Dipartimento di Pedagogia, psicologia, filosofia

Prof. Vinicio Busacchi

Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy

PhD – Theoretical Philosophy

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy

Faculty of Humanities - University of Cagliari, Italy

via Is MIRRIONIS, 1 CAGLIARI 09123 (Sardinia) ITALY

Office + 39 070 675 72 96

Website: http://people.unica.it/viniciobusacchi/

Email: busacchi@unica.it


(2000) Degree in Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy 110/110 cum laude.

(2006) PhD in Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. Final examiners: P.L. Lecis, D. Jervolino, G. Martini.

(2006) School of High Philosophical Education (SdAFF; scholarship), Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi «Luigi Pareyson» Torino, Italy (with J.L. Marion).

(2007) School of High Philosophical Education – (SdAFF; scholarship), Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi «Luigi Pareyson» Torino, Italy (with Ch. Larmore).

(2007) Post-Doctorate at the Fonds Ricoeur (Paris, FR) – Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (IT).

(2009) School of High Philosophical Education – (SdAFF; scholarship), Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi «Luigi Pareyson» Torino, Italy.

Research interests

1) Epistemological problems of interpretation.

2) Hermeneutical models of identity. The narrative construction of identity. Narrative models in psychology. Critical hermeneutics.

3) History and theory of psychoanalysis.

4) Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy.

5) Jürgen Habermas’ philosophy.

6) Epistemology of Historical Knowledge.

7) History and philosophy of Buddhism.

8) Daisaku Ikeda’s Buddhist philosophy.

Grants, Fellowships, and Prizes 

- 2006 / 2007 /2009 School of High Philosophical Education (SdAFF), Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi «Luigi Pareyson» Torino (IT); grants / scholarships.

2007: Post-doctoral research grant at the Fonds Ricœur (Paris) / Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Napoli); Master & Back Regional Programme – Sardinia. Research Grant: 13.000 EUR.

2008-2009 / 2009-2010: Research programme on Paul Ricoeur’s Narrative Theory and the Narrative Models of Identity, Department of Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences – University of Cagliari / Italian Institute for Philosophic Studies (IISF, Naples), Fonds Ricœur (Paris); Research Grant: Master&Back Regional Programme - Sardinia. Research Grant:  

- 2009-2013: Fellowship within the unity on Realism in Historical Knowledge (dir., P. L. Lecis, University of Cagliari), PRIN, MIUR, 2009 (Ministerial and National Research Programme); Grant: 103.000 EUR // total cost: 148.000 EUR; national coordinator: Prof. Mariano Bianca (University of Siena).

- 2012-2014: Fellowship within the National Research Programme on Truth, Persuasion, and Communications (Verità, Persuasione, Comunicazione), gen. resp. prof. Massimo Dell’Utri (other members: P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, P. Salis, O. Loddo), University of Sassari / University of Cagliari –  Research grant: Regional Programme RAS (Sardinia) 2012. Grant: total cost, 233.000 EUR.

- 2016: Award for ‘Best Presentation’ at the 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2016 – Albena, BULGARIA, August 24th-30th 2016.

2016-2019: Member of the National Research Programme on ‘The Problem of Indetermination. Meaning, Knowledge, and Action’ (MIUR, PRIN 2015; Principal Investigator: Luigi Perissinotto [University of Venezia Ca’ Foscari]). Grant: 156.000 EUR / Total cost: 264.600 EUR. 

2016-2019: Unity responsible of the National Research Programme on ‘Science and its Logic: The Representation Dilemma’ (FdS/RAS 2016; Principal Investigator: Antonio Ledda [University of Cagliari]). Grant [Foundation of Sardinia (FdS) / The Region Sardinia (RAS)]: 92.700 EUR.

2018: ‘Award’ for ‘Best Presentation’ at the 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM Vienna Art 2018 – Vienna, March 19th-22nd 2018. Talk’s title: ‘Historical Factuality and Representation’. 

- 2018-2021: Principal Investigator (PI) for the National Research Programme on a “meta-analytic and empirical study around the theory of recognition” [“Studio meta-analitico ed empirico sulla teoria del riconoscimento. Mind-mindedness genitoriale, intersoggettività e attaccamento come predittori delle abilità metarappresentazionali e pragmatiche del bambino in età scolare”]. Grant [The Region Sardinia, FSC 2014-2020/ Ricerca di base 2017]: 90.000 EUR.

- 2020-2022: Fellowship within the Biannual Research Programme on Legal Acts, Images, Institutions (LAII), P.I. Prof. Giuseppe Lorini (University of Cagliari) –  Research grant: Foundation of Sardinia (FdS) (Convenzione Triennale tra la Fondazione di Sardegna e gli Atenei Sardi) 2019.

- 2023- : Fellowship within the National Research Programme on Normative Artifacts and Normative Drawings: Investigating Non-linguistic Regulation (NAND) (MIUR, PRIN 2022); Principal Investigator: Giuseppe Lorini. Grant: 206.000 EUR (total cost: 239.600 EUR).

Major activities, qualifications and works

- 2007-2008: Teaching Assistant (chairs of Philosophical Hermeneutics and Theoretical Philosophy) within the Department of Philosophy at the University of Naples, IT (Department “A. Alliotta”) (a.y. 2007-2008) and the University of Cagliari (a.y. 2008-2010).

- 2007-2010: Scientific cooperation with the FONDS RICOEUR of Paris, FR.

- 2009-2011: Teaching Assistant (chair of Theoretical Philosophy) within the Department of Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences (aa.yy. 2009-2010; 2010-2011). 

- 2009-2013: Scientific cooperation as a member of the research unity on Realism in Historical Knowledge, Ministerial and National Research Programme (PRIN, MIUR, 2009; dir., P. L. Lecis, University of Cagliari, IT).  

- 2010-2014: Researcher of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Cagliari (IT).

- 2010-: Correspondent for Italy in the FONDS RICOEUR of Paris, FR.

- 2010-: Member of the Association Paul Ricœur

- 2010- : National representative of the IBISG [Buddhist religious institute].

- 2011/2012 and 2012/2013: Member of the Doctoral Committee for Philosophical Disciplines (Doctoral School of Philosophy and Epistemology) at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy at the University of Cagliari, Italy.

- 2011- : Member of the interdisciplinary research group on “Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology” in Roma, IT.

- 2013-2019: Member of the Doctoral Committee for Philosophy, Epistemology, and History of Culture at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy at the University of Cagliari, Italy.

- 2013- National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as an Associate professor of Theoretical Philosophy.

- 2014-2021: Associate professor of  Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Cagliari (IT).

- 2014- : Member of the scientific editorial committee of the series “Caminantes. Collana di studi interreligiosi” / ARACNE EDITRICE (Roma): (dir.: Gaspare Mura; members: Angela Ales Bello, Mustafa Cenap Aydin, Enrico Garlaschelli, Daniella Iannotta, Carolina Carriero, Vinicio Busacchi, Giuseppe Jing, Roberto Catalano, Irene Kajon, Benedict Kanakappally, Roberto Cipriani, Shahid Mobeen, Luigi De Salvia, José Luis Moral De La Parte, Pietro De Vitiis, Giovanni Salmeri, Roberto Di Ceglie, Mario Spinelli, Cristiana Freni, Paolo Trianni, Alexey Yastrebov).

- 2015-: Member of the scientific editorial committee of InCircolo. Rivista di filosofia e cultura [InCircle. Review of Philosophy and Culture] (dir.: Emilio Renzi; Franco Sarcinelli; vice dir.: Sara Fumagalli, Matteo Canevari; members: Joselyn Benoit, Silvana Borutti, Eduardo Casarotti, Roberto Diodato, Marco Ferraguti, Diego Marconi, Patricio Mena, Fabio Merlini, Fulvio Papi, Dario Sacchi, Gabriele Scaramuzza, Paolo Spinicci, Andrea Zhok, and V. B).

- 2016-: Member of the scientific editorial committee of the series Scripta Hermeneutica / Lateran University Press (dir.: Gaspare Mura).

- 2016- : Within the Editorial board of the scientific journal Eleuthería. Rivista do Curso de Filosofia [ISSN 2527-1393] – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais – https://periodicos.ufms.br/index.php/reveleu/index

- 2016-: Co-founder and co-director of Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Review of Philosophy (management committee: Marcelino Agís Villaverde, Vinicio Busacchi, Giovanna Costanzo, Alison Scott-Baumann, Luís Antonio Correia Umbelino). ISSN: 2533-1825. Edited by University of Cagliari, Italy - http://ojs.unica.it/index.php/ecch

- 2016- : Member of PRAGMA. Cultural Association – Department of Philosophy of University of Rome Three, Rome.

- 2017- : National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as a Full professor of Theoretical Philosophy.

- 2017- : Member of SIFIT. Italian Society of Theoretical Philosophy, www.teoretica.it.

- 2017- : Member of PCF [Pragmatism, Construction of Knowledge and Education] Interuniversity Research Center – University of Rome Tre - http://host.uniroma3.it/centri/pcf/.

- 2018- : Member of SOPHERE (The Society for Phenomenology of Religious Experience) – Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences – www.sophere.org.

- 2019- : Member of the Doctoral Committee for Philosophy, Epistemology, and Human Sciences at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy at the University of Cagliari, Italy.

-2020-2024: Member of AIS – Italian Association of Sociology (section: Sociology of Religion) - https://www.ais-sociologia.it/

-2020-: Member of the scientific editorial committee of the series “Monoteismi” – TAB Edizioni (Rome); dir. Gaspare Mura; members: Angela Ales Bello, Cecilia Costa, Roberto Cipriani, Mirela Oliva, Giulio Battioni, Mario Spinelli, Tommaso Valentini, Claudia Caneva, Cristiana Freni, Philippe Nemo, Paolo Trianni, Gérard Rossé and V. B – www.tabedizioni.it.  

-2020-: Member of PERSONA AL CENTRO (Association); promoting committee: Calogero Caltagirone, Claudio Ciancio, Gennaro Cicchese, Giuseppe Goisis, Vittorio Possenti, Giorgio Rivolta, Luca Robino, Luigi Vero Tarca, Francesco Totaro, Gianni Vacchelli, Tommaso Valentini.  

-2020-: Member of the Scientific editorial committee of REMARK (online Journal – realisation in progress).

-2020-: Member of the Management committee of the series "Cantus Firmus" - TAB EDIZIONI (Roma); scientific editorial committee: Angela Ales Bello, Cecilia Costa, Roberto Cipriani, Mirela Oliva, Giulio Battioni, Mario Spinelli, Tommaso Valentini, Claudia Caneva, Cristina Freni, Philippe Nemo, Paolo Trianni, Gérard Rossé, and V.B.

- 2021-: Within the Editorial board of the scientific journal B@belonline. Rivista online di Filosofia (Università degli studi di Roma Tre) [ISSN 2531-8624]. Members: Francesca Brezzi (Dir.); Marina Calloni, Giovanna Costanzo, Mariannina Failla, Francesco Milano, Michele Nicoletti, Maria Teresa Pensara, Peirluigi Valenza and V.B.

-2021-: President of A.S.U.S. Accademia delle Scienze Umane e Sociali, Rome.

- 2022-: Full professor of Theoretical Philosophy (University of Cagliari – IT).

-2022-: Member of the scientific committee of Home Renaissance Foundation; Directors: Bryan K. Sanderson, Mercedes Jaureguibeitia, Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem, Sophia Aguirre, Antonio Argandoña, Marta Bertolaso, Rosa María Lastra, Susan O’Brien, Teresa Payne, Julia Prats, Maria Teresa Russo (www.homerenaissancefoundation.org).

-2023-: Member of of the scientific committee of IsEB - Istituto Emilio Betti (Istituto Emilio Betti di Scienza e Teoria del Diritto nella Storia e nella Società); President: Luca Loschiavo; Council: Pia Acconci, Italo Birocchi, Massimo Brutti, Antonio Carratta, Giovanni Chiodi, Emanuele Conte, Victor Crescenzi, Cristina Dalla Villa, Carla Danani, Paolo Di Lucia, Stefania Gialdroni, Mauro Grondona, Carlo Lanza, Luca Loschiavo, Francesco Macario, Valerio Marotta, Valeria Mastroiacovo, Marco Miletti, Eloisa Mura, Sandro Notari, Beatrice Pasciuta, Francesco Petrillo, Francesco Riccobono, Mario Stella Richter, Luca Vargiu, Francesco Zanchini.  

- 2023-: Member of the scientific editorial committee of the Journal "Il Veltro. Rivista della civiltà italiana" [ISSN 0042-3254].


- a.y. 2012-2013: Laboratory of Analysis of the Philosophical Text (Laboratorio di analisi del testo filosofico) – Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Laboratory on: John Dewey, Experience and Nature, 1925 [Dewey]).

- a.y. 2013-2014: Laboratory of Analysis of the Philosophical Text (Laboratorio di analisi del testo filosofico) –  Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.  (Laboratory on: Ernst Cassirer, An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture, 1944 [Cassirer]).

- a.y. 2014-2015: Laboratory of Analysis of the Philosophical Text (Laboratorio di analisi del testo filosofico) –  Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Laboratory on: Ernst Cassirer, An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture, 1944 [Cassirer]).

- a.y. 2014-2015: Course of Philosophical Hermeneutics (Corso di Ermeneutica Filosofica) – Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.  (Tit.: On the Scientific Constitution of Psychoanalysis: Ricoeur vs. Grünbaum [Grünbaum/Ricoeur]).

- a.y. 2014-2015: Course of Medical Ethics organised by the Ordine dei Medici-chirurghi e Odontoiatri della Provincia di Piacenza, with the collaboration of the Società Bio-giuridica Piacentina, under the Department of Philosophy and Educational Science of the University of Torino, Italy. Lessons on “Etica e religione: le diverse prospettive” (June 2015).

- a.y. 2015: Teaching at the three-year course in Medical Ethics (Physicians-Surgeons and Odontologists Piacenza Province Rank / Piacentina Bio-juridical Society / Department of Philosophy and Science – University of Torino / National Federation of Physicians-Surgeons and Odontologists Ranks (national resp.: Augusto Pagano and Marcello Valdini); teaching around the thematic area of “Ethics and Religion: Divers Perspectives” (Lesson on Oriental Religions: 20 June 2015).

- a.y. 2015-2016: Course of Philosophical Hermeneutics (Corso di Ermeneutica Filosofica) – Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.  (Tit.: On Paul Ricœur's interpretation of Psychoanalysis in De l'Interprétation. Essai sur Freud, 1965 [Ricoeur]).

- a.y. 2016-2017: Course of Philosophical Hermeneutics (Corso di Ermeneutica Filosofica) Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: On Translatability and Untraslatability: Paul Ricœur’s new Paradigm of Translation [Ricoeur]).

- a.y. 2016-2017: (with. Prof. P. L. Lecis) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problemi della filosofia teorica) Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Habermas and Ricoeur: Language, Interpretation, and Communication [Habermas/Ricoeur]).

- a.y. 2017-2018: Course of Philosophical Hermeneutics (Corso di Ermeneutica Filosofica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Understanding, Interpretation and Language in H.-G. Gadamer’s Truth and Method, 1960 [Gadamer])

- a.y. 2017-2018: (with. Prof. P. L. Lecis) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problemi della filosofia teorica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Mechanisms of symbolic construction: The critique to the naive realism [Cassirer]).

- a.y. 2018-2019: (with. Prof. M. Giunti) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problemi della filosofia teorica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Truth and representation in natural sciences and historical sciences [Popper/Tarski/van Fraassen/Ricoeur]).

- a. y. 2018-2019: Course of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy (Istituzioni di filosofia teoretica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: How is knowledge from pure reason possible? On the general problem of  Kant’s Prolegomena [Kant])

- a.y. 2018-2019: Course of Theoretical Philosophy (Filosofia teoretica) Master degree Course in Philosophy and Theory of Communication, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: The reality of the present, the reality of the past [Mead]).

- a.y. 2019-2020: (with. Prof. M. Giunti) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problemi della filosofia teorica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: The problem of induction from Hume to Popper).

- a.y. 2019-2020: Course of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy (Istituzioni di filosofia teoretica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Georg W. F. Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit (1807): The first three moments)

-a.y. 2019-2020: Course of Theoretical Philosophy (Filosofia teoretica) Master degree Course in Philosophy and Theory of Communication, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Honneth’s dialectics of recognition).

