Dipartimento di Pedagogia, psicologia, filosofia


(2000) Degree in Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy 110/110 cum laude.

(2006) PhD in Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy. Final examiners: P.L. Lecis, D. Jervolino, G. Martini.

(2006) School of High Philosophical Education (SdAFF; scholarship), Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi «Luigi Pareyson» Turin, Italy (with J.L. Marion).

(2007) School of High Philosophical Education – (SdAFF; scholarship), Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi «Luigi Pareyson» Turin, Italy (with Ch. Larmore).

(2007) Post-Doctorate at the Fonds Ricoeur (Paris, FR) – Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (IT).

(2009) School of High Philosophical Education – (SdAFF; scholarship), Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi «Luigi Pareyson» Turin, Italy.


Research interests

1) Epistemological problems of interpretation.

2) Hermeneutical models of identity. The narrative construction of identity. Narrative models in psychology. Critical Hermeneutics.

3) History and theory of psychoanalysis.

4) Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy.

5) Jürgen Habermas’ philosophy.

6) Epistemology of Historical Knowledge.

7) Daisaku Ikeda’s philosophy.


Grants, Fellowships, and Prizes 

– 2006 / 2007 /2009 School of High Philosophical Education (SdAFF), Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi «Luigi Pareyson» Turin (IT); grants / scolarships.

2007: Post-doctoral research grant at the Fonds Ricœur (Paris) / Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Napoli); Master & Back Regional Programme – Sardinia. Research Grant: 13.000 EUR.

2008-2009 / 2009-2010: Research programme on Paul Ricoeur’s Narrative Theory and the Narrative Models of Identity, Department of Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences – University of Cagliari / Italian Institute for Philosophic Studies (IISF, Naples), Fonds Ricœur (Paris); Research Grant: Master&Back Regional Programme – Sardinia.

– 2009-2013: Fellowship within the unity on Realism in Historical Knowledge (dir., P. L. Lecis, University of Cagliari), PRIN, MIUR, 2009 (Ministerial and National Research Programme); Grant: 103.000 EUR // total cost: 148.000 EUR; national coordinator: Prof. Mariano Bianca (University of Siena).

– 2012-2014: Fellowship within the National Research Programme on Truth, Persuasion, and Communications (Verità, Persuasione, Comunicazione), gen. resp. prof. Massimo Dell’Utri (other members: P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, P. Salis, O. Loddo), University of Sassari / University of Cagliari –  Research grant: Regional Programme RAS (Sardinia) 2012. Grant: total cost, 233.000 EUR.

– 2016: Award for ‘Best Presentation’ at the 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2016 – Albena, BULGARIA, August 24th-30th 2016.

– 2016- : Member of the National Research Programme on ‘The Problem of indetermination. Meaning, Knowledge, and Action’ (MIUR, PRIN 2015; Principal Investigator: Luigi Perissinotto [University of Venezia Ca’ Foscari]). Grant: 156.000 EUR / Total cost: 264.600 EUR.

2016- : Member of the National Research Programme on ‘Science and it’s Logic: The Representation Dilemma’ (FdS/RAS 2016; Principal Investigato: Antonio Ledda [University of Cagliari]). Grant [Fondation of Sardinia (FdS) / The Region Sardinia (RAS)]: 92.700 EUR.


Major activities and works

– 2007-2008: Teaching Assistant (chairs of Philosophical Hermeneutics and Theoretical Philosophy) within the Department of Philosophy at the University of Naples, IT (Department “A. Alliotta”) (a.y. 2007-2008) and the University of Cagliari (a.y. 2008-2010).

– 2007-2010: Scientific cooperation with the FONDS RICOEUR of Paris, FR.

– 2009-2011: Teaching Assistant (chair of Theoretical Philosophy) within the Department of Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences (aa.yy. 2009-2010; 2010-2011).

– 2009-2013: Scientific cooperation as a member of the research unity on Realism in Historical Knowledge, Ministerial and National Research Programme (PRIN, MIUR, 2009; dir., P. L. Lecis, University of Cagliari, IT).

– 2010-2014: Researcher of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Cagliari (IT).

– 2010-2015: Correspondent for Italy in the FONDS RICOEUR of Paris, FR.

– 2011/2012 and 2012/2013: Member of the Doctoral Committee for Philosophical Disciplines (Doctoral School of Philosophy and Epistemology) at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy at the University of Cagliari, Italy.

– 2011- : Member of the interdisciplinary research group on “Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology” in Rome, IT.

– 2013- : Member of the Doctoral Committee for Philosophy, Epistemology, and History of Culture at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy at the University of Cagliari, Italy.

– 2014- : Associate professor of  Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Cagliari (IT).

