Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali

Current Position: Full Professor in Sociology, Università di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e delle Istituzioni.



Laurea Scienze Politiche, Università di Cagliari

DEA at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, (Paris)

M.A. in Sociology at the University of Essex (UK)


Research positions

Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard’s Department of Sociology (Cambridge, MA, USA)

Visiting Scholar at Deakin University School research group Critical Studies of Young People in Education (Melbourne, AU)

Employement history

2016- Dipartimento Scienze Sociali e delle istituzioni Board member

2010- Professor in Sociology, Dipartimento di Science Sociali e delle Istituzioni, Università di Cagliari, Italy

2006-2010 Course Director of the Postgraduate Programme “Programmazione e gestione delle politiche e dei servizi sociali”, University of Cagliari

2002-2010 Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Cagliari

1984-2002 Lecturer in Sociology, Dipartimento di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali, Università di Cagliari

National research networks

Everyday life RN Italian Sociological Association (coordinator 2015- 2018)

Italian Future studies network (member)

International research Networks

ESA European Sociological association (member)

ISA International Sociological Association (member)

COSMOBILITIES http://www.cosmobilities.net/ (member)

EVERYDAY FUTURES http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/social-futures/research/everyday-futures/ (member)

Research interests

Sociology of space: cultures of mobilities, processes of domestication of public space.

Italian (and Sardinian) youth: sociality, young people’s capacity to aspire, experience and imagination of mobility.

Social futures in a cultural perspective and their impact on individual and collective agency.

The interest on these dimensions has prompted me to use a range of qualitative methods, including visual and written fictional essays as personal narratives.

Most important research project acquired

2019-2021 (PRIN) Mapping the future (Unità locali: Università di Cagliari, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Università di Napoli Federico II, Università della Calabria) Lead researcher.

2012-2015 iFuture. Giovani, Cittadinanza, Capacità di aspirare Finanziato Regione Autonoma della Sardegna Legge7. Lead researcher.

2006-2008 (PRIN) finanziato dal MURST dal titolo Costruzione e ricostruzione dello spazio-tempo nelle pratiche del quotidiano. (Unità locali: Università di Cagliari, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Università di Torino, Università di Pavia, Università di Napoli Orientale) Lead researcher.

2004-2005  Principal investigator della ricerca Stratificazione sociale, modelli di mobilità e capitale sociale in Sardegna. Finanziata dalla Fondazione del banco di Sardegna Lead researcher.

2001-2003  Principal investigator di un’unità di ricerca locale nell’ambito di un progetto Cofin dal titolo L’analisi dell’uso del tempo quotidiano: le connessioni tra tempo sociale, individuale ed intersoggettivo (Coordinatore nazionale Franco Crespi). Lead researcher.

1993-1994 Principal investigator (with Annamaria Gatti) di una ricerca nell’Ateneo di Cagliari, promossa dall’ERSU (l’Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio) Lead researcher.

Publications in the last ten years

Mandich G. (2019) Capire il futuro per studiare il quotidiano in Sociologia e vita quotidiana, Sonia Floriani, Paola Rebughini (a cura di), Salerno Orthotes.

Mandich G.  (2018) Dreams of Ordinariness. The Missing Middle of Youth Aspirations in Young People and the Politics of Outrage and Hope, eds Peter Kelly, Perri Campbell, Lyn Harrison, and Chris Hickey, Leiden Brill.

Mandich G. (2018) Utopie dell’ordinario e reincantamento del futuro in Utopie mascherate. Da Rousseau a Hunger Games E. Ilardi, A. Loche, V. Marras (a cura di), Roma, Meltemi.

Mandich G. (2017) Why sociology need anticipation? In R. Poli (ed.), Handbook of Anticipation, Springer International Publishing https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31737-3_65-1

Welsh, D.; Keller, M.; Mandich, G. (2017) Imagined futures of everyday life in the circular economy, INTERACTIONS, XXIV.2.

Cuzzocrea V., Mandich G.  (2016) “Students’ narratives of the future: imagined mobilities as forms of youth agency?” Journal of Youth Studies, pp. 552, 567. 2016 ISSN:1367-6261 vol. 19 (4).

Mandich G., Cuzzocrea V. (2016) “Domesticating” the city. Family practices in public space’, Space and Culture August, vol. 19no. 3 224-236- ISSN:1206-3312.

Cuzzocrea V., Mandich G.  (2015) “Fragments of “Cultures of mobility. Everyday movements of Parents with children in Cagliari, Southern Italy”. In CITY & SOCIETY – Volume 27, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 51–69 Volume 27, Issue 1, ISSN:1548-744X vol. 1

Mandich G., Caletrio J. (2014) Introduction to the Symposium “Moving Boundaries in Mobilities Research” in Sociologica,  2. pp.1-6. ISSN:1971-8853

Isabella S., Mandich G. (2014) “Connecting to  the future: the role of spatial mobilities in young people’s imagined biographies” , Perspectives on Youth, 2. pp.51-62. ISBN:ISSN 2313?0997.

