Dipartimento di Scienze della vita e dell’ambiente

Percorso Formativo

1995         Laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche conseguita presso la Facoltà di Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

1995-00   Dottorato di Ricerca in Tecnologia e Legislazione del Farmaco e delle Molecole Bioattive, XI ciclo. Titolo conseguito presso il Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2001         Corso di perfezionamento in "Scienza e Tecnica delle Piante Officinali" presso il Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2000-01   Post-dottorato presso il Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2001-04   Assegno di ricerca presso il Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2003         Master internazionale di secondo livello in Forme Farmaceutiche Liposomali conseguito presso l'Università degli Studi di Valencia, Spagna.

2005         Ricercatore non Confermato nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare CHIM09 presso la Facoltà di Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2008         Ricercatore Confermato nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare CHIM09 presso la Facoltà di Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2014         Professore Associato, Settore Scientifico Disciplinare CHIM09, presso la Facoltà di Biologia e Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2022         Professore Ordinario, Settore Scientifico Disciplinare CHIM09, presso la Facoltà di Biologia e Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

Linee di ricerca

Formulazione di liposomi e vescicole fosfolipidiche appositamente modificate per migliorare il delivery cutaneo dei farmaci.

Formulazione e valutazione dell’efficacia di molecole bioattive veicolate in nanocarrier formulati per il targeting al colon e ai polmoni.

Formulazione e valutazione dell’efficacia in vivo e in vitro di vescicole fosfolipidiche veicolanti sostanze naturali e estratti.

Valorizzazione delle biomasse di produzione agro-alimentare attraverso l’estrazione delle sostanze attive e loro veicolazione in nanosistemi destinati alla somministrazione cutanea e orale.

Partecipazione scientifica a progetti di ricerca internazionali e nazionali, ammessi al finanziamento sulla base di bandi competitivi

2001-02   PRIN 2001, Prot. 2002001037727_002: Veicolazione liposomiale di preparazioni estrattive di origine vegetale e caratterizzazione dell'attività biologica. Componente del gruppo.

2008-10   PRIN 2008, Prot. 2008HTJLN2_002: Idrogeli per il miglioramento della biodisponibilità di farmaci e molecole bioattive. Componente del gruppo.

2009-12   Azioni Integrate Italia-Spagna 2009: Proprietà chimico-fisiche di nanosistemi e loro applicazioni in campo farmaceutico. Componente del gruppo.

2009-10   Fondazione Banco di Sardegna: Carrier micro e nanoparticellari per la veicolazione di fitocomplessi. Componente del gruppo.

2011         POR. FSE 2007-2013, programma master and back 2010/2011 percorsi di rientro per Assegno di ricerca: Progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi innovativi per il rilascio sito specifico di farmaci al colon. Responsabile scientifico.

2010-13   PRIN 2010-2011, Prot. 2010H834LS_004: Tecnologie avanzate per la veicolazione di molecole farmacologicamente attive attraverso le barriere biologiche dell’organismo. Componente del gruppo.

2014-15   Misura 124 PSR, Determinazione N. 4231/14 del 27/08/2014: NANOUVATEC-Nanoincorporazione di Antiossidanti Naturali Ottenuti da Uva e Vite Autoctone per il Trattamento Eudermico del Corpo. Responsabile scientifico.

2014-15   Misura 124 PSR, Determinazione N. 4230/14 del 27/08/2014: NANOFITOCARE-Nanobiovescicole di Attivi Naturali per l'Ottenimento di Fitocomplessi Innovativi per il Trattamento dell'Omeostasi Corporea e l'Attiva Rigenerazione Epiteliale. Componente del gruppo.

2016         Fondazione Banco di Sardegna: Citrus limon and Thymus herba-barona: from basic research to oral mouthwash and agrifood application. Componente del gruppo.

2017-19   POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020, Misura 124, Competitività delle imprese: NANOFITORADIODERM-Identificazione e caratterizzazione di fitocomplessi attivi da specie vegetali autoctone della Sardegna di interesse biomedicale veicolate mediante approcci formulativi innovativi in prodotti per il trattamento topico di radiodermiti e lesioni cutanee ulcerose. Responsabile scientifico.

2017-19   POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020, Misura 124, Competitività delle imprese: NUTRIFORMNANO. Componente del gruppo.

2018-20   Fondazione Banco di Sardegna: Optimization of nanocarriers formulation for enhanced drug delivery to a specific target site. Componente del gruppo.

2018-20   Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione 2014-2020, Determinazione n. 8718 rep 842 del 30.11.2018: Nanodelivery technology for improved treatment of dermatological disorders. Componente del gruppo.

2018-23   Fundacio la Marato de TV3, programma europeo: Coated liposome nanocomplexes as drug delivery systems for treatment of leishmaniasis, Coordinatore del gruppo italiano.

2019-22   ENI CBC MED, Standard Projects, A_A.2.1_0035: BESTMEDGRAPE-new Business opportunities & Environmental suSTainability using MED GRAPE nanotechnological products. Responsabile scientifico.

2020-22   Natural Resources Institute Finland, Circular economy, Added value from side streams and Profitable and responsible primary production: POWER-EXTRACT-Application of novel and hybrid processing methods for the technological valorisation of agro-industrial side streams. Componente del gruppo.

2019-23   PRIN 2017-18, Codice 20173ZECCM_002 Miur: Tackling biological barriers to antigen delivery by nanotechnological vaccines (NanoTechVax). Componente del gruppo.

2020-21   Programma Erasmus+: MEDLENTISK-Partnership for an exchange of best practices on mastic tree fixed oil, an emblematic non-timber forest product in the Mediterranean. Componente del gruppo.

2021-24  Misura 16.2 PSR 2014-20: Enonanoderm-Sviluppo di nuovi formulati topici destinati al mantenimento e/o ripristino del benessere cutaneo, attraverso l’attualizzazione tecnologico-formulativa di fitocomplessi derivati da diverse specie di Vitis estratti da vinacce derivanti dall’industria enologica. Responsabile scientifico.

2022-24   Fondazione di Sardegna 2021: Waste2Health, Valorisation of agri-food side-streams to manufacture sustainable medical devices, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical products, feeds and fertilizers boosting health and quality of life. Componente del gruppo

2022-23   RAS, L.R. 19/96: TECNOCOVID-Combinazione di bioattivi naturali e nanotecnologie per prevenire e contenere il contagio da COVID-19. Componente del gruppo.

2023-24   PoC_UniCa_2022: NUTRINNOVA, Nutriosomi e scarti agro-industriali per il controllo di disbiosi intestinali, stress ossidativo, e declino cognitivo. Componente del gruppo.

2022-2025 PNRR: CNTG-National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology (Codice MUR CN-00000041). Componente del gruppo.

Partecipazione a comitati editoriali di riviste, collane editoriali e a comitati scientifici e direttivi di congressi nazionali e internazionali

2005-12   Membro del comitato editoriale della collana Máster Internacional en Formas Farmacéuticas Liposomales y Formulación Avanzada (12 Unidades, ISBN: 605-9707-5/84-931529-6-X) edito dall'Università di Valencia in collaborazione con l'ADEIT, Fundación Universidad-Empresa de la Universitat de Valencia.

2005-21   Revisore per diverse riviste internazionali del settore: European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Biomaterials, Colloids and Surface B, Journal of Liposome Research, Soft Matter, Molecules, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceiticals, Nanomaterials, AAPS PharmSciTech, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

2009         Membro della segreteria della Scuola Dottorale Nazionale in Tecnologie Farmaceutiche.

2009         Membro della segreteria del XXI Simposio ADRITELF (Associazione Docenti e Ricercatori di Tecnologia e Legislazione Farmaceutica).

2012         Membro del comitato scientifico e direttivo del IV workshop on Sensors and Molecular Recognition, University of Valencia, Spagna.