– 2014- : Member of the scientific editorial committee of the series “Caminantes. Collana di studi interreligiosi” / ARACNE EDITRICE (Rome): (dir.: Gaspare Mura; members: Angela Ales Bello, Mustafa Cenap Aydin, Enrico Garlaschelli, Daniella Iannotta, Carolina Carriero, Vinicio Busacchi, Giuseppe Jing, Roberto Catalano, Irene Kajon, Benedict Kanakappally, Roberto Cipriani, Shahid Mobeen, Luigi De Salvia, José Luis Moral De La Parte, Pietro De Vitiis, Giovanni Salmeri, Roberto Di Ceglie, Mario Spinelli, Cristiana Freni, Paolo Trianni, Alexey Yastrebov).

– 2015-: Member of the scientific editorial committee of InCircolo. Rivista di filosofia e cultura [InCircle. Review of Philosophy and Culture] (dir.: Emilio Renzi; Franco Sarcinelli; vice dir.: Sara Fumagalli, Matteo Canevari; members: Joselyn Benoit, Silvana Borutti, Vinicio Busacchi, Eduardo Casarotti, Roberto Diodato, Marco Ferraguti, Diego Marconi, Patricio Mena, Fabio Merlini, Fulvio Papi, Dario Sacchi, Gabriele Scaramuzza, Paolo Spinicci, Andrea Zhok).

– 2016-: Member of the scientific editorial committee of the series Scripta Hermeneutica / Lateran University Press (dir.: Gaspare Mura).

– 2016-: Co-founder and co-director of Ermeneutica Critica/Critical Hermeneutics. Rivista semestrale internazionale di filosofia teoretica e morale / Biannual International Review of Theoretical and Moral Philosophy [management committee: Marcelino Agís Villaverde, Vinicio Busacchi, Giovanna Costanzo, Alison Scott-Baumann, Luís Antonio Correia Umbelino).



2012-2013: Laboratory of Analysis of the Philosophical Text (Laboratorio di analisi del testo filosofico) – Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.

– 2013-2014: Laboratory of Analysis of the Philosophical Text (Laboratorio di analisi del testo filosofico) –  Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.

– 2014-2015: Laboratory of Analysis of the Philosophical Text (Laboratorio di analisi del testo filosofico) –  Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.

– 2014-2015: Course of Philosophical Hermeneutics (Corso di Ermeneutica Filosofica) – Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.

– 2014-2015: Course of Medical Ethics organised by the Ordine dei Medici-chirurghi e Odontoiatri della Provincia di Piacenza, with the collaboration of the Società Bio-giuridica Piacentina, under the Department of Philosophy and Educational Science of the University of Turin, Italy. Lessons on “Etica e religione: le diverse prospettive” (June 2015).

– 2015-2016: Course of Philosophical Hermeneutics (Corso di Ermeneutica Filosofica) – Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.

– 2016-2017: Course of Philosophical Hermeneutics (Corso di Ermeneutica Filosofica) Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.

-2016-2017: (with. Prof. P. L. Lecis) Methods and Problems in Theoretical Philosophy (Metodi e problem della filosofia teorica) Degree Course on Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.



– 2015-2016: Short visit at the UCD School of Philosophy, Dublin (IE) – Teaching Staff Mobility (Grant Mosta Programme /Erasmus +, a.y. 2015/2016) – Dublin, February 2016.


Seminaries and workshops

– a.y. 2007-2008: Trimester November 2007-January 2008: a series of seminars on Paul Ricoeur and Psychoanalysis for MA and doctoral students (chairs of Philosophical Hermeneutics; prof. D. Jervolino) at the Department of Philosophy “A. Aliotta” – University of Napoli “Federico II”.

– a.y. 2011-2012: A seminar on Facts and values in Max Weber (Bibl. references: R. Brubaker, The Limits of Rationality: An Essay on the Social and Moral Thought of Max Weber, London: George Allen & Unwin 1984 (it. tr., I limiti della razionalità, Roma: Armando Editore 1989); F. Bianco, Le basi teoriche dell’opera di Max Weber, Roma-Bari: Laterza 1997).

– a.y. 2012-2013: Co-organisation of a series of seminars on Ibsen’s Peer Gynt (Trittico filosofico intorno al Peer Gynt di Ibsen / La bottega delle arti e del pensiero) Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy University of Cagliari, Italy / Stable Theatre of Sardinia.

– a.y. 2013-2014: A Seminar on Philosophical Theories of Truth: The Realist Conceptions. Bibl. references: I. Kant, Prolegomeni ad ogni futura metafisica che si presenterà come scienza, 1783 ([Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as a Science] Part I, section III); A. Schopenhauer, Il mondo come volontà e rappresentazione, 1818-19, 1844, 1859 ([The World as Will and Representation] vol. 1, §5); S. Freud, Al di là del principio di piacere, 1920 ([Beyond the Pleasure Principle] cap. I; elements of metapsychology; the notions of “principle of pleasure” / “principle of reality”).

– a.y. 2013-2014: Co-organisation of a series of seminars on Philosophers at the Theatre (Bottega delle arti / II ediz., I filosofi a teatro) – Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy   / Stable Theatre of Sardinia – March-April 2014.

– a.y. 2013-2014: A Seminar on Hermeneutics of Evil at the Centre for Comparative Religion & Civilizations – Islamic University Jamia Millia Islamia – New Delhi (India), 6 February 2014.

