Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica, chimica e dei materiali


University studies Laurea in History, University of Pisa, (June 10 1993, summa cum laude).

PhD in History, European University Institute of Florence (PhD, 2  March 1998).

Ph.D. Thesis:     Il sistema bancario italiano all’estero e l’integrazione finanziaria internazionale dell’Italia negli anni tra le due guerre  [The Italian banking system abroad and Italy’s International financial integration in the inter-war period] under the supervision of  Professors Jaime Reis, Alan S. Milward (internal supervisors), Peter Hertner and Franco Bonelli (external supervisors).

Other courses: PhD research training of the European Graduate School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research (ESTER) at the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Lisbon, September 29 – October 3, 1997).

Post-doc positions
Jean Monnet Fellowship at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Fiesole (2002)
Istituto italiano di scienze umane (now a department of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa) (2006)

Mother tongue:    Italian

Other languages: English (good), French (basic), Spanish (able to read).


Academic Positions

2019-2020  External professor of European Politics, Università Bocconi, Milano

2017 (since today)  Lecturer in Political Science (tenure), University of Cagliari, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering.

2017-2018  Professore aggregato/ Lecturer of International Relations (European Union Politics), University of Cagliari, Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Science.

2016           Professore aggregato/ Lecturer of Comparative Politics and Public Policies, University of Cagliari, Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Science.

2015           Sabbatical period

2011-2014    Professore aggregato/ Lecturer of Political Science and Public Policies, University of Cagliari, Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Science.

2011             Coordinator of the EU funded project Teaching European Union to Italian Teachers (TEUIT).

2010             Lecturer (tenure) in Political Science and Public Policies, University of Cagliari, Faculty of Political Science.

2006-2009   Lecturer (tenure) in Political Science, University of Cagliari, Faculty of Political Science.

2006-2008    Deputy coordinator of Transnational Network on Euroization and Democratization (TNED), a research network funded by the EU (Jean Monnet Action). 

2006              Visiting fellow at the University of Washington (Seattle) and Professor of European Political Organization (Università per Stranieri, Perugia)

2005              Guest Lecturer in European Political Economy (University of Bath, UK)

2004-2006     Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Istituto Italiano Scienze Umane (now Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore)

2003-2006     Professor of Politics of Economic Integration (Jean Monnet Module, University of Florence, Faculty of Political Science)

2002-2005      Professor of European History (Lorenzo de Medici Institute/ Fairfield University, Florence programme), Professor of Italian and European Politics (Rutgers University, Florence programme) 

2001-2002     Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Fiesole (FI)

2000-2001      Assistant professor in the History Department, University of Pisa 


Papers and Lectures Presented in Conferences and Workshops

2020    “Integrazione differenziata, deintegrazione o disintegrazione per l'Unione europea post-Covid?”[Differentiated integration, de-integration or disintegration for the post-COVID European Union?] paper presented at the International Conference International Relations and Area Studies: Focus on Western Balkans 4th-5th of December 2020, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2019 “Academic roundtable on the benefits, implications and critical aspects of the European Semester with a specific view to Italy: are the CSRs well-received?”, (conference The European Semester and the Euro Area Governance, Department of Economy and Management, University of Pisa 21-22 November 2019).

2018    “L’analisi delle scelte politiche: dall’approccio socio-politologico a quello politico-neurologico” [Political choices analysis: from the socio-political approach to the political-neurologic approach], paper presented at the conference Le scelte umane: tra libertà e condizionamenti, organised by the Fondazione BRF Onlus - Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica in Psichiatria e Neuroscienze [Brain Research Foundation: Institute for Scientific Research in Psychiatry and Neurosciences] (Lucca, 19 May 2018)

2017 ‘Time to say goodbye! The UK and the failure of the “malign neglect” strategy toward EU.’ paper presented at the conference The Political and Economic Consequences of Brexit for the EU and the UK organized by the Jean     Monnet Centre for Europe in the World, King’s College London (November 7 2017)

2016 “A Europe Apart? The EMU, the New Economic Governance, and the Future of European Integration” (“EU a la carte” conference organized by the Jean Monnet Action in Malmoe 19-21 June 2016)

            “EU External Policy and the Destabilization of the European post-Soviet area” (Annual conference of the Italian Standing Group on International Relations, Trento, 23-25 June 2016)

2015    Selected participant for the conference “A Changing Neighbourhood organized by the European Union (Jean Monnet Action and European External Service) in Tbilisi, 22-23 June 2015.

