Dipartimento di Fisica

  • Researcher unique identifiers

Scopus Author: 7006792414

ResearcherID: M-4239-2013

ORCID: 0000-0001-6416-3122

Google Scholar


  • Research interests

Hybrid perovskites for solar cells and light emitters

Advanced materials for optoelectronics

Optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures and microcavities

Bose-Einstein condensation of atom gases and microfabricated devices for atom optics


  • Scientific activities

Experiments on ultrafast spectroscopy, semiconductor nanostructures and cold atoms

Publications in leading journals (Physical Review, Science, Nature, Advanced Materials)

Participation to international conferences

Physical Review, ACS and Nature referee


  • Employment

Full Professor, University of Cagliari, Italy, 2020-

Associate Professor, University of Cagliari, Italy, 2014-2020

Staff Researcher, University of Cagliari, Italy, 2010-2014

Contract Professor, University of Cagliari, Italy, 2006-2009

Postdoctoral Associate at the Center for Ultracold Atoms, MIT, 2003-2006

Research assistant, EPFL, Switzerland 1999-2002


  • Teaching experience

Laboratory Physics for physics majors, 2012-

General physics for informatics (140 students), 2006-2012

Optical spectroscopy for physicists, 2011-2014

Quantum optics and electronics for physicists, 2007-2010

Renewable Energies for physics majors, 2011-present

Third generation solar cells, Master in Renewable energies (2007 Sardegna Ricerche, 2009 API)

Teaching assistance, general and experimental physics: EPFL 1999-02, Cagliari 2002-03


  • Awards and fellowships

Swiss Physical Society Award 2002 in Applied Physics (sponsored by Phonak AG)

2002 Swiss National Science Foundation prospective researcher fellowship

2005 Grant “Rientro dei cervelli” from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research

2008 INFM-CNR (Italian National Research Council) Seed project for young researchers

2011 Grant ‘Ricerca Fondamentale’ – Regione Sardegna – Nanocrystals for H2 production from solar energy (211 kEuro)


  • Education

2002 Ph.D. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

“Optical coherence and stimulated scattering in semiconductor microcavities”

1998 Degree in Physics, full marks (110/110) cum laude, University of Cagliari, Italy.

1993 High school, Liceo Classico “G.M. Dettori”, Cagliari, full marks (60/60)


  • Language skills

Italian, French (fluent), English (fluent)

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