2014         Membro del comitato scientifico e direttivo del Congresso "Uva: tra passato e futuro", Oliena, Italia.

2015         Membro del comitato scientifico e direttivo del Congresso "Tecnologie innovative per la valorizzazione della flora autoctona della Sardegna nel settore biomedicale ", Pula, Italia.

2018-21   Guest Editor per lo Special Issue “Nanocarriers and Targeted Drug Delivery” della rivista Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991; Impact Factor: 5.076).

2019         Membro del comitato scientifico e relatore del kick-off, del primo steering committee, dell’evento di lancio e della conferenza stampa del progetto internazionale BESTMEDGRAPE.

2020         Membro del comitato scientifico e relatore del secondo e terzo steering committee e delle tavole rotonde del progetto internazionale BESTMEDGRAPE.

2021         Membro del comitato scientifico e organizzativo del workshop internazionale “Medlentisk”, Pula, Italia.

2021         Membro del comitato scientifico e organizzativo del workshop internazionale Joint Event of BESTMEDGRAPE, Amman, Jordan.

2023         Membro del comitato scientifico e organizzativo del workshop internazionale Joint Event of BESTMEDGRAPE, Roma, Italy.

Attribuzione di incarichi di insegnamento a livello universitario e collaborazioni ad attività di ricerca (fellowship) presso atenei o istituti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali

2004-09   Titolare del corso di Tecnologia dei Prodotti Cosmetici per il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Erboristiche dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2010-23 Titolare dei 2 moduli del Laboratorio galenico (6 x 2 CFU) dell’insegnamento di Tecnologia, Socioeconomia e Legislazione Farmaceutica 1 con Laboratorio galenico per il Corso di Laurea in Farmacia dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2020-23 Titolare del corso di Prodotti Cosmetici (6 CFU) per il Corso di Laurea in Farmacia dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2008-19   Visiting researcher (almeno 1 mese per anno) presso la Facoltà di Farmacia dell’Università di Valencia, Spagna.

2015-23   Relatore ogni anno di 4 ore di seminario internazionale presso l’Università di Valencia, Murcia, Lisbona, Teheran, Buenos Aires, Pais Bascos, Porto, Nadal, Campo Grande per il programma Erasmus+ e Globus.

2015-23   Docente del Master Universitario di II livello in Industria Cosmetica (60 ECTS), Università di Valencia, Spagna.

2019         Docente per il Master Universitario di II livello in Advanced Cosmetology presso la Facoltà di Farmacia dell'Università di Lisbona, Portogallo.

Conseguimento di premi e riconoscimenti per l'attività scientifica

2021         Selezionata dal programma ENICBCMED per il giorno internazionale della donna, come donna leader nella cooperazione Euro-Mediterranea.  

Risultati ottenuti nello sviluppo, impiego e commercializzazione dei brevetti:

M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, M. Zaru, I. Castangia, A. Cabras, N. Cappai, A.M. Fadda, Ialurosomi, loro uso in composizioni topiche farmaceutiche o cosmetiche e relativo procedimento di preparazione. Brevetto Italiano IT 0001427462-27.02.2017, Brevetto Europeo EP 3025732 B1-27.03.2019. Brevetto attualmente impiegato dall'azienda CINFA e dalla Sakura per la produzione di dispositivi medici di classe II utilizzati per via inalatoria, nasale e buccale e attualmente in commercio: Respibalm® gel nasale di Cinfa (Spagna) e Aluneb® gel nasale di Sakura (Italia).

M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda, Aggregati vescicolari tridimensionali di fosfolipidi dispersi in miscele alcoliche a basso o nullo contenuto d’acqua, loro preparazione e loro uso in formulazioni per applicazione topica. Brevetto Italiano IT 102017000034725-16.07.2019, domanda Europea EP 18163201.9-21.03.2018.

M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, A.M. Fadda, Complessi a base di fosfolipidi, fibre idrosolubili e principi attivi antiossidanti di origine naturale, loro preparazione e uso in formulazioni orali. Brevetto Italiano IT 102017000059875-30.09.2019, Brevetto Europeo EP3409293.

M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, A.M. Fadda, Complessi a base di fosfolipidi, fibre idrosolubili e principi attivi antiossidanti di origine naturale, loro preparazione e uso in formulazioni orali. Brevetto Italiano IT 102017000059875-30.09.2019, Brevetto Europeo EP18163201.9.

M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, I. Castangia, F. Argiolas, M.B. Pinna, M. Murru, Processo one shot per la simultanea estrazione del fitocomplesso dagli scarti di lavorazione agro-industriale e veicolazione in vescicole estrattive e loro uso. Domanda Italiana 102022000015423 21.07.2022 , Brevetto Europeo 12264624 21.07.2023.

Incarichi di gestione e impegni assunti in organi collegiali e commissioni presso atenei o istituti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali

2010-21   Membro del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche e successivamente di quello in Scienze della Vita, dell'Ambiente e del Farmaco dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2010-21   Membro internazionale di 5 Commissioni per la discussione finale di Dottorato Europeo, presso l’Università di Granada, Valencia, Oviedo e Pasi Baschi.

2011-23   Supervisore di 8 tesi di Dottorato in Scienze della Vita, dell'Ambiente e del Farmaco dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2014-21   Membro della Commissione Auto Valutazione del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

2014-23   Membro della Commissione di Auto Valutazione per la Classe LM13, per il Corso di laurea in Farmacia e CTF dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

Iscrizione società scientifiche

Associazione Docenti e Ricercatori Italiani di Tecnologie e Legislazione Farmaceutiche.

Controlled Release Society, Italian Chapter.

Società Farmaceutica del Mediterraneo Latino.

Società Chimica Italiana.

Capitoli di libri

M. Manconi, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda. Penetration Enhancer containing Vesicles for Cutaneous Drug Delivery, on Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers Chemical Methods in Penetration Enhancement, Nanocarriers, 93-102 (2016).

Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali

C. Anchisi, B. Baroli, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi, C. Sinico, D. Valenti. Dissolution properties of flurazepam capsules. Il farmaco, 53, 662-666 (1998).

D. Valenti, B. Baroli, A.M. Maccioni, M. Manconi, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda. Physico-chemical stability of multilamellar liposomes entrapping caffeine. Acta Tecnologiae et Legis Medicamenti, 11, 121-133 (2000).

C. Sinico, D. Valenti, M. Manconi, A.M. Maccioni, B. Baroli, M. Soi, A.M. Fadda. Triton CG110 niosomes as carriers for the 8-methoxypsoralen in skin pathologies. Acta Tecnologiae et Legis Medicamenti, 12, 2 (2001).

M. Manconi, C. Sinico, D. Valenti, G. Loy, A.M. Fadda. Niosomes as carriers for tretinoin I: Preparation and properties. Int. J. Pharm., 234, 237-248 (2002).

M. Manconi, J. Aparicio, A.O. Vila, J. Pendás, J. Figueruelo, F. Molina. Viscoelastic properties of concentrated dispersions in water of soy lecithin. Colloids Surf. A-Physiochem. Eng. Asp., 222, 141-145 (2003).

M. Manconi, D. Valenti, C. Sinico, F. Lai, G. Loy, A.M. Fadda. Niosomes as carriers for tretinoin II. Influence of vesicular incorporation on tretinoin photostability. Int. J. Pharm., 260, 261-272 (2003).

F. Lai, D Valenti, C. Sinico, M. Manconi, J. Blanco Mendez, A.M. Fadda. Phospholipid vesicles as carriers in aquaculture: preparation and stability study of thiamine hydrochloride-loaded liposomes. Current Drug Delivey, 1, 145-151 (2004).

C. Sinico, A. De Logu, F. Lai, D. Valenti, M. Manconi, G. Loi, L. Bonsignore, A.M. Fadda. Liposomal incorporation of artemisia arborescens essential oil and in vitro antiviral activity. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 59, 161-168 (2005).

