Dipartimento di Scienze economiche ed aziendali

(selezione principali attività, aggiornato marzo 2022)

Birth: Sassari, 3 settembre 1955

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
Università di Cagliari
V.le S. Ignazio da Laconi, 17 09123 Cagliari
tel. 070-6753764
e-mail: paci@unica.it

2001-pr Professore Ordinario di Economia Politica, Università di Cagliari

•    Intangible assets and regional economic performance
•    Growth process at the regional level in Italy and Europe
•    Innovative activity at national and regional level
•    Technological externalities and spatial spillovers
•    Tourism sector and effect on regional growth

2003-09 Jean Monnet Chair “Integrazione economica tra le regioni europee”
1996-97 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Northeastern University, Boston. A.A. 1996-97.
1984 M. Phil. in Economics, University di Essex, U.K.


2014-19    On leave as Vice President and Minister for Economics, Autonomous Region of Sardinia
2008-14    Director CIREM (Centro Interuniversitario Ricerche Economiche e Mobilità)
2006-14    Chair, Degree in Administration Sciences (distance learning programme)
2006-12    Board Member Unitel Sardegna (University Consortium for Distance Learning)
2010-12    Coordinator scientific area 13 “Economics”, University of Cagliari
2002-08    Dean, Faculty of Political Science, University of Cagliari
1998-08    Director, Center for North South Economic Research (CRENoS)
2002-06    Chair, Degree in Economics and European Policy
1998-2002    Member, University Committee for Evaluation
1999-2001    Associate Professor, (Industrial Economics) Faculty Political Science, Un.  Cagliari
1984-99    Researcher, Faculty of Political Science, University of Cagliari



European Union projects

2011-pr Coordinator, project EU FP7 SSH 2010 SEARCH “Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRregionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods”

2010-pr Coordinator local unit, project ESPON, EU “Knowledge, Innovation, Territory”

2008-11 Coordinator, project FP7 SSH 2007 IAREG “Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth”

2003-05 Executive board, EU ESF project “Employability, Development, Adaptability”

2000-04 National Coordinator, COST Action n. 17 EU “Small and Medium Enterprises, Economic Development, and Regional Convergence in Europe”

2003-04 Scientific coordinator  for the Sardinia Region for the EU project “R.O.L. Regions On Line“ – Interreg IIIB.

2003-04 EU project “Master en Affaires Euro- Méditerranées (MAEM)”

2002-04 Coordinator, project with Economic Social Research Institute, Dublin, on “Regional macro-model of the Italian Mezzogiorno”.

1998-03 Interreg I, II « Economic convergence and Institutional cooperation among Mediterranean regions »

International cooperation with developing countries

2005-06 Tunisia, Tourism development of Unesco heritage

2005-06 Benin, Marketing of karitè production

2003-04 Brasil, Tourism and local development in the Valencia region, Bahia

2000-02 Ethiopia, Local knowledge and market development in the food industry, Addis Abeba

National  financed projects

2002-04 Project “Determinants of regional growth in Europe”

2000 Italian Excellence Research Centres, Research Project “ Economic growth and integration among regions of the European Union and the Mediterranean Sea

1998-2001 Senior researcher project “European integration and regional gaps in economic growth and employment”

Locally financed projects

2013-pr Coordinator “Impact evaluation of cultural events on the regional economy”

2012-pr Coordinator “Determinants and impacts of tourism flows in Sardinia”

2011-2012 Coordinator “Tourism Regional Observatory”

2007-09 Development plan for the Sardinian Geo-mineral Park

2005-06 Regional Plan for Tourism Sustainable Development (Sardinia Regional Government)



Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Regional Studies, Research Policy, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics Review, Industry & Innovation, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Geography, Growth and Change, International Economic Review, Review of Income and Wealth, Review of World Economics, Small Business Economics, Papers in Regional Science, International Regional Science Review, Economic Modelling, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Annals of Regional Science, Spatial Economic Analysis, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Economic System Research, International Regional Science Review, Italian Journal of Regional Science, Investigaciones Regionales, Giornale degli Economisti, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, Rivista di Economia e Politica Industriale, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Rivista di Politica Economica, Politica Economica.