- a.y. 2019-2020: Teaching at the course on Psychodynamic Psychopathology (A.S.U.S. / C.I.R.F. / C.I.P.A. / Fattore Umano Edizioni) – Laboratory of Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology - Roma,  October 2019- October 2020. 

- a.y. 2020-2021: (with. Prof. M. Giunti) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problemi della filosofia teorica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: The Problem of Induction from Hume to Popper: II Tempo).

- a.y. 2020-2021: Course of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy (Istituzioni di filosofia teoretica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Identity as Fiction? Hermeneutical Approach vs. Skeptical Approach)

-a.y. 2020-2021: Course of Theoretical Philosophy (Filosofia teoretica) Master degree Course in Philosophy and Theory of Communication, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: The Psychic Reality).

- a.y. 2021-2022: (with. Prof. M. Giunti) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problemi della filosofia teorica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: On Scientific Methodology: Betti and Kuhn’s Paradigms).

- a.y. 2021-2022: Course of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy (Istituzioni di filosofia teoretica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Bertrand Russell and Our Knowledge of the External World)

-a.y. 2021-2022: Course of Theoretical Philosophy (Filosofia teoretica) Master degree Course in Philosophy and Theory of Communication, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Personal Identity: Beyond John Locke’s Anti-Substantialism).

- a.y. 2022-2023: (with. Prof. M. Giunti) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problemi della filosofia teorica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Education, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Mind and Consciousness: Phenomenology and Neuroscience in Changeux-Ricoeur Debate and Materialism vs. Anti-Materialism in Consciousness Studies).

- a.y. 2022-2023: Course of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy (Istituzioni di filosofia teoretica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Education, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Hermeneutics as Scientific Method: Betti vs. Gadamer).

-a.y. 2022-2023: Course of Theoretical Philosophy (Filosofia teoretica) Master degree Course in Philosophy and Theory of Communication, Department of Education, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Karl Jaspers: On the Human Condition). 

- a.y. 2023-2024: (with. Prof. M. Giunti) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problemi della filosofia teorica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Education, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: How Are the Mind and Brain Related?).

- a.y. 2023-2024: Course of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy (Istituzioni di filosofia teoretica) Degree Course in Philosophy, Department of Education, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Ricoeur: The Problem of Hermeneutics).

-a.y. 2023-2024: Course of Theoretical Philosophy (Filosofia teoretica) Master degree Course in Philosophy and Theory of Communication, Department of Education, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. (Tit.: Truth and interpretation in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics).


- a.y. 2015-2016: Short visit at the UCD School of Philosophy, Dublin (IE) – Teaching Staff Mobility (Grant Mosta Programme /Erasmus +, a.y. 2015/2016) – Dublin, February 2016.

- a.y. 2017-2018: Short visit at the PUC Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; and UFRO Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco (CL) – Santiago/Temuco, October 2017 (Projet FONDECYT – resp. proff. Beatriz Conterars Tasso [PUC] e Patricio Mena Malet [UFRO]).

-a.y. 2023-2024: Short visit at the UFMS – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – Campo Grande (BR), November 2023 (ref. Prof. Weiny Cesar Freitas Pinto, coordinatore of “GT Filosofia e Psicanálise” [ANPOF])

Seminars and workshops

a.y. 2007-2008: Trimester November 2007-January 2008: a series of seminars on Paul Ricoeur and Psychoanalysis for MA and doctoral students (chairs of Philosophical Hermeneutics; prof. D. Jervolino) at the Department of Philosophy “A. Aliotta” – University of Napoli “Federico II”.

a.y. 2010-2011: Co-organisation of a seminar with P. L. Lecis and Diego Marconi Giulio Cesare e il sale. Difficoltà del relativismo concettuale [Julius Caesar and the Salt: Difficulties of Conceptual Relativism] (series of seminars on relativism), - Department of Philosophy and Theory of the Human Sciences – University of Cagliari, Italy - Cagliari, 8 February 2011.

a.y. 2011-2012: Co-organisation of a conference on Pragmatica dell’impossibilità [Pragmatic of the Impossibility] with Paolo Di Lucia (University of Milan, IT) - Department of Philosophy and Theory of the Human Sciences – University of Cagliari, Italy - Cagliari, 29 November 2011.

a.y. 2011-2012: A seminar given on Soka Gakkai: A Presentation in a Sociological Perspective – Faculty of Sociology (University of Turin, IT) - 5 December 2011.  

a.y. 2011-2012: Co-organisation of a conference on Perché il ‘veridico’ non esprime un pensiero [Why the ‘Veridic’ does not express a thought] with Wojciec Ze?aniec (University of Gdansk, Poland) - Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy - Cagliari, 26 and 27 April 2012. [Visiting Professor Program, RAS 2012].

a.y. 2011-2012: A seminar given on Facts and values in Max Weber (Bibl. references: R. Brubaker, The Limits of Rationality: An Essay on the Social and Moral Thought of Max Weber, London: George Allen & Unwin 1984 (it. tr., I limiti della razionalità, Roma: Armando Editore 1989; F. Bianco, Le basi teoriche dell’opera di Max Weber, Roma-Bari: Laterza 1997) / course on Theoretical Philosophy 2 (prof. P. L. Lecis), Master degree on Philosophical and Historical-Philosophical Sciences – Department of Philosophy and Theory of the Human Sciences – University of Cagliari, Italy.

a.y. 2012-2013: Co-organisation of a series of seminars on Ibsen’s Peer Gynt (Trittico filosofico intorno al Peer Gynt di Ibsen / La bottega delle arti e del pensiero) Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy / Stable Theatre of Sardinia.

a.y. 2012-2013 Co-organisation of a conference with Silvana Borutti (University of Pavia, IT) on Immagine, immaginazione e sublime in Kant [On Kant’s Image, Imagination and Sublime], Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, 7 May 2013.

a.y. 2012-2013 Co-organisation of a conference with Alberto Peruzzi (University of Florence, IT) on Cosa c’è dietro al significato [What is Behind the Meaning], Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, 16 April 2013.

a.y. 2013-2014: A Seminar given on Philosophical Theories of Truth: The Realist Conceptions. Bibl. references: I. Kant, Prolegomeni ad ogni futura metafisica che si presenterà come scienza, 1783 ([Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as a Science] Part I, section III); A. Schopenhauer, Il mondo come volontà e rappresentazione, 1818-19, 1844, 1859 ([The World as Will and Representation] vol. 1, §5); S. Freud, Al di là del principio di piacere, 1920 ([Beyond the Pleasure Principle] cap. I; elements of metapsychology; the notions of “principle of pleasure” / “principle of reality”) / Course of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy (Degree in Philosophy; P. L. Lecis; theme: Teorie filosofiche della verità. Le concezioni realiste [Philosophical Theories of Truth: Realist Conceptions]) - Department of Philosophy and Theory of the Human Sciences – University of Cagliari, Italy.

 - a.y. 2013-2014 Co-organisation of a conference with Mariano Bianca (University of Siena, IT) on Mente, cervello, rappresentazioni mentali [Mind, Brain, Mental Representations], Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, 6 December 2013 [Regional Programme, RAS 2012].

- a.y. 2013-2014: Co-organisation of a series of seminars on Philosophers at the Theatre (Bottega delle arti / II ediz., I filosofi a teatro) – Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy   / Stable Theatre of Sardinia – March-April 2014.

- a.y. 2013-2014: A Seminar given on Hermeneutics of Evil at the Centre for Comparative Religion & Civilizations – Islamic University Jamia Millia Islamia - New Delhi (India), 6 February 2014.

- a.y. 2013-2014: A seminar given in collaboration with prof. M. Giunti (University of Cagliari) and M. Bianca (University of Siena) within P.L. Lecis’ course on Language and Social Reality in John Searle (Chair of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.

- a.y. 2013-2014: Co-organisation of a conference on La cognizione del valore [The Cognition of Value] with the participation of Roberta De Monticelli (University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy, Cagliari 3 April 2014 [Regional Programme, RAS 2012].

- a.y. 2014-2015: Co-organisation of a conference on Dimensioni della comunicazione [Dimensions of Communication] with the participation of: Pietro Perconti (University of Messina, IT), Marco Santambrogio (University of Parma, IT), Maeve Cooke (University College Dublin), Salvatore Italia (University of Cagliari, IT), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy - Cagliari, 30 April 2015 [Regional Programme, RAS 2012].

- a.y. 2015-2016: Series of PhD seminars (15 hours) given on Semantic of Action, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy (November 2015).

- a.y. 2015-2016: Co-organisation of a conference on Metafisica in Kant, metafisiche oggi [Metaphysics within Kant, Metaphysics Today] with the participation of Paolo Parrini (University of Florence, IT) - Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy - Cagliari, 26 November 2015 [Regional Programme, RAS 2012].

- a.y. 2015-2016: A seminar given for PhD and post-graduate students at the UCD, School of Philosophy, Dublin – Dublin, 10 February 2016. Seminar’s title: On Critical Hermeneutics.

- a.y. 2015-2016: Co-organisation of a conference on Authority and Freedom with the participation of Maeve Cooke (UCD School of Philosophy / University College Dublin), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy - Cagliari, 22 March 2016.

- a.y. 2015-2016: Co-organisation of a conference on Regole e interpretazioni in Wittgenstein [Rules and Interpretations in Wittgenstein] with the participation of Luigi Perissinotto (University of Venice, IT), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, 4 May 2016 [National Programme, Prin 2015].  

- a.y. 2015-2016: Co-organisation of a conference on L’esperienza incarnata da un punto di vista fenomenologico: anonimato, identità, intersoggettività [The Embodied Experience from a Phenomenological Perspective: Anonymity, Identity and Intersubjectivity] with Luca Vanzago (University of Pavia, IT), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy - Cagliari, 29 November 2016.

- a.y. 2015-2016: Series of PhD seminars (15 hours) given on The Recognition Principle: A Philosophical Research between Psychology, Sociology, and Political Theory, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy (June 2016).

- a.y. 2017-2018: Organisation and coordination of a Series of PhD seminars (9 hours) on Identity and Foundations: Philosophical and Scientific Paradigms in discussion, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy (Cagliari, October 12th-13th 2017); Invited guest: prof. Giuseppe Martini (The Italian Psychoanalytical Association / Department of Mental Health, Rome 1).

- a.y. 2017-2018: Attendance to the H2020 SC6 Consortium Workshop Populism on Campus: Student Futures (dir. by A. Scott-Baumann) – SOAS University of London, London, January 19th-20th 2018. 

- a.y. 2017-2018: Attendance to the Workshop Youth Portrait of the Future: Coping Strategies, Adaptation, Satisfaction with Life (dir. by C. Cabras and M. Mondo) – Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy / University of Cagliari & Tomsk State University (RU) - Cagliari, May 3rd 2018.

- a.y. 2017-2018: Organisation and Coordination of a PhD seminar (3 hours) with A. M. Nieddu (University of Cagliari), P. L. Lecis (University of Cagliari) and R. M. Calcaterra (University of Roma Tre), on Calcaterra’s paper Mente e natura tra epistemologia e metafisica (Mind and Nature between Epistemology and Metaphysics, 2010), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy / Regional Program FdS/RAS 2016 on Science and its Logic: The Representation Dilemma (May 18th 2018).

- a.y. 2017-2018: Organisation with Pier Luigi Lecis, Francesca Ervas and Luca Vargiu of a workshop on “Prototypes, concepts and truth”, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy / PRIN 2015 Project - Cagliari, 10-11 July 2018. Invited guests: Marcello Frixione, Cristina Amoretti, Massimo Dell’Utri, Elena Casetta, Pietro Salis.

- a.y. 2018-2019: Organisation and Coordination of a PhD seminar (3 hours) with Patricio Mena (Universidad de la Frontera, Chile) and Beatriz Contreras (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) on Intorno alla prospettiva dell’ermeneutica fenomenologica ricoeuriana sull’uomo [Around Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical phenomenological perspective on the human being] - Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy - Cagliari, 19 October 2018.

- a.y. 2018-2019: Organisation and coordination of a Conference with Pier Luigi Lecis (University of Cagliari, IT) on “Fortunes and misfortunes of the synthetic a priori” – Cagliari, 30 November 2018.

- a.y. 2018-2019: Attendance to the EU bidding Workshop Populism and Migration: Student Futures (dir. by A. Scott-Baumann) – SOAS University of London, London, December 8-9 2018 (Participants: Janos Keresnyei, Yenn Lee, Gonçalo Marcelo, Fabrizio Martire, Michele Mazzolla, Leticia Renault, Christian Ruggiero, Julia Stolyar, Sonja Weirauch, and V. B.). 

- a.y. 2018-2019: Co-organisation of a conference with Paolo Parrini (University of Firenze), Roberta Lanfredini (University of Firenze), Pier Luigi Lecis (University of Cagliari) and Simonluca Pinna (University of Cagliari) on “Epistemologia, ontologia e dintorni. Il caso di Nicolai Hartmann” [Epistemology, Ontology and Proximity] – Cagliari, 29 March 2019.

- a.y. 2019-2020: 2nd Open Day of the Course on Psychodynamic Psychopathology (A.S.U.S. / S.I.P.E.A. / C.I.R.F. / Fattore Umano Edizioni) – Laboratory of Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology - Roma,  28th September 2019.

- a.y. 2019-2020: Attendance to the Workshop New Communication Technologies Among Young People Users (dir. by C. Cabras and M. Mondo) – Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy / University of Cagliari (IT) & Tomsk State University (RU) - Cagliari, Tuesday 15th October 2019.

- a.y. 2019-2020: Organisation and coordination of a Conference with Pier Luigi Lecis (University of Cagliari, IT) on “Percezione, Linguaggio, Verità. Riletture contemporanee della Fenomenologia dello Spirito” (Perception, Language and Truth: Contemporary Re-readings of Hegel’s Phenomenology of the Spirit) – Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy / University of Cagliari (IT) - Cagliari, 3 December 2019.

- a.y. 2019-2020: 2nd Introductory Day to the Course on Psychodynamic Psychopathology (Tit. The Reading and Writing of the Clinical Case) - (A.S.U.S. / S.I.P.E.A. / C.I.R.F. / Fattore Umano Edizioni) – Laboratory of Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology - Roma, 14th Dicember 2019. Lecture’s title: Sotto la lente dell’ermeneutica narrativa (Under the lens of Narrative Hermeneutics).

- a.y. 2020-2021: [Webinar] Seminar on “Attualità dell’ermeneutica giuridica e filosofica di Emilio Betti” [The relevance of Emilio Betti’s juridical and philosophical hermeneutics] - “Encontro Filosófico no Curso de Direito – Hermenêutica Jurídica” / Centro Universitário de Anápolis (Goiás, BRAZIL) – UniEvangélica,  5 October 2020 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Nh3WWdAco).

- a.y. 2020-2021: Organisation of two series of seminars for PhD students (6 hours + 6 hours) given on Necessity and Possibility in Nicolai Hartmann (19-21 October 2020, with Dr. Simonluca Pinna) and Theories of Truth (26-28 October 2020, with Dr. Pietro Salis) for the Doctoral Course on Philosophy, Epistemology and Human Sciences – University of Cagliari, IT.

- a.y. 2020-2021: Attendance to the seminar on “Ricoeur and the idea of Psychoanalysis as Depth Hermeneutics” (Ricoeur: la psicoanalisi come ermeneutica del profondo?” – University of Perugia (scientif. coord., proff. Marco Casucci and Nicoletta Ghigi), Perugia, 25 November 2020 - web seminar.  

- a.y. 2020-2021: Teaching at the series of seminars on Psychodynamic Psychopathology “Languages and Worldviews: Between Psychoanalysis, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics” (A.S.U.S. / University of Cagliary / C.I.R.F. / C.I.P.A. / I.I.S.F. / Fattore Umano Edizioni / Jaca Book) – Laboratory of Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology - Roma,  web seminars. 

- a.y. 2020-2021: Seminar for the “Antigiudaismo e antisemitismo dall’età antica all’età contemporanea: un percorso di riflessione fra filosofia e storia” [Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism from Ancient to Contemporary Era: A Reflective Course Between Philosophy and History], 9, 16 December 2020, 7, 13 and 15 January 2021 (Course of Philosophy - University of Cagliari, IT). Talk’s title: “Paul Ricoeur: La Shoah tra rappresentazione e verità” [Paul Ricoeur: Shoah Between Representation and Truth].

- a.y. 2020-2021: Attendance with Giuseppe Martini to the seminar on “Narration and Reconstruction of identity” (Centro Adriatico di Psicoanalisi – Rimini), 13 February 2021, web seminar.     