C. Sinico, M. Manconi, M. Peppi, D. Valenti, F. Lai, A.M. Fadda. Liposomes as carriers for dermal delivery of tretinoin: in vitro evaluation of drug permeation and vesicle-skin interaction. J. Control. Release, 103, 123-136 (2005).

M. Manconi, J. Aparicio, D. Seyler, A.O. Vila, J. Figueruelo, F. Molina. Effect of several electrolytes on the rheopectic behaviour of concentrated soy lecithin dispersions. Colloids Surf. A-Physiochem. Eng. Asp., 270-271, 102-106 (2005).

M. Manconi, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda, A.O. Vila, J. Figueruelo, F. Molina. Thermodynamical aspects regarding the formation of self-assembly decylpolyglucoside structures. Colloids Surf. A-Physiochem. Eng. Asp., 270-271, 124-128 (2005).

C. Sinico, D. Valenti, M. Manconi, F. Lai, A.M. Fadda. Cutaneous delivery of 8-methoxypsoralen from liposomal and niosomal carriers. J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Tech., 16, 115-120 (2006).

M. Manconi, A.O. Vila, C. Sinico, J. Figueruelo, F. Molina, A.M. Fadda. Theoretical and experimental evaluation of decypolyglucoside vesicles as potential drug delivery systems. J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Tech., 16, 141-146 (2006).

M. Manconi, D. Valenti, C. Sinico, F. Lai, A.M. Fadda. Niosomes as carriers for tretinoin III. A study into the cutaneous delivery of tretinoin-loaded vesicles. Int. J. Pharm., 311, 11-19 (2006).

S. Mura, F. Pirot, M. Manconi, F. Falson, A.M. Fadda. Liposomes and niosomes as potential carriers for dermal delivery of minoxidil. J. Drug Targeting, 15, 101-108 (2007).

M. Manconi, R. Isola, A.M. Falchi, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda. Intracellular distribution of fluorescent probes delivered by vesicles of different lipidic composition. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 57, 143-151 (2007).

F. Lai, G. Loy, M.L Manca, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda. Artemisia arborescens L. Essential oil loaded beads: preparation and characterization. AAPS pharmscitech, 8, E67 (2007).

C. Caddeo, M. Manconi, E. Pini, D. Valenti, C. Sinico. Photostability and solubility improvement of beta-cyclodextrin-included tretinoin. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem., 59, 293-300 (2007).

S. Mura, M. Manconi, S. Madrigal-Carballo, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda A.O. Vila, F. Molina. Composite soy lecithin-decylpolyglucoside vesicles: a theoretical and experimental study. Colloids Surf. A-Physiochem. Eng. Asp., 323, 175-179 (2008).

S. Madrigal-Carballo, M. Manconi, S. Mura, A.O. Vila, F. Molina. An approach to viscoelastic and electrokinetic behaviour of lipidic vesicles covered with chitosan biopolymer. Colloids Surf. A-Physiochem. Eng. Asp., 323, 149-154 (2008).

M. Manconi, F. Marongiu, G. Ennas, A. Scano, C. Sinico, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda. Liposomes for (trans)dermal delivery of tretinoin: influence of drug concentration and vesicle composition. J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Tech., 18, 309-313 (2008).

M. Manconi, J. Pendás, N. Ledón, T. Moreira, C. Sinico, L. Saso, A.M. Fadda. Phycocyanin liposomes for topical anti-inflammatory activity: in-vitro in-vivo studies. J. Pharm. Pharm., 61, 423-430 (2009).

M. Manconi, S. Mura, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda, A.O. Vila, F. Molina. Development and characterization of liposomes containing glycols as carriers for diclofenac. Colloids Surf. A-Physiochem. Eng. Asp., 342, 53-58 (2009).

S. Mura, M. Manconi, C. Sinico, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda. Penetration enhancer-containing vesicles (PEVs) as carriers for cutaneous delivery of minoxidil. Int. J. Pharm., 380, 72-79 (2009).

A. González-Paredes, M. Manconi, C. Caddeo, A. Ramos-Cormenzana, M. Monteoliva-Sánchez, A.M. Fadda. Archaeosomes as carriers for topical delivery of betamethasone dipropionate: in vitro skin permeation study. J. Liposome Res., 2, 269–276 (2010).

M. Manconi, S. Mura, M.L. Manca, A.M. Fadda, M. Dolz, M.J. Hernandez, A. Casanovas, O. Diez-Sales. Chitosomes as drug delivery systems for c-phycocyanin: preparation and characterization. Int. J. Pharm., 392, 92-100 (2010).

S. Mura, M. Manconi, D. Valenti, C. Sinico, A.O. Vila, A.M. Fadda. Transcutol containing vesicles for topical delivery of minoxidil. J. Drug Targeting, 19, 189-196 (2011).

M. Manconi, C. Caddeo, C. Sinico, D. Valenti, M.C. Mostallino, G. Biggio, A.M. Fadda. Ex vivo skin delivery of diclofenac by transcutol containing liposomes and suggested mechanism of vesicle–skin interaction. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 78, 27-35 (2011).

C. Mura, M. Manconi, D. Valenti, M.L. Manca, O. Díez-Sales, G. Loy, A.M. Fadda. In vitro study of n-succinyl chitosan for targeted delivery of 5-aminosalicylic acid to colon. Carbohyd. Polym., 85, 578-583 (2011).

M. Manconi, C. Sinico, C. Caddeo, A.O. Vila, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda. Penetration enhancer containing vesicles as carriers for dermal delivery of tretinoin. Int. J. Pharm., 412, 37-46 (2011).

C. Mura, A. Nácher, V. Merino, M. Merino-Sanjuan, C. Carda, A. Ruiz, M. Manconi, G. Loy, A.M. Fadda, O. Díez-Sales. N-succinyl-chitosan systems for 5-aminosalicylic acid colon delivery: in vivo study with TNBS-induced colitis model in rats. Int. J. Pharm., 416, 145-154 (2011).

M. Chessa, C. Caddeo, D. Valenti, M. Manconi, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda. Effect of penetration enhancer containing vesicles on the percutaneous delivery of quercetin through new born pig skin. Pharmaceutics, 3, 497-509 (2011).

M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, D. Valenti, F. Lai, G. Loy, P. Matricardi, A.M. Fadda. Liposomes coated with chitosan-xanthan gum (chitosomes) as potential carriers for pulmonary delivery of rifampicin. J. Pharm. Sci., 101, 566-75 (2012).

C. Mura, A. Nácher, V. Merino, M. Merino-Sanjuán, M. Manconi, G. Loy, A.M. Fadda, O. Díez-Sales. Design, characterization and in vitro evaluation of 5-aminosalicylic acid loaded n-succinyl-chitosan microparticles for colon specific delivery. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 94, 199-205 (2012).

R. Cassano, S. Trombino, T. Ferrarelli, M.V. Mauro, C. Giraldi, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda, N. Picci. Respirable rifampicin-based microspheres containing isoniazid for tuberculosis treatment. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part A, 100A, 536-542 (2012).

M. Manconi, C. Caddeo, C. Sinico, D. Valenti, M.C. Mostallino, S. Lampis, M. Monduzzi, A.M. Fadda. Penetration enhancer-containing vesicles: Composition dependence of structural features and skin penetration ability. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 82, 352-359 (2012).

C. Caddeo, M. Manconi, D. Valenti, A.M. Maccioni, A.M. Fadda, C. Sinico. The Role of Labrasol® in the Enhancement of the Cutaneous Bioavailability of Minoxidil in Phospholipid Vesicles. Research J. Pharm. and Tech., 5, 1563-1569 (2012).

M.L. Manca, C. Sinico, A.M. Maccioni, O. Díez-Sales, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Composition Influence on Pulmonary Delivery of Rifampicin Liposomes. Pharmaceutics, 4, 590-606 (2012).