– a.y. 2013-2014: A seminar in collaboration with prof. M. Giunti (University of Cagliari) and M. Bianca (University of Siena) within P.L. Lecis’ course on Language and Social Reality in John Searle (Chair of Institutions of Theoretical Philosophy), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy.

– 2015-2016: Series of PhD seminars (15 hours) on Semantic of Action, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy (November 2015).

– 2015-2016: A seminar for PhD and post-graduate students at the UCD, School of Philosophy, Dublin – Dublin, 10 February 2016. Seminar’s title: On Critical Hermeneutics.

-2015-16: Series of PhD seminars (15 hours) on The Recognition Principle: A Philosophical Research between Psychology, Sociology, and Political Theory, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy – University of Cagliari, Italy (June 2016).


National and international conferences organised

– 2011-2012: Member of the scientific committee for the international conference Through Crisis and Conflict. Thinking Differently with Paul Ricœur, University of Salento (IT), University of Verona (IT), Philosophical Institute “Enrico Castelli” (IT), The Society for Ricœur Studies, Fonds Ricœur (FR)  – Lecce (Italy), September 24th-27th 2012.

– 2012-2013: Co-organiser and co-director of the International Conference on Reality, Truth, and Representation [Realtà, verità, rappresentazione] (MIUR, PRIN 2009) – Cagliari, 5-7 giugno 2013.

– 2012-2013:  Co-organiser and member of the scientific committee for the International Conference Paul Ricœur e “les proches”. Vivere e raccontare il Novecento (University of Roma Tre (IT) – University of Messina (IT) – Pontifical Lateran University (IT) – University of Cagliari (IT) – Department of Mental Health U.O.C., XVII Mental Health District, Paris-Roma-Messina, September 23rd-25th and 26th-27th 2013).

– 2012-2014: Co-organiser and member of the scientific committee for the International Conference Truth, Image, and Normativity (with P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, P. Salis, O. Loddo), University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, October 22nd-24th 2014 (Regional Programme, RAS 2012 – Verità, Persuasione, Comunicazione: per una integrazione delle prospettive di studio, gen. resp. prof. Massimo Dell’Utri).

– 2014-2015: Member of the scientific committee for the interdisciplinary workshop on The Normative and the Pathological (Il normativo e il patologico) – Department of Right / Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy / Department of Public Health, and Clinical and Molecular Medicine (University of Cagliari, Italy) Cagliari, April 23rd 2015.  


Contributed conference talks

– 2006. Talk given at the Centro Teologico di Torino (IT). Conference on Practical Wisdom and Recognition: Last Ricoeur’s Ethical-Political Thought (Saggezza pratica e riconoscimento. Il pensiero etico-politico dell’ultimo Ricœur – Turin, September 28th-29th 2006). Talk’s title: Course of Recognition: The Psychoanalytical Way (Percorso del riconoscimento. Il passaggio per la psicoanalisi).

– 2010: Talk given at the International Conference Reading Ricœur Once Again: Hermeneutics and Practical Philosophy – Lisbon (PT), July 7th-10th 2010 (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Talk’s title: Between Narration and Action: Hermeneutics and Therapeutic Reconstruction of Identity (Entre narration et action. Herméneutique et reconstruction thérapeutique de l’identité).

– 2010:  Talk given at the Fonds Ricœur International Conference around La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli: 10 ans après («Journées d’ouverture») – Paris, December 2nd-4th 2010 (Journée des correspondants scientifiques du Fonds Ricœur à l’étranger, December 2nd). Talk’s title: Ricoeur’s reception in Italy. Naples and the new frontiers of Ricoeurian research in Italy (Réception de Ricœur en Italie: Naples et les frontières nouvelles de la recherche ricœurienne en Italie).

– 2011: Talk given at the Jornadas de Filosofia Francesa lectures of the Department of Philosophy of Coimbra (PT) (Departemento de Filosofia, Comunicação e Informação – Faculdade de Letras de Universidade de Coimbra), Coimbra, January 26th 2011. Talk’s title: For a Critical Hermeneutics (Pour une herméneutique critique).

– 2011: Talk given at the national conference Ways of Narration: The Construction of Identity (Strade del narrare. La costruzione dell’identità) Rome, October 20th-21st 2011 (University of Roma 3 (IT) / Department of Mental Health – U.O.C. XVII Mental Health District, Roma). Talk’s title: Ricœur: The Reconfiguration of Identity (Ricœur: la riconfigurazione dell’identità).

– 2012: Talk given at the international conference Through Crisis and Conflict. Thinking Differently with Paul Ricœur – University of Salento, Italy – Lecce, September 24th-27th 2012. Talk’s title: Conflict and Crisis in Paul Ricœur’s Philosophy (Le conflit et la crise dans la philosophie de Paul Ricœur).

– 2012: Talk given at the round table with prof. F. de Luca (University of Salento) e C. Goldenstein (Fonds Ricœur of Paris) on The Archive and the Research at the Fonds Ricœur (Lavoro d’archivio – lavoro di ricerca presso il Fonds Ricœur) University of Salento, Italy – Lecce, September 25th 2012.