- a.y. 2020-2021: Attendance with Giuseppe Martini to the seminar on “Narration Between Psychoanalysis and Hermeneutics” (ARPA JUNG - Associazione per la Ricerca in Psicologia Analitica – Turin), 13 March 2021, web seminar.     

- a.y. 2020-2021: Attendance with Francesco Barale and Giuseppe Martini to the seminar on “Psychoanalysis Between Narration and Translation” (Centro di Psicoanalisi Romano – Rome), 20 March 2021, web seminar.     

- a.y. 2020-2021: Attendance to the seminar on “Law Between Hermeneutics and Humanism” [O Direito Entre a Hermenêutica e o Humanismo] – Discipline: Paradigmas Atuais do Conhecimento Jurídico (scientif. coord., prof. Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares) / Faculdade de Direito UFBA, Brazil, 28 May 2021 - web seminar.  

- a.y. 2020-2021: Attendance to the seminar on “Linguaggio verbale e linguaggi extrarazionali: Wittgenstein e Jung” [Verbal and extra-rational languages: Wittgenstein and Jung]. For the Seminars on Psychodynamic Psychopathology “Languages and Worldviews: Between Psychoanalysis, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics” (A.S.U.S. / University of Cagliary / C.I.R.F. / C.I.P.A. / I.I.S.F. / Fattore Umano Edizioni / Jaca Book) - Roma,  2 october 2021 - web seminars. Participants: Angela Ales Bello, Angiola Iapoce, Simona Tiberi, and V. B.  

- a.y. 2021-2022: Attendnace to the seminar on “La Soka Gakkai” – (scientif. coord., Pierluigi Zoccatelli, professor of “Exoterism and New Religions”) - Master in Religious Sciences and Intercultural Mediation – University of Turin (IT), 23 october 2021 - web seminar.

- a.y. 2021-2022: Attendance to a serie of four seminars on “Mai separare il pensiero dall’esistenza. Marcel, Jaspers, Ricoeur” [Never Separate Thinking from Existence: Marcel, Jaspers and Ricoeur] / University of Cagliari / Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (A.S.U.S.), 19 and 26 November 2021, 3 and 10 December 2021; web seminars.  

- a.y. 2021-2022: Attendance to the workshop “Di Confini e Oltrepassamenti”/ “Abitare i Luoghi. Fenomenologia e Ontologia – Workshop 4a edizione 2021/2022” [On Borders and Crossings / Live in Places: Phenomenology and Ontology – Workshop 4th Edition], Messina, 21-22 gennaio 2022. Oral presentation title: “Oltre tutti i confini, oltre nessun confine”.   

 a.y. 2021-2022: Attendance to the webinar “Centralità della persona? Questioni di ontologia, antropologia, etica e diritto” – University of Teramo / University Guglielmo Marconi (Department of Human Sciences) / Fondazione Luigi Stefanini, Cespec, Persona al Centro,  3 March 2022.

- a.y. 2021-2022: Attendance to the seminar on “L’ermeneutica critica e il problema dell’oggettività delle scienze umane e sociali” [Critical Hermeneutics and the problem of objectivity in the human and social sciences] – Doctorate in Human Sciences, University of Messina, IT, 13 July 2022.

- a.y. 2022-2023: Organisation of the seminar on “I contributi di Emilio Betti all’ermeneutica filosofica” (Emilio Betti’s contribution to philosophical hermeneutics) – Doctorate in Philosohpy, Epistemology and Human Sciences – University of Cagliari, 13 December 2022; with the participation of Ricardo M. Freites Soares (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil).

- a.y. 2022-2023: Introduction and chair of the third Bernhard Waldenfels’ seminar on “L’inconscio come estraneo: fenomenologia e psicoanalisi” [Unconscious as Something Extraneous: Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis] / University of Cagliari, Cagliari 8 June 2023; organ. by Gabriella Baptist.

- a.y. 2022-2023: Attendance to the seminar on “Il dono del dubbio” [The Gift of Doubt] – ARPA JUNG [Association for Research in Analytical Psychology (affiliated to the International Association for Analytical Psychology - I.A.A.P.)], Cagliari, 24 June 2023.

- a.y. 2023-2024: Attendance to the seminar on “Discipline Filosofiche. Teorie e pratiche della razionalità filosofica” – Unversity of Bologna (IT), 27 November 2023; oral presentation title: “Materia affettiva e intersoggettività. La dialettica ricoeuriana del riconoscimento a partire dalla fenomenologia dell’inconscio”.

- a.y. 2023-2024: Attendance to the online seminar on “Metafora e vita psichica: innovazione semantica e dilemma del rappresentazionale” (PRIN PNRR Project on “Metaphor and Epistemic Injustice in Mental Illness), Cagliari, June 4th 2024.  

- a.y. 2023-2024: Organisation and introduction of the seminar on “Multiculturalismo tra riconoscimento e diritto” – IsEB [Emilio Betti Intitute] Roma Tre University, Rome 14 June 2024; with  the participation of: Pia Acconci, Francesco Petrillo, Giovanna Costanzo, Andrea Gattini, Stefania Gialdroni.

- a.y. 2023-2024: Coorgnisation of and attendance to the workshop on “Regole e regolazione: oltre i confine del linguaggio” – Project NAND (Funded by the European Union “NextGenerationEU”) / Department of Law / Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy - University of Cagliari, Cagliari, 19 June 2024.

National and international conferences organised

- 2011-2012: Member of the scientific committee for the international conference Through Crisis and Conflict. Thinking Differently with Paul Ricœur, University of Salento (IT), University of Verona (IT), Philosophical Institute “Enrico Castelli” (IT), The Society for Ricœur Studies, Fonds Ricœur (FR)  – Lecce (Italy), September 24th-27th 2012.

- 2012-2013: Co-organiser and co-director of the International Conference on Reality, Truth, and Representation [Realtà, verità, rappresentazione] (MIUR, PRIN 2009) – Cagliari, 5-7 giugno 2013.

- 2012-2013:  Co-organiser and member of the scientific committee for the International Conference Paul Ricœur e “les proches”. Vivere e raccontare il Novecento (University of Roma Tre (IT) – University of Messina (IT) – Pontifical Lateran University (IT) – University of Cagliari (IT) – Department of Mental Health U.O.C., XVII Mental Health District, Paris-Roma-Messina, September 23rd-25th and 26th-27th 2013).

- 2012-2014: Co-organiser and member of the scientific committee for the International Conference Truth, Image, and Normativity (with P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, P. Salis, O. Loddo), University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, October 22nd-24th 2014 (Regional Programme, RAS 2012 – Verità, Persuasione, Comunicazione: per una integrazione delle prospettive di studio, gen. resp. prof. Massimo Dell’Utri).

- 2014-2015: Member of the scientific committee for the interdisciplinary workshop on The Normative and the Pathological (Il normativo e il patologico) – Department of Right / Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy / Department of Public Health, and Clinical and Molecular Medicine (University of Cagliari, Italy) – Cagliari, April 23rd 2015.

- 2018: Co-organisation of the conference on Epistemological Dilemmas between Hermeneutics and Pragmatism (Dilemmi Epistemologici tra Ermeneutica e Pragmatismo) with Rosa M. Calcaterra (University of Roma Tre, IT), Anna Maria Nieddu (University of Cagliari, IT) Regional Program FdS/RAS 2016 on Science and its Logic: The Representation Dilemma / University of Cagliari, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy – Cagliari (IT), 17 May 2018.

- 2018: Organisation and coordination of the conference on Qual è il fondamento dell’identità? [Which is the Basis of Identity] with Patricio Mena (Universidad de la Frontera, Chile) and Beatriz Contreras (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) - Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, 16 October 2018 [Visiting Professor Prog. Fondecyt 2016, Chile].  

- 2018: Coorganisation with Anna Maria Nieddu (University of Cagliari, IT) of the international conference Comparing Philosophical Traditions: Selfhood, Historicity and Representation between Hermeneutics and Pragmatism - Regional Program FdS/RAS 2016 on Science and its Logic: The Representation Dilemma / University of Cagliari, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy – Cagliari (IT), 14-16 March 2019.   

- 2018: Coorganisation with Pier Luigi Lecis (University of Cagliari, IT) and Simonluca Pinna (University of Cagliari, IT) of the international conference L’immodificabilità del passato. Scienze dell’uomo e scienze della natura a confronto [Unchangeability of the Past: Human Sciences and Natural Sciences in Comparison] - ‘The Problem of indetermination. Meaning, Knowledge, and Action’ (MIUR, PRIN 2015) / University of Cagliari, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy – Cagliari (IT), 23-24 May 2019.  

- 2019-2020: Member of the scientific committee for the Conference in Classics & Ancient History – Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, PT - Coimbra, 22-25 June 2020. 

- 2020: Organisation of an international web conference on Reality, Realism, and Other Disputed Questions – for the Doctoral Course in Philosophy, Epistemology and Human Sciences, University of Cagliari, IT – with Vincent Colapietro (University of Rhode Island, USA / Pennsylvania State University, USA) and Giovanni Maddalena (University of Molise, IT) – 20 November 2020.  

- 2022: Organisation of a national conference on L’esistenzialismo positivo di Paul Ricœur – for the Doctoral Course in Philosophy, Epistemology and Human Sciences, University of Cagliari, IT – with Anna Maria Nieddu (University of Cagliari, IT) – 11 January 2022.  

- 2022: Organisation of a national conference on La Persona oggi. La prospettiva delle religioni sulle concezioni dominanti – University of Rome Tre (IT) / Faculty of Philosophy, Salesian Pontificial University / ASUS (Academy of Human and Social Sciences) – with Massimo Borghesi (University of Perugia, IT), Davide Cito (Pontificial Lateran University, IT), Tiziano Conti (Salesian Pontificial University, IT),  Svamini Hamsananda Ghiri (Gitananda ashram), Irene Kajon (Sapienza University of Rome (IT), Patrizia Manganaro (Pontificial Lateran University, IT), Giuseppe Martini (Italian Psychoanalytic Society), Gaspare Mura (Urbanian Pontificial University, IT), Maria Margherita Romanelli (Antonianum Pontificial University), Maria Teresa Russo (University of Rome Tre, IT),  Wasim Salman (Teresianum. Pontificial Theological Faculty, Rome), Flavia Silli (Pontificial Lateran University, IT), Francesco Saverio Trincia (Sapienza University of Rome), Andrea Velardi (University of Rome Tre) – Rome, 29 April 2022.  

- 2022: Organisation of an international conference on Interpretation between Consciousness, History and Knowledges – Department of Education, Psychology and Philosophy, University of Cagliari / LAPEF – Laboratory of Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology. Cagliari 13-14 May 2022; with the participation of: Angela Ales Bello (Pontificial Lateran University, Rome); Luigi Aversa (Italian Centre of Analytical Psychology); Angiola Iaponce (Italian Centre of Analytical Psychology); Patricio Mena Malet (Departamento de Ciencias Sociales Temuco – Chile); Giuseppe Martini (Italian Psychoanalytic Society); Weiny César Freitas Pinto (Universidade de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), Gaspare Mura (ASUS – Urbanian Pontificial University, IT).

- 2022: Organisation of a national conference on “Le origini dell’intersoggettività, dall’infanzia all’eta scolare. Nuove prospettive teoriche e di ricerca” [The Origins of Intersubjectivity, from Infancy to School Age: New Perspectives of Research] – Department of Education, Psychology and Philosophy / The Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione 2014-2020) - Cagliari, 28 giugno 2022; with the partecipation of: Francesca Marina Bosco (University of Torino); Daniela Bulgarelli (University of Torino); Roberta Cocco (University of Cagliari); Francesca Ervas (University of Cagliari); Federica Fadda (University of Cagliari); Roberta Fadda (University of Cagliari); Loredana Lucarelli (University of Cagliari); Cristina Sechi (University of Cagliari); Pietro Storari (University of Cagliari); Angela Taraborrelli (University of Cagliari).

- 2022: Organisation of an international conference on “Beyond Gadamer and Betti? The problem of objectivity” – University of Cagliari / Sardinia Foundation / Normactivity / Cagliari, 16 December 2022 [Biannual project on “Legal Acts, Images, Institutions: The Form of the Act in the Era of Legal Design”]; with the participation of: Ricardo Maurício Freites Soares (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil); Francesco Petrillo (University of Molise); Pier Luigi Lecis (University of Cagliari).

- 2023: Organisation of the national conference on “Luci e ombre del postumano” [Lights and Shadows of Posthumanism] University of Rome Tre (IT) / Faculty of Philosophy, Salesian Pontificial University / ASUS (Academy of Human and Social Sciences) – Rome, 27 April 2023; with the participation of: Angela Ales Bello (Univ. Pont. Lateranense); Francesca Brezzi (Univ. di Roma Tre); Cecilia Romana Costa (Univ. di Roma Tre); Cristiana Freni (Univ. Pont. Sal.); Giampaolo Ghilardi (Univ. Campus Bio-Medico, RM);  Irene Kajon (Univ. di Roma Sapienza); Gaspare  Mura (Pont. Univ. Urbaniana) Francesco Petrillo (Università del Molise); Maria Teresa Russo (Università di Roma Tre); Wasim Salman (Pont. Ist. di Stu. Arabi e d’Islamist.).

- 2023: Organisation and moderation of a round table on “Attention” for the 2nd International Congress PhilPsyCh (Rede de Pesquisa em História e Filosofia dos saberes Ψ e das Ciências Humanas”) – Centro de Estudos de História e Filosofia das Ciências Humans /Grupo de Pesquisa Filosofia da Psicanálise / Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil, Lattes / Grupo de Pesquisa Subjetividade, Filosfoia e Psicanálise” / Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). Bresil (web-congress), 5-7 October 2023.  

2023: Member of the scientific committee for the International Conference of Philosophy and Psychanalysis (tit. “Entre trama e o movimento: para onde vai a Filosofia da Psicanálise?”) – GT Filosofia e Psicánalise da ANPOF / UFMS - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul / UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá / Projeto Ágora (UFMS) / Paideia Pantaneira (CEEP Hércules Maymone) / Mídia Ciência (UEMS). Campo Grande (BR), 13-17 November 2023.

2024: Organisation of an international conference on “Critical Aspects of Gadamer’s Hermeneutics: Experience, Reality, and Life”. Prog. Visiting P/S 2023-24, The Region Sardinia (RAS) / National Research Project on “Normative Artifacts and Normative Drawings: Investigating Non-linguistic Regulation (MIUR, PRIN 2022). Cagliari (IT), 23 April 2024; invited speakers: Prof. Mirela Oliva (University St. Thomas, Houston); Prof. Pier Luigi Lecis (University of Cagliari, IT); Dr. Yusuke Okada (University of Turin, IT).

2024: Organisation of an international conference on “(Re)centering Education: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Philosophies, Methodologies, Technologies and Goals in Teaching and Learning” - Sapienza University of Rome (IT) / Inter-University Research Center “Pragmatism, Construction of Knowledge and Education”, Rome (IT) /  Francis Bacon Foundation (Pistoia, IT) / DePaul University, Chicago (IL) / Harvard University (MA) / Institute for Daisaku Ikeda Studies in Education (Chicago, IL) / Tre University of Rome (IT) / University of Cagliari (IT). Rome, 19-20 September 2024.

Contributed conference talks

- 2004. Talk given at the round table The Meeting of Religions. The Strength of Dialogue (Incontro di religioni. La forza del dialogo) - Narcao (Ca), May 26th 2004.  

- 2005. Talk given at the Oncologic Hospital «Businco» (Roma). Conference on Illness, Suffering and the Self-Research in Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism (Malattia, sofferenza e ricerca di sé nel Buddismo di Nichiren Daishonin) - Cagliari (IT), February 16th 2005.

- 2006. Talk given at the Centro Teologico di Torino (IT). Conference on Practical Wisdom and Recognition: Last Ricoeur’s Ethical-Political Thought (Saggezza pratica e riconoscimento. Il pensiero etico-politico dell’ultimo Ricœur – Torino, September 28th-29th 2006). Talk’s title: Course of Recognition: The Psychoanalytical Way (Percorso del riconoscimento. Il passaggio per la psicoanalisi).

- 2009: Talk given at the IBISG, The Earth Charter and Alghero Municipality’s conference on Sustainable Development – Alghero (Italy), March 28th 2009. Talk’s title: To the Roots of Climate Emergency (Alle radici dell’emergenza ambientale). 