M. Manconi, A. Nácher, V. Merino, M. Merino-Sanjuán, M.L. Manca, C. Mura, S. Mura, A.M. Fadda, O. Díez-Sales. Improving oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of liposomal metformin by glycerolphosphate-chitosan microcomplexation. AAPS PharmSciTech, 14, 485-496 (2013).

C. Caddeo, O. Díez-Sales, D. Valenti, A. Ruiz Saurì, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Inhibition of skin inflammation in mice by diclofenac in vesicular carriers: Liposomes, Ethosomes and PEVs. Int. J. Pharm., 443, 128-136 (2013).

D. Pando, C. Caddeo, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda, C. Pazos. Nanodesign of olein vesicles for the topical delivery of the antioxidant resveratrol. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 65, 1158-1167 (2013).

C. Caddeo, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda, F. Lai, S. Lampis, O. Diez Sales, C. Sinico. Nanocarriers for antioxidant resveratrol: formulation approach, vesicle self-assembly and stability evaluation. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 111, 327-332 (2013).

C. Caddeo, M. Chessa, A. Vassallo, R. Pons, O. Diez-Sales, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Extraction, purification and nanoformulation of natural phycocyanin (from Klamath algae) for dermal and deeper soft tissue delivery. J. Biomed. Nanotechnol., 9, 1929-1938 (2013).

S. Mura, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda, M.C. Sala, J. Perricci, E. Pini, C. Sinico. Penetration enhancer-containing vesicles (PEVs) as carriers for cutaneous delivery of minoxidil: in vitro evaluation of drug permeation by infrared spectroscopy. Pharm. Dev. Technol., 18, 1339-1345 (2013).

M.L. Manca, R. Cassano, D. Valenti, S. Trombino, T. Ferrarelli, N. Picci, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Isoniazid-gelatin conjugate microparticles containing rifampicin for the treatment of tuberculosis. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 65, 1302-1311 (2013).

M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, A.M. Falchi, I. Castangia, D. Valenti, S. Lampis, A.M. Fadda. Close-packed vesicles for diclofenac skin delivery and fibroblast targeting. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 111, 609-617 (2013).

M.L. Manca, M. Zaru, M. Manconi, F. Lai, D. Valenti, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda. Glycerosomes: A new tool for effective dermal and transdermal drug delivery. Int. J. Pharm., 455, 66-74 (2013).

I. Castangia, M.L. Manca, P. Matricardi, C. Sinico, S. Lampis, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Effect of diclofenac and glycol intercalation on structural assembly of phospholipid lamellar vesicles. Int. J. Pharm., 456, 1-9 (2013).

C. Caddeo, O. Díez-Sales, R. Pons, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Topical anti-inflammatory potential of quercetin in lipid-based nanosystems: in vivo and in vitro evaluation. Pharm. Res., 31, 959-968 (2014).

I. Castangia, A. Nacher, C. Caddeo, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda, O. Díez-Sales, A. Ruiz Saurì, M. Manconi. Fabrication of quercetin and curcumin bionanovesicles for the prevention and rapid regeneration of full-thickness skin defects on mice. Acta Biomater., 10, 1292–1300 (2014).

M.L. Manca, I. Castangia, P. Matricardi, S. Lampis, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Molecular arrangements and interconnected bilayer formation induced by alcohol or polyalcohol in phospholipid vesicles. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 117, 360-367 (2014).

F. Lai, E. Pini, F. Corrias, J. Perricci, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda, C. Sinico. Formulation strategy and evaluation of nanocrystal piroxicam orally disintegrating tablets manufacturing by freeze-drying. Int. J. Pharm., 1-2, 27-33 (2014).

C. Caddeo, A. Nácher, O. Diez-Sales, M. Merino-Sanjuan, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Chitosan-xanthan gum microparticle-based oral tablet for colon-targeted and sustained delivery of quercetin. J. Microencapsul., 31, 694-699 (2014).

M.L. Manca, D. Valenti, O. Díez-Sales, A. Nacher, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Fabrication of polyelectrolyte multilayered vesicles as inhalable dry powder for lung administration of rifampicin. Int. J. Pharm., 472, 102–109 (2014).

M.L. Manca, I. Castangia, C. Caddeo, D. Pando, E. Escribano, D. Valenti, S. Lampis, M. Zaru, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Improvement of quercetin protective effect against oxidative stress skin damages by incorporation in nanovesicles. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 123, 566-574 (2014).

M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, A. Nacher, C. Carbone, D. Valenti, A.M. Maccioni, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda. Development of novel diolein-niosomes for cutaneous delivery of tretinoin: Influence of formulation and in vitro assessment. Int. J. Pharm., 477, 176-189 (2014).

K. Moulaoui, C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, I. Castangia, D. Valenti, E. Escribano, D. Atmani, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Identification and nanoentrapment of polyphenolic phytocomplex from Fraxinus angustifolia: In vitro and in vivo wound healing potential. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 89, 179-188 (2015).

M.L. Manca, M. Zaru, G. Bacchetta, T. Biggio, N. Cappai, A. Cabras, M. Manconi, A.M. Falchi, A.M. Fadda. A new technological approach to improve the efficacy of a traditional herbal medicinal product in wound healing. Ind. Crop. Prod., 63, 71-78 (2015).

I. Castangia, A. Nácher, C. Caddeo, V. Merino, O. Díez-Sales, A. Catalán-Latorre, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Therapeutic efficacy of quercetin enzyme-responsive nanovesicles for the treatment of experimental colitis in rats. Acta Biomater., 13, 216-227 (2015).

C. Caddeo, D. Valenti, A. Nácher, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda. Exploring the co-loading of lidocaine chemical forms in surfactant/phospholipid vesicles for improved skin delivery. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 67, 909-917 (2015).

C Caddeo, M. Manconi, C. Sinico, D. Valenti, C. Celia, M. Monduzzi, A.M. Fadda. Penetration enhancer-containing vesicles: does the penetration enhancer structure affect topical drug delivery? Curr. Drug Targets, 16, 1407-1428 (2015).

I. Castangia, M.L. Manca, P. Matricardi, A. Nácher, X. Fernàndez Busquets, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Effects of ethanol and diclofenac on the organization of hydrogenated phosphatidylcholine bilayer vesicles and their ability as skin carriers. J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Med., 26, 1-9 (2015).

C. Caddeo, M. Manconi, M.C. Cardia, O. Díez-Sales, A.M. Fadda, C. Sinico. Investigating the interactions of resveratrol with phospholipid vesicle bilayer and the skin: NMR studies and confocal imaging. Int. J. Pharm., 484, 138-145 (2015).

I. Castangia, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, A. Maxia, S. Murgia, R. Pons, D. Demurtas, D. Pando, D. Falconieri, J.E. Peris, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Faceted phospholipid vesicles tailored for the delivery of Santolina insularis essential oil to the skin. Colloids Surf. B. Biointerfaces, 132, 185-193 (2015).

I. Castangia, C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, L. Casu, A. Catalan Latorre, O. Díez-Sales, A. Ruiz-Saurí, G. Bacchetta, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Delivery of liquorice extract by liposomes and hyalurosomes to protect the skin against oxidative stress injuries. Carbohyd. Polym., 134, 657-663 (2015).

M.L. Manca, I. Castangia, M. Zaru, A. Nacher, D. Valenti, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Development of curcumin loaded sodium hyaluronate immobilized vesicles (hyalurosomes) and their potential on skin inflammation and wound restoring. Biomaterials, 71, 100-109 (2015).

M.L. Manca, E.J. Peris, V. Melis, D. Valenti, M.C. Cardia, D. Lattuada, E. Escribano-Ferrer, A.M Fadda, M. Manconi. Nanoincorporation of curcumin in polymer-glycerosomes and evaluation of their in vitro-in vivo suitability as pulmonary delivery systems. RSC Adv., 5, 105149-105159 (2015).

