro M, Garibaldi P, Rossi G, Molinari I, Maggi R, Moggi-Cecchi J, Starnini E, Biagi P, Dori I. 2020. Dating the funerary use of caves in Liguria (northwestern Italy) from the Neolithic to historic times: results from a large-scale AMS campaign on human skeletal series. Quat Int 536:30-44. doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.11.034.
  17. Sparacello VS*, Panelli C, Rossi S, Dori I, Varalli A, Goude G, Starnini E, Biagi P. 2019. The re-discovery of Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Italy): New insights on Neolithic funerary behavior from the sixth millennium BCE in the north-western Mediterranean. Quat Int 512:67-81. doi.org/10.1016/J.QUAINT.2019.02.003.
  18. Guyomarc’h P, Sparacello VS, Samsel M, Courtaud P, Villotte S*. 2019. New biological data on a Gravettian humerus from Cussac cave (Dordogne, France). Bull Mem Soc Anthropol Paris. doi.org/10.3166/bmsap-2019-0063.
  19. Galland M, D’Amore G, Friess M, Miccichè R, Pinhasi R, Sparacello VS, Sineo L*. 2019. Morphological variability of Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic skulls from Sicily. J Anthropol Sci 97:151-172. Doi.org/10.4436/jass.97009
  20. Sparacello VS*, Rossi S, Pettitt P, Roberts CA, Riel-Salvatore J, Formicola V. 2018. New insights on Final Epigravettian funerary behavior at Arene Candide Cave (Western Liguria, Italy). J Anthropol Sci 96: 96:161-184. doi.org/ 10.4436/JASS.96003.
  21. Mansukoski L*, Sparacello VS. 2018. Smaller long bone cross-sectional size in people who died of tuberculosis: insights on frailty factors from a 19th and early 20th century Finnish population. Int J Paleopath 20:38-44. Doi.org/10.1016/J.IJPP.2017.12.005.
  22. Sparacello VS*, Vercellotti G, d’Ercole V, Coppa A. 2017.  Social reorganization and biological change: an examination of stature variation among Iron Age Samnites from Abruzzo, Italy. Int J Paleopath 18:9-20. Doi.org/ 10.1016/J.IJPP.2017.07.003.
  23. Sparacello VS*, Roberts CA, Kerudin A, Müller R. 2017. A 6,500-year-old Middle Neolithic child from Pollera Cave (Liguria, Italy) with probable multifocal osteoarticular tuberculosis. Int J Paleopath. 17:67-74. Doi.org/ 10.1016/j.ijpp.2017.01.004
  24. Sparacello VS, Villotte S, Shackelford LL, Erik Trinkaus*. 2017. Patterns of Humeral Asymmetry among Late Pleistocene Humans. Comptes Rendus Palevol 16(5-6):680-689. doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2016.09.001
  25. Villotte S*, Samsel M, Sparacello VS. 2017. The paleobiology of the two adult skeletons from Baousso da Torre (Bausu da Ture) (Liguria, Italy): implications for our understanding of Gravettian lifestyle. Comptes Rendus Palevol 16:462-473. doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2016.09.004
  26. Sparacello VS*, Roberts CA, Canci A, Moggi-Cecchi J, Marchi D. 2016. Insights on the paleoepidemiology of ancient tuberculosis from the structural analysis of postcranial remains from the Ligurian Neolithic (northwestern Italy). Int J Paleopath 15:50-64. Doi.org/ 10.1016/J.IJPP.2017.01.004.
  27. Sparacello VS*, d’Ercole V, Coppa A. 2015. A bioarchaeological approach to the reconstruction of changes in military organization among Iron Age Samnites (Vestini) from Abruzzo, central Italy. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:305–316. Doi.org/ 10.1002/AJPA.22650.
  28. Sparacello VS*, Pearson OM, Coppa A, Marchi D. 2011. Changes in robusticity in an Iron Age agropastoral group: the Samnites from the Alfedena necropolis (Abruzzo, Central Italy). Am J Phys Anthropol 144:119–130. Doi.org/ 10.1002/AJPA.21377
  29. Sparacello VS*, Pearson OM. 2010. The importance of accounting for the area of the medullary cavity in cross-sectional geometry: a test based on the femoral midshaft. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:612-624. Doi.org/ 10.1002/AJPA.21361.
  30. Sparacello VS, Marchi D*. 2008. Mobility and subsistence economy: a diachronic comparison between two groups settled in the same geographical area (Liguria, Italy). Am J Phys Anthropol 136:485-495. Doi.org/ 10.1002/AJPA.20832. 
  31. Marchi D*, Sparacello VS, Holt BM, Formicola V. 2006. Biomechanical approach to the reconstruction of activity patterns in Neolithic Western Liguria, Italy. Am J Phys Anthropol 131:447-455. Doi.org/ 10.1002/AJPA.20449.