- 2009:  Talk given at the IBISG & The Earth Charter conference You Can: Ethical Principles for a Just, Sustainable, and Pacific Society (Tu puoi: Principi etici per una società giusta, sostenibile e pacifica) – Sassari (Italy), December 4th 2009. Talk’s title: The dignity of life between human rights and the Earth rights (La dignità della vita tra diritti umani e diritti della Terra).

- 2010: Talk given at the International Conference Reading Ricœur Once Again: Hermeneutics and Practical Philosophy – Lisbon (PT), July 7th-10th 2010 (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Talk’s title: Between Narration and Action: Hermeneutics and Therapeutic Reconstruction of Identity (Entre narration et action. Herméneutique et reconstruction thérapeutique de l’identité).

- 2010:  Talk given at the Fonds Ricœur International Conference around La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli: 10 ans après («Journées d’ouverture») – Paris, December 2nd-4th 2010 (Journée des correspondants scientifiques du Fonds Ricœur à l’étranger, December 2nd). Talk’s title: Ricoeur’s reception in Italy. Naples and the new frontiers of Ricoeurian research in Italy (Réception de Ricœur en Italie: Naples et les frontières nouvelles de la recherche ricœurienne en Italie).

- 2011: Talk given at the Jornadas de Filosofia Francesa lectures of the Department of Philosophy of Coimbra (PT) (Departemento de Filosofia, Comunicação e Informação - Faculdade de Letras de Universidade de Coimbra), Coimbra, January 26th 2011. Talk’s title: For a Critical Hermeneutics (Pour une herméneutique critique).

- 2011: Talk given at the San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Roma (IT). Conference on Science, Faiths, and Health (Scienze, fedi e salute) – Roma, May 4th 2011. Talk’s title: Face to Face with Science: The Source of Healing in Buddhism (Di fronte alla scienza. Le fonti della guarigione secondo il Buddismo).

- 2011: Talk given at the national conference Ways of Narration: The Construction of Identity (Strade del narrare. La costruzione dell’identità) – Roma, October 20th-21st 2011 (University of Roma 3 (IT) / Department of Mental Health – U.O.C. XVII Mental Health District, Roma). Talk’s title: Ricœur: The Reconfiguration of Identity (Ricœur: la riconfigurazione dell’identità).

- 2012: Talk given at the international conference Through Crisis and Conflict. Thinking Differently with Paul Ricœur – University of Salento, Italy - Lecce, September 24th-27th 2012. Talk’s title: Conflict and Crisis in Paul Ricœur’s Philosophy (Le conflit et la crise dans la philosophie de Paul Ricœur).

- 2012: Talk given at the round table with prof. F. de Luca (University of Salento) e C. Goldenstein (Fonds Ricœur of Paris) on The Archive and the Research at the Fonds Ricœur (Lavoro d’archivio - lavoro di ricerca presso il Fonds Ricœur) University of Salento, Italy - Lecce, September 25th 2012.

- 2012: Talk given at the Torino Spiritualità Intercultural Festival – Torino (IT), September 26th-30th 2012. Session of dialogue with Suzanne Pritchard (European representative of Soka Gakkai-UK), The Triumph of Humanity within the Smile of Buddha (Il trionfo dell’umanità nel sorriso del Budda). Talk’s title:  The Challenge of Evil (La sfida del male).

-2012: Talk given at the IBISG forum on Nuclear Disarmament? A possible Way. Conference given with Annamaria Baldussi (Department of Social and Institutional Sciences  – University of Cagliari, Italy) – Cagliari, December 7th 2012.

- 2013: Talk given at the international conference Reality, Truth, and Representation (Cagliari June 5th-7th 2013). Talk’s title: Historical Explanation: A Comparison between Ricœur and von Wright (La spiegazione storica: Ricœur e von Wright a confronto).

- 2013: Talk given at the international conference Paul Ricœur and “les Proches” (Paris-Roma-Messina, September 23rd-25th and 26th-27th 2013). Talk’s title: Translating Suffering (Tra-durre la sofferenza).

- 2013: Talk given at the round table with P. Trianni, F. Squarcini, and D. Bondi (dir.) on Oriental Religions and Ecology (L’eco d’oriente. Tavola rotonda su ecologia e religioni orientali) (Fondazione Centro Studi Campostrini – Verona, October 1st 2013). Talk’s title: Buddhism and Ecology (Buddismo ed ecologia).

- 2013: Talks given at the round table on Good and Evil in Traditional African Religion, in Latin American Religions, and in Oriental New Religious Movements (Bene e male nella religione tradizionale africana, nelle religioni dell’America Latina e nelle nuove correnti delle religioni orientali) Academy of Human and Social Sciences (ASUS), Italy – Roma, October 25th-26th 2013. Title of the talks: 1) From the Tantric Mythology of Evil to Buddhist Problem of Evil (Dalla mitologia del male del Tantrismo al problema del male nel Buddismo); 2) The Orient Here: An Experience (L’Oriente qui. Un’esperienza).

- 2014: Talk given as representative of the IBISG at the AIS (Association of Italian Sociology) Workshops – Milan (IT), May 18th 2014 and Roma (IT), September 17th 2014. Talks on 2000-2002 IBISG Crisis.

- 2014: Talk given at the international conference on Truth, Image and Normativity, University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, October 22th-24th, 2014. Title of the talk: Factuality and historical representation (Fattualità e rappresentazione storica).

- 2014: Talk given as national representative of the IBISG at the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development - Capoterra (Italy), November 28th 2014. Talk’s title: Between Dewey and Makiguchi: Education and Happiness (Tra Dewey e Makiguchi: Educazione e felicità).

- 2015: Talk given as national representative of the IBISG at the House Rights & Milan Municipality’s round table on Bioethics (“L’Alfa e l’Omega. Riflessioni sui confini della vita. Le grandi religioni a confronto” – Milan (IT), April 16th 2015. Talk’s title: Between Mystery and Responsibility: Questions at the Boundaries of Birth and Death (Tra mistero e responsabilità: questioni ai confini di nascita e morte).

- 2015: Talk given at the round table of Sociology of Religions (dir.: Luigi Berzano) on Spirituality without God? (Spiritualità senza Dio?) – Torino, September 25th 2015. Talk’s title: The Gift of Suffering: Buddhism and Hermeneutics of Self.

- 2016: Talk given at the national seminar on Andrea Camilleri (dir.: D. Caocci e G. Marci) – University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, February 9th-26th 2016. Talk’s title:  Narrative Scenarios and Semantic of Action: A Ricoeurian Approach to Camilleri (Scenari narrativi e semantica dell’azione. Un approccio ricoeuriano a Camilleri).

-2016: Talk given at the national conference on Image and Word: Verbal language, image and image language in the relationship with the psychiatric patient (La relazione tra il linguaggio verbale, l’immaginario e il linguaggio per immagini nella relazione con il paziente psichiatrico) – Faculty of Medicine, Ancona (Università Politecnica delle Marche) / University Hospital, Ancona (Ospedali Riuniti) – Ancona, February 19th 2016.

- 2016: Talk given at the International, Intercultural, Interdisciplinary Conference ACERP2016 (IAFOR), The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion, & Philosophy – Kobe (Japan), March 31st – April 3rd 2016. Oral presentation title: Justice through Recognition.

- 2016: Talk given at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM Vienna HOFBURG 2016) – Vienna, April 6th-9th 2016. Oral presentation title: Critical Hermeneutics and the Paradigm of the Text.  

- 2016: Talks given at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM Bulgaria 2016) – Albena (BG), 22-31 August 2016). Three oral presentations on (1) Recognition and Emancipation; (2) The Recognition Principle: Towards a Critical Theory Between Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of Human Action and Habermas Critical Sociology; and (3) The Multicultural Future: A Comparison Between Johan Galtung and Daisaku Ikeda.

- 2016: Talk given at the international conference on The Pain of the Others (Il dolore degli altri) - A.S.U.S. / University of Rome “Roma Tre” / Pontifical Athenaeum of St. Anselm / MdC – Medicine, dialogue, communion – Roma, November 18th-19th 2016. Title of the talk: As the Bodhisattva Kannon: On the first step in practicing Buddhist compassion (Come il Bodhisattva Kannon. Ovvero, del passo primo nella pratica buddista della compassione).

- 2016: Talk given at the international conference on the 2nd Annual Conference of ENOJP -  Celebrating 150 Years of Belgium-Japan Friendship – Brussels, December 6th-10th 2016. Title of the talk: On Daisaku Ikeda’s philosophy of action.  

- 2017: Talks given at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Art (SGEM Vienna HOFBURG 2017) – Vienna, March 28th-31st 2017. Four oral presentations about: 1) Hermeneutics of Action: On Ricœur’s Philosophy of Action; 2) Semantics of Action I: On Ricoeur’s Distinction Between Linguistic and Phenomenological Analysis; 3) Semantics of Action II: On Ricœur’s Discourse of Action; 4) Semantics of Action III: On Ricœur’s Approach on Motivation and Cause, his Phenomenological Approach on the Voluntary and the Involuntary, and his philosophy of capable human being.

- 2017: Talk given at the International Conference on “Affectividad e Iniciativa: Perspectivas para una ética hermenéutica” - Instituto de Filosofía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) – Santiago (CL), October 23th-24th 2017. Oral presentation title: Entre affectivité et initiative: Les bases anthropologiques d'une éthique herméneutique.

- 2017: Talk given at the International Conference on “Esfuerzo y Vulnerabilidad: Tensión entre conatus y afirmación originaria” (VI Seminario de Fenomenología Existencial), Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO), Temuco (CL), October 25th-26th 2017. Oral presentation title:: A travers la vulnérabilité et l'effort. De la personne que nous deviendrons.

- 2017: Talk given at the International Conference on “Relations Between Religion and Politics as a Subject of Research of Political Science”, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, – Warsaw, November 30th-December 1st 2017. Oral presentation title: On Daisaku Ikeda’s interpretation of the concept of ?butsu my?g? and its theoretical-practical consequences for political science.

– 2018: Talks given at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM Vienna Art 2018) – Vienna, March 19th-22nd 2018. Three oral presentations about: 1) Historical Factuality and Representation; 2) The Historisation of Memory: Testimony and Historical Knowledge; 3) Human Identity and Historical Knowledge.

- 2018: Talk given at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM Albena 2018) – Albena (BG), 24 August – 2 September 2018. Oral presentation titles: (1) ‘On Narrative Identity’; (2) ‘On Personal Identity and Imagination’.

- 2018: Talk given at the First Biennial Congress of The Society for Phenomenology of Religious Experience (SOPHERE): Image, Phenomenon, and Imagination in the Phenomenology of Religious Experience – Prague, 2–4 November 2018. Oral presentation title: ‘Transcending Intentionality and Emotions: Daisaku Ikeda’s Interpretation of Buddhist Meditation and the Mind Body Problem’.

- 2019: Talk given at the International Conference Comparing Philosophical Traditions: Selfhood, Historicity and Representation between Hermeneutics and Pragmatism – organized by the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy - University of Cagliari (IT) / Pragma - Cultural association / Interuniversity Research Center “Pragmatism, Construction of Knowledge and Education” – Cagliari, 14-16 March 2019. Oral presentation title: ‘Historical Representation: Epistemological Dilemmas between Hermeneutics and Pragmatism’.

- 2019: Talk given at the Conference Sulle Tracce del Sacro. Fenomenologia ed ermeneutica dell’odierna religiosità [Around the Traces of the Sacred: Phenomenology and Hermeneutics of Ordinary Religiosity] – A.S.U.S./I.C.S.O.R., Roma - 5 April 2019. Oral presentation title: ‘The Orient and the Sacred’.

- 2019: Talk given at the international seminar on Intersubjectivity – From Pregnancy to the Real Child: New Directions in Theory and Research (Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy - University of Cagliari (IT) / AISMI - Associazione Italiana Salute Mentale Infantile / OPS - Ordine degli Psicologi della Sardegna / Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi) – Cagliari, 20 May 2019. Scientific committee: Loredana Lucarelli, Roberta Fadda, Laura Vismara, Cristina Sechi; relatori: Stephen Seligman, Massimo Ammaniti, Giovanni Bigio, Pier Francesco Ferrari, Laura Vismara, Giuseppe Doneddu, Roberta Fadda and V. B. Ora presentation title: A Hermeneutics of Intersubjectivity: Phenomenology and Neurobiology.  

- 2019: Talk given at the Simposio internacional: Camiños do pensamento – Waypaths of thought – Caminos del Pensamiento, Xunta de Galicia / Xacobeo 2021 / USC Facultade de Filosofía / DEPUTACIÓN DA CORUÑA / SOCIEDAD GALLEGA DE ESTUDIOS NIPONES / GRUPO ALETHEIA. VIGO / SCOIEDADE ENTERUNIVERSITARIA DE FILOSOFIA, Santiago de Compostela 7, 8,9 de novembro de 2019. Oral presentation title: Daisaku Ikeda’s Humanism: A Path between Buddhism and the Philosophy of Action (El humanismo de Daisaku Ikeda: Un camino entre el budismo y la filosofía de la acción).

- 2019: Talk given at the National Conference on ‘The Problem of Indetermination. Meaning, Knowledge, and Action’ (MIUR, PRIN 2015) – University of Venice, Venice (IT) 16-18 December 2019. Oral presentation title: Historical Knowledge and Representation: Between Space of Experience and Horizon of Expectation.

- 2020: Talk given at the 8th International Conference on Contemporary Philosophy of Religion [“Religious Diversity”] (Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion / Islamic Propagation Center) _  Mashhad, Iran 4-5 February 2020. Oral presentation title: Daisaku Ikeda’s Buddhist Perspective on Interreligious Dialogue.

-2021: Talk given at the National Conference on ‘Religions During de COVID-19 Pandemic’ (AIS - Sociologia della Religione), 26 March 2021 web-conference. Oral presentation title: Il veleno, la responsabilità, l’attenzione umana per l’altro. Il dramma del Covid-19 nella prospettiva buddista del Daishonin [Poison, Responsability and Human Attention for the Other: Covid-19 Drama Within the Perspective of Daishonin’s Buddhism].

- 2021: Talk Given at the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions / “EASR 2021 - Resilient Religion” (IAHR Regional Conference Pisa, 30 August – 3 September 2021). Oral Presentation Title: “The Active Dynamic of Resilience in Soka Philosophy” (3 September 2021).

- 2021: Talk Given at the International Conference “X Semana de Filosofia UFMS – VII Seminário de Pesquisa GP Subjetividade, Filosfoia e Psicanálise” / Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Brasil - 27 October 2021. Oral presentation title: “Autour de la matière affective. L’inconscient entré phénoménologie et herméneutique”.

- 2022: Talks given within the “Seminário permanente história crítica da razão da antiguidade à contemporaneidade” – Faculdade de Letras, University of Coimbra (PT),  20 May 2022. Oral presentation titles: “Sur l’épistémologie des sciences humaines et sociales, I: La perspective de Paul Ricoeur” ; “Sur l’épistémologie des sciences humaines et sociales, II: La perspective de Emilio Betti”  .

- 2022: Talk given at the national conference on La Persona oggi. La prospettiva delle religioni sulle concezioni dominanti – University of Rome Tre (IT) / Faculty of Philosophy, Salesian Pontificial University / ASUS (Academy of Human and Social Sciences) – Rome, 29 April 2022; Oral presentation title: Buddhism.  

- 2022: Talk given at the international conference on Interpretation between Consciousness, History and Knowledges – Department of Education, Psychology and Philosophy, University of Cagliari / LAPEF – Laboratory of Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology. Cagliari 13-14 May 2022. Oral presentation title: “Interpretation and recognition”.

- 2022: talk given at the national conference on “Le origini dell’intersoggettività, dall’infanzia all’eta scolare. Nuove prospettive teoriche e di ricerca” [The Origins of Intersubjectivity, from Infancy to School Age: New Perspectives of Research] – Department of Education, Psychology and Philosophy / The Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione 2014-2020) - Cagliari, 28 giugno 2022; Oral presentation title: “Necessità di ricerche interdisciplinari sul riconoscimento”  [Necessity of Interdisciplinary Studies on Recognition].