C. Caddeo, O. Díez-Sales, R. Pons, C. Carbone, G. Ennas, G. Puglisi, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Cross-linked chitosan/liposome hybrid system for the intestinal delivery of quercetin. J. Colloid. Interf. Sci., 461, 69-78 (2016).

M.L. Manca, F. Marongiu, I. Castangia, A. Catalán-Latorre, C. Caddeo, G. Bacchetta, G. Ennas, M. Zaru, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Protective effect of grape extract phospholipid vesicles against oxidative stress skin damages. Ind. Crop, Prod., 83, 561-567 (2016).

I. Castangia, M.L. Manca, A. Catalán-Latorre, A.M. Maccioni, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Phycocyanin-encapsulating hyalurosomes as carrier for skin delivery and protection from oxidative stress damage. J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Med., 27, 75-80 (2016).

A.R. Bilia, M.C. Bergonzi, C. Guccione, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda, C. Sinico. Vesicles and micelles: Two versatile vectors for the delivery of natural products. J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Tec., 32, 241-255 (2016).

V. Melis, M.L. Manca, E. Bullita, E. Tamburini, I. Castangia, M.C. Cardia, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda, J.E. Peris, M. Manconi. Inhalable polymer-glycerosomes as safe and effective carriers for rifampicin delivery to the lungs. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 143, 301-308 (2016).

M.L. Manca, P. Matricardi, C. Cencetti, J.E. Peris, V. Melis, C. Carbone, E. Escribano, M. Zaru, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Combination of argan oil and phospholipids for the development of an effective liposome-like formulation able to improve skin hydration and allantoin dermal delivery. Int. J. Pharm., 1-2, 204-211 (2016).

M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, F. Marongiu, C. Caddeo, I. Castangia, G.L. Petretto, G. Pintore, G. Sarais, G. D'hallewin, M. Zaru, G. Bacchetta, A.M. Fadda. Chemical characterization of Citrus limon var. pompia and incorporation in phospholipid vesicles for skin delivery. Int. J. Pharm., 506, 449-457 (2016).

I. Castangia, M.L Manca, C. Caddeo, G. Bacchetta, R. Pons, D. Demurtas, O. Diez-Sales, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Santosomes as natural and efficient carriers for the improvement of phycocyanin reepithelising ability in vitro and in vivo. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 103, 149-158 (2016).

A. Catalán-Latorre, M. Ravaghi, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, F. Marongiu, G. Ennas, E. Escribano-Ferrer, J.E. Peris, O. Diez-Sales, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Freeze-dried eudragit-hyaluronan multicompartment liposomes to improve the intestinal bioavailability of curcumin. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 107, 49-55 (2016).

S. Mir-Palomo, A. Nacher, O. Diez-Sales, A.O. Vila-Buso, C. Caddeo, M.L Manca, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda, A. Ruiz-Sauri. Inhibition of skin inflammation by baicalin ultradeformable vesicles. Int. J. Pharm., 511, 23-29 (2016).

M.L. Manca, C. Cencetti, P. Matricardi, I. Castangia, M. Zaru, O. Diez-Sales, A. Nacher, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Glycerosomes: use of hydrogenated soy phosphatidylcholine mixture and its effect on vesicle features and diclofenac skin penetration. Int. J. Pharm., 511, 198-204 (2016).

M. Manconi, F. Marongiu, I. Castangia, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, C.I.G. Tuberoso, G. D'hallewin, G. Bacchetta, A.M. Fadda. Polymer-associated liposomes for the oral delivery of grape pomace extract. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 146, 910-917 (2016).

C. Caddeo, A. Nacher, A. Vassallo, M.F. Armentano, R. Pons, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, C. Carbone, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Effect of quercetin and resveratrol co-incorporated in liposomes against inflammatory/oxidative response associated with skin cancer. Int. J. Pharm., 513, 153-163 (2016).

I. Castangia, F. Marongiu, M.L. Manca, R. Pompei, F. Angius, A. Ardu, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi, G. Ennas. Combination of grape extract-silver nanoparticles and liposomes: A totally green approach. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci., 97, 62-69 (2017).

C. Caddeo, R. Pons, C. Carbone, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, M.C. Caedia, A.M. Maccioni, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Physico-chemical characterization of succinyl chitosan-stabilized liposomes for the oral co-delivery of quercetin and resveratrol. Carbohyd. Polym., 157, 1853-1861 (2017).

J. Vitonyte, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, D. Valenti, J.E. Peris, I. Usach, A. Nacher, M. Matos. G. Gutiérrez, G. Orrù, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Bifunctional viscous nanovesicles co-loaded with resveratrol and gallic acid for skin protection against microbial and oxidative injuries. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 114, 278-287 (2017).

C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, M. Matos, G. Gutierrez, O. Diez-Sales, J.E. Peris, I. Usach, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Functional response of novel bioprotective poloxamer-structured vesicles on inflamed skin. Nanomed.-Nanotechnol. Biol. Med. 13, 1127-1136 (2017).

M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, D. Valenti, E. Escribano, H. Hillareau, A.M. Fadda, E. Fattal.  Chitosan and hyaluronan coated liposomes for pulmonary administration of curcumin. Int. J. Pharm., 525, 203-210 (2017).

M. Manconi, F. Marongiu, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, G. Sarais, C. Cencetti, L. Pucci, V. Longo, G. Bacchetta, A.M. Fadda. Nanoincorporation of bioactive compounds from red grape pomaces: In vitro and ex vivo evaluation of antioxidant activity. Int. J. Pharm., 523, 159-166 (2017).

M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, M. Zaru, D. Valenti, J.E. Peris, P. Matricardi, A.M. Maccioni, A.M. Fadda. Glycerosomes: Investigation of role of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidycholine (DMPC) on the assembling and skin delivery performances. Int. J. Pharm., 532, 401-407 (2017).

C. Caddeo, L. Pucci, M. Gabriele, C. Carbone, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, D. Valenti, R. Pons, A. Vassallo, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Stability, biocompatibility and antioxidant activity of PEG-modified liposomes containing resveratrol. Int. J. Pharm., 538, 40-47 (2018).

M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, D. Valenti, C. Cencetti, O. Diez-Sales, A. Nacher, S. Mir-Palomo, M.C. Terencio, D. Demurtas, J.C. Gomez-Fernandez, F.J. Aranda, A.M. Fadda, P. Matricardi. Nanodesign of new self-assembling core-shell gellan-transfersomes loading baicalin and in vivo evaluation of repair response in skin. Nanomed.-Nanotechnol. Biol. Med. 14, 569-579 (2018).

A. Catalán-Latorre, M. Pleguezuelos-Villa, I. Castangia, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, A. Nácher, O. Díez-Sales, J. Esteban Peris, R. Pons, E. Escribano-Ferrer, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Nutriosomes: prebiotic delivery systems combining phospholipids, a soluble dextrin and curcumin to counteract intestinal oxidative stress and inflammation. Nanoscale, 10, 1957-1969 (2018).

M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, C. Cencetti, C. di Meo, N. Zoratto, A. Nacher, A.M. Fadda, P. Matricardi. Preparation of gellan-cholesterol nanohydrogels embedding baicalin and evaluation of their wound healing activity. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 127, 244-249 (2018).

E. Martí Coma-Cros, A. Biosca, E. Lantero, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, L. Gutiérrez, M. Ramírez, L.N. Borgheti-Cardoso, M. Manconi, X. Fernàndez-Busquets. Antimalarial activity of orally administered curcumin incorporated in Eudragit®-containing liposomes. Internt. J. Molecul. Sci., 19, 1361 (2018).

M. Manconi, G. Petretto, G. D’hallewin, E. Escribano, E. Milia, R. Pinna, A. Palmieri, M. Firoznezhad, J.E. Peris, I. Usach, A.M. Fadda, C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca. Thymus essential oil extraction, characterization and incorporation in phospholipid vesicles for the antioxidant/antibacterial treatment of oral cavity diseases. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 171, 115-122 (2018).

