Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali

Marco Pitzalis (Ph.D.) 

Full professor of Sociology of cultural processes

University of Cagliari – Italy

Via Sant’Ignazio 78 – 09129

Email: pitzalis@unica.it


Marco Pitzalis is the National Coordinator of the network of Sociology of Education of AIS – Associazione Italiana di Sociologia.

Research Affiliations

Department of Political and Social Sciences– University of Cagliari

Associate member of Centre Européen De Sociologie et de Science Politique -  EHESS Paris. 

Member of the Board of the Doctoral School in Sociology and Applied Social Sciences University of Rome "La Sapienza".

Editorial collaborations

Member of the Board of “Scuola Democratica” (ed. Il Mulino). http://www.scuolademocratica.it

Member of the Board of Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia ” (ed. Il Mulino).

Former Member of the Board of Sociologica ” (ed. Il Mulino).

Former Member of the Board Italian Journal of Sociology of Education.

Expertise and consultation activities.

2017-2021 Coordinator of the university consultant group at the  Department for Adult Education of the Ministry of Education

2014 Collaboration with the Regional Ministry of education (Region of Sardinia) for the elaboration of the Plan Iscol@ (students’ literacy skills, training teachers, technological innovation) financed by the European Social Fund.

2014 Collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Budget and Fund Programming for the programming of European funds for education (FSE – 2014/2020)

2009 Collaboration with the Regional Ministry of education of the Region of Sardinia, scientific responsibility for elaborating the plan for school-university orientation in Sardinia.

Administrative and organizational tasks

July 2015/2021 Coordinator of the Graduate Program in “Administration Sciences.”

July 2015/2018 Coordinator of the undergraduate program in “Administration and Organization”.

October 2015/2021 Director of the Inter-University Centre of Educational Research – University of Cagliari, University of Sassari.

2009-2015 Director of the Interdepartmental Centre of Educational Research (CIRD- University of Cagliari)

2015 Coordinator of the degree course in Administration Sciences, Coordinator of Bachelor degree course in Administration & Organization.

2004-2009 Member of the Board of the University of Cagliari.

2007 – 2009, Member of the commission for quality and assessment: “Progetto Qualità.”

Visiting and International Activities

Mai 2022 Université de Nanterre (France) – Lecture.

August-September 2018, Universidad de Cordoba – Conferences and lectures.

October 2015, SciencesPo, Paris, conference and research meetings.

Mai 2014, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, lectures.

October 2012, University of Kentucky, lectures and conferences.

December 2010, Universidad Veracruzana, lectures and conferences.

Juin 2012, Journées d’études. La démocratisation de l’enseignement supérieur dans les régions périphériques françaises et internationals. 27 et 28 juin 2012 CURAPP – Université d’Amiens.

February 2006, Research and study meeting « L’université a-t-elle encore un avenir en Europe? » organized by ARESER - 11 February 2006 – Paris – ENS.

Responsible for the following International Agreements 

Universidad de Cordoba (Arg.) (2o15)

University of Kentucky (USA) (2o12)

Universidad Veracruzana (Mx) (2o1o)

I.Re.S.Co. Paris (France)  (2002)

Previous academic affiliations

2014-2015 Member of the Board of the Doctoral school in Political and Social Sciences (University of Sassari and Cagliari)

2010-2014 Member of UNIRES Italian Centre for Research on Universities and Higher Education Systems

2006-2014 Member of CIRD Centro interdipartimentale per la ricerca didattica, Università di Cagliari

2005-2013 Member of CSRI Centro Studi di relazioni Industriali, Università di Cagliari

2000-2001 Research assistant - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

 Invited Lectures

Invited lecture at the University of Nanterre.

Invited lecture at XX Congresso Nazionale of SIO (Italian Society of Orientation) “Cultura e orientamento: traiettorie per sconfiggere le diseguaglianze e prevenire l’esclusione scolastica e lavorativa” 8-9 Ottobre 2020.  Lecture: “I dispositivi dell’orientamento e le dinamiche dei campi dell’istruzione” (9 ottobre 2020). Online conference.

The University of Padua. Lecture at the doctoral school in Social Sciences on "Th e violence of institutions". Mai 08, 2020

University of Roma La Sapienza. Lecture at the doctoral school of Sociology on " symbolic violence and social reproduction". April 21, 2020

Aix-en Provence LAMES-CNRS (France). Lecture: “La logique des choses : la dimension micropolitique de l’innovation à l’école” April, 13, 2018.

University of Cordoba (Arg,), conferences, lectures and seminars – 20 of august - 11 of September 2018

University of Roma La Sapienza. Lecture at the doctoral school of Sociology on "Educational policies". Mai 23, 2017

University of Roma La Sapienza. Lecture at the doctoral school of Sociology on "Educational policies". Avril 06, 2016

The University of Padua, Lecture at the doctoral school in Social Sciences on "Domination and reproduction". Mars, 14, 2016

The University of Pise, Lecture on "Domination, complicity and school reform". Mars, 15, 2o16

University of Naples Federico II, Lecture at the doctoral school of Sociologia e Statistica "Bourdieu: production, distinction, reproduction", Mars 06, 2016.

EHESS-PARIS. Lectures on “Etat, resistance, complicités. Le movement des bergers sardes face au capitalisme et face à l’état.” Whitin the program LLL Erasmus. 22-04/30-04 2014.

October 2012 - Invited professor, University of Kentucky - U.S.A.

December 2010 - Invited professor, Universidad Veracruzana – Mexico.

Courses Taught

2015 – up to now. Sociology of cultural processes. Graduate school in Administration sciences. University of Cagliari.

