Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali
Gianluca Borzoni
Associate Professor, History of International Relations
Department of Social Science and Institutions, University of Cagliari, Viale S. Ignazio, 78 – 09129 Cagliari, tel.: +39-070-6753677; fax: +39-070-651680; email: gborzoni@unica.it
University positions and education
- Associate Professor of History of International Relations, University of Cagliari, 2014-
- Assistant Professor of History of International Relations, University of Cagliari, 2006-2014
- “Italian Young Professors Program” winner, U.S. Embassy in Italy, 2006 edition
- University contract teacher, University of Sassari, 2002-2004
- “Young Researcher Project” Fellowship, University of Cagliari, 2004
- Tutor of History of Treaties and International Policy, University of Cagliari, 2002-2005
- PhD. in History of International Relations, Department of Political Studies, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 2001
- Laurea magna cum laude in Political Science, University of Cagliari, 1996
Teaching assignments at the Faculty of Economy, Law and Political Science, University of Cagliari, 2012-
- Contemporary international history, 54-hour graduate course, 2017-
- International Politics, 54-hour graduate course, 2014-2017
- History of international relations, 60-hour undergraduate course, 2013-
Teaching assignments at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Cagliari, 2006-2012:
- International Policy in the Mediterranean Area, 30-hour undergraduate course, 2011-12
- History of international relations, 60-hour undergraduate course, 2007-2011
- History of international relations, graduate course, 2006-2007, 2008-2009;
- History of international relations in the Mediterranean, 2006
Teaching assignments at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sassari, 2002-2004:
- History of International Relations (1919-1939), 30-hour undergraduate course
Academic assignments (University of Cagliari)
- Coordinator of the BA Course in Political Science, 2016-2018
- Coordinator of the MA Course in International Relations, 2015-2016
- Council Member, Faculty of Economy, Law and Political Science, University of Cagliari
- Commission Member, Quality Self-Evaluation Commission, BA in Political Science, 2016-
- Commission Member, Quality Self-Evaluation Commission, MA in International Relations, 2015-2019
- Committee Coordinator, Steering Committee, BA in Political Science, 2016-2018
- Member, Steering Committee, MA in Governance and Global System, 2014-2015
- Member, Quality Self-Evaluation Commission, MA in Governance and Global System, 2014-2015
- Member, PhD Teaching Staff, PhD in “History, Cultural Heritage, International Studies”, University of Cagliari
- Coordinator, Quality Self-Evaluation Team, Political Science Undergraduate Course, 2006-2013
- Member, Student-Teacher Joint Committee, Faculty of Political Science, 2008-2012
- Member, Steering Committee, Faculty of Political Science, 2009-2012
- Member, Evaluation Commission, Scientific Area n°14 (Political and Social Science), 2011
Research Areas:
Gianluca Borzoni’s main research interests range from Italian foreign policy (issues and accomplishments of the new Italian Kingdom; Italian foreign policy during the fascist period and beyond; Italy and U.S./Italy and U.K. after the II world war), to Mediterranean relations in the XX century (The Mediterranean, European Integration and the dialogue with North Africa and the Middle East, security and migrations).
Research Activities and Current Projects:
2022-: Research Team Member, GALILEO Project "Issues of implementation of the Paris Agreement: a French-Italian comparative approach” (P.I.: Prof. F. Ippolito, University of? Cagliari)
2021-: Research Team Member and Teaching Staff Jean Monnet Chair (call 2021) 'European Climate of Change - REACT' (Chair: Prof. F. Ippolito, University of Cagliari)
2021- Research Team Member, Project ‘A Multilevel Inquiry into the Rights of Peasants and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas from a Multidisciplinary (Legal, Historical and Ethical) Perspective’ (P.I. Prof. F. Seatzu, University of Cagliari)
2019 Research Team Member, Project “The impact of Fake News on propaganda and public diplomacy in Europe, America, Asia” (P.I. Prof. B. Onnis, Sardinia Autonomous Region Grant)
2018: Coordinator, Research Project: “Politiche estere nazionali, organizzazioni internazionali e questione migratoria” (Finalization of funds from other project, Department of Political and Social Science.2018)
2017: Research Team Member, Project Soft Power of the Press, Media and Internet over the International and Domestic policies of the States (P.I. Prof. B. Onnis, Sardinia Autonomous Region Grant)
2012-16 – Europe, Italy, Sardinia and Africa on the move: co-operation agreements and migration issues in the Mediterranean basin, Sardinia Autonomous Region Grant (co-ordinator of Research Unity)
2011 – Italy and Great Britain after the II World War: the difficult task to restore a traditional friendship: periods of research at the Italian Foreign Ministry’s Historical Archive, Rome; and the National Archives, Kew Gardens, London, UK
2010 – Vatican diplomacy between tradition and modernism: the Holy See and France at the beginning of the XX century: periods of research at the Vatican Secret Archive, Vatican City
2009-