- 2022: Talk Given at the 1st International Congress PhilPsyCh (Rede de Pesquisa em História e Filosofia dos saberes Ψ e das Ciências Humanas”) – Centro de Estudos de História e Filosofia das Ciências Humans /Grupo de Pesquisa Filosofia da Psicanálise / Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil, Lattes / Grupo de Pesquisa Subjetividade, Filosfoia e Psicanálise” / Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). Bresil (web-congress), 27-29 October 2022. Oral presentation title: “LAPEF: Un laboratoire de recherche interdisciplinaire. La philosophie pour la psychanalyse, la psychanalyse pour la philosophie”.

- 2022 : Talk given at the round table “La Felicità. Luoghi familiari e relazioni significative alle radici dell’etica” – Roma Tre University / Home Renaissance Foundation / Roma 1st December 2022; with the participation of: Maria Teresa Russo (Roma Tre University); Cecilia Costa (Roma Tre University); Antonio Petagine (Roma Tre University); Nicola Di Stefano (CNR Roma); Roberto Rossi (diplomat).  

- 2023: Talk given at the national conference on “Luci e ombre del postumano” [Lights and Shadows of Posthumanism] University of Rome Tre (IT) / Faculty of Philosophy, Salesian Pontificial University / ASUS (Academy of Human and Social Sciences) – Rome, 27 April 2022; Oral presentation titles: 1) “Introduction”; 2) talk given at the round table (“On Buddhism”).

- 2023: Talk given at the 8th National Conference on Systems Science (“Multiple Systems”) - (AIRS) Italian Systems Society, University of Cagliari (IT) – Cagliari 4-5 May 2023; Ora presentation title: “Affective matter: the unconscious between brain and mind”; organisers: Maria Pietronilla Penna (Univ. of Cagliari) and Gianfranco Minati (AIRS).

- 2023: Talk given at the national conference on “In prima persona. Figure dell’identità nel pensiero contemporaneo” [In first person: Forms of Identity in contemporary thought - Pontifical Lateran University, Rome 10 May 2023; main participants: Patrizia Manganaro (Pontifical Lateran University; organiser); Angela Ales Bello (Pontifical Lateran University); Adriano Pessina (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan); Ilaria Malaguti (Univ. of Padova); Oral presentation title: “La persona che diventeremo: materia affettiva, capacità e azione” [The person we will be: affective matter, capacity and action].

- 2023: with Roberto Iannone, talk given at the 17th Annual International Conference on Clinical Ethics and Consultation on “Clinical Ethics: Consultation and/or Education?” Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, June 7th-10th 2023; Oral presentation title: “Ethical Dilemma: If the Cure Can Become a Game”.

- 2023: Talk given at the International Conference Cycle “New Directions in Social Hermeneutics” - Session 2 “The Tradition of Social Hermeneutics” (web-conference; organ. By Gonçalo Marcelo [CECH, Univ. of Coimbra]) – CECH, Centro de Estudios Clássicos e Humanísticos da Universidade de Coimbra (PT), 16 June 2023 / Seminário Permanente História Crítica da Razão da Antiguidade à Contemporaneidade; Oral presentation title: “Hermeneutics and Sociology of Recognition: Ricoeur and Habermas”; (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnzcZDVbR-NkVMcBOnEmjV09lAyS0D01z; last access: 13/05/2024).

- 2023: Talk given at the 3rd International Conference on “Ikeda/Soka Studies in Education” – DePaul University / Chicago, Illinois (USA) – August 17-18/19, 2023. Oral presentation title: “Narrative and Education: A Comparison between Ikeda and Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Personal Emancipation”.

- 2023: Talk given at the 7th International Conference on “Taming the Wild Fox: The Contradictions of Academic Philosophy” / ENOJP 7 (European Network of Japanese Philosophy) – University College Cork, Cork, Ireland - September 7-9, 2023. Oral presentation title: “The Reactualisation of a Christian Western Tradition via Daisaku Ikeda’s Buddhist Philosophy of Action”.

- 2023: Opening conference at the International Conference of Philosophy and Psychanalysis (tit. “Entre trama e o movimento: para onde vai a Filosofia da Psicanálise?”) – GT Filosofia e Psicánalise da ANPOF / UFMS - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul / UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá / Projeto Ágora (UFMS) / Paideia Pantaneira (CEEP Hércules Maymone) / Mídia Ciência (UEMS). Campo Grande (BR), 13-17 November 2023. Oral presentation title: “Psyché, cerveau, mémoire... affectivité. Quelle est la réalité de l’inconscient?”

- 2023: Talk given at the XVII Encuentros Internacionales de Filosofía en el Cmaino de Santiago (La filosofía en el mapamundi. Pensar las filosofías nacionales en un mundo global) / Sociedade Enteruniversitaria de Filosofía / SENI / SFEGNP / GALICIA MILENIO / Universidade de Santiago de Compostela / Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela 16-18 November 2023. Oral presentation title: “Quali sfide per la filosofia teoretica italiana oggi”.

Other activities

- 2007: Participation as a member to the foundation of the Euro-Mediterranean Phenomenological Net for Intercultural Dialogue – University of Naples “Federico II” (IT) / University of Naples “L’Orientale” (IT) / Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies [IISF], Naples Municipality – Naples, June 25th-27th 2007.   

- 2011: Lesson given at the University of Torino (IT) (Chair of Sociology of Organisations) on Soka Gakkai: Introduction in a Sociological Perspective (La Soka Gakkai. Una presentazione in chiave sociologica) Torino, December 5th 2011. 

- 2012: Talk given at the round table on I cammini della Sardegna dalla memoria alla speranza (Sardinian’s Paths from Memory to Hope) – dir. Prof. Gaspare Mura (Pontifical Urban University, Rome; A.S.U.S., Rome) - Sedilo 3-4 May 2012. A round table with Mons. Ignazio Sanna, Nicola Tanda, Giangiacomo Ortu, Stefano Pira, Luca Vargiu.

- 2012: Talk given with Prof. Annamaria Baldussi (University of Cagliari, IT) at the workshop on Disarmo nucleare? Una strada possibile (Nuclear Disarmament? A Possible Way) within the initiatives “Month of Human Rights” promoted by the STOP OPG Committee – Department of Social Science and Institutions – University of Cagliari, IT / IBISG - Cagliari, 7 December 2012.

- 2013: Co-organisation and Meeting of dialogue with Stefano Pira (historian) and Paolo Fresu (artist) on Krisis: From shadows to lights (Krisis. Dalle ombre alle luci) – XV Dromos Festival, Baratili San Pietro (OR, Italy), 31 July 2013.

- 2013: Co-organisation and chairperson at the conference on Nuclear Disarmament: Updates and Perspectives (Disarmo nucleare. Aggiornamenti e prospettive) with prof. Riccardo Antonini (Gov. Office) – Cagliari, December 7th 2013. 

- 2014: Talks given at the Workshops organised by the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS) – section Sociology of Religion – IBISG’s Cultural Centers of Milano-Corsico (IT) (May 18th 2014) and Roma (September 17th 2014). Talk’s title: IBISG: The Crisis of the Triennium 2000-2003 (La crisi del triennio 2000-2003).

- 2014-2015: Member of the scientific committee for the interdisciplinary workshop on The Normative and the Pathological (Il normativo e il patologico) – Department of Right / Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy / Department of Public Health, and Clinical and Molecular Medicine (University of Cagliari, Italy) – Cagliari, April 23rd 2015.

- 2014: A series of seminars on Personalism – Corso Dottrina sociale della Chiesa, anno 2014, “Individuo e Persona” – San Gavino Monreale (CA, Italy), Centro Pastorale Diocesano, March 7th and 14th 2014. Lectures titl.: Personalism as a Philosophical Theory (Il Personalismo come teoria filosofica) / Personalism as a Political Theory (Il Personalismo come teoria politica).

- 2015: Meeting of dialogue with Johan Galtung on Utopia and European Ethos: The Crisis is the Beginning (L’utopia e l’ethos europeo. La crisi è l’inizio) – XVII Dromos Festival (I have a dream: The Necessary Utopia), Baratili San Pietro (OR, Italy), August 7th 2015.

- 2015-2016: Co-editor of the numb. 1, 2016, of «Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies» (University of Pittsburgh), on “Ricœur et la psychanalyse / Ricoeur and Psychoanalysis”.

- 2016: Talk given at the round table on The Civilisation of Images: Is it a Possibility or a Risk for Personal Development? The Point of View of a Philosopher, a Psychiatrist, and a Psychoanalyst (La civiltà delle immagini: occasioni o rischio per la crescita della persona? Il punto di vista del filosofo, dello psichiatra, dello psicoanalista) – Centro Studi “Lorenzo Milani” / Filottrano (AN, Italy) February 19th 2016. Lecturers:  L. Aversa, A. M. Barioglio, G. Martini, and V. B.

- 2016: Chairperson at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM Vienna HOFBURG 2016) – Vienna (A), April 6th- 9th 2016.

- 2016: Talk given at the conference on The Strength of Dialogue (La forza del dialogo), University of Cagliari, Department of Social Science and Institutions – Chair of History and Institutions of Afro-Asian Countries – Cagliari (IT), May 6th 2016. Lecturers: Annamaria Baldussi (University of Cagliari, IT), Patrizia Manduchi (University of Cagliari, IT), Imam Ataul Wasih Tariq (The Ahmadiyya Community) and V. B. Talk’s title: Il dialogo è incontrarsi.

- 2016: Chairperson at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM Bulgaria 2016) – Albena (BG), August 22nd-31st 2016).

- 2017: Co-organisation with Prof. Annamaria Baldussi (University of Cagliri, IT) of a Round Table on “Custodiamo la terra insieme. I rispetto della natura nelle diverse religioni” (Let’s Safeguard our Earth: The Respect of Nature within Religions) – Presentation of the Calendar “Religions for Peace 2017” (dir. Dt. Luigi De Salvia – Religions For Peace Italia) – Faculty of Economic, Law and Political Sciences (University of Cagliari, IT) - Cagliari, 10 February 2017.

- 2018: Talk given at the conference on Epistemological Dilemmas between Hermeneutics and Pragmatism (Dilemmi Epistemologici tra Ermeneutica e Pragmatismo), Regional Program FdS/RAS 2016 on Science and its Logic: The Representation Dilemma / University of Cagliari, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy – Cagliari (IT), May 17th 2018. Lecturers: Rosa Maria Calcaterra (University of Roma Tre) and V. B.

- 2018: Talk given at the International conference ’40 Anni d’Orientalismo. Giornata internazionale nel segno di Edward W. Said’ [40 Years of Orientalism: Around Edward W. Said], University of Cagliari, Department of Social Science and Institutions – Chair of History and Institutions of Afro-Asian Countries – Cagliari (IT), 12 October 2018. Lecturers: Cristina Lombardi Diop (Un. Loyola-Chicago), Mauro Pala (Un. Cagliari), Marco Gatto (Un. della Calabria), Franco Mazzei (UNIOR Napoli-LUISS-Roma), Miguel Mellino (UNIOR Napoli), Cosimo Zene (SOAS Londra), Annamaria Baldussi (Un. Cagliari), and V. B. Talk’s title: Oggettività/Oggettivazione: Said, Ricoeur e il paradosso del narrativo (Objectivity/Obectification: Said, Ricoeur and the Narrative Paradox).

- 2018- Role of ‘expert scientifique’ for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) : <www.aap.agencerecherche.fr>.

- 2020: Co-organisation with Prof. Duilio Caocci (University of Cagliri, IT) of a Round Table on “Giovanni Antonio Mura (1879-1943): scrittore, poeta, prete militante. Una ricognizione sulla vita e sull’opera” (Giovanni Antonio Mura [1879-1943]: writer, poet, and engaged priest. A survey on his life and work) – Faculty of Humanities (University of Cagliari, IT) - Cagliari, 16 December 2020.

- 2022: Organisation and introductory speech at the conference of prof. Anna Maria Nieddu (University of Cagliari – IT) “L’esistenzialismo Positivo di Paul Ricoeur” [Paul Ricoeur’s Positive Existentialism] / University of Cagliari - Doctoral Course on Philosophy, Epistemology and Human Sciences, Cagliari 11 January 2022.

- 2022: Co-organisation and introductory speech at the conference of Ennio Bispuri “Ettore Scola: Un umanista nel cinema italiano” [Ettore Scola: A Humanist in the Italian Cinema], ASUS - Rome 20 January 2022; web conference.

- 2022: Co-organisation and presentation at the Round table (“Libertà, verità e post-verità”) of Festival del Dialogo Filosofico, IV edition – Department of Education, Psychology and Philosophy, University of Cagliari / CRIF – Research Center for Philosophical Investigation / Comune di Quartu Sant’Elena (IT) / Liceo Scientifico e Artistico Brotzu, Quartu Sant’Elena (IT). (Event included in the initiatives of the 25th World Congress of Philosophy, Rome 2024).  

- 2022 : Talk given at the round table “Filosofia e Medicina. Spunti per un confronto” [Philosophy and Medicine: Ideas for a Comparison] – University of Cagliari, 16 December 2022; with the participation of: Pietro Giorgio Calò, Michele Camerota, Ernesto D’Aloja, Vassilios Fanos, Ezio Laconi, Ludovica Lorusso, Emilio Montaldo, Francesco Paoli, Luca Saba, Mario Scartozzi, Silvano Tagliagambe.

- 2023: Organisation and chairship of a series of seminars on “Aristotele: perché esercitarsi alla virtù” (Aristotle: Why practice virtue?) – ASUS / CRIF; 11, 26 January, and 9, 16 February 2023; with Prof. Roberto Rossi.

- 2023: Organisation and chairship of the following web-presentation: Dizionario di medicina narrative, ed. by Massimiliano Marinelli (UNIVPM) – ASUS, 24 February 2023; with the participation of Luigi Alici (University of Macerata), Giuseppe Martini (SPI – Italian Psychoanalytic Society).

- 2023: Chairship of the first web-seminar on “Gli scritti etico-religiosi di Edmund Husserl” [Edmund Husserl’s religious ethical writings] – 10 March 2023; with the participation of Nicoletta Ghigi (University of Perugia, IT).

- 2023: Talk given at the seminar on “Philip Kindred Dick: La realtà è sempre ciò che sembra?” [P.K. Dick: IS reality always what it seems?] - Department of Education, Psychology and Philosophy (Univ. of Cagliari) – Cagliari 16 March 2023; with the participation of: Alessio Ceccherelli (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), Antioco Floris (Univ. of Cagliari), Mauro Pala (Univ. of Cagliari), Emiliano Ilardi (Univ. of Cagliari), Ignazio Sanna (Univ. of Cagliari); talk’s title: Il nascosto, la rappresentazione, l’imitazione. Note su Dick dal punto di vista ricoeuriano [The hidden, the representational, and the imitation: notes on Dick from Ricoeur’s perspective].

- 2023: Co-organisation and chairship of the conference on “Ateismo religioso e ricercar di Dio” [Religious atheism and search for God] – Pontifical Faculty of Theology of Sardinia / Department of Education, Psychology and Philosophy (Univ. of Cagliari) – Cagliari 24 March 2023; with the participation of: Ignazio Sanna (Pontifical Academy of Theology), Gaspare Mura (Urbanian Pontificial University), Felice Nuvoli (University of Cagliari).

- 2023: Presentation of the book “E. Baldi (a cura di), Con Montessori e oltre. Il metodo, l’educazione, la sofferenza” [With Montessori and beyond: Methodology, Education and Suffering]; organiser: Furio Pesci (Sapienza University of Rome; organiser).

- 2023: Co-organisation and presentation at the Round table (“Prendere la parola”) of Festival del Dialogo Filosofico, 5th edition – Department of Education, Psychology and Philosophy, University of Cagliari / CRIF – Research Center for Philosophical Investigation / ASUS - Academy of human and social sciences / Comune di Quartu Sant’Elena (IT) / Comune di Olbia / Liceo Scientifico e Artistico Brotzu, Quartu Sant’Elena (IT) / IIS “De Sanctis-Deledda”, Cagliari / Era Giardino d’Infanzia, Olbia – Cagliari/ Quartu/ Olbia, 12 and 20 May 2023.

- 2023: Chairship of the International Conference on “Enigmi della fenomenologia: il non evidente” [Riddles of the Phenomenologty: The Non-evident] / University of Cagliari - Cagliari, 9 June 2023; organised by Gabriella Baptist; participants: Bernhard Waldenfels, Sanem Yazicio?lu, Fabio Ciaramelli, Mariannina Failla, Ferdinando G. Menga, Roberta Guccinelli.