C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, J.E. Peris, I. Usach, O. Diez-Sales, M. Matos, X. Fernàndez-Busquet, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Tocopherol-loaded transfersomes: In vitro antioxidant activity and efficacy in skin regeneration. Int. J. Pharm., 551, 34-41 (2018).

A. Scano, F. Ebau, M.L. Manca, V. Cabras, F.C. Marincola, M. Manconi, M. Pilloni, A.M. Fadda, G. Ennas. Novel drug delivery systems for natural extracts: The case study of Vitis Vinifera extract-SiO2 nanocomposites. Int. J. Pharm., 551, 84-96 (2018).

M. Rezvani, J. Hesari, S.H. Peighambardoust, M. Manconi, H. Hamishehkar. Development and Characterization of Nanostructured Pharmacosomal Mesophases: An Innovative Delivery System for Bioactive Peptides. Adv. Pharm. Bull., 8, 609-615 (2018).

M.L. Manca, S. Mir-Palomo, C. Caddeo, A. Nacher, O. Díez-Sales, J.E. Peris, J.L. Pedraz, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Sorbitol-penetration enhancer containing vesicles loaded with baicalin for the protection and regeneration of skin injured by oxidative stress and UV radiation. Int. J. Pharm., 555, 175-183 (2019).

A. Maccioni, A. Santo, D. Falconieri, A. Piras, M. Manconi, A. Maxia, G. Bacchetta. Inhibitory effect of rosemary essential oil, loaded in liposomes, on seed germination of acacia saligna, an invasive species in mediterranean ecosystems. Botany, 97, 238-291 (2019).

M.L. Manca, M. Firoznezhad, C. Caddeo, F. Marongiu, E. Escribano-Ferrer, G. Sarais, J.E. Peris, I. Usach, M. Zaru, M. Manconi, A.M. Fadda. Phytocomplexes extracted from grape seeds and stalks delivered in phospholipid vesicles tailored for the treatment of skin damages. Ind. Crop, Prod., 128, 471-478 (2019).

M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, E. Escribano-Ferrer, E.M. Coma-Cros, A. Biosca, E. Lantero, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, A.M. Fadda, C. Caddeo. Nanoformulation of curcumin loaded eudragit-nutriosomes to counteract malaria infection by a dual strategy: improving antioxidant intestinal activity and systemic efficacy. Int. J. Pharm., 556, 82-88 (2019).

S. Mir-Palomo, A. Nácher, A.O. Vila Busó, C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, O. Díez-Sales. Baicalin and berberine ultradeformable vesicles as potential adjuvant in vitiligo therapy. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 175, 654-662 (2019).

M. Rezvani, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, E. Escribano-Ferrer, C. Carbone, J. Esteban Peris, I. Usach, O. Diez-Sales, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Co-Loading of Ascorbic Acid and Tocopherol in Eudragit-Nutriosomes to Counteract Intestinal Oxidative Stress. Phamaceutics, 11, 13 (2019).

M.L. Manca, D. Lattuada, D. Valenti, O. Marelli, C. Corradini, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, M. Zaru, A.M. Maccioni, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Potential therapeutic effect of curcumin loaded hyalurosomes against inflammatory and oxidative processes involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis: The use of fibroblast-like synovial cells cultured in synovial fluid. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 136, 84-92 (2019).

C. Caddeo, M. Gabriele, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda, L. Pucci, M. Manconi. Antioxidant activity of quercetin in Eudragit-coated liposomes for intestinal delivery. Int. J. Pharm., 565, 64-69 (2019).

R. Pinna, E. Filigheddu, C. Juliano, A. Palmieri, M. Manconi, G. D’hallewin, G. Petretto, M. Maioli, C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, G. Solinas, A. Bortone, V. Campanella, E. Milia. Antimicrobial Effect of Thymus capitatus and Citrus limon var. pompia as Raw Extracts and Nanovesicles. Phamaceutics, 11, 234 (2019).

M. Rezvania, J. Hesaria, S.H. Peighambardoust, M. Manconi, H. Hamishehkar, E. Escribano-Ferrer. Potential application of nanovesicles (niosomes and liposomes) for fortification of functional beverages with Isoleucine-Proline-Proline: A comparative study with central composite design approach. Food Chem., 293, 368-377 (2019).

M.L. Manca, I. Usach, J.E. Peris, A. Ibba, G. Orrù, D.Valenti, E. Escribano-Ferrer, J.C. Gomez-Fernandez, F.J. Aranda , A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Optimization of Innovative Three-Dimensionally-Structured Hybrid Vesicles to Improve the Cutaneous Delivery of Clotrimazole for the Treatment of Topical Candidiasis. Phamaceutics, 11, 263 (2019).

E. Grotz, N.L. Tateosianf, J. Salgueiro, E. Bernabeu, L. Gonzalez, M.L. Manca, N. Amiano, D. Valenti, M. Manconi, V. García, M. Moretton, D.A. Chiappetta. Pulmonary delivery of rifampicin-loaded soluplus micelles against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Tec., 53, 101170 (2019).

M. Manconi, C. Caddeo, A. Nacher, O. Diez-Sales, J. Esteban Peris, E. Escribano Ferrer, A.M Fadda, M.L. Manca. Eco-scalable baicalin loaded vesicles developed by combining phospholipid with ethanol, glycerol, and propylene glycol to enhance skin permeation and protection. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 184, 110504 (2019).

I. Usach, E. Margarucci, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, M. Aroffu, G.L. Petretto, M. Manconi, J.E. Peris Comparison Between Citral and Pompia Essential Oil Loaded in Phospholipid Vesicles for the Treatment of Skin and Mucosal Infections. Nanomaterials, 10, 286-297 (2020).

M. Porceddu, M. Sanna, M. Serra, M. Manconi, G. Bacchetta. Seed germination requirements of hypericum scruglii, an endangered medicinal plant species of Sardinia (Italy). Botany, 98, 615-621 (2020).

M. Pleguezuelos-Villa, O. Diez-Sales, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, A. Ruiz Sauri, E. Escribano-Ferrer, A. Nácher. Mangiferin glycethosomes as a new potential adjuvant for the treatment of psoriasis. Int. J. Pharm., 573, 118844 (2020).

F.J. Leyva-Jiménez, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, C. Caddeo, J.A. Vázquez, J. Lozano-Sánchez, E. Escribano-Ferrer, D. Arráez-Román, A. Segura-Carretero. Incorporation of Lippia citriodora Microwave Extract into Total-Green Biogelatin-Phospholipid Vesicles to Improve Its Antioxidant Activity. Nanomaterials, 10, 765-777 (2020).

F. Lai, C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, C. Sinico, A.M. Fadda. What's new in the field of phospholipid vesicular nanocarriers for skin drug delivery. Int. J. Pharm., 583, 119398 (2020).

M. Manconi, C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, A. M. Fadda. Oral delivery of natural compounds by phospholipid vesicles. Nanomedicine, 10, 1795-1803 (2020).

S. Mir-Palomo, A. Nácher, A.O. Vila-Busó, C. Caddeo, M.L. Manca, A. Ruiz Saurí, E. Escribano-Ferrer, M. Manconi, O. Díez-Sales. Co-loading of finasteride and baicalin in phospholipid vesicles tailored for the treatment of hair disorders. Nanoscale, 12, 16143 (2020).

L. Palmas, M. Aroffu, G. Petretto, E. Escribano-Ferrer, O. Diez-Sales, I. Usach, J.E. Peris, F.  Marongiu, M. Ghavam, S. Fais, G. Orrù, R. Abi Rached, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. Entrapment of Citrus limon var. pompia essential oil or pure citral in liposomes tailored as mouthwash for the treatment of oral cavity diseases. Pharmaceuticals, 13, 216 (2020).

