Dipartimento di Scienze della vita e dell’ambiente
Personal Data
Pierluigi Caboni PhD
Dipartimento di Tossicologia
Via Ospedale 72 – 09124 Cagliari
Tel 070 675 8617 —- Fax 070 675 8612
Place of birth: Quartu Sant’Elena (CA), Italy
Date of birth: April 23, 1967
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Italian
1991- 1996
B.S. (Bachelor’s degree) in Chemistry, University of Cagliari, Italy. The last year experimental work was carried on the “Pseudo-humic substances obtained from urban waste” under the supervision of Prof. G. Alberti.
Analytical chemist position working on environmental pollution and waste management (industrial laboratory).
M.S. degree in Chemistry, University of Cagliari, Italy. Research on soil analysis and environmental pollution at the Department of Chemical Sciences under the supervision of Prof. G. Alberti.
PhD in Pathology and Environmental Toxicology, University of Cagliari, Italy. Thesis title “Naturally Occurring Pesticides”. The research project included the development of new analytical methods for the determination of pesticides (carried out at the University of Cagliari under the supervision of Prof. P. Cabras) and the study of the toxicology aspects (carried out at the University of California at Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. J. E. Casida).
Post-doc position at the University of California, Berkeley, in the Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. J.E. Casida.
The research activity was focused on drug metabolism and molecular toxicology.
2004 -Present
Assistant professor at the University of Cagliari, Italy, in the High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, Department of Toxicology. The research activity is focused on food analysis, pesticide and drug metabolism.
2010 – Invited lecture at the American Chemical Society held in Boston (August) with the title: Cytotoxic tirucallane triterpenoids from Melia azedarach fruits.
2010 – Invited lecture at the Mediterranean Group of Pesticide Research (MGPR) Meeting held in Catania (November) with the title: Pesticides’ influence in wine fermentation.
Analytical skills: LC-MS-QTOF, LC/MS/MS, HPLC, GC/MS, GC.
Member of the: American Chemical Society (ACS), Mediterranean Group of Pesticide Research (MGPR), Gruppo Ricerca Italiano Fitofarmaci e Ambiente (GRIFA)