- 2023: Discussant at the Kristin Andrews’ seminar on “Norm Psychology Is Pluralistic” – University of Cagliari (IT) / Normactivity (Research Network on Human and Non-Human Normativity) - Cagliari, 13 June 2023; organ. by: Giuseppe Lorini.

- 2023: Talk given at the round table on “Il valore della diversità culturale” [The Value of Cultural Diversity] / Rete Educativa “Aprilia Solidale”, Aprilia (IT) 17 June 2023.

- 2024: Organisation and chairship of a series of 7 seminars on “Società complessa: quale educazione è possible?) [Complex Society: What Education is Possible?] – ASUS / CRIF; 11, 18, 25 January, and 1, 8, 15, 22 February 2023; with Prof. Stefano Peretti.

- 2024: Talk given at the web-seminar on “La Lirica, Il Teatro, La Rappresentazione”. A partire da Vincenzo Bellini, “Al cuore, poeta che riceve per la prima l’impressione delle passioni” [Opera, Theatre, and Representation. Starting from Vincenzo Bellini: “To the Heart, the Poet who First Receives the Impression of the Passions”], LAPEF – Laboratory of Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology,  13 Januray 2024; with Dr. Roberto Iannone and Dr. Lorenzo De Donato.

- 2024: Talk given at the Round table on “Sulla Pace: Logos, Amore, Giustizia” [On Peace: Logos, Love, Justice]. CIRF - Italian Center for Phenomenological Investigations, 27 April 2024; with Proff. Giancarlo Gaeta, Gaspare Mura and Romano Romani.  

-2024: Talk given at the conference on “Sull’effetto struggente della Norma: la trama, l’azione, l’‘instrumentazione’ [On Norma’s Poignant Effect: Plot, Action, and ‘Instrumentation’], Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Luigi Canepa” di Sassari (IT), 23 May 2024.  

- 2024: Talk given at the online conference on “Il multiculturalismo. Quale riconoscimento, quale sfida per il diritto” – Universidade Evangélica de Goiás - Anápolis, 7 giugno 2024.

List of Publications


Ricœur versus Freud. Due concezioni dell’uomo a confronto, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2008, 86p [ISBN 978-88-498-2235-9].

Ermeneutica del profondo. Jürgen Habermas interprete di Freud, UNI Service, Trento, 2009, 137p [ISBN 978-88-6178-391-1].

Pulsione e significato. La psicoanalisi di Freud nella filosofia di Paul Ricœur, pref. P. L. Lecis, postf. G. Martini, Unicopli, Milano 2010, 483p [ISBN-978-88-400-1404-3].

Per una ermeneutica critica. Studi su Paul Ricœur, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2011, 166p [ISBN 978-88-498-2830-6].

Ricœur vs. Freud. Métamorphose d’une nouvelle compréhension de l’homme, L’Harmattan, Paris 2011, 91p [ISBN: 978-2-296-55355-2].

Un Buddhismo pericoloso? Risposta a Occulto Italia, UNI Service, Trento 2011, 64p [ISBN 978-88-6178-720-9].

Tra ragione e fede. Interventi buddisti (Collana: Filosofie), Mimesis, Udine, 2012, 123p [ISBN 978-88-5750-935-8].

Pour une herméneutique critique. Etudes autour de Paul Ricœur, Harmattan, Paris 2013, 194p [ISBN 978-2-343-00398-6].

Il Budda e la sfida del male (Collana: Filosofie), Mimesis, Udine, 2013, 122p [ISBN 978-88-5751-950-0].

Documenti e manoscritti psicoanalitici del Fonds Ricœur. Prima catalogazione, pref. di F. de Luca, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2013, 156p [ISBN 978-88-548-6368-2].

- La capacità di ognuno. Conoscenza, rappresentazione e capacità in Paul Ricœur, pref. S. Borutti, Carocci, Roma 2014, 150p [ISBN 978-88-430-7336-8].

Daisaku Ikeda. Una nuova filosofia dell’azione. Vol. I, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2014, 320p. [ISBN 978-88-548-7892-1].

Daisaku Ikeda. Una nuova filosofia dell’azione. Vol. II, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2014, 564p [ISBN 9788854877207]. 

The Recognition Principle: A Philosophical Perspective between Psychology, Sociology and Politics, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2015, 97p [ISBN 9781443872768].

Il dono della sofferenza. La religiosità nella Soka Gakkai, Mimesis, Udine 2015, 60p [ISBN 978-88-5752-966-0].

La via della creazione di valore. Nuovi interventi buddisti, Mimesis, Udine, 2016, 190p [ISBN 978-88-5753-321-6].

Habermas and Ricoeur’s Depth Hermeneutics: From Psychoanalysis to a Critical Human Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham (Switzerland), 2016, 120p   (ISBN 978-3-319-39010-9; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39010-9).

Philosophy and Human Revolution: Essays in Celebration of Daisaku Ikeda’s 90th Birthday, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2018, 162p [ISBN 978-1-5275-2292-3].

Daisaku Ikeda. Una nuova filosofia dell’azione. Vol. III, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2019, 564p [ISBN 978-88-255-2528-1].

Action, Intersubjectivity and Narrative Identity: Essays on Critical Hermeneutics, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2019, 193p. [ISBN (10): 1-5275-4045-6 / ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-4045-3].

with G. Martini, L’identità in questione. Saggio di psicoanalisi ed ermeneutica, Jaca Book, Milano 2020, 368p [ISBN 978-88-68-667306].

La realtà del passato. Studi filosofici sulla conoscenza storica, Guida, Napoli, 2020, 188p [ISBN 978-88-6866-672-9].

with G. Martini, Personal Identity between Psychology and Philosophy: A Perpetual Metamorphoses?, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2021, 135p [ISBN 978-1-5275-6352-0].

Daisaku Ikeda. Una nuova filosofia dell’azione. Vol. IV, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2021, 754p [ISBN 979-12-5994-595-2].

Capitolo Italia. Analisi di un caso di rinarrazione nella Soka Gakkai italiana, Independenty published 2022, 62p; ISBN 979-8371700469

La philosophie de l’action de Daisaku Ikeda, Les Impliqués Editeur, Paris 2023, 276p; [ISBN 978-2-38417-947-3]


with G. Martini (eds.), Tra immagine e parola. Passaggi e paesaggi, Fattore Umano Edizioni, Roma 2015 [ISBN 978-88-907-2285-1].

with P. L. Lecis e P. Salis (eds.), Realtà, Verità, Rappresentazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2015 [ISBN 978-88-917-1411-4].

- with G. Costanzo (eds), Paul Ricœur e “Les proches”. Vivere e raccontare il Novecento, Effatà, Cantalupa (TO), 2016 [ISBN 978-88-6929-104-3]. 

with Weiny César Freitas Pinto (eds), «Études Ricœuriennes / Ricoeur Studies» (University of Pittsburgh), vol.7, n.1, (2016) [ISSN 2156-7808 (online)].

- with P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, V. Busacchi, P. Salis and O. G. Loddo (eds.), Verità, Immagine, Normatività, Quodlibet (coll. Analisi filosofiche),  Macerata, 2017 [ISBN 978-88-2290-043-2].

of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (On Understanding and Interpretation: The Issues and Perspectives of Contemporary Hermeneutics), vol. 1, n. 1, P. I (December 2017), 248p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with G. Costanzo, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (On Understanding and Interpretation: The Issues and Perspectives of Contemporary Hermeneutics), vol. 1, n. 1, P. II (December 2017), 75p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with A. Scott-Baumann & G. Marcelo, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (On the Challenge of Migration), vol. 2, n. 1, (2018), 178p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with M. Agís Villaverde & G. Costanzo, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Reciprocity as an Ethical-Political Principle: In Memory of Domenico Jervolino – 1946-2018), vol. 2, n. 2, (2019), 305p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Luís A. Umbelino, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» ([Re-]defining Populism), vol. 3, special, (May 2019) [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with François Dosse, Christian Delacroix et Rossana Lista, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Crisis of Historicity: A Challenge for Historians), vol. 3, n. 1, (2019) 301p  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Fernanda Henriques, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Path to the Hermeneutic Field), vol. 3, special II, (2019), 158p  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Annamaria Nieddu, editing of Pragmatismo ed Ermeneutica. Soggettività, Storicità, Rappresentazione, Mimesis, Milano-Undine, 2019, 264p [ISBN 8857561178].

with Pietro Salis and Simonluca Pinna, editing of Prassi, cultura, realtà. Scritti in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis, MIMESIS, Milano-Udine 2020, 264p [ISBN 9788857568591].

with Beatriz Contreras Tasso and Patricio Mena Malet, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Personal Identity: An Issue that Demands Revision in Today’s Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Dialogue), vol. 3, n.2, (2019), 289p  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Giovanna Costanzo and Paola Ricci, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Ágnes Heller (1929-2019) In memoriam: The Utopia of Conversation), vol. 4, special I, (2020), 216p  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Luca Possati and Alberto Romele, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Digital Hermeneutics), vol. 4, n. 1, (2020), 176p  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Pier Luigi Lecis, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Unchangeability of the Past: Human and Natural Sciences in Comparison), vol. 4, special issue II, (2020), 278p  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Giuseppe Martini and Ignacio Iglesias Colillas, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Digital Hermeneutics), vol. 4, n. 2, (2020), 216p  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Marcelino Agís Villaverde, Javier Barcia González and Rocío Carolo Tosar editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Philosophy Today: The Need of Humanities to Build the World of Future [La Filosofía hoy. Necesidad de las humanidades en la construcción del mundo del futuro]), vol. 5, special, (2021), 454p  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Angiola Iapoce and Önay Sözer (eds.), L’inconscio a più voci. Percorsi multidisciplinari tra psicoanalisi, ermeneutica, fenomenologia, Fattore Umano Edizioni, Roma 2021, 248p [ISBN 9788894476750].  

with Gaspare Mura and Angelo Antonio Cervati, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Emilio Betti: A Humanist Between Law and Philosophy), vol. 5, n. 1, (2021), 353p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

C. Canullo, A. Kunnath, M. Castagna, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Living, Interpreting, and Understanding Philosophically: Jean Greisch’s Contributions to Philosophical and Biblical Hermeneutics), vol. 5, n. 2, (2021), 280p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Giuseppe Martini, editing of «B@belonline» (Paul Ricoeur: Narrative Identity between Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis), n.s., n. 8, November 2021 [ISSN 2531-8624].

with Giovanni Mulargia (eds.), Realtà, Realismo e altre questioni controverse, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2021, 96p [ISBN 9788857584997].

editing of P. Ricoeur, Gabriel Marcel e Karl Jaspers. Filosofia del mistero, filosofia del paradosso, tab edizioni, Roma 2021 [ISBN 978-88-9295-278-2].

editing of E. Betti, L’ermeneutica come metodica generale delle scienze dello spirito, tab edizioni, Roma 2022 [ISBN 978-88-9295-425-0].

with Johann Michel and Anna Maria Nieddu editing of «European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy» (Experience, Interpretation and Meaning: A Dialogue between Hermeneutics and Pragmatism) vol. XIV, n. 1, 2022 [ISSN 2036-4091].

with Caterina Benelli, Giovanni Cogliandro and Giovanna Costanzo editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Lives on the Fringes: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Incarceration), vol. 6, n. 1, (2022), 229p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Cristiana Freni, Theodore D. George and Mirela Oliva editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Hermeneutic Realism and Veritative Hermeneutics), vol. 6, n. 2, (2022), 363p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Mariannina Failla and Luigi Aversa, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (On Attention: Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis), vol. 7, n. 1, (2023), 279p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with Gaspare Mura, editing of Sulle tracce del sacro. Fenomenologia ed ermeneutica dell’odierna religiosità, Aracne, Roma 2023, 308p [ISBN 979-12-218-0990-9].

editing and translation of P. Ricoeur, Ermeneutica. Scritti e conferenze, vol. 2, Jaca Book, Milano 2023, 340p  [ISBN 97888816418189] (orig. Écrits et conférences 2. Herméneutique, Seuil, Paris 2010).

Caterina Benelli, Giovanna Costanzo, Roberta Pandolfino editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Attraversamenti [Crossings]: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Experience of the Former Psychiatric Hospital in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto), vol. 7, n. 2, special (2023), 320p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

Silvano Tagliagambe, Natalino Valentini, Lubomir Žac, Massimiliano Spano, Vincenzo Rizzo, Andea Dezi, Domenico Burzo, editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Pavel Florensky’s Legacy on the Future of Science), vol. 7, n. 2, (2023), 413p. [ISBN 979-12-218-0990-9].

Gabriella Baptist editing of «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Around Bernhard Waldenfels’ Phenomenological Perspective: Margins, Abysses, and Enigmas of Experience), vol. 8, special (2024), 414p [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

of «Il Veltro. Rivista della Civiltà Italiana» (Luci e Ombre del Postumano), vol. 67, n. 3-4, (2023) [ISSN 0042-3254 (Online)].

Papers, chapters in books, etc.

 - ‘Il Freud di Jürgen Habermas’, Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Cagliari, Nuova Serie XIX (Vol. LVI), 2001: 249-276 [ISSN 1125-8713].

‘Il passaggio per la psicoanalisi’ in M. Piras (a cura di), Saggezza e riconoscimento. Il pensiero etico-politico dell’ultimo Ricœur, Meltemi, Roma 2007 [ISBN 978-88-8353-573-4], pp. 143-162.

‘La psicoanalisi dopo il De l’interprétation. Presenza e significato di Freud nel Ricœur della seconda ermeneutica’, Segni e comprensione, a. XXII, n. s., n. 64, (2008): 54-76. [e-ISSN 1828-5368].

‘Le désir, l’identité, l’autre. La psychanalyse après l’Essai sur Freud’ (postface), in P. Ricœur, Écrits et conférences I. Autour de la psychanalyse, a cura di J. L. Schlegel, Seuil, Paris 2008: 303-317 [EAN 9782020964258].

‘El deseo, la identidad, el otro. El psicoanálisis en Paul Ricœur según el Ensayo sobre Freud’ (posfacio), in P. Ricœur, Escritos y conferencias. Alrededor del psicoanálisis, trad esp. Adolfo CASTAÑÓN, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, México 2009: 225-235 (ISBN 978-607-03-0113-1).  

‘Tra Hegel e Freud. La dialettica del riconoscimento’, Logos, n.s. 4-5 (2009-2010): 151-164 [ISBN 978-88-6381-022-6].

‘Paul Ricœur. Dall’azione al sé’, in U. Perone (ed.), La filosofia dell’avvenire, Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier 2010: 171-178 [ISBN 978-88-7885-087-3].

‘O desejo, a identidade, o outro – a psicanálise em Paul Ricoeur depois do ensaio sobre Freud’, in P. Ricoeur, Escritos e confêrencias, I – em torno da psicanálise, tradução de Edson Bini, São Paulo: Loyola 2010: 233-243 [ISBN 978-3-8379-2394-0].

‘Ricœur vs. Honneth. La psicologia del riconoscimento tra lotta e dono’, Segni e comprensione, a. XXIV, n.s., n. 72 (2010): 122-132 [e-ISSN 1828-5368].  

‘Entre narration et action. Herméneutique et reconstruction thérapeutique de l’identité’ (talk given at the International Conference on Reading Ricœur Once Again: Hermeneutics and Practical Philosophy – Lisbon, 7-10 July 2010 (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol. 1, n. 1, (2010): 21-33. [ISSN 2155-1162 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2010.11].

‘Desire, Identity, the Other – Psychoanalysis for Paul Ricœur after Freud and Philosophy’, in Paul Ricœur, On Psychoanalysis: Writings and Lectures, Polity Press, Cambridge 2012: 220-231 [ISBN-13 978-0-7456-6123-0].

‘Spiegazione/comprensione. Dietro la polisemia della nozione di traccia’, Il Protagora, XXXIX, 6th series, n. 17, (2012): 147-158 [ISBN: 978-88-5751-352-2; ISSN 0552-3702].

‘Ricœur. La riconfigurazione dell’identità’, in D. Iannotta – G. Martini (eds.), Strade del narrare. La costruzione dell’identità, Effatà, Cantalupa (To) 2012: 129-151 [ISBN 978-88-7402-763-7].  

‘Per una filosofia della persona in chiave ricœuriana’, Segni e comprensione, XXII, n. s., n. 78, (2012): 110-124 [e-ISSN 1828-5368].

‘De la méthode herméneutique de Paul Ricœur’, Segni e comprensione, XXVI, n. 80, (2013): 19-33 [e-ISSN 1828-5368].