M. Allaw, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, M.C. Recio, V. Pe?rez-Brocal, A. Moya, X. Ferna?ndez-Busquet, M. Manconi. Advanced strategy to exploit wine-making waste by manufacturing antioxidant and prebiotic fibre-enriched vesicles for intestinal health. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 193, 111146 (2020).

M. Allaw, M. Pleguezuelos-Villa, M.L. Manca, C. Caddeo, M. Aroffu, A. Nacher, O. Diez-Sales, A. Ruiz Saur? ?, E. Escribano Ferrer, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. Innovative strategies to treat skin wounds with mangiferin: fabrication of transfersomes modified with glycols and mucin. Nanomedicine, 15, 1671-1685 (2020).

M.L. Manca, E. Casula, F. Marongiu, G. Bacchetta, G. Sarais, M. Zaru, E. Escribano?Ferrer, J.E.Peris, I. Usach, S. Fais, A. Scano, G. Orrù, R.G. Maroun, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. From waste to health: sustainable exploitation of grape pomace seed extract to manufacture antioxidant, regenerative and prebiotic nanovesicles within circular economy. Sci Rep., 10, 14184 (2020).

M. Ghavam, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, G. Bacchetta. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils obtained from leaves and flowers of Salvia hydrangea DC. ex Benth. Sci Rep., 10, 16647 (2020).

M. Allaw, M. Manconi, M. Aroffu, F.a Marongiu, M. Porceddu, G. Bacchetta, I. Usach, R. Abi Rached, H. N. Rajha, R. G. Maroun, J. L. Pedraz, T. B. Lopez-Mendez, A. M. Fadda, M. L. Manca. Extraction, Characterization and Incorporation of Hypericum scruglii Extract in Ad Hoc Formulated Phospholipid Vesicles Designed for the Treatment of Skin Diseases Connected with Oxidative Stress. Phamaceutics, 12, 1010 (2020).

F.J. Leyva-Jiménez, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, C. Caddeo, J.A. Vázquez, C. Carbone, J. Lozano-Sánchez, D. Arráez-Román, A. Segura-Carretero. Development of advanced phospholipid vesicles loaded with Lippia citriodora pressurized liquid extract for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Food Chem., 337, 127746 (2021).

Kalcev, G. Testa, M. Manconi, G. Finco, M.G. Carta. Hypericum scruglii Bacch., Brullo & Salmeri, a potential natural remedy for fibromyalgia: A narrative review. Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem., 11, 9928–9938 (2021).

 C. Caddeo, M. Gabriele, A. Nacher, X. Ferna?ndez-Busquet, D. Valenti, A.M. Fadda, L. Pucci, M. Manconi. Resveratrol and artemisinin eudragit-coated liposomes: a strategy to tackle intestinal tumors. Int. J. Pharm., 583, 120083 (2020).

M. Ghavama, M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, G. Bacchetta. Extraction of essential oil from Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. (Lamiaceae), identification of two active compounds and evaluation of the antimicrobial properties. J. Ethnopharmacol., 267, 113513 (2021).

M.L. Manca, M. Ferraro, E. Pace, S. Di Vincenzo, D. Valenti, X. Fernàndez-Busquets, C.A. Peptu, M. Manconi. Loading of Beclomethasone in Liposomes and Hyalurosomes Improved with Mucin as Effective Approach to Counteract the Oxidative Stress Generated by Cigarette Smoke Extract. Nanomaterials, 10, 850-863 (2021).

M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, F. Marongiu, M. Allaw, I. Usach, J.E. Peris, E. Escribano-Ferrer, C.I.G Tuberoso, G. Gutiérrez, M. Matos, M. Ghavam. Formulation of neem oil loaded phospholipid vesicles modified with argan oil as a strategy to protect the skin from oxidative stress and promote wound healing. Antioxidants, 10, 670 (2021).

E. Casula, M.L. Manca, J.L. Pedraz, T. B. López-Méndez, A. Lozano, E. Calvo, M. Zaru, M. Manconi. Nasal spray formulations based on combined hyalurosomes and glycerosomes loading Zingiber officinalis extract as green and natural strategy for the treatment of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis. Antioxidants,10, 1109 (2021).

M. Perra, J. Lozano-Sanchez, F.J. Leyva-Jimenez, A. Segura-Carretero, J.L. Pedraz, G. Bacchetta, A. Muntoni, G. De Gioannis, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. Extraction of the antioxidant phytocomplex from wine-making by-products and sustainable loading in phospholipid vesicles specifically tailored for skin protection. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 142 111959 (2021).

C. Quispe, N. Cruz-Martins, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, O. Sytar, N. Hudz, M. Shanaida, M. Kumar, Y. Taheri, M. Martorell, J. Sharifi-Rad, G. Pintus, W.C. Cho. Nanoderived Therapeutic Formulations with Curcumin in Inflammation-Related Diseases. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 3149223 (2021).

M. Allaw, M.L. Manca, J.C. Gomez-Fernandez, J.L. Pedraz, M.C. Terencio, O. Diez Sales, A. Nacher, M. Manconi. Oleuropein multicompartment nanovesicles enriched with collagen as a natural strategy for the treatment of skin wounds connected with oxidative stress. Nanomedicine, 0197 (2021).

M. Allaw, M. Manconi, P. Caboni, G. Bacchetta, E. Escribano-Ferrer, J.E. Peris, A. Nacher, O. Diez-Sales, M.L. Manca. Formulation of liposomes loading lentisk oil to ameliorate topical delivery, attenuate oxidative stress damage and improve cell migration in scratch assay. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 144, 112351 (2021).

E. Casula, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. An integrative review on the uses of plant-derived bioactives formulated in conventional and innovative dosage forms for the local treatment of damaged nasal cavity. Int. J. Pharm., 610, 121229 (2021).

E. Casula, M. Manconi, J.A. Vázquez, T. Belen Lopez-Mendez, J.L. Pedra., E. Calvo, A. Lozano, M. Zaru, A. Ascenso, M.L Manca. Design of a Nasal Spray Based on Cardiospermum halicacabum Extract Loaded in Phospholipid Vesicles Enriched with Gelatin or Chondroitin Sulfate. Molecules, 26, 6670 (2021).

I. Castangia, M.L. Manca. M. Allaw, J. Hellstrom, D. Granato D., M. Manconi. Jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba) Peel as a Sustainable Source of Anthocyanins and Ellagitannins Delivered by Phospholipid Vesicles for Alleviating Oxidative Stress inHuman Keratinocytes. Molecules, 26, 6697 (2021).

I. Hoss, H. N. Rajha, R. El Khoury, S. Youssef, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, N. Louka, R. Maroun. Valorization of Wine?Making By?Products’ Extracts in Cosmetics. Cosmetics 8, 109 (2021).

E. Casula, M. Manconi, T. Belen Lopez-Mendez, J. L. Pedraz, E. Calvo, A. Lozano, M. Zaru, I. Castangia I., G. Orrù, S. Fais, M.L. Manca. Complementary effect of Zingiber officinalis extract and citral in counteracting non allergic nasal congestion by simultaneous loading in ad hoc formulated phospholipid vesicles. Colloids Surf. B-Biointerfaces, 209, 112170 (2022).

M. Allaw, M.L. Manca, I. Castangia, M.  Manconi. From plants to phospholipid vesicles: A comprehensive review on the incorporation of phytochemicals into phospholipid vesicles designed for skin applications with special focus on scalability and in vitro and in vivo efficacy. J. Drug Delivery Sci.Tech. 67, 103049 (2022).

M. Rezvani, M.L. Manca, A. Muntoni, G. De Gioannis, J.L.Pedraz, G. Gutierrez, M. Matos, A.M. Fadda, M. Manconi. From process effluents to intestinal health promotion: Developing biopolymer-whey liposomes loaded with gingerol to heal intestinal wounds and neutralize oxidative stress. Int. J. Pharm., 613, 121389 (2022).