Riviste indicizzate ANVUR Classe A, S:

  1. Galland M, D’Amore G, Di Marco S, Sparacello VS, Varalli A, Friess M, Miccichè R, Pinhasi R, Sineo L. 2023. The origin of Neolithic in Liguria: a craniometric perspective. Riv Sci Preist 73(S3):407-418 ISBN 9788860451019
  2. Maggi R, Drieu L, Burgevin E, Mazuy A, Boschian G, Sparacello VS. 2023. Caverna delle Arene Candide. Scavi 1997-2012. Appunti sul Neolitico. Riv Sci Preist 73(S3):419-466 ISBN 9788860451019
  3. Varalli A*, Sparacello VS, Dori I, Starnini E, Biagi P, Goude G. 2023. Ricostruzione dei pattern alimentari e delle pratiche di allattamento e svezzamento dal Neolitico alle età dei metalli tramite analisi multi-isotopiche della dentina incrementale e del collagene osseo. Riv Sci Preist 73(S3):481-508 ISBN 9788860451019
  4. Riel-Salvatore J, Gravel-Miguel C, Maggi R, Martino G, Rellini I, Firpo M, Rossi S, Sparacello VS. 2023. A synthesis of recent research in the Paleolithic deposit of Caverna delle Arene Candide (Finale Ligure, SV). Riv Sci Preist 73(S3):585-600 ISBN 9788860451019
  5. Sparacello VS*, Varalli A, Dori I, Panelli C, Rossi S, Maggi R, Biagi P, Goude G, Palstra SWL, Conventi M, Del Lucchese A, Arobba D, De Pascale A, Moggi-Cecchi J, Zavattaro M, Garibaldi P, Rossi G, Molinari I, Starnini E. 2023. Nuove datazioni radiometriche dirette su ossa umane e una sintesi dei dati cronologici relativi alle serie scheletriche della Liguria a partire dal primo Neolitico. Riv Sci Preist 73(S3):601-620 ISBN 9788860451019
  6. Panelli C*, Rossi S, Sparacello VS, De Santis H, Conventi M, Starnini E, Tozzi C. 2023. La Grotta Mandurea a Borgio Verezzi (SV) tra ricerca e tutela. Riv Sci Preist 73(S3):813-826 ISBN 9788860451019