Refereed articles

Marrocu E., Paci R., Rigby D., Usai S. (2022) Evaluating the Implementation of Smart Specialization Policy, Regional Studies, DOI:10.1080/00343404.2022.2047915

Biagi, B, Dettori, B, Paci, R, Usai, S (2021) Economic development in Sardinia: overcoming the insularity gap, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali (Research in social sciences), 2/2021, 165-186. ISSN: 0035-676X. DOI: 10.26350/000518_000067

S. Usai, E. Marrocu and R. Paci (2017), Networks, proximities and inter-firm knowledge exchanges, International Regional Science Review, 40(4), 377-404, DOI: 10.1177/0160017615576079.
M.C. Di Guardo, E. Marrocu and R. Paci (2016) The effect of local corruption on ownership strategy in cross border mergers and acquisitions, Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4225-4241, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.03.002.
M.C. Di Guardo, E. Marrocu and R. Paci, (2016) The concurrent impact of cultural, political, and spatial distances on international Mergers and Acquisitions, The World Economy, 39(6), 824-852, DOI: 10.1111/twec.12275.
R. Boschma, E. Marrocu and R. Paci (2016), Symmetric and Asymmetric effects of proximities. The case of M&A deals in Italy, Journal of Economic Geography, 16 (2), 505-535, doi: 10.1093/jeg/lbv005
E. Marrocu, R. Paci and A. Zara (2015), Micro-economic determinants of tourist expenditure: a quantile regression approach, Tourism Management, 50, 13-30.
M. Meleddu, R. Paci, M. Pulina (2015), Repeated behaviour and destination loyalty, Tourism Management, 50, 159-171.
R. Paci and E. Marrocu, Tourism and Regional Growth in Europe (2014), Papers in Regional Science, 93, Supplement 1, S25-S50, DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12085.
R. Paci, E. Marrocu and S. Usai (2014), The complementary effects of proximity dimensions on knowledge spillovers, Spatial Economic Analysis, 9, 9-30. DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2013.856518. The Editors of Spatial Economic Analysis (SEA) selected this article as the Regional Science Association Best Paper for SEA 2015 (published in 2014).
Marrocu E., Paci R., Usai S. (2013), Proximity, networks and knowledge production in Europe, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 80, 1484-1498.
Paci R., Marrocu E. (2013), Knowledge assets and regional performance, Growth and Change, 44, 228-257.
Marrocu E., Paci R. (2013), Different tourists to different destinations – Evidence from spatial interaction models, Tourism Management, 39, 71-83.
Marrocu E., Paci R. (2013), Regional development and creativity, International Regional Science Review, 36(3), 354-391.
Marrocu E., Paci R. and Usai S. (2013), Productivity growth in the Old and New Europe: the role of agglomeration externalities, Journal of Regional Science, 53 (3), 418-442.
Marrocu E., Paci R. (2012) Education or Creativity: what matters most for economic performance?, Economic Geography, 88, 4, 369-401
Marrocu E., Paci R. Pontis M. (2012) Intangible capital and firms productivity, Industrial and Corporate Change, 21(2), 377-402
Dettori B., Marrocu E., Paci R. (2012) TFP, intangible assets and spatial dependence in the European regions, Regional Studies, 46(10) 1401-1416.
Marrocu E, Paci R. (2011) They arrive with new information. Tourism flows and production efficiency in the European regions, Tourism Management, 32, 750-758
Marrocu E., Paci R. (2010) The effects of public capital on the productivity of the Italian regions. Applied Economics, 42, 8, 989-1002.
Paci R., Usai S. (2009) Knowledge flows across the European regions, Annals of Regional Science, 43, 3, 669-690.
Paci R., Usai S. (2008) Agglomeration economies, spatial dependence and local industry growth, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 123, 3, 87-109.
Moreno-Serrano R., Paci R., Usai S. (2005b) Geographical and sectoral clusters of innovation in Europe, Annals of Regional Science, 39, 4, 715-739.
Moreno-Serrano R., Paci R., Usai S. (2005a) Spatial spillovers and innovation activity in European Regions, Environment and Planning A, 37, 1793-1812.
Paci R., Usai S. (2000) Technological enclaves and industrial districts. An analysis of the regional distribution of innovative activity in Europe, Regional Studies, 34, 2, 97-114.
Paci R., Pigliaru F. (1999) Is dualism still a source of convergence in Europe?, Applied Economics, 31, 1423-1436.
Paci R., Usai S. (1998) Innovative efforts, technological opportunity and changes in market structures in Italian manufacturing, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 7, 345-369.
Paci R. (1997) More similar and less equal. Economic growth in the European regions, Review of World Economics, (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) 133, 609-634.



Paci R., Usai S. (2002) (eds) L’ultima spiaggia. Turismo, sostenibilità ambientale e crescita economica in Sardegna. Cagliari: CUEC.
Fingleton B., Eraydin A., Paci R. (2003) (eds) Regional economic growth, SMEs and the wider Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate.


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