-2012: Talk given at the IBISG forum on Nuclear Disarmament? A possible Way. Conference given with Annamaria Baldussi (Department of Social and Institutional Sciences  – University of Cagliari, Italy) – Cagliari, December 7th 2012.

– 2013: Talk given at the international conference Reality, Truth, and Representation (Cagliari, June 5th-7th 2013). Talk’s title: Historical Explanation: A Comparison between Ricœur and von Wright (La spiegazione storica: Ricœur e von Wright a confronto).

– 2013: Talk given at the international conference Paul Ricœur and “les Proches” (Paris-Roma-Messina, September 23rd-25th and 26th-27th 2013). Talk’s title: Translating Suffering (Tra-durre la sofferenza).

– 2013: Talks given at the round table on Good and Evil in Traditional African Religion, in Latin American Religions, and in Oriental New Religious Movements (Bene e male nella religione tradizionale africana, nelle religioni dell’America Latina e nelle nuove correnti delle religioni orientali) Academy of Human and Social Sciences (ASUS), Italy – Rome, October 25th-26th 2013. Title of the talks: 1) From the Tantric Mythology of Evil to Buddhist Problem of Evil (Dalla mitologia del male del Tantrismo al problema del male nel Buddismo); 2) The Orient Here: An Experience (L’Oriente qui. Un’esperienza).

– 2014: Talk given at the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development – Capoterra (Italy), November 28th 2014. Talk’s title: Between Dewey and Makiguchi: Education and Happiness (Tra Dewey e Makiguchi: Educazione e felicità).

– 2015: Talk given at the round table of Sociology of Religions (dir.: Luigi Berzano) on Spirituality without God? (Spiritualità senza Dio?) – Turin September 25th 2015. Talk’s title: The Gift of Suffering: Buddhism and Hermeneutics of Self.

– 2016: Talk given at the national seminar on Andrea Camilleri (dir.: D. Caocci e G. Marci) – University of Cagliari, Italy – Cagliari, February 9th-26th 2016. Talk’s title:  Narrative Scenarios and Semantic of Action: A Ricoeurian Approach to Camilleri (Scenari narrativi e semantica dell’azione. Un approccio ricoeuriano a Camilleri).

-2016: Talk given at the national conference on Image and Word: Verbal language, image and image language in the relationship with the psychiatric patient (La relazione tra il linguaggio verbale, l’immaginario e il linguaggio per immagini nella relazione con il paziente psichiatrico)Faculty of Medicine, Ancona (Università Politecnica delle Marche) / University Hospital, Ancona (Ospedali Riuniti) – Ancona, February 19th 2016.

– 2016: Talk given at the International, Intercultural, Interdisciplinary Conference ACERP2016 (IAFOR), The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion, & Philosophy – Kobe (Japan), March 31st – April 3rd 2016. Oral presentation title: Justice through Recognition.

2016: Talk given at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Art (SGEM Vienna HOFBURG 2016) – Vienna, April 6th-9th 2016. Oral presentation title: Critical Hermeneutics and the Paradigm of the Text.

– 2016: Talks given at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM Bulgaria 2016) – Albena (BG), 22-31 August 2016). Three oral presentations on (1) Recognition and Emancipation; (2) The Recognition Principle: Towards a Critical Theory Between Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of Human Action and Habermas Critical Sociology; and (3) The Multicultural Future: A Comparison Between Johan Galtung and Daisaku Ikeda.

– 2016: Talk given at the international conference on the 2nd Annual Conference of ENOJP –  Celebrating 150 Years of Belgium-Japan Friendship – Brussels, December 6th-10th 2016. Title of the talk: On Daisaku Ikeda’s philosophy of action.


Others activities

– 2007: Participation as a member to the foundation of the Euro-Mediterranean Phenomenological Net for Intercultural Dialogue – University of Naples “Federico II” (IT) / University of Naples “L’Orientale” (IT) / Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies [IISF], Naples Municipality – Naples, June 25th-27th 2007.

– 2013: Co-organisation and chairperson at the conference on Nuclear Disarmament: Updates and Perspectives (Disarmo nucleare. Aggiornamenti e prospettive) with prof. Riccardo Antonini (Gov. Office) Cagliari, December 7th 2013. 

– 2014-2015: Member of the scientific committee for the interdisciplinary workshop on The Normative and the Pathological (Il normativo e il patologico) – Department of Right / Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy / Department of Public Health, and Clinical and Molecular Medicine (University of Cagliari, Italy) Cagliari, April 23rd 2015.

2014: A series of seminars on Personalism – Corso Dottrina sociale della Chiesa, anno 2014, “Individuo e Persona” – San Gavino Monreale (CA, Italy), Centro Pastorale Diocesano, March 7th and 14th 2014. Lectures titl.: Personalism as a Philosophical Theory (Il Personalismo come teoria filosofica) / Personalism as a Political Theory (Il Personalismo come teoria politica).