Capitoli di libro con editor e peer-review

  1. Sparacello VS, Panelli C, Rossi S, Dori I, Varalli A, Goude G, Kacki S, Partiot C, Roberts CA, Moggi-Cecchi J. 2018. Chapter 9: Archaeothanatology and palaeobiology of the burials and “scattered human remains” from Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona). In: Biagi P, Starnini E (eds). Gli scavi all’Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona): le ricerche e I materiali degli scavi del Novecento. Società per la Preistoria e Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trieste, Quaderno 15. ISBN 9788886796613. p. 143-181.
  2. Sparacello VS, Villotte S, Shaw CN, Fontana F, Mottes E, Starnini E, Dalmeri G, Marchi D. 2018. Changing mobility patterns at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition: the biomechanics of the lower limb of Italian Gravettian and Mesolithic individuals. In: Cristiani E, Borgia V (eds). Palaeolithic Italy: Advanced studies on early human adaptations in the Apennine Peninsula. Leiden: Sidestone Press. ISBN: 9789088905834. p. 357-396.
  3. Riel-Salvatore J, Gravel-Miguel C, Maggi R, Martino G, Rossi S, Sparacello VS. 2018. Recent excavations and new insights into Epigravettian funerary ritual at Caverna delle Arene Candide. In: Cristiani E, Borgia V (eds). Palaeolithic Italy: Advanced studies on early human adaptations in the Apennine Peninsula. Leiden: Sidestone Press. ISBN: 9789088905834. p. 335-355.
  4. Knüsel CJ, Sparacello VS. 2018. Functional morphology/postcranial, human. In: Trevathan W, editor. The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology. New York:  John Wiley and Sons. doi.org/10.1002/9781118584538.ieba0187.
  5. Gentile V, Sparacello VS, d’Ercole V, Coppa A. 2018. Martial Practices and Warrior Burials: Humeral Asymmetry and Grave Goods in Iron Age Male Inhumations from Central Italy. In: Dolfini A, Crellin R, Horn C, Uckelmann M, editors. Prehistoric warfare and violence. Quantitative and qualitative approaches. New York: Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-78828-9_4 p. 61-83.
  6. Pearson OM, Sparacello VS. 2017. Behavioral differences between near eastern Neandertals and early modern humans from Skhul and Qafzeh: an assessment based on comparative samples of Holocene humans. In: Hovers E, Marom A, editors. Human Paleontology and Prehistory: Contributions in Honor of Yoel Rak. New York: Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46646-0_13. p. 175-186.
  7. Sparacello VS, Marchi D, Shaw CN. 2014. The importance of considering fibular robusticity when inferring the mobility patterns of past populations. In: Carlson K, Marchi D, editors. Reconstructing mobility: environmental, behavioral, and morphological determinants. New York: Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-7460-0_6. p. 91-111.
  8. Sparacello VS, Coppa A. 2014. Biomechanical indicators of weapon use and social status in the Bazzano necropolis. In: Weidig J, editor. Bazzano - Ein Gräberfeld bei L'Aquila (Abruzzen). I. Die Bestattungen des 8. - 5. Jhs. v.Chr. Untersuchungen zu Chronologie, Bestattungsbräuchen und Sozialstrukturen im apenninischen Mittelitalien (Die Ausgrabungen 1992-2004 einschließlich einiger Fundkontexte der Grabung 2004-2005). Mainz: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. ISBN 978-3-88467-216-7 p. 853-858.
  9. Pearson OM, Petersen TR, Sparacello VS, Daneshvari S, Grine FE. 2014. Activity, “body shape”, and cross-sectional geometry of the femur and tibia. In: Carlson K, Marchi D, editors. Reconstructing mobility: environmental, behavioral, and morphological determinants. New York: Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-7460-0_8. p. 133-153.
  10. Marchi D, Sparacello VS, Shaw CN. 2011. Mobility and lower limb robusticity of a pastoralist Neolithic population from North-Western Italy. In: Human bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture. Ron Pinhasi, Jay Stock, editors. New York: Wiley-Liss. doi.org/10.1002/9780470670170.ch13. p. 317-346.

Recensioni su riviste scientifiche

  1. Sparacello VS. 2015. “Erik Trinkaus, Alexandra P. Buzhilova, Maria B. Mednikova & Maria V. Dobrovolskaya. The people of Sunghir: burials, bodies, and behavior in the Earlier Upper Paleolithic. xi+339 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations, and tables. 2014. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-938105-0 hardback £115.” Antiquity 89(345):746-747.
  2. Sparacello VS. 2020. “Barton, R.N.E., Bouzouggar, A., Collcut, S.N., Humphrey, L.T. (Editors). 2019. Cemeteries and Sedentism in the Later Stone Age of NW Africa: Excavations at Grotte des Pigeons, Taforalt, Morocco. Monographien des Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Band 147. Mainz: Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum; 628 pp., ISBN 978-3-88467-312-6.”. Bull Mem Soc Anthropol Paris DOI 10.3166/bmsap-2020-0077

Finanziamenti e ruolo


Principal Investigator: Fondazione di Sardegna Progetti Biennali FdS Bando 2022 "Tracking DISease, COnflict, and lifeways from the Neolithic to the Metal Ages in the western Mediterranean". Budget totale 69 000 €


Collaboratore:  MUR Italy Investment 1.2, “Funding projects presented by young researchers” "Identity society and ecology of the last Upper Palaeolithic foragers through multi-technique dental anthropology - IEPDA"; PI: Dr. Irene Dori Università degli Studi di Firenze – Dipartimento di Biologia. Budget totale 294 856.80 €


Collaboratore: SSHRC Insight Grants "Documenting forager adaptations to dramatic climate change at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Liguria (Italy)"; PI: Dr. Claudine Gravel-Miguel Université de Montréal. Budget totale: 375 539 $


Co-applicant (Supervisor): Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships H2020-MSCA-IF-2016. Budget totale: 173 076 € (123 876 € per salario, 19 200 € fondi di ricerca).