2014 “The Impact of the Euro Crisis on Responsiveness and Accountability” (with Stefano Rombi) (ECPR Standing Group on European Union, The Hague, Netherlands, 5-7 June 2014)

2010 “Tracing Interlocked Processes A methodological reflection on monetary integration, causality and Europeanisation” (international workshop Establishing Causality in Europeanization Research, University of Exeter, 22 - 23 February 2010)

2009 “Democracy halted in Bucharest. Limits and prospects for the democratization process in the ex-soviet new neighbours of the European Union”, (international workshop “South East and Eastern European Countries EU Accession Quandary”, (16-17 February 2009, University of Victoria, Canada)

 “Peripheral Democracy. International Pressures, Internal Dynamics and Democratization in European Former Soviet Countries” (International Political Science Association conference, Santiago, Chile, 12-16 July)

2007 “Explaining the Politics of Monetary Integration: an Economic History Approach” (2006-7 Luncheon Seminars, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Fiesole, Italy, January 30 2007)

“A Theory of the Making of European Monetary Integration” (Annual conference of the Political Science Association, University of Bath, UK, 11-13 April 2007)

“La scelta dell’allargamento ed il problema dell’integrazione monetaria dei paesi ex-comunisti” [The Enlargement choice and monetary integration of former communist countries] (9th Edition of the Banking – History International Symposium Oradea, Romania, 22-24 April 2007)

“Il processo di transizione democratica delle repubbliche ex-sovietiche europee e la politica di vicinato dell’Unione europea” [Democratic Transition in former soviet republics and EU neighborhood policy] (Annual conference of the Italian Political Science Association, Catania, 20-22 September 2007)

2005 “Italian Banks and the Economic Penetration Policy in Central-Eastern Europe” (International Symposium Labour, Money, Banks, Culture and Politics, Oradea, Romania, 22-24 April 2005)

2003 “Italy, Europe and the European Presidency of 2003: Expectations and facts”  Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced
Studies workshop, Fiesole, 8-December 2003)

2001 “The 1935 Currency Crises in Italy. League of Nations’ Sanctions, Balance of Payments Constraint and the Economic Policy of Fascist Italy in the late 1930s”, (Fourth European Historical Economics Society Conference - Merton College, Oxford, UK, 20-22 September 2001)

1998 “Italian International Banking, 1900-1950” (Economic History Society Conference, Leeds, UK, 3-5 April 1998).

1997 “Financing Italian Growth: Italian banks and the New York financial market in the inter-war period” (Economic and Business Historical Society annual meeting, Richmond, Virginia, USA, 24-26 April 1997).

         “The first phases of Italian banks’ expansion abroad: 1900-1931” (Canadian Conference on Economic History, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario, Canada, 4-6 May 1997).



Currently:  Research on the structural weaknesses of the European nation-state from state-building to European integration. Starting from the works of Rokkan, Tilly, Polanyi and Wallerstein the research aims to demonstrate that the European nation-state is unable to survive without integration as suggested by sovereigntists due to unsurmountable structural defects.

2018-2020  Research on anti-euro parties and the role of online politics in diffusing “fake-economics” and antieurism. Preliminary research on the EU policies for technological development and their impact on local growth, in particular for the aerospace sector and circular economy. Methodological emphasis is devoted to big data analytics and simulations. Preliminary research on Political Neuroscience topics.