– 2015: Meeting of dialogue with Johan Galtung on Utopia and European Ethos: The Crisis is the Beginning (L’utopia e l’ethos europeo. La crisi è l’inizio) – XVII Dromos Festival (I have a dream: The Necessary Utopia), Baratili San Pietro (OR, Italy), August 7th 2015.

– 2015-2016: Co-editor of the numb. 1, 2016, of «Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies» (University of Pittsburgh), on “Ricœur et la psychanalyse / Ricoeur and Psychoanalysis”.

– 2016: Talk given at the round table on The Civilisation of Images: Is it a Possibility or a Risk for Personal Development? The Point of View of a Philosopher, a Psychiatrist, and a Psychoanalyst (La civiltà delle immagini: occasioni o rischio per la crescita della persona? Il punto di vista del filosofo, dello psichiatra, dello psicoanalista)Centro Studi “Lorenzo Milani” / Filottrano (AN, Italy) February 19th 2016. Lecturers:  L. Aversa, A. M. Barioglio, V. Busacchi, and G. Martini.

– 2016: Chairperson at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Art (SGEM Vienna HOFBURG 2016) – Vienna (A), April 6th- 9th 2016.

– 2016: Talk given at the conference on The Strength of Dialogue (La forza del dialogo), University of Cagliari, Department of Social Science and Institutions – Chair of History and Institutions of Afro-Asian Countries – Cagliari (IT), May 6th 2016. Lecturers: Annamaria Baldussi (University of Cagliari, IT), Patrizia Manduchi (University of Cagliari, IT), Imam Ataul Wasih Tariq (The Ahmadiyya Community). Talk’s title: Il dialogo è incontrarsi.

– 2016: Chairperson at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Art (SGEM Bulgaria 2016) – Albena (BG), August 22nd-31st 2016).


List of Publications


  • Ricœur versus Due concezioni dell’uomo a confronto, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2008, 86p [ISBN 978-88-498-2235-9].
  • Ermeneutica del profondo. Jürgen Habermas interprete di Freud, UNI Service, Trento, 2009, 137p [ISBN 978-88-6178-391-1].
  • Pulsione e significato. La psicoanalisi di Freud nella filosofia di Paul Ricœur, pref. P. L. Lecis, postf. G. Martini, Unicopli, Milano 2010, 483p [ISBN-978-88-400-1404-3].
  • Per una ermeneutica critica. Studi su Paul Ricœur, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2010, 166p [ISBN 978-88-498-2830-6].
  • Ricœur vs. Freud. Métamorphose d’une nouvelle compréhension de l’homme, L’Harmattan, Paris 2011, 91p [ISBN: 978-2-296-55355-2].
  • Pour une herméneutique critique. Etudes autour de Paul Ricœur, Harmattan, Paris 2013, 194p [ISBN 978-2-343-00398-6].
  • Documenti e manoscritti psicoanalitici del Fonds Ricœur. Prima catalogazione, pref. di F. de Luca, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2013, 156p [ISBN 978-88-548-6368-2].
  • La capacità di ognuno. Conoscenza, rappresentazione e capacità in Paul Ricœur, pref. S. Borutti, Carocci, Roma 2014, 150p [ISBN 978-88-430-7336-8].
  • Daisaku Ikeda. Una nuova filosofia dell’azione. I, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2014, 320p. [ISBN 978-88-548-7892-1].
  • Daisaku Ikeda. Una nuova filosofia dell’azione. Vol. II, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2014, 564p [ISBN 9788854877207].
  • The Recognition Principle: A Philosophical Perspective between Psychology, Sociology and Politics, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2015, 97p [ISBN 9781443872768].
  • La via della creazione di valore, Mimesis, Udine, 2016, 190p [ISBN 978-88-5753-321-6].
  • Habermas and Ricoeur’s Depth Hermeneutics: From Psychoanalysis to a Critical Human Science, Springer International Publishing, Cham (Switzerland), 2016, 120p (ISBN 978-3-319-39010-9; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39010-9)
  • with G. Martini (eds.), Tra immagine e parola. Passaggi e paesaggi, Fattore Umano Edizioni, Roma 2015 [ISBN 978-88-907-2285-1].
  • with P. L. Lecis e P. Salis (eds.), Realtà, Verità, Rappresentazione, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2015 [ISBN 978-88-917-1411-4].
  • with G. Costanzo (eds), Paul Ricœur e “Les proches”. Vivere e raccontare il Novecento, Effatà, Cantalupa (TO), 2016 [ISBN 978-88-6929-104-3].
  • with Weiny César Freitas Pinto (eds), «Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies» (University of Pittsburgh), vol.7, n.1, (2016) [ISSN 2156-7808 (online)].
  • with P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, V. Busacchi, P. Salis and O. G. Loddo (eds.), Verità, Immagine, Normatività, Quodlibet (coll. Analisi filosofiche), in press.


Papers, chapters in books, etc.

