Dipartimento di Fisica

Daniele Chiriu: M.S. degree in Physics in 2003 (110/110 cum laude) from the Univ. of Cagliari. 2007 Ph.D. title in experimental Physics.
2007-2010 employed at SCIMEX s.r.l. – SAES Opto Materials as R&D supervisor on crystals for optoelectronics, TLD and OSL dosimetry, X-ray digital
imaging, PET imaging, laser materials. 2010-2013 employed at Portovesme s.r.l. (Glencore) as R&D engineer and production supervisor. 2013-2018
Assistant Professor (RTDa) at the Dept. of Physics – Univ. of Cagliari. Unit Leader of the project FIRB “Time through colors: study of cultural heritage
artifacts by means of not destructive techniques”. 2019-2022 Assistant Professor (RTDb) in Applied Physics (02/D1 – FIS07) at the Dept. of Physics, Univ.
of Cagliari. Since 2022 Associate Professor in Applied Physics (02/D1 – FIS07) at the same University. Since 2019 member of the Advisory Board of the
PhD research school in Physics at University of Cagliari. In 2023 he obtained the National Qualification as Full Professor in Applied Physics (02/D1)
International reputation:
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the E-MRS Spring Meeting 2016-Symposium E
- Member of the Coordinating Board of RESET (Raw Materials Commitment of the High-Level Steering Group of the EIP) 2014-2019
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 10TH SYMPOSIUM SIO2, ADVANCED DIELECTRICS & RELATED DEVICES (2014)
- Associate to the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Cagliari
- Member of the Associazione Italiana di Archeometria (AIAr)
Research topics and publications:
More than 62 publications on international journals or proceedings of international conferences mainly on:
- Application of Raman, FTIR, UV-VIS spectroscopy, thermoluminescence, ultrafast spectroscopy, pump-probe, SEM, XRF, and XRD to develop new
diagnostic tools for Cultural Heritage and Biomedicine
- Development of innovative crystals, materials and methods for Lasers, Dosimetry (OSL, POSL), Radon detection, Digital X-Ray radiography.
Responsibility of national and international research projects:
- 2013-2017 Unit Leader for the project FIRB “Time through colors: study of cultural heritage artifacts by means of not destructive techniques” with the
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, University of Perugia and Ashmolean Museum of Oxford.
- 2019- Key researcher of “Actilabel” - Proof of Concept financed by the Eureka venture funds on the development of new smart labels for the active
monitoring of Time and Temperature. The project exploits the Patent PCT/IB2018/050772
-2022 PI of the project “Virus Screening with Applied Raman spectroscopy” Regional Proof of Concept.
Participation to national and international research projects
- 2019-2022 RASSR79938 "Sviluppo di una metodologia spettroscopica innovativa per la caratterizzazione di bronzi antichi"
- CUBER 2019 - 2023 Copper-based Flow Batteries for Energy Storage and Renewables Integration
- Raman4CoV: 2020 SERS 4 COVID / Raman spectroscopy for the rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2
- NG:Light: a new generation of phosphors 2019-2021 / Study of new generation of phosphors, with a reduced or zero content of Rare Earth elements
- CANDL2 2019-2023 / Study of Carbon Dots for photonic applications
- COVAX LABEL - Fisr 2021 - Smart label for the effective time/temperature monitoring in vaccines
- Paint forVid 2021 - Regional program against Covid pandemic diseases.
Technology transfer and patents:
- Patent n° PCT/EP2009/053461 “Doped rare earth orthosilicates used as optical devices for recording information”
- Patent n° PCT/IB2018/050772 “Label-shaped device adapted to be applied onto an object for monitoring the time trend of the temperature and
method for said monitoring”
- 2015-2020 Co-founder of E-laboRad s.r.l. spin-off University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy) - materials and methods for Dosimetry (OSL, POSL), Radon
detection, Archaeometry.

-2021 Co-founder of Treetop Technologies s.r.l spin-off University of Cagliari - new materials for photocatalysis and environment monitoring.



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