‘El deseo, la identidad, el otro. El psicoanálisis en Paul Ricoeur según el ensayo Freud: una interpretación de la cultura’, in P. Ricoeur, Escritos y conferencias 1. Entorno al psicoanálisis, Editorial Trotta, Madrid 2013: 215-224 (ISBN 978-84-9879-444-1).  

‘Traccia di sé. La persona tra fenomenologia e neurobiologia’, Il Pensare, II, n. 2, (2013): 38-50 (ISSN 2280-8566); www.ilpensare.it.

‘Forza teoretico-pratica dell’antropologia filosofica di Paul Ricoeur’, Dialegesthai. Rivista telematica di filosofia, XV (2013) [date of (on line) publication: 28 December 2013]; <http://mondodomani.org/dialegesthai/> [ISSN 1128-5478]. 

‘Dalla mitologia del male del Tantrismo al problema del male nel Buddismo’, in G. Mura, Bene e male nelle religioni, Aracne, Roma 2014: 151-166 [ISBN 9788854872073].

‘Filosofia della traduzione e sfide della contemporaneità’, in M. Castagna, R. Pititto, S. Venezia, I dialoghi dell’interpretazione. Studi in onore di Domenico Jervolino, Diogene Edizioni, Pomigliano D’Arco (NA) 2015: 423-434 [ISBN 9788866471111]. 

‘L’identità personale tra immaginazione e realtà’, in V. Busacchi, G. Martini (eds.), Tra immagine e parola. Passaggi e paesaggi, op. cit.: 70-77.

to the ‘Round Table’ (Tavola rotunda), in V. Busacchi, G. Martini (eds.), Tra immagine e parola. Passaggi e paesaggi, op. cit. [107-129]: 109, 110-111, 113-114, 114-115, 16, 117, 118, 121-122, 123, 124. 

‘La spiegazione storica. Su alcuni modelli misti’, in V. Busacchi, P. L. Lecis, P. Salis (eds.), Realtà, verità, rappresentazione, op. cit.: 127-140.

‘Habermas and Ricoeur on Recognition: Toward a New Social Humanism’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. V, n. 2, February 2015: 10-20 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)].

‘The Epistemology of Testimony: A Hermeneutical Key’, in M. Bianca, P. Piccari (eds.), Epistemology of Ordinary Knowledge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2015: 394-405 (ISBN [10] 1-4438-8052-3; ISBN [13] 978-1-4438-8052-7).   

P. L. Lecis e P. Salis, ‘Presentazione’, in V. Busacchi, P. L. Lecis, P. Salis (eds.), Realtà, verità, rappresentazione, cit.: 9-18.

‘L’identità come esperienza narrativa: quale fondamento in Ricœur?’, Logoi.ph, I, n. 2 (2015): 312-321 (ISSN 2420-9775).

with G. Costanzo, ‘Introduzione. Tempo della festa, tempo del ricordo. 1913-2013: Paul Ricoeur, in memoriam’, in V. Busacchi, G. Costanzo (eds), Paul Ricoeur e “les proches”, cit.: 11-28.

‘Tra-durre la sofferenza’, in V. Busacchi, G. Costanzo (eds), Paul Ricoeur e “les proches”, cit.: 335-356.

 - ‘The Ricoeurian Way: Towards A Critical Hermeneutics for the Human and Social Sciences’, American International Journal of Social Science (AIJSS), vol. IV, n. 6, (December 2015): 82-88 [ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), 2325-4165 (Online)].

‘Ermeneutica critica e analitiche (chiesastiche) dell’azione’, SpazioFilosofico, n. 16 (Azione/Agency), February 2016: 131-142 (ISSN 2038-6788).

‘Critical Hermeneutics and the Paradigm of the Text’, in AA.VV, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Book 3, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy; Volume I, History and Philosophy, SGEM, Sophia 2016: 419-426 [ISBN 978-619-7105-52-0; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2016HB31].

‘Ikeda’s Philosophy of Human Revolution’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 6, n. 2, February 2016: 63-72 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (online)].

‘Justice Through Recognition: A Philosophical Survey’, Journal of Education & Social Policy (JESPNET), vol. 3, n. 2, (June 2016): 95-103 [ISSN 2375-0782 (Print), 2375-0790 (Online)].

‘The Human and Its Discourse: From Fragmentation to Unification’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 6, n. 7, July 2016: 34-44 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (online)].

‘Justice Through Recognition’, in AA.VV., The International Academic Forum ACP / ACERP (The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2016 Official Conference Proceedings), Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 2016, 183-191 [ISSN: 2187-476X].

‘Lacan’s epistemic role in Ricœur’s re-reading of Freud’, Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol.7, n.1, (2016): 56-71 [ISSN 2156-7808 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2016.352].

- with Weiny César Freitas Pinto, ‘Introduction’ (FR), Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol.7, n.1, (2016): 1-6 [ISSN 2156-7808 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2016.345].

with Weiny César Freitas Pinto, ‘Introduction’ (EN), Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol.7, n.1, (2016): 7-12 [ISSN 2156-7808 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2016.346].

- with Simonluca Pinna, ‘Action and Testimony: The historical fact between truth and representation’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 6, n. 6, (June 2016), pp. 27-36 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (online)].

‘Recognition and Emancipation’, in AA.VV, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Book 3, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy; History and Philosophy, Volume II, SGEM, Sophia 2016: 799-806 (ISBN 978-619-7105-77-3; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2016B32).

‘Towards a Critical Theory between Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of Human Action and Habermas’ Critical Sociology’, in AA.VV, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Book 3, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy; History and Philosophy, Volume II, SGEM, Sophia 2016: 941-947 (ISBN 978-619-7105-77-3; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2016B32).

‘The Multicultural Future: A Comparison Between Johan Galtung and Daisaku Ikeda’, in AA.VV, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Book 3, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy; History and Philosophy, Volume II, SGEM, Sophia 2016: 885-892 (ISBN 978-619-7105-77-3; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2016B32).

‘Dell’enciclica “Laudato sì” sull’ambiente. Un commentario in chiave buddista’, in Fogli Campostrini, vol. 11, n. 2 (2016) [Sora Nostra Matre Terra. Riflessioni Interdisciplinari sull’Enciclica “Laudato Sì”]: 75-117 [ISSN 2240-7863]. http://fogli.centrostudicampostrini.it/files/numeri_in_pdf/vol11_2016_2/Fogli_Campostrini_vol11_2016_2.pdf

‘On Daisaku Ikeda’s philosophy of action.’ 2nd Annual Conference of ENOJP -  Celebrating 150 Years of Belgium-Japan Friendship, ULB (Amazon Fulfillment), Wroclaw (Poland) 2016, 141-142 (ISBN: 9781539916345).

‘The Philosophy of Action of Daisaku Ikeda: A Path of Intra-worldly Spiritual Emancipation’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 6, n. 12, (December 2016): 18-28 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (online)].

‘Fattualità e rappresentazione storica’, in P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, V. Busacchi, P. Salis and O. G. Loddo (eds.), Verità, Immagine, Normatività, Quodlibet (coll. Analisi filosofiche), Macerata, 2017, 279-293 [ISBN 978-88-2290-043-2].

‘Hermeneutics of Action: On Ricœur’s Philosophy of Action’, in AA.VV, 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2017: ANCIENCE SCIENCE / Conference Proceedings; Volume I: Archaeology, History and Philosophy, SGEM, Sophia 2017, 277-284 [ISBN 978-619-7105-94-0; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2017HB21].

‘Semantics of Action, I: On Ricœur’s Distinction between Linguistic and Phenomenological Analysis’, in AA.VV, 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2017: ANCIENCE SCIENCE / Conference Proceedings; Volume I: Archaeology, History and Philosophy, SGEM, Sophia 2017, 331-338 [ISBN 978-619-7105-94-0; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2017HB21].

‘Semantics of Action II: On Ricœur’s Discourse of Action’, in AA.VV, 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2017: ANCIENCE SCIENCE / Conference Proceedings; Volume I: Archaeology, History and Philosophy, SGEM, Sophia 2017, 339-346 [ISBN 978-619-7105-94-0; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2017HB21].

‘Semantics of Action III: On Ricœur’s Approach on Motivation and Cause, his Phenomenological Approach on the Voluntary and the Involuntary, and his Philosophy of Capable Human Being’, in AA.VV, 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2017: ANCIENCE SCIENCE / Conference Proceedings; Volume I: Archaeology, History and Philosophy, SGEM, Sophia 2017, 347-354 [ISBN 978-619-7105-94-0; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2017HB21].

‘Imagine and Representation in Historical Knowledge’, American International Journal of Social Science (AIJSS), vol. VI, n. 3, (September 2017): 26-33 [ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), 2325-4165 (Online)].

- ‘Why the Reality Is Not Totalisable: An Introduction to Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Action’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 7, n. 11: 20-25 (November 2017) pp. 20-25 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)].

‘On Daisaku Ikeda’s interpretation of the concept of ?butsu My?g?’, International Journal of Business and Social Science (IJBSS), vol. 8, n. 11 (November 2017): 35-41 [ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online)].

‘Editor’s Introduction’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1, n. 1, P. I (December 2017): I-IV [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

- ‘Editoriale’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1, n. 1, P. I (December 2017): V-VIII [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

‘Hermeneutics ‘Reloaded’: From Science/Philosophy Dichotomy to Critical Hermeneutics’ Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1, n. 1, P. I (December 2017): 41-65 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with P. L. Lecis, ‘L’imagination apprivoisée : représentation et factualité dans la connaissance historique’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1, n. 1, P. I (December 2017): 125-154 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

- with G. Costanzo, ‘Editors’ Introduction’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1, n. 1, P. II (December 2017), pp. V-VIII [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online); DOI: https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/3225].

with G. Costanzo, ‘Editoriale’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 1, n. 1, P. II (December 2017): IX-XII [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online); DOI: https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/3231].

‘Historical Factuality and Representation’, in AA.VV, 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Volume 5, Issue 2.1., History, Philosophy, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, SGEM, Sophia 2018: 217-224 (ISBN 978-619-7408-31-7; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: https://doi.org/10.5593/sgemsocial2018H/21).

‘The Historisation of Memory: Testimony and Historical Knowledge’, in AA.VV, 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Volume 5, Issue 2.1., History, Philosophy, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, SGEM, Sophia 2018: 379-386 (ISBN 978-619-7408-31-7; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: https://doi.org/10.5593/sgemsocial2018H/21).

‘Human Identity and Historical Knowledge’, in AA.VV, 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Volume 5, Issue 2.1., History, Philosophy, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, SGEM, Sophia 2018: 233-240 (ISBN 978-619-7408-31-7; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: https://doi.org/10.5593/sgemsocial2018H/21).

Daisaku Ikeda’s Budhist Conception of Human Being’, in AA.VV., Abstracts 3rd Annual International Symposium on Religion & Theology, 28-31 May 2018, Athens, Greece, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens 2018, pp. 15-16 (ISBN 9789605981877).

‘Chi/Cosa [può] professa[re] la filosofia oggi?’, InCircolo. Rivista di filosofia e cultura, vol. 5, 2018: 45-62 (ISSN 2531-4092).

‘Sulla capacità di diventare persone’, in G. Baptist and A. Barioglio (eds.), Chi sei? Sé, Soggetto, Persona, Fattore Umano Edizioni, Roma 2018: 109-127 [ISBN: 9788894190168].

‘Why Those Who Disregard Foreigners Despise Themselves’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy (On the Challenge of Migration), vol. 2, n. 1, (2018): 105-127 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online); DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13125/CH/3440].

‘On Narrative Identity’, in AA.VV, 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2018: Conference Proceedings; Volume 5, Issue 2.2., Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Philosophy, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, SGEM, Sophia 2018, 555-563 (ISBN 978-619-7408-53-9; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2018/2.2).

 - ‘On Personal Identity and Imagination’, in AA.VV, 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2018: Conference Proceedings; Volume 5, Issue 2.2., Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Philosophy, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, SGEM, Sophia 2018, 565-572 (ISBN 978-619-7408-53-9; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2018/2.2).

‘Imagining a Life: On Imagination and Identity’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 8, n. 7, July 2018: 47-55 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online); DOI:10.30845/ijhss.v8n7p1].

‘Telling a Life: Narration and Personal Identity’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 8, n. 7, July 2018: 172-179 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online); DOI:10.30845/ijhss.v8n7p1].

with S. Italia, ‘Between Anthropology and Communication: Towards a General Theory of Recognition’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS),vol. 8, n. 12, December 2018: 25-34 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online); DOI:10.30845/ijhss.v8n12p3].

with M. Agís Villaverde and G. Costanzo, ‘Editors’ Introduction’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2, n. 2 (January 2019): I-V [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online); DOI: https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/3563].

with M. Agís Villaverde and G. Costanzo, ‘Editorial’ [ES], Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2, n. 2 (January 2019): VII-XI [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online); DOI: https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/3564].

with M. Agís Villaverde and G. Costanzo, ‘Editoriale’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2, n. 2 (January 2019): XIII-XVIII [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online); DOI: https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/3565].

‘Ricezione di Paul Ricœur in Italia. L’opera di Domenico Jervolino e il ruolo dell’Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici di Napoli’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2, n. 2 (December 2018): 91-133 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online); DOI: https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/3571].

‘À travers la vulnérabilité et l’effort. De la personne que nous deviendrons’, Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol. 9, n. 2, (2018): 60-73. [ISSN 2156-7808 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2018.432].

‘Che cosa è “limite” per Paul Ricœur’, Aretè. International Journal of Philosophy, Human & Social Sciences, vol. 4, 2019: 363-371 [ISSN 2531-6249].

‘Il concetto di Persona nel Buddhismo: Una panoramica con focus sulla concezione Mah?y?na, Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione, n. 10, Agosto 2018: 41-50 [ISSN 2532-1676].

with L. Umbelino, ‘Editors’ Introduction’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 3, special (May 2019): I-V [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with L. Umbelino, ‘Editorial’ [PT], Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 3, número especial (May 2019): VII-XI [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with L. Umbelino, ‘Editoriale’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2, n.s. (May 2019): XIII-XVIII [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

‘Annotazioni sul Populismo’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2, n.s. (May 2019): 1-30 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

‘Di una incertezza dell’ermeneutica di Ricœur “risolta” dalla «trilogia fantastica» di Camilleri’, Quaderni camilleriani 8 (Oltre il poliziesco: letteratura/multilinguismo/traduzioni nell’area mediterranea. Fantastiche e metamorfiche isolitudini), a cura di M. Deriu, G. Marci), Grafiche Ghiani, Cagliari 2019 [ISBN: 978-88-943068-5-9]

‘Historical Factuality and Representation’, SWS Journal of Social Sciences and Art, issue 1, 2019, pp. 13-26 [ISSN 2664-0104 (Online); DOI 10.35603/SSA2019/ISSUE 1.02].

‘On Soka Gakkai and Komeito: A (non-Sociological) Critical Reflection Around Certain Sociological Studies’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 9, n. 5, May 2019, pp. 221-227 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online); doi:10.30845/ijhss.v9n5p28].

‚Erklären/Verständnis. Hinter dem polysemischen Phänomen der Körperlichkeit‘, in Th. Breyer e D. Creutz (a cura di), Phänomenologie des praktischen Sinns. Die Willensphilosophie Paul Ricœurs im Kontext, Wilhelm Fink, München 2019, 207-227 [ISBN 978-3770555178].

Introduzione teoretica, in G. Mura, LOGOS, PATHOS, KAIROS. Contributi ermeneutici per la filosofia cristiana, Lateran University Press, Città del Vaticano, 2019, pp. 1-15 [ISBN: 9788846512512].

with A.M. Nieddu, Presentation, in A.M. Nieddu e V. Busacchi, Pragmatismo ed Ermeneutica. Soggettività, storicità, rappresentazione, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2019, 7-9.

with A.M. Nieddu, Presentazione, in A.M. Nieddu e V. Busacchi, Pragmatismo ed Ermeneutica. Soggettività, storicità, rappresentazione, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2019, 11-13.

‘Historical Representation: Epistemological Dilemmas between Hermeneutics and Pragmatism’, in A.M. Nieddu e V. Busacchi, Pragmatismo ed Ermeneutica. Soggettività, storicità, rappresentazione, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2019 [ISBN 8857561178], 167-190.