I. Castangia, M.L. Manca, S.H. Razavi, A. Nácher, O. Díez-Sales, J.E. Peris, M. Allaw, M.C. Terencio, I. Usach, M. Manconi. Canthaxanthin Biofabrication, Loading in Green Phospholipid Vesicles and Evaluation of In Vitro Protection of Cells and Promotion of Their Monolayer Regeneration. Biomedicines, 10, 157 (2022).

I. Castangia, M. Manconi, M. Allaw, M. Perra, G. Orrù, S. Fais, A. Scano, E. Escribano-Ferrer, M. Ghavam, M. Rezvani, M.L. Manca. Mouthwash formulation co-delivering quercetin and mint oil in liposomes improved with glycerol and ethanol and tailored for protecting and tackling oral cavity. Antioxidants, 11, 367 (2022).

M. Perra, L. Fancello, I. Castangia, M. Allaw, E. Escribano-Ferrer, J.E. Peris, I. Usach, M.L. Manca, I.K. Koycheva, M.I. Georgiev, M. Manconi. Formulation and Testing of Antioxidant and Protective Effect of Hyalurosomes Loading Extract Rich in Rosmarinic Acid Biotechnologically Produced from Lavandula angustifolia Miller. Molecules 27, 2423 (2022).

Y. Salem, H.N. Rajha, D. Franjieh, I. Hoss, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, I. Castangia, M. Perra, R.G. Maroun, N. Louka. Stability and Antioxidant Activity of Hydro-Glyceric Extracts Obtained from Different Grape Seed Varieties Incorporated in Cosmetic Creams. Antioxidants, 11, 1348 (2022).

M. Perra, M.L. Manca, C.I.G. Tuberoso, C. Caddeo, F. Marongiu, J.E. Peris, G. Orrù, A. Ibba, X. Fernandez-Busquets, S. Fattouch, G. Bacchetta, M. Manconi. A green and cost-effective approach for the efficient conversion of grape byproducts into innovative delivery systems tailored to ensure intestinal protection and gut microbiota fortification. Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 80, 103103 (2022).

P. Parekh, M. Serra, M. Allaw, M. Perra, J. Marongiu, G. Tolle, A. Pinna, M.A. Casu, M. Manconi, P. Caboni, O.J.J. Manzoni, M. Morelli. Characterization of Nasco grape pomace-loaded nutriosomes and their neuroprotective effects in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Front. Pharmacol. 935784 (2022).

M.G. Carta, G. Orrù, A. Peracchia, M. Manconi, L. Saba. Differences in lethality and diffusion of Covid-19 in countries using different kinds of vaccines. Journal of Public Health Researchthis link is disabled, 11 (2022).

M. Firoznezhad, I. Castangia, C.I.G. Tueberoso, F. Cottiglia, F. Marongiu, M. Porceddu, I. Usach, E. Escriano-Ferrer, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. Formulation and In Vitro Efficacy Assessment of Teucrium marum Extract Loading Hyalurosomes Enriched with Tween 80 and Glycerol. Nanometerials 12, 1096 (2022).

M.Perra, A. Cuena-Lombraña, G. Bacchetta, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, R.G. Maroun, A. Muntoni, C.I.G. Tuberoso, K.A. Gil, G. De Gioannis. Combining Different Approaches for Grape Pomace Valorization: Polyphenols Extraction and Composting of the Exhausted Biomass. Sustainability, 14, 10690 (2022).

Y. Salem, H.N. Rajha, D. Franjieh, I. Hoss, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, I. Castangia, M. Perra, R.G. Maroun, N. Louka. Multi-Step Biomass Fractionation of Grape Seeds from Pomace, a Zero-Waste Approach. Plants, 11, 2831 (2022).

M. Perra, G. Bacchetta, A. Muntoni, G. De Gioannis, I. Castangia, H.N. Rajha, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. An outlook on modern and sustainable approaches to the management of grape pomace by integrating green processes, biotechnologies and advanced biomedical approaches. J Funct. Foods, 98, 105276 (2022).

M. Manconi, M. Rezvani, M.L. Manca, E. Escribano-Ferrer, S. Fais, G. Orrù, T. Lammers, F. Asunis, A. Muntoni, D. Spiga, G. De Gioannis. Bridging biotechnology and nanomedicine to produce biogreen whey-nanovesicles for intestinal health promotion. Int. J. Pharm., 633, 122631 (2023).

M. Firoznezhad, R. Abi-Rached, F. Fulgheri, M. Aroffu, F.-J. Leyva-Jimenez, M. L. Cadiz Gurrea, M.C. Meloni, F. Corrias, E. Escribano-Ferrer, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. Design and in vitro effectiveness evaluation of Echium amoenum extract loaded in bioadhesive phospholipid vesicles tailored for mucosal delivery. Int. J. Pharm., 633, 122650 (2023).

F. Ebau, A. Scano, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, V. Cabras, M. Pilloni, G. Ennas. Centella asiatica extract-SiO2 nanocomposite: More than a drug-delivery system for skin protection from oxidative damage. J Biomed Mater Res., 1–9 (2023).

R. Sklenarova, M. Allaw, M. Perra, I. Castangia, J. Frankova, J.L. Pedraz, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. Co-delivering of oleuropein and lentisk oil in phospholipid vesicles as an effective approach to modulate oxidative stress, cytokine secretion and promote skin regeneration. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 185, 126-136 (2023).

M. Perra, F.J. Leyva-Jiménez, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, H.N. Rajha, I. Borrás-Linares, A. Segura-Carretero, J. Lozano-Sánchez. Application of pressurized liquid extraction to grape by-products as a circular economy model to provide phenolic compounds enriched ingredient. J. Clean. Prod, 402, 13672, 2023.

L. Román-Álamo, M. Allaw, Y. Avalos-Padilla, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi, F. Fulgheri, J. Fernández-Lajo, L. Rivas L., J.A. Vázquez, J.E. Peris, X. Roca-Geronès, S. Poonlaphdecha, M.M. Alcover, R. Fisa, C. Riera, X. Fernàndez-Busquets. In vitro evaluation of aerosol therapy with pentamidine loaded liposomes coated with chondroitin sulfate or heparin for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Pharmaceutics, 15, 1163, 2023.

I. Castangia, F. Fulgheri, F.J. Leyva-Jimenez, M.E. Alañón, M.L. Cádiz-Gurrea, F. Marongiu, M.C. Meloni, M. Aroffu, M. Perra, M. Allaw, R. Abi Rached, R. Oliver-Simancas, E. Escribano Ferrer, F. Asunis, M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. From Grape By-Products to Enriched Yogurt Containing Pomace Extract Loaded in Nanotechnological Nutriosomes Tailored for Promoting Gastro-Intestinal Wellness. Antioxidants, 12, 1285 (2023).

Y. Salem, H.N. Rajha, S. Sunoqrot, A.M. Hammad, I. Castangia, M. Manconi, M.L. Manca, D. Al Lababidi, J.A. Touma, R.G. Maroun, N. Louka. Exhausted Grape Seed Residues as a Valuable Source of Antioxidant Molecules for the Formulation of Biocompatible Cosmetic Scrubs. Molecules, 28, 5049 (2023).

F. Fulgheri, M. Aroffu, M. Ramírez, L. Roman-Alamo, J.E. Peris, I. Usach, A. Nacher, M. Manconi, X. Fernandez-Busquets, M.L. Manca. Curcumin or quercetin loaded nutriosomes as oral adjuvants for malaria infections. Int. J. Pharm., 643, 123195 (2023).

I. Castangia, F. Fulgheri, M. Perra, G. Bacchetta, L. Fancello, F. Corrias, I. Usach, J.E. Peris. M.L. Manca, M. Manconi. A Cocktail-Based Formula for the Design of Nanosized Cosmeceuticals as Skincare and Anti-Age Products. Nanomaterials, 13, 2485 (2023)

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