2007 – up to now. Sociology of Education. Graduate School of Educational Sciences. Cagliari. University of Cagliari.

2013-2018 Classes of Sociology. Undergraduate School in Administrative sciences. Cagliari. University of Cagliari.

2008-2014. Classes of Sociology. Graduate School of Educational Sciences. University of Cagliari

2004-2014. Classes of Sociology. Undergraduate School of Educational Sciences. University of Cagliari.

2002-2008. Classes of Sociology. School for Secondary Teachers Training (SSIS). University of Cagliari.

2000-2001. Classes of Sociologic practices - University of Evry – France. 

Third Mission

2021-2023 Institutional Agreement with Region of Sardinia: Socio-linguistic survey.

2017-2021 collaboration for the National Plan of Research on adult education with the Centre for adult education of Sardinia and the National network of Centres for adult education (CPIA).

2017-2018 Institutional Agreement with Region of Sardinia: Survey on teaching and learning the Sardinian language in Sardinian schools

2016 and 2017 Agreements with the Region of Sardinia. Object: Secondary school teachers' professional training.

2010. Agreement with the Province of Cagliari to develop a project on gender bias in school choice and orientation.

Education and degrees

2014, National Scientific Habilitation for the Position of Full Professor in Sociology of Cultural Processes.

2001, Qualification at the selection for the “Maître de conferences” position in Sociology. National Qualification List (France).

1999, Sociology PhD, Summa cum Laude. École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Parigi. Title of Thesis: « The Copernican Revolution of University. A sociological study on university life, organization and work in Italy. Thesis director: Prof. Jean-Claude Combessie. Jury: Prof. Christian Baudelot, Prof. Jean-Louis Derouet, Prof. Roberto Moscati, Prof. Monique de Saint-Martin. Theses candidate au “Prix Le Monde de la recherche universitaire”.

1994, Master (DEA), EHESS – École Normale Supérieure - University Paris VIII: Institutions, work and education in contemporary societies.

1993, Qualification at the concourse for the doctorate in Experimental Pedagogy. University of Rome «La Sapienza». Director: prof. Aldo Visalberghi.

1991, Degree in Philosophy, Summa cum Laude. University of Cagliari. Title of dissertation “The Modern University: between research, project, autonomy and power”

 Other professional positions

2003 up to now, Member of AIS (Italian Association of Sociology). 

2018 up to now, Member of SSISC (Italian society of Sociology of Communication and Culture)

Main Research activities and projects

2021-2022 The Outsider’s destiny. Research on Vocational Student mobility, training and labour in marginal areas.  Principal Investigator. Grant of the Fondation of Sardinia (Banco di Sardegna).

2018-2020 The experience of school-work alternance in Sardinia: institutions, local contexts and social actors. Principal Investigator. Competitive Grant of the Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione 2014 – 2020 - R.A.S.

2017-2018: Minorities' languages at schools. The case of the Sardinian language. Principal investigator. Project financed by Region of Sardinia.

2012-2014: “The digital revolution in the Sardinian school. Structural characteristics of the system, professional, organizational and educational cultures in the face of the challenge of innovation ". Principal Investigator.  Competitive project. Grant 2011 of RAS, Cohesion Funds UE.

2010-2013: Shepherds in movement. Ethnography of the movement of Sardinian shepherds, with Filippo Zerilli.

2005-2020: The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu.

2007-2009: School selection and university choice. Marco Pitzalis, Mariano Porcu (Scientifics directors of the project). This research deals with the transition from secondary school to university. A CATI survey was carried out on a sample of students enrolled at the University of Cagliari in 2005-2006 academic year.

From January 2007 to February 2009: “The reorganisation of the university and higher education systems within European “knowledge economies”.

2011-2013 – “School transition, orientation and school and professional choices” Member of the research group. Project financed by RAS – PI Paolo Calidoni (university of Sassari).

2009-2010- Comparative research on European education systems.  Dir.: G. Capano and M. Regini, Financed by Fondazione CRUI.

(PRIN 2006) Scientific supervisor: Marino Regini. As a member of Pavia’s research unit, I carried out a case study in the field of excellence sector of the French higher education system.

2005-2006: Food and identity. (Prin 2004) Scientific supervisor: Vincenzo PACE. Title of the project: Food, Culture and Identity. As a member of Cagliari’s research unit, I carried out a survey on the relationship between local food and identity.

2001-2009: School and its actors: This research focuses on secondary teachers’ representations and practical experiences in the context of actual change and reform (Autonomy, teachers training and organizational reforms) and on the problem of students’ selection at school.

1995-2001: Comparative research in Higher education systems. Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Jean-Claude Combessie (Director of the institut IRESCO – Paris).

1999-2001: The effect of the introduction of ITC on work and profession. Scientific supervisor: Michel Gollac.

Refereeing and collaborations

“Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia”, “Polis”, “Italian Journal of Sociology of Education”, “Studi culturali”, "Sociologica", “Scuola Democratica”, “International Review of Administrative Sciences”, “Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa”. "RicercaAzione", "Sociologia Italiana –  “AIS Journal of Sociology"; Sociologia della Comunicazione; Sociology of Education (USA). 

Activity as Guest editor

n.2/2022 Rassegna Italia di Sociologia, Guest Editor with Elliot Weininger

n.2/2021 Scuola democratica – Guest editor with Gabriele Pinna.

n.2/2017 Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, Guest editor with Agnès Van Zanten

N. 2/2016, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, ICT and schooling.: Sociological Issues from Education 2.0.   Guest editor with Maddalena Colombo.


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