2013-2018 Research on monetary integration, economic governance in EU, and democracy in Southern Europe. This research deals with the consequences of European monetary integration and EU monetary governance on democratic systems in Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain (the so-called PIIGS without Ireland or Southern PIGS) and the quality of democracy in these countries. The research had been funded by Sardinia’s local government (Regione Sardegna), the Italian Ministry of Research and University (MIUR) and the University of Cagliari.

2006-2012 Research on “Euroization and Democratization at the Eastern Borderline of the European Union”. The main research topic is the effectiveness of the EU’s economic attractiveness as a tool for democratization in the former Soviet republics now neighbours of the European Union. The research was funded in 2006 by the Jean Monnet Action as part of a project for building a Trans-National Network on the same topic.

2001-2006 Research at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (Fiesole, Italy) and the Italian Institute for Human Sciences (Florence, Italy). The main research topic is the history and politics of European monetary integration. A book was developed to evaluate the impact of the European common currency on European political integration. It investigates the extent to which the adoption of a single currency creates the conditions leading to, or blocking, the political integration of the European Union (EU). 

2000-2001 Research at the History Department of the Pisa University on the Budget Policy of the Local Administration since 1950. The research aims to evaluate the results of the budget policy of the Province of Pisa on the local economic and social structure. The topic has to be considered in the context of the whole history of local finance in Italy after World War II. The results of this research are two essays to be published in different books.

1999-2000 Research on the Italian economy during the fascist period, particularly the Italian currency policy.

1994-98 PhD studies on Italian banking network abroad during the first half of the XX century.


List of Main Publications

Monographs (author/editor):

A Europe Apart. History and Politics of European Monetary Integration, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2020

Crisi dell’euro e crisi dell’Europa. La nuova governance economica europea e il futuro dell’integrazione [Euro crisis and Europe crisis. The new European economic governance and the future of integration] Roma, Carocci, 2016.

 (ed.) L’Unione Europea. Manuale di diritto, politica e storia dell’Unione europea. [The European Union. Handbook of EU Law, Politics and History], Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2014.

(with Elena Baracani eds.) Alternatives to Democracy. Non-Democratic Regimes and the Limits to Democracy Diffusion in Eurasia, Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2013.

La democratizzazione tradita. Regimi ibridi e autoritarismi nei paesi ex-sovietici europei, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. [Betrayed Democratization. Hybrid Regimes and Authoritarianisms in European Former-Soviet Countries]

Building on Borrowed Bricks. Italian International Banking and Finance in the Inter-War Period, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2008.

L’Euro, ma non l’Europa. Integrazione monetaria ed integrazione politica, Bologna, il Mulino, 2007 [Euro but not Europe. Monetary Integration and Political Integration]

(ed.), Europeanisation and Democratisation. Institutional Adaptation, Conditionality and Democratization in European Union’s Neighbour Countries, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2005

(ed.), Le Politiche locali nella Provincia di Pisa. Crisi della finanza locale, europeizzazione e ridefinizione dei margini operativi di una provincia toscana, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2005 [Local Policies in the Province of Pisa]

Italy, Europe and the European Presidency of 2003, Etudes et recherches, Paris, Notre Europe 2003, preface by Jacques Delors (translated and published also in French and Italian).

Le banche italiane all'estero 1900-1950. espansione bancaria all’estero e integrazione finanziaria internazionale nell'Italia negli anni tra le due guerre, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2000 [Italian Banks Abroad 1900-1950].

Essays and Articles (in English):

“Fake News, Economic Ideologies and the Rise of Anti-Euro Parties”, in Gianluca Borzoni, Barbara Onnis, Christian Rossi (eds.), Beyond Fake News. Governments, Press and Disinformation through International History, Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 185-208.

“The Road to Brexit. European Integration, The UK, and the failure of the “Malign Neglect” Strategy Toward the EU”, in The Politics and Economics of Brexit, edited by Annette Bongardt, Leila Simona Talani, and Francisco Torres, Cheltenham Glos (UK), E. Elgar, pp. 38-55, 2020.

