Dipartimento di Scienze economiche ed aziendali

At the University of Pisa he obtained a degree in Economics and Commerce and a degree in Law, respectively, with honors, as well as a phd in tax procedural law.

After a one-year research fellowship at the Rimini branch of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna, in June 2006 he took up a position as a researcher in tax law at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Cagliari.

He is currently an associate professor in tax law.

Since the academic year 2007/2008 he has been teaching Tax Law and Advanced Tax Law (tax procedural law) at the University of Cagliari.

He teaches in numerous Masters at various Italian universities.

He has given numerous lectures at academic and professional conferences and has published, among other things, two monographs.

1. Giusto processo e processo tributario, Collana Ordinamento tributario italiano diretta da Falsitta-Fantozzi, Giuffrè, 2010, 

2. Il principio di competenza di competenza tra diritto contabile e diritto tributario nella prospettiva interna e sovranazionale, Collana Tax Law diretta da Miccinesi-Pistolesi-Stevanato e Ault, Giuffrè, 2021. 


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