Principal Investigator: Junior Chair Program IdEx Bordeaux: Initiative d'excellence de l'Université de Bordeaux: 312,000 € (172 000 € for per salario, 140 000 € fondi di ricerca).


Principal Investigator: Research Grant dalla British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO): £ 1000.


Principal Investigator: Small Grant dal Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Durham University, UK: £2000.

Principal Investigator: Junior Research Fellowship – Marie Curie COFUND (postdoctoral fellowship for 24 months + £2000 for research expenses).


Principal Investigator: Research Project Travel Grant dall’Office of Graduate Studies of the University of New Mexico: $881.

Principal Investigator: Departmental Travel Grant dal Department of Anthropology of the University of New Mexico: $333.

Principal Investigator: GSF dal Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) of the University of New Mexico; $ 1000.


Principal Investigator: Dean’s Dissertation Scholarship dall’Office of Graduate Studies of the University of New Mexico (Earickson Trust): $ 1000.


Principal Investigator: Hibben Foundation Senior Award per finanziare la ricerca di dottorato: $ 15000.

Principal Investigator: Student Research Allocation Committee Grant (SRAC) dalla Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) of the University of New Mexico, $ 500.

Principal Investigator: Field site development grant dal Department of Anthropology of the University of New Mexico: $ 619.


Principal Investigator: Research Project Travel Grant (RPT) dall’Office of Graduate Studies: $ 600.

Principal Investigator: Student Research Allocation Committee Grant (SRAC) dalla Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) of the University of New Mexico: $ 500.


Principal Investigator: Student Research Allocation Committee Grant (SRAC) dalla Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) of the University of New Mexico, $ 500.

Principal Investigator: Student Conference Award (S-CAP) dall’Office of Career Services of the University of New Mexico, $ 600.


Fulbright Fellowship, $ 10000


Principal Investigator: Research grant dall’ Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere € 5000.

Reviewer per:

Nature Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group.

Science Advances. AAAS.

Journal of Human Evolution. Elsevier Editor.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Wiley Editor.

American Journal of Human Biology. Wiley Editor.

Journal of Archaeological Sciences, Elsevier Editor.

Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports, Elsevier Editor.

Quaternary International. Elsevier Editor.

International Journal of Paleopathology. Elsevier Editor.

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. Wiley Editor.

Journal of Comparative Human Biology “HOMO”, Elsevier Editor.

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Springer Editor.


Bioarchaeology International, Florida University Press.

Ancient Mesoamerica, Cambridge Journals Editor.

Journal of Open Archaeology Data, UP Metajournals Editor.

Revisore per Fulbright Student Award Commission.

Revisore per Czech Science Foundation.

Revisore per borsa 'Giovani Ricercatori Protagonisti' 2016 - Universita' di Firenze

Revisore per borsa “Vinci 2018 – Université franco-italienne”

Revisore per “Sapienza University of Rome - Research Projects Review 2018”

Pubblicazione di Abstract su numeri speciali di riviste per convegni internazionali