  • ‘Il Freud di Jürgen Habermas’, Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia» Università di Cagliari, Nuova Serie XIX (Vol. LVI), 2001: 249-276 [ISSN 1125-8713].
  • ‘Il passaggio per la psicoanalisi’ in M. Piras (a cura di), Saggezza e riconoscimento. Il pensiero etico-politico dell’ultimo Ricœur, Meltemi, Roma 2007 [ISBN 978-88-8353-573-4], pp. 143-162.
  • ‘La psicoanalisi dopo il De l’interprétation. Presenza e significato di Freud nel Ricœur della seconda ermeneutica’, Segni e comprensione, a. XXII, n. s., n. 64, (2008): 54-76. [e-ISSN 1828-5368].
  • ‘Le désir, l’identité, l’autre. La psychanalyse après l’Essai sur Freud’ (postface), in P. Ricœur, Écrits et conférences I. Autour de la psychanalyse, a cura di J. L. Schlegel, Seuil, Paris 2008: 303-317 [EAN 9782020964258].
  • ‘El deseo, la identidad, el otro. El psicoanálisis en Paul Ricœur según el Ensayo sobre Freud’ (posfacio), in P. Ricœur, Escritos y conferencias. Alrededor del psicoanálisis, trad esp. Adolfo CASTAÑÓN, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, México 2009: 225-235 (ISBN 978-607-03-0113-1).
  • ‘Tra Hegel e Freud. La dialettica del riconoscimento’, Logos, n.s. 4-5 (2009-2010): 151-164 [ISBN 978-88-6381-022-6].
  • ‘Paul Ricœur. Dall’azione al sé’, in U. Perone (ed.), La filosofia dell’avvenire, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 2010: 171-178 [ISBN 978-88-7885-087-3].
  • ‘Ricœur vs. Honneth. La psicologia del riconoscimento tra lotta e dono’, in Segni e comprensione, a. XXIV, n.s., n. 72 (2010): 122-132 [e-ISSN 1828-5368].
  • ‘Entre narration et action. Herméneutique et reconstruction thérapeutique de l’identité’ (talk given at the International Conference on Reading Ricœur Once Again: Hermeneutics and Practical Philosophy – Lisbon, 7-10 July 2010 (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol. 1, n. 1, (2010): 21-33. [ISSN 2155-1162 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2010.11].
  • ‘Desire, Identity, the Other – Psychoanalysis for Paul Ricœur after Freud and Philosophy’, in Paul Ricœur, On Psychoanalysis: Writings and Lectures, Polity Press, Cambridge 2012: 220-231 [ISBN-13 978-0-7456-6123-0].
  • ‘Spiegazione/comprensione. Dietro la polisemia della nozione di traccia’, Il Protagora, XXXIX, 6th series, n. 17, (2012): 147-158 [ISBN: 978-88-5751-352-2; ISSN 0552-3702].
  • ‘Ricœur. La riconfigurazione dell’identità’, in D. Iannotta – G. Martini (eds.), Strade del narrare. La costruzione dell’identità, Effatà, Cantalupa (To) 2012: 129-151 [ISBN 978-88-7402-763-7].
  • ‘Per una filosofia della persona in chiave ricœuriana’, Segni e comprensione, XXII, n. s., n. 78, (2012): 110-124 [e-ISSN 1828-5368].
  • ‘De la méthode herméneutique de Paul Ricœur’, Segni e comprensione, XXVI, n. 80, (2013): 19-33 [e-ISSN 1828-5368].
  • ‘El deseo, la identidad, el otro. El psicoanálisis en Paul Ricoeur según el ensayo Freud : una interpretación de la cultura, in P. Ricoeur, Escritos y conferencias 1. Entorno al psicoanálisis, Editorial Trotta, Madrid 2013: 215-224 (ISBN 978-84-9879-444-1).
  • ‘Traccia di sé. La persona tra fenomenologia e neurobiologia’, Il Pensare, II, n. 2, (2013): 38-50 (ISSN 2280-8566); ilpensare.it.
  • ‘Erklären/Verständnis. Hinter dem polysemischen Phänomen der Körperlichkeit’, in Breyer e D. Creutz (a cura di), Phänomenologie des praktischen Sinns. Die Willensphilosophie Paul Ricœurs im Kontext, Wilhelm Fink, München 2016 [ISBN 978-3770555178]
  • Forza teoretico-pratica dell’antropologia filosofica di Paul Ricoeur’, Rivista telematica di filosofia, XV (2013) [date of (on line) publication: 28 December 2013]; <http://mondodomani.org/dialegesthai/> [ISSN 1128-5478].
  • ‘Dalla mitologia del male del Tantrismo al problema del male nel Buddismo’, in G. Mura, Bene e male nelle religioni, Aracne, Roma 2014: 151-166 [ISBN 9788854872073].
  • ‘Filosofia della traduzione e sfide della contemporaneità’, in M. Castagna, R. Pititto, S. Venezia, I dialoghi dell’interpretazione. Studi in onore di Domenico Jervolino, Diogene Edizioni, Pomigliano D’Arco (NA) 2015: 423-434 [ISBN 9788866471111].
  • ‘L’identità personale tra immaginazione e realtà’, in V. Busacchi, G. Martini (eds.), Tra immagine e parola. Passaggi e paesaggi, op. cit.: 70-77.
  • ‘La spiegazione storica. Su alcuni modelli misti’, in V. Busacchi, P. L. Lecis, P. Salis (eds.), Realtà, verità, rappresentazione, cit.: 127-140.
  • ‘Habermas and Ricoeur on Recognition: Toward a New Social Humanism’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), V, n. 2, February 2015: 10-20 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)].
  • The Epistemology of Testimony: A Hermeneutical Key, in M. Bianca, P. Piccari (eds.), Epistemology of Ordinary Knowledge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2015: 394-405 (ISBN [10] 1-4438-8052-3; ISBN [13] 978-1-4438-8052-7).