“Challenging the Euro: The politics of anti-Euro parties in Italy during the first Conte government”, Contemporary Italian Politics, DOI:10.1080/23248823.2020.1793073, Published online July 24 2020.

 “A Europe Apart? The EMU, the New Economic Governance and the Future of European Integration”, European Commission, EU à la carte?, proceedings of the Jean Monnet Seminar 2016, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016, pp. 21-26.

(with Elena Baracani) “The European Union and Non–Democratic Regimes’ Diffusion in Eastern Neighbourood”, in Elena Baracani and Roberto Di Quirico, Alternatives to Democracy. Non–Democratic Regimes and the Limits to Democracy Diffusion in Eurasia, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2013, p. 209-224

“The Russian Model”, in Elena Baracani and Roberto Di Quirico, Alternatives to Democracy. Non–Democratic Regimes and the Limits to Democracy Diffusion in Eurasia, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2013, p. 25-32

“The European Post-Soviet Area”, in Elena Baracani and Roberto Di Quirico, Alternatives to Democracy. Non–Democratic Regimes and the Limits to Democracy Diffusion in Eurasia, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2013, pp. 177-188

“The prospects for democratization in the European Union post-Soviet neighbours: An overview”, in Comparative European Politics, 2011 n. 9, pp. 432-447.

 “Italy and the Global Economic Crisis” in Bulletin of Italian Politics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2010, pp. 3-19 

 “External Economic Constraints and Democratization”, in Elena Baracani (ed.), Democratization and Hybrid Regimes. International Anchoring and Domestic Dynamics in European Post-Soviet States, Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2010, pp. 87-108

“The Roads from Maastricht. Exit, Voice or Loyalty in EMU?” in S. Baroncelli - C. Spagnolo - L.S. Talani (eds), Back to Maastricht: Obstacles to Constitutional Reform within the EU Treaty (1991-2007), Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, pp. 176-194

 The Limits of Loyalty. A Reflection on Historical Experiences of Exits from International Monetary Agreements, working paper, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 2002

“The 1935 Currency Crises in Italy. League of Nations’ Sanctions, Balance of Payments Constraint and the Economic Policy of Fascist Italy in the late 1930s”, in Long Term Changes in the European Economies, vol. 2, Leopard Press, Oxford, 2001, pp. 1-18.

 “Italy and the economic penetration policy in Central-Eastern Europe during the early first post-war period” in The Journal of European Economic History , n.2, 2001.

 “The first phase of Italian banks’ expansion abroad: 1900-1931” in Financial History Review, n. 1 1999.

 “Financing Italian Growth: Italian banks and the New York financial market in the inter-war period” in Essays in Economic and Business History, 1998.

Italian International Banking. 1900-1950, EUI working paper, 1998.

— (in Italian)

“Disintegrazione, de-integrazione, integrazione differenziata o allargamento per l’Unione Europea post-COVID 19?”, in Laura M. Herta and Adrian Corpadean (eds), International Relations and Area Studies: Focus on Western Balkans, Cluj, Presa Universitar? Clujean?, 2021, pp. 51-64.

“La storia dell’integrazione monetaria e dell’euro”, in R. Di Quirico (ed) (ed.) L’Unione europea. Manuale di diritto, politica e storia dell'Unione europea. [The European Union. Handbook of EU Law, Politics and History], Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2014, pp. 49-72.

“Le specificità dell’Unione europea”, in R. Di Quirico (ed) (ed.) L’Unione europea. Manuale di diritto, politica e storia dell'Unione europea.. [The European Union. Handbook of EU Law, Politics and History], Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2014, pp. 75-83.

“Le istituzioni europee ed il funzionamento dell’Unione europea”, in R. Di Quirico (ed) (ed.) L’Unione europea. Manuale di diritto, politica e storia dell'Unione europea. [The European Union. Handbook of EU Law, Politics and History], Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2014, pp. 85-98.