  1. Sparacello VS, Dori I, Rossi S, Varalli A, Moggi Cecchi J, Riel-Salvatore J, Formicola V. 2019. Further insights on Late Upper Paleolithic (Epigravettian) funerary use of Arene Candide Cave (Liguria, Italy). New AMS dates and paleopathology Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 68:234.
  2. Dori I, Orellana Gonzales E, Goude G, Varalli A, Moggi-Cecchi J, Sparacello VS. 2019. Investigating patterns of growth disturbances in a Neolithic sample from Liguria (northwestern Italy, 4800-4400 BCE) from the analysis of enamel defects and diet. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 68:61.
  3. Kacki S, Dori I, Guyomearc’h P, Schotsmans EMJ, Sparacello VS. Villotte S. 2019. Commingled skeletons in Cussac cave (Gravettian, Dordogne, France): Paleobiology and mortuary behavior. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 68:117.
  4. Sparacello VS, Rossi S, Panelli C, Dori I, Varalli A, Goude G, Moggi-Cecchi J, Conventi M, Arobba D, De Pascale A, Garibaldi P, Rossi G, Molinari I, Zavattaro M, Maggi R, Starnini E, Biagi P. 2019. A new multidisciplinary analysis reveals diachronic information on Neolithic funerary behaviour and biocultural adaptations in western Liguria (north-western Italy). BMSAP 31 Supplement 1.
  5. Sparacello VS, Panelli C, Rossi S, Dori I, Varalli A, Goude G, Kacki S, Partiot C, Mannino M, Talamo S, Roberts CA, Starnini E, Biagi P. 2018. Nouvelles données bioarchéologiques sur le site néolithique d'Arma dell'Aquila (Finale Ligure, Italie). BMSAP 30 Supplement 1.
  6. Sparacello VS, Panelli C, Rossi S, Dori I, Varalli A, Goude G, Kacki S, Partiot C, Mannino M, Talamo S, Richards MP, Roberts CA, Moggi-Cecchi J, Starnini E, Biagi P. 2018. Untangling the relationship between paleopathology and funerary behavior in the Italian Neolithic: new data from Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Liguria region, northwestern Italy). Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 66:260.
  7. Sparacello VS, Samsel M, Villotte S, Schimmenti V, Sineo L. 2017. Inferences on Sicilian Mesolithic subsistence patterns from entheseal changes and cross-sectional geometry. PESHE 6:186.
  8. Sparacello VS, Rossi S, Pettitt P, Roberts CA, Riel-Salvatore J, Formicola V. 2017. Late Upper Paleolithic funerary behavior at Arene Candide Cave (Finale Ligure, Italy). Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 64:366.
  9. Pearson OM, Hill EC, Sparacello VS. 2017.  Variation among inferred habitual activity in Upper Pleistocene modern humans. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 64:312.
  10. Sparacello VS, Pettitt P, Roberts CA, Rossi S, Riel-Salvatore J. 2017. Funerary behavior from the Late Upper Paleolithic Arene Candide Cave (Finale Ligure, Italy). BMSAP 29:S31.
  11. Varalli A, Sparacello VS, Marchi D, Goude G. 2016. Prehistoric human behaviours in Liguria (Italy): dietary, pathological and biomechanical perspectives. BMSAP 28:S30.
  12. Sparacello VS, Pettitt P, Roberts C. 2015. Funerary dynamics of an epipalaeolithic cemetery: a new database on Arene Candide skeletal remains. PESHE 4:209. ISSN 2195-0776, 2195-0784.
  13. Sparacello VS, Shaw CN, Marchi D. 2015. New data on Late Upper Paleolithic upper limb cross-sectional geometry from Arene Candide: implications for Tardiglacial hunting practices. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 60:294-295.
  14. Vercellotti G, Sparacello VS, Coppa A. 2015. Social reorganization and biological change: an examination of stature variation among Iron Age Samnites from Abruzzo, Italy. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 60:313-314.
  15. Pearson OM, Sparacello VS. 2015. A world-wide survey of humeral robusticity and midshaft shape. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 60:250.
  16. Sparacello VS, Coppa A, d’Ercole V. 2013. Changes in skeletal CSG robusticity and sociopolitical changes in central Italy Samnites (800-200 BC). Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 56:260.
  17. Marchi D, Sparacello VS, Shaw CN. 2011. Can fibular robusticity be used to infer mobility patterns in past populations? Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 52:206.
  18. Pearson OM, Petersen TR, Sparacello VS, Daneshvari S, Mlady G, Grine FE. 2011. Activity, ontogeny, and cross-sectional geometry of the femur and tibia. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 52:237.
  19. Cordero RM, Sparacello VS, Pearson OM. 2010. The effects of terrain on cross-sectional geometric properties of the femur and tibia in two Puebloan populations from the Middle Rio Grande region. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 50:85.
  20. Sparacello VS, Pearson OM, Cowgill LW. 2010. Growing up in the Gravettian: ontogeny of cross-sectional geometry in the lower limb. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 50:169.
  21. Pearson OM, Daneshvari S, Sparacello VS. 2009. Relationships among skeletal dimensions correlated with body mass. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 48:208-209.
  22. Sparacello VS, Pearson OM, Coppa A. 2009. Cross-sectional geometry of a warlike Samnite sample from the Alfedena necropolis (Italy). Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 48:244.
  23. Sparacello VS, Pearson OM, Petersen TR. 2008. Untangling the effects of terrain and mobility on the cross-sectional geometry of femur and tibia. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 46:199.
  24. Marchi D, Sparacello VS, Formicola V. 2005. Mobility in Neolithic Liguria (Italy): a biomechanical approach. Am J Phys Anthropol [Suppl] 40: 148-149