Mandich G. (2012) “Il futuro quotidiano: habitus riflessività e capacità di aspirare” in Il futuro nel quotidiano, a cura di M. Deriu e O. de Leonardis, Milano Egea, pp.19-30. ISBN:978-88-238-2142-2

Mandich G.  (2011) “Fare casa fuori casa. Pratiche di appropriazione dello spazio urbano e memorie comuni”, Magma, n° 3. ISSN 1721-9809.

Cuzzocrea V., Mandich G. (2011) “Mentre i bambini giocano: forme di socialità ed emersione di sfere pubbliche discorsive” in  Rassegna Italiana di sociologia, n. 1 pp. 63-86 ISSN: 0486-0349

Mandich G. (a cura di) Culture Quotidiane. Addomesticare lo spazio e il tempo, Roma Carocci 2010, p. 304, ISBN: 9788843052172.

Mandich G.  “Quale sociologia del futuro” in Rivista Pic-Ais. Cultura e Comunicazione/Culture and Communication, N°1/2010, p. 37-46, ISSN:2036-9700 (1)

Mandich G.  (2012) Il futuro quotidiano: habitus riflessività e capacità di aspirare in Ota de Leonardis (ed.) Il futuro nel quotidiano, Milano, Egea.

Mandich G.  (2010) Addomesticare lo spazio urbano G. Mandich (ed.) Culture Quotidiane. Addomesticare lo spazio e il tempo, Roma Carocci

Mandich G.  (2010)  (ed.) Culture Quotidiane. Addomesticare lo spazio e il tempo, Roma Carocci.

Mandich G. (2011) Fare casa fuori casa. Pratiche di appropriazione dello spazio urbano e memorie comuni M@GM@.

Mandich G. (2009) Paesaggi temporali in Quotidiano flessibile. L’esperienza del tempo nella Sardegna della New Economy, Cagliari, A&MD.

Mandich G. (2009) (ed.) Quotidiano flessibile. L’esperienza del tempo nella Sardegna della New Economy, Cagliari, A&MD.

Mandich G. (2009)  Domesticità e addomesticamento. La costruzione della sfera domestica nella vita quotidiana, Quaderni DRES.

Mandich G. (2009) Oltre la Tradizione. Una Sardegna post-convenzionale?, Cagliari, Cuec, 2009.


International conferences in the last five years

Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 14-18, 2020 Fourth ISA Forum of Sociology: RC07 Sessions Organized session with P. Kelly  RMIT University, Melbourne Practising hopeful futures. In between ‘cruel optimism’ and new utopias (selected).

20-23 August 2019, Manchester / UK ESA 2019 EUROPE AND BEYOND: BOUNDARIES, BARRIERS AND BELONGING 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association – Organization (with Daniel Welch) of the Research Stream Practicing the Future: Social and Affective Futures. (selected)

20-23 August 2019, Manchester / UK ESA 2019 EUROPE AND BEYOND: BOUNDARIES, BARRIERS AND BELONGING 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association – Presentation of the paper Young Peoples’ Aspirations. Social And Spatial (Im) Mobility In A Rural Context.(RN30 – Youth and Generation– Youth Objective and Subjective Social Mobility (selected paper).

6-8 June 2019 The 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE of the JOURNAL SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA Organization of the panels Learning futures (with R. Poli).

8th to 10th November 2017 London 2nd International Conference on Anticipation. Domesticating the future: present futures as ordinary utopias. Selected paper.

8th to 10th November 2017 London 2nd International Conference on Anticipation Curated session Everyday futures. With Nicola Spurling, Dan Welch, Lenneke Kuijer, Margit Keller, Georgia Newmarch. Selected session.

29 august- 1 september 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association Athens  Framing young people’s futures: adults’ narratives of youth futurity. selected paper

ESA RN 30 ‘Youth and Generation’ Midterm Conference 2017, ‘Global Youth Futures: Perspectives and Prospects’ Imagining the future: dreams as new shared utopias? selected paper.

July  15 16 , 2016 workshop Everyday Futures Network at the Institute for Social Futures at Lancaster University (UK) selected paper.

December 7 and 8, 2015 (Melbourne, Australia) Invitational two-day conference and edited collection Young people and the politics of outrage and hope, selected paper

12th Conference of the European Sociological Association Prague, 25th – 28th August 2015, Youth & Generation RN, Dreams of ordinariness. The missing middle of youth aspirations, selected paper.

5-7 November 2015. Session: Sociologies of the future at the International UNESCO conference on Anticipations Trento. Organizer.

Conferenza internazionale ESA-AIS From memories to the future Napoli 5 e 6 giugno 2015 titolo relazione “Stretching to the future: forms of engagement with the not yet”, key note speaker.

ISA 2014 Cultures of the future: habitus, reflexivity and capacity to aspire. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, to be held in Yokohama, Japan, 13-19 July 2014, Research Committee on Futures Research (ISA-RC07), selected paper.

ESA RN Youth and Generation midterm conference ‘Negotiation, navigation, resistance – young people’s agency in post-crisis reality in Europe’, September 10th-13th 2014 Kluszkovwce, Imagined mobilities as forms of youth agency, (con Cuzzocrea), selected paper.

11th ESA biannual conference “Crisis, Critique and Change”, 28th-31st August 2013, University of Turin. RN30 Youth and Generation. Session on Young People’s Future Aspirations, Looking into the future. Young people’s capacity to aspire, selected paper.

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