“Panoramica delle politiche europee”, in R. Di Quirico (ed) (ed.) L’Unione europea. Manuale di diritto, politica e storia dell'Unione europea. [The European Union. Handbook of EU Law, Politics and History], Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2014, pp. 113-123.

“La democrazia si è fermata a Bucarest. Limiti e prospettive del processo di democratizzazione nei paesi ex-sovietici nuovi vicini dell'Unione europea”, in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, vol. XL (2010), n. 1, pp. 59-81 [Democracy Halted in Bucharest. The Limits and Prospects for Democratisation in the European Union Post-Soviet  Neighbours].

 “Banche e banchieri italiani in Germania” in Gustavo Corni- Christof Dipper, Italiani in Germania. Migrazioni, contaminazioni, riflessi. XIX-XX secolo”, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, pp. 471-90 (also published in German as “Italienische Banken und Bankiers in Deutschland vor der Nationalen Einigung bis zur Europaischen Integration”,  In: (eds): Gustavo Corni and Christof Dipper, Italiener in Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. vol. 1, p. 391-406, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2012 [Italian Banks and Bankers in Germany].

 “I fondi strutturali tra centro e periferia” in Valeria Fargion - Leonardo Morlino – Stefania Profeti (eds) Europeizzazione e rappresentanza territoriale. Il Caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino,  2006, pp. 93-122 [Structural Funds Between Centre and Periphery].

“Le origini dell’area valutaria europea” in Rivista di Storia Economica, n.1, 2004, pp.39-63 [The Origins of the European Currency Area ].

“I bilanci della Provincia di Pisa. Alcuni spunti per una ricostruzione della storia dell’Ente”, in Elena Fasano Guarini (a cura di), La Provincia di Pisa (1865-1990); Bologna, Il Mulino 2004, pp. 459-498 [The Balance Sheet of the Province of Pisa ].

“La storia amministrativa e gli attuali assetti socio-economici del territorio della provincia di Pisa” Quaderni dell’Osservatorio, Provincia di Pisa, Pisa, 2001[The Administrative History and Current Social and Economical Aspects in the Province of Pisa ].

“La crisi valutaria del 1935 e la politica economica dell’Italia fascista ” in Passato e Presente, XIX (2001), n.53, pp. 69-94 [The Currency Crises of 1935 and the Economic Policy of Fascist Italy ].

“La Banca e la razza. Riflessioni sulle conseguenze del varo delle leggi razziali sull’attività delle banche italiane all’estero” in Ilaria Pavan – Guri Schwarz (a cura di), Gli ebrei in Italia tra persecuzione fascista e reintegrazione postbellica, Editrice La Giuntina, Firenze, 2001, pp.55-72. [The Bank and the Race. The Consequences of Italian Racial Laws on Italian Banks Abroad].

“Il sistema Comit. Le partecipazioni estere della Banca Commerciale Italiana tra il 1918 e il 1931” in Rivista di Storia Economica, n.2, 1995, pp. 175-217; [The Comit System. Foreign Branches and Affiliations  of the Banca Commerciale Italiana].

Research Projects Involvement

2002 History of the budget policy of Pisa Province (funded by the Provincia di Pisa)

2003  Europeanization in Southern Europe (funded by Italian Ministry for University and Research)

2004 Organization of the international conference Europeanisation and Democratization (funded by Jean Monnet Action, EU Commission)

2005 Democratization and institutional adaptation: the European Union activity towards new member states and prospective new members (financed by Italian Ministry for University and Research)

2006 Trans National Network on Euroisation and Democratisation (funded by Jean Monnet Action, EU Commission)

2007 Accountability, Europeanisation and democratic quality in the European Union (financed by Italian Ministry for University and Research)

2011  L’Europa di Lisbona e la crisi dei debiti sovrani. Nuovi strumenti giuridici e nuove strategie per la governance economica dell’Unione europea dopo l’entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona. [Eu after Lisbon and the     Sovereign Debt Crisis] (funded by the local government of Regione Sardegna)


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