Partecipazione a convegni, seminari e workshop su invito

  1.  84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque (USA), Aprile 10-14 2019, relatore di comunicazione da podio su invito “New discoveries on Late Upper Paleolithic (Final Epigravettian) funerary behavior at Arene Candide (Finale Ligure, Italy).”; Sparacello VS, Dori I, Rossi S, Varalli A, Moggi Cecchi J, Riel-Salvatore J, Formicola V. In: Riel-Salvatore J, Negrino F (chairs): Recent Advances in the Prehistory of Liguria and Neighboring Regions.
  2. 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque (USA), Aprile 10-14 2019, comunicazione da podio su invito “New multi-disciplinary studies re-shape our understanding of Neolithic peopling and biocultural adaptations in western Liguria (northwestern Italy)”; Rossi S, Panelli C, Dori I, Varalli A, Goude G, Moggi-Cecchi J, Starnini E, Biagi P, Maggi R, Conventi M, Arobba D, De Pascale A, Garibaldi P, Rossi G, Molinari I, Zavattaro M, Sparacello VS. In: Riel-Salvatore J, Negrino F (chairs): Recent Advances in the Prehistory of Liguria and Neighboring Regions.
  3. 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland (USA), Marzo 27-30 2019, poster symposium con discussione su invito “Further insights on Late Upper Paleolithic (Epigravettian) funerary use of Arene Candide Cave (Liguria, Italy). New AMS dates and paleopathology”; Sparacello VS, Dori I, Rossi S, Varalli A, Moggi Cecchi J, Riel-Salvatore J, Formicola V. In: From Pedestrian to Cerebral in the Pleistocene: A Symposium in Honor of Erik Trinkaus.
  4. 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland (USA), Marzo 27-30 2019, poster symposium con discussione su invito “Commingled skeletons in Cussac cave (Gravettian, Dordogne, France): Paleobiology and mortuary behaviors”; Kacki S, Dori I, Guyomarc’h, Schotsman EMJ, Sparacello VS, Villotte S. In: From Pedestrian to Cerebral in the Pleistocene: A Symposium in Honor of Erik Trinkaus.
  5. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (New Orleans), 19-22 Aprile 2017, poster symposium con discussione su invito “Late Upper Paleolithic funerary behavior at Arene Candide Cave (Finale Ligure, Italy)”; Sparacello VS, Rossi S, Pettitt P, Roberts CA, Riel-Salvatore J, Formicola V. In: Trinkaus E (chair): The Paleobiology of Upper Paleolithic / Later Stone Age Humans.
  6. Invited presentation al workshop “3D applications in bioanthropology”, 15-16 May 2017, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge University.
  7. 7th Seventh Conference of Italian Archaeology (Galway, Eire), 16-18 Aprile 2016, comunicazione da podio su invito "Funerary behaviour in the Neolithic layers of the Arene Candide Cave (NW Italy)"; Rossi S, Panelli C, Sparacello VS. In: Skeates R, Rolfo M, Silvestri L (Chairs). Mortuary practices in and around Italian caves.
  8. 80th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Minneapolis), 13-16 Aprile 2011, poster symposium con discussione su invito “Can fibula robusticity be used to infer mobility patterns in past populations?”; Marchi D, Sparacello VS, Shaw CN. In: Carlson KJ and Marchi D (Chairs). Mobility: towards a definition for application in human evolution.
  9. 80th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Minneapolis), 13-16 Aprile 2011, poster symposium con discussione su invito “Activity, ontogeny, and cross-sectional geometry of the femur and tibia”. Pearson OM, Petersen TR, Sparacello VS, Daneshvari S, Mlady G, Grine FE. In: Carlson KJ and Marchi D (Chairs). Mobility: towards a definition for application in human evolution.
  10. 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Chicago), 1-4 Aprile 2009, poster symposium con discussione su invito “Relationships among skeletal dimensions correlated with body mass”. Relationships among skeletal dimensions correlated with body mass. Pearson OM, Daneshvari S, Sparacello VS. In: Moore MK, Daneshvari S (Chairs). The weight of the matter: body mass estimation reconsidered.

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