‘Soggettività come processo ermeneutico? Del passaggio ricœuriano per la traduzione e delle sue implicazioni antropologiche’ [Subjectivity as a Hermeneutical Process: The Anthropological Implications of Ricoeur’s Course Through Translation], Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy (Path to the Hermeneutic Field), vol. 3, special II, (2019): 23-46  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

‘Come il Bodhisattva Kannon. Ovvero, del passo primo nella pratica buddista della compassione’, in C. Freni (a cura di), Il dolore degli altri. Atti di convegno, Aracne, Roma 2019, 191-211 [ISBN 978-88-255-2476-5; DOI: 10.4399/978882552476513]

‘El humanismo de D. Ikeda. Un camino entre el budismo y la filosofía de la acción’, in Marcelino Agís Villaverde, Francisco Javier Barcia González, Alba Iglesias Varela (eds.), Caminos del pensamiento, SIFA (Sociedad Interuniversitaria de Filosofía) / SENI (Sociedad Gallega de Estudios Nipones), Santiago de Compostela (ES) 2019, 213-226 [ISBN 978-84-949817-5-3].

‘Entre affectivité et initiative: Les bases anthropologiques d'une éthique herméneutique’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy (Personal Identity: An Issue that Demands Revision in Today’s Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Dialogue), vol. 3, n. 2, (2019): 55-74  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

‘Derrière la crise de la conscience européenne : conflit, crise et émancipation chez Paul Ricœur’, Eleuthería. Revista do curso de filosofia / UFMS, (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul), vol. 4, n. 7, dezembro de 2019 – maio de 2020: 112-128 [ISSN 2527-1393 revista eletrônica].

P. Salis and S. Pinna, Prefazione, in Prassi, cultura, realtà. Scritti in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis, MIMESIS, Milano-Udine 2020, 7-9 [ISBN 9788857568591].

‘La rappresentazione storica: dilemmi epistemologici tra ermeneutica e pragmatismo’, in V. Busacchi, P. Salis, S. Pinna (eds.), Prassi, cultura, realtà. Scritti in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis, MIMESIS, Milano-Udine 2020, 47-66 [ISBN 9788857568591].

 - ‘Postfazione. Il desiderio, l’identità, l’altro. La psicoanalisi dopo il Saggio su Freud’, in P. Ricœur, Attorno alla psicoanalisi, a cura di F. Barale, Jaca Book, Milano 2020, 265-280 [ISBN 978-88-16-41543-0].

‘Fragili identità, fragili democrazie’, Sudeuropa. Quadrimestrale di civiltà e cultura europea, II serie (fondaz. 1978), n. 2 (maggio/agosto) 2020, 27-41 [ISSN 2532-0297].

‘Tempo e racconto: dall’ellisse ermeneutica alla temporalità originaria’, AGON (Rivista Internazionale di Studi Culturali, Linguistici e Letterari), n. 24 (gennaio-marzo 2020), quaderno n. 15: 33-56 [ISSN 2384-9045].

‘La via dell’ermeneutica critica’, Discipline Filosofiche (The Renewal of Hermeneutics: With Paul Ricoeur and Beyond, ed. by Carla Canullo and Johann Michel), vol. 30, n. 2, 2020: 43-54 [ISSN 1591-9625].

I. Colillas, ‘La realidad psíquica. Una perspectiva critica entre psicoanálisis, fenomenología y hermenéutica, in «Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy» (Digital Hermeneutics), vol. 4, n. 2, (2020), pp. 35-58 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

conoscenza storica tra spazio d’esperienza e orizzonte d’attesa’, in S. Borutti, P. L. Lecis, L. Perissinotto, Immutabilità del passato? Scienze dell’uomo e scienze della natura a confronto, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2021, pp. 333-346 (ISBN 9788857583020).

A. Iapoce and Ö. Sözer, ‘Introduzione’, in in V. Busacchi, A. Iapoce and Ö. Sözer (eds.), L’inconscio a più voci. Percorsi multidisciplinari tra psicoanalisi, ermeneutica, fenomenologia, op. cit., [2021] pp. 5-43.

il diritto tra ermeneutica e umanesimo’, in A. Viglianisi Ferraro, F. Balaguer Callejón, R. M. Freire Soares, F. Sulz Campos Machado, R. Andrade, Racionalidad, derecho y ciudadanía, Editora Direito Levado a Sério, Salvador (Bahia), 2021, pp. 168-177 (ISSN 9786587020204).

‘Rappresentazione’, in V. Busacchi, A. Iapoce and Ö. Sözer (eds.), L’inconscio a più voci. Percorsi multidisciplinari tra psicoanalisi, ermeneutica, fenomenologia, op. cit., [2021] 161-166.

‘Personalismo: Tra ermeneutica critica e filosofia dell’azione’, in C. Caltagirone (a cura di), Persone, Parole, Incontri. Itinerari per una filosofia della persona, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2021, 120-125 [ISBN 9788857578569].

‘Necessità perpetua delle scienze umane’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy (Philosophy Today: The Need of Humanities to Build the World of Future), vol. 5, special (2021): 129-150  [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

‘Perché Psyché’, in EXagere, vol. 6, n. 5-6, (2021), 2p [ISSN 2531-7334].

G. Mura and A. A. Cervati, ‘Editors’ Introduction’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 5, n. 1, (2021): I-VI [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

G. Mura and A. A. Cervati, ‘Editoriale’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 5, n. 1, (2021): VII-XII [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

‘Emilio Betti : dell’oggettività dell’interpretazione’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 5, n. 1, (2021): 227-252 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

with G. Martini, ‘Introduzione. L’identità narrative tra ermeneutica e psicoanalisi’, B@belonline (Paul Ricoeur: Narrative Identity between Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis), n.s., n. 8, November 2021: 15-22 [ISSN 2531-8624].

with G. Martini, ‘Identità narrative e identità traduttiva: due possibili paradigmi per la psicoanalisi?’, B@belonline (Paul Ricoeur: Narrative Identity between Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis), n.s., n. 8, November 2021: 231-242 [ISSN 2531-8624].

‘Introduzione: L’esistenzialismo: centrale in Ricoeur, urgente oggi’, in P. Ricoeur, Gabriel Marcel e Karl Jaspers. Filosofia del mistero, filosofia del paradosso, tab edizioni, Roma 2021, 11-62 [ISBN 978-88-9295-278-2].

with G. Martini, ‘A proposito dell’identità in psicoanalisi: due paradigmi dell’ermeneutica’, in Eleuthería. Revista do curso de filosofia / UFMS, (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul), vol. 6, n. especial, mai-out 2021: 224-243 [ISSN 2527-1393 revista eletrônica].

‘The Active Dynamic of Resilience in Soka Philosophy’, The Journal of CESNUR, vol. 5, n. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2021: 3-25.

'Premessa', in V. Busacchi, G. Mulargia (eds.), Realtà, Realismo e altre questioni controverse, cit., pp. 7-9.

with J. Michel and A. M. Nieddu, ‘Introduction to Experience, Interpretation and Meaning: A Dialogue between Hermeneutics and Pragmatism’, in «European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy», vol. XIV, n. 1, 2022, pp. 1-6 [ISSN 2036-4091].

Readdressing Objectivity: From Peirce to Betti, and Return’, in «European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy», vol. XIV, n. 1, 2022, pp. 1-14 [ISSN 2036-4091].

'Identità narrativa’, in M. Marinelli (a cura di), Dizionario di Medicina Narrativa. Parole e pratiche, Morcelliana (Scholé), Brescia 2022, pp. 229-234 [ISBN 978-88-284-0458-3].

Sobre a “Matéria afetiva”: o inconsciente entre a hermenêutica e a fenomenologia, in «Eleuthería – Revista do Curso de Filosofia», vol. VII, n. 13, 2022, pp. 63-73 [ISSN 2527-1393 revista eletrônica].

Prologo a Ignacio Iglesias Colillas, Psycosis y Escritura, Xoroi Edicions, Barcelona 2022, pp. 9-19 [ISBN 9788412559200].

L'inconscio, ovvero l’affettività come materia’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 6, n. 2, (2022): 257-266 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

Ricoeur: la Shoah tra rappresentazione e verità’, in G. Scroccu (a cura di), Antigiudaismo e antisemitismo dall’età antica all’età contemporanea. Un percorso di riflessione fra filosofia e storia, UNICApress, Cagliari, 2022, pp. 165-180 (ISBN 9788833120447).

with P. L. Lecis, ‘Ruled Imagination: Representation and Factuality in Historical Knowledge’, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 6, n. 2, (2022): 297-322 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

‘Teatrale rivelarsi: promenade ermeneutica sull’identità personale attraverso l’opera belliniana”, Il Pensare, vol. XI, n. 12, 2022, pp. 19-43 [ISSN 2280-8566

Il giovane Ricoeur e la nascita dello spirito di militanza’, Acta Philosophica. International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 32, n. 2, 2023, pp. 291-304 [ISSN: 1121-2179 /eISSN: 1825-6562].

Tra Merleau-Ponty e Ricoeur: L’attenzione e l’involontario’, in "Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy", vol. 7, n. 1, (2023): pp. 91-116 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].

'Materia affettiva, preintenzionalità, rappresentazione. La fenomenologia ermeneutica dell’inconscio di Paul Ricoeur’, in P. Manganaro, Coscienza e psiche. Figure del pensiero contemporaneo, Editrice Carabba, Lanciano 2023, pp. 297-320 [ISBN 978-88-6344-738-5]

'Presentazione', in V. Busacchi, G. Mura, Sulle tracce del sacro. Fenomenologia ed ermeneutica dell’odierna religiosità, Aracne, Roma 2023, pp. 9-21 [ISBN 979-12-218-0990-9].

'L'Oriente e il Sacro’, in Ibidem, pp. 179-198.

'Prefazione all’edizione italiana’, in P. Ricoeur, Ermeneutica, Scritti e conferenze 2, Jaca Book 2023, pp. 7-13 [ISBN 9788816418189].

'The LAPEF: An Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Research’, in «NATUREZA HUMANA» vol. 25, n. 1, 2023, pp. 105-120 [ISSN 2175-2834].

'Presentazione', in Á. Heller, Può la modernità sopravvivere?, a cura di G. Costanzo, tabedizioni, Roma 2024, pp. 9-15.

Affective Matter: The Unconscious Between Brain and Mind”, in G. Minati, M. P. Penna, Multiple Systems: Complexity and Coherence in Ecosystems, Collective Behavior, and Social Systems, Springer, Cham 2024, pp. 53-60 [ISBN  978-3-031-44684-9].

'Introduzione', in «Il Veltro. Rivista della Civiltà Italiana» (Luci e Ombre del Postumano), vol. 67, n. 3-4, (2023), pp. 5-21 [ISSN 0042-3254 (Online)].

'vis pacem, noli bellum’, in «ArteScienza Magazine», vol. IV, n. 7, 2024, pp. 33-36 [ISSN 2385-1961].

Reviews, translations, long abstracts, etc.

Bibliographical note, in D. Jervolino e G. Martini (a cura di) Paul Ricœur e la psicoanalisi. Testi scelti, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2007: 171-176 [ISBN 978-88-464-8717-9].

Italian translation of P. Ricœur’s Image and Language in Psychoanalysis, in D. Jervolino, G. Martini (eds.) Paul Ricœur e la psicoanalisi. Testi scelti, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2007: 91-114 [ISBN 978-88-464-8717-9].

Note on Marialuisa Pulito, Identità come processo ermeneutico. Paul Ricœur e l’Analisi Transazionale, pref. di Ferdinando Montuschi, Roma, Armando Editore (coll. “Psicoanalisi e psichiatria dinamica”) 2003 in  2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, ed. by Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, VI, n. 4/5, December 2004/January 2005,   http://lgxserve.ciseca.uniba.it/lei/archivio/filearchiviati/recensioni/N4-5_AVI_dicembre2004-gennaio2005.pdf  [Accessed: 27/07/2012].

Note on Giovanni Cucci, Ricœur oltre Freud. L’etica verso un’estetica, pref. di Paul Gilbert sj (Collana ‘Studi e ricerche’) Cittadella editrice, Assisi, 2007, in Logos, n.s. 2-3 (2007-2008): 365-377 [ISBN 978-88-89543-89-4]. 

Note on Oreste Aime, Senso e essere. La filosofia riflessiva di Paul Ricœur, Assisi, Cittadella Editrice, 2007, in 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, a cura di Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, n. 27, March 2008, http://www.recensionifilosofiche.it/crono/2008-03/aime.htm  [Accessed: 27/07/2012].

Review: Giorgio Bertolotti (ed.), Salvatore Natoli, Carlo Sini, Gianni Vattimo, Vincenzo Vitiello, Ermeneutica, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, [coll. «Bibliotheca»], 2003 in, 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, a cura di Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, V, n. 8/9, April-May 2004: 45-56, http://lgxserve.ciseca.uniba.it/lei/archivio/filearchiviati/recensioni/N8-9_AV_aprile-maggio2004.pdf [Accessed: 27/07/2012].

Review: Christian Delacroix, François Dosse et Patrick Garcia (sous la direction de), Paul Ricœur et les sciences humaines, Paris, Éditions la Découverte (collection «Armillaire») 2007, in 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, a cura di Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, – n. 23, November 2007, http://www.recensionifilosofiche.it/crono/2007-11/ddg.htm. [Accessed: 27/07/2012].

Review: Giuseppe Martini (ed.), Paul Ricœur, Gaspare Mura, Domenico Jervolino, Sergio Bordi, Giovanna Goretti Regazzoni, Aldo Cono Barnà, Psicoanalisi ed ermeneutica. Prospettive continentali, presentazione di Anna Maria Nicolò, Milano, Franco Angeli (coll. “Psicoanalisi contemporanea: sviluppi e prospettive”) 2006, in Interazioni (Rivista di psicoanalisi), vol. 2, (2007): 10 and ff. 

«Présentation de Le “self” selon la psychanalyse et selon la philosophie phénoménologique”», de P. Ricœur (Presentazione dell’inedito francese per il sito ufficiale del “Fonds  Ricoeur”); http://www.fondsricoeur.fr/photo/PresentationdeTheSelf%202.pdf [Accessed: 27/07/2012].

Ricoeur. Archives Manuscrites. Autour de la psychanalyse», http://www.fondsricoeur.fr/photo/archives%20PR%20psychan.pdf [Accessed: 27/07/2012].

Review: Giuseppe Moccia and Luigi Solano (ed.), Psicoanalisi e neuroscienze. Risonanze interdisciplinari, Milano, FrancoAngeli (coll. Psicoanalisi contemporanea: sviluppi e prospettive) 2009, in 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, a cura di Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, XI, n. 48, March 2010; http://www.recensionifilosofiche.it/crono/2010-03/index.html [Accessed: 27/07/2012].

Review: Giuseppe Martini, La psicosi e la rappresentazione, Roma, Borla, 2011, in Psychomedia, 2012; http://www.psychomedia.it/pm-revs/books/martini.htm [Accessed: 27/07/2012].

 (FR): Peter Kemp, Sagesse pratique de Paul Ricœur. Huit études, Paris: Éditions du Sandre (Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine) 2010, Diogène 2012/I (n. 237): 164-172 [ISBN 9782130593393 ; DOI:10.3917/dio.2370164]. 

Review (EN): Peter Kemp, Sagesse pratique de Paul Ricœur. Huit études, Paris: Éditions du Sandre (Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine) 2010, Diogenes, vol. 60, n. 1, (2013): 118-119 (DOI : 10.1177/0392192114552250).

- Review:  Paul Ricœur, Attorno alla psicoanalisi, Milano: Jaca Book 2020, Critical Hermeneutics, vol. 3, n. 2 (2019): 253-264 [ISSN 2533-1825 (on line)].

- Review: Paul Ricœur, Attorno alla psicoanalisi, a cura di F. Barale, Milano: Jaca Book 2020, B@belonline (New Phenomenological Horizons), n.s., n. 6, November 2020: 307-312 [ISSN 2531-8624].

- Review (con G. Martini): Paul Ricœur, Attorno alla psicoanalisi, a cura di F. Barale, Milano: Jaca Book 2020, Interazioni: Clinica e ricerca psicoanalitica su individuo-coppia-famiglia, vol. 53, n. 1, 2021: 163-165 [ISSN 1721-0143].

Review: G. Mura, Pensare la parola. Per una filosofia dell’incontro, tab edizioni, Roma 2021, Critical Hermeneutics. Biannual International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 5, n. 1, (2021): 331-342 [ISSN 2533-1825 (Online)].


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