  • with P. L. Lecis e P. Salis, ‘Presentazione’, in V. Busacchi, P. L. Lecis, P. Salis (eds.), Realtà, verità, rappresentazione, : 9-18.
  • ‘L’identità come esperienza narrativa: quale fondamento in Ricœur?’, ph, I, n. 2 (2015): 312-321 (ISSN 2420-9775).
  • with G. Costanzo, ‘Introduzione. Tempo della festa, tempo del ricordo. 1913-2013: Paul Ricoeur, in memoriam’, in V. Busacchi, G. Costanzo (eds), Paul Ricoeur e “les proches”, : 11-28.
  • ‘Tra-durre la sofferenza’, in V. Busacchi, G. Costanzo (eds), Paul Ricoeur e “les proches”, cit.: 335-356.
  • The Ricoeurian Way: Towards A Critical Hermeneutics for the Human and Social Sciences’, American International Journal of Social Sciences (AIJSS), vol. IV, n. 6, (December 2015): 82-88 [ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), 2325-4165 (Online)].
  • Ermeneutica critica e analitiche (chiesastiche) dell’azione’, SpazioFilosofico, n. 16 (Azione/Agency), February 2016: 131-142 (ISSN 2038-6788).
  • ‘Critical Hermeneutics and the Paradigm of the Text’, in AA.VV, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Art SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Book 3, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy; Volume I, History and Philosophy, SGEM, Sophia 2016: 419-426 [ISBN 978-619-7105-52-0; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2016HB31].
  • ‘Ikeda’s Philosophy of Human Revolution’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 6, n. 2, February 2016: 63-72 [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (online)].
  • ‘Justice Through Recognition: A Philosophical Survey’, Journal of Education & Social Policy (JESPNET), 3, n. 2, (June 2016): (in print) [ISSN 2375-0782 (Print), 2375-0790 (Online)].
  • ‘The Human and Its Discourse: From Fragmentation to Unification’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), vol. 6, n. 6, (June 2016): in print [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (online)].
  • ‘Lacan’s epistemic role in Ricœur’s re-reading of Freud’, Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol.7, n.1, (2016): 56-71 [ISSN 2156-7808 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2016.352].
  • with Weiny César Freitas Pinto, ‘Introduction’ (FR), Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol.7, n.1, (2016): 1-6 [ISSN 2156-7808 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2016.345].
  • with Weiny César Freitas Pinto, ‘Introduction’ (EN), Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies (University of Pittsburgh), vol.7, n.1, (2016): 7-12 [ISSN 2156-7808 (online); DOI 10.5195/errs.2016.346].
  • with Simonluca Pinna, ‘Action and Testimony: The historical fact between truth and representation’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), 6, n. 7, (July 2016): in print [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (online)].
  • ‘Recognition and Emancipation’, in AA.VV, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Book 3, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy; History and Philosophy, Volume II, SGEM, Sophia 2016: 799-806 (ISBN 978-619-7105-77-3; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2016B32).
  • ‘Towards a Critical Theory between Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of Human Action and Habermas’ Critical Sociology’, in AA.VV, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Book 3, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy; History and Philosophy, Volume II, SGEM, Sophia 2016: 941-947 (ISBN 978-619-7105-77-3; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2016B32).
  • ‘The Multicultural Future: A Comparison Between Johan Galtung and Daisaku Ikeda’, in AA.VV, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings; Book 3, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy; History and Philosophy, Volume II, SGEM, Sophia 2016: 885-892 (ISBN 978-619-7105-77-3; ISSN 2367-5659; DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2016B32).
  • ‘On Daisaku Ikeda’s philosophy of action.’ 2nd Annual Conference of ENOJP – Celebrating 150 Years of Belgium-Japan Friendship, ULB (Amazon Fulfillment), Wroclaw (Poland) 2016, pp. 141-142 (ISBN: 9781539916345).
  • ‘Fattualità e rappresentazione storica’, in P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, V. Busacchi, P. Salis and O. G. Loddo (eds.), Verità, Immagine, Normatività, Quodlibet (coll. Analisi filosofiche), in press.
  • ‘The Philosophy of Action of Daisaku Ikeda: A Path of Intra-worldly Spiritual Emancipation’, in «International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS)», 7, n. 1, (January 2017), in press [ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (online)].


Reviews, translations, long abstracts, etc.

  • Bibliographical note, in D. Jervolino e G. Martini (a cura di) Paul Ricœur e la psicoanalisi. Testi scelti, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2007: 171-176 [ISBN 978-88-464-8717-9].
  • Italian translation of P. Ricœur’s Image and Language in Psychoanalysis, in D. Jervolino, G. Martini (eds.) Paul Ricœur e la psicoanalisi. Testi scelti, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2007: 91-114 [ISBN 978-88-464-8717-9].
  • Note on Marialuisa Pulito, Identità come processo ermeneutico. Paul Ricœur e l’Analisi Transazionale, pref. di Ferdinando Montuschi, Roma, Armando Editore (coll. “Psicoanalisi e psichiatria dinamica”) 2003 in 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, ed. by Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, VI, n. 4/5, December 2004/January 2005,  http://lgxserve.ciseca.uniba.it/lei/archivio/filearchiviati/recensioni/N4-5_AVI_dicembre2004-gennaio2005.pdf  [Accessed: 27/07/2012].
  • Note on Giovanni Cucci, Ricœur oltre Freud. L’etica verso un’estetica, pref. di Paul Gilbert sj (Collana ‘Studi e ricerche’) Cittadella editrice, Assisi, 2007, in Logos, n.s. 2-3 (2007-2008): 365-377 [ISBN 978-88-89543-89-4].
  • Note on Oreste Aime, Senso e essere. La filosofia riflessiva di Paul Ricœur, Assisi, Cittadella Editrice, 2007, in 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, a cura di Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, n. 27, March 2008, http://www.recensionifilosofiche.it/crono/2008-03/aime.htm [Accessed: 27/07/2012].
  • Review: Giorgio Bertolotti (ed.), Salvatore Natoli, Carlo Sini, Gianni Vattimo, Vincenzo Vitiello, Ermeneutica, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, [coll. «Bibliotheca»], 2003 in, 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, a cura di Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, V, n. 8/9, April-May 2004: 45-56, http://lgxserve.ciseca.uniba.it/lei/archivio/filearchiviati/recensioni/N8-9_AV_aprile-maggio2004.pdf [Accessed: 27/07/2012].
  • Review: Christian Delacroix, François Dosse et Patrick Garcia (sous la direction de), Paul Ricœur et les sciences humaines, Paris, Éditions la Découverte (collection «Armillaire») 2007, in 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, a cura di Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, – n. 23, November 2007, http://www.recensionifilosofiche.it/crono/2007-11/ddg.htm. [Accessed: 27/07/2012].
  • Review: Giuseppe Martini (ed.), Paul Ricœur, Gaspare Mura, Domenico Jervolino, Sergio Bordi, Giovanna Goretti Regazzoni, Aldo Cono Barnà, Psicoanalisi ed ermeneutica. Prospettive continentali, presentazione di Anna Maria Nicolò, Milano, Franco Angeli (coll. “Psicoanalisi contemporanea: sviluppi e prospettive”) 2006, in Interazioni (Rivista di psicoanalisi), vol. 2, (2007): 10 and ff.
  • «Présentation de Le “self” selon la psychanalyse et selon la philosophie phénoménologique”», de P. Ricœur (Presentazione dell’inedito francese per il sito ufficiale del “Fonds  Ricoeur”); http://www.fondsricoeur.fr/photo/PresentationdeTheSelf%202.pdf [Accessed: 27/07/2012].
  • «Fonds Ricoeur. Archives Manuscrites. Autour de la psychanalyse», http://www.fondsricoeur.fr/photo/archives%20PR%20psychan.pdf [Accessed: 27/07/2012].
  • Review: Giuseppe Moccia and Luigi Solano (ed.), Psicoanalisi e neuroscienze. Risonanze interdisciplinari, Milano, FrancoAngeli (coll. Psicoanalisi contemporanea: sviluppi e prospettive) 2009, in 2R – Rivista di recensioni filosofiche, a cura di Federica Russo, SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la filosofia, XI, n. 48, March 2010; http://www.recensionifilosofiche.it/crono/2010-03/index.html [Accessed: 27/07/2012].
  • Review: Giuseppe Martini, La psicosi e la rappresentazione, Roma, Borla, 2011, in Psychomedia, 2012; http://www.psychomedia.it/pm-revs/books/martini.htm [Accessed: 27/07/2012].
  • Review (FR): Peter Kemp, Sagesse pratique de Paul Ricœur. Huit études, Paris: Éditions du Sandre (Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine) 2010, in Diogène 2012/I (n. 237): 164-172 [ISBN 9782130593393 ; DOI:10.3917/dio.2370164].
  • Review (EN): Peter Kemp, Sagesse pratique de Paul Ricœur. Huit études, Paris: Éditions du Sandre (Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine) 2010, in Diogenes, vol. 60, n. 1, (2013): 118-119 (DOI : 10.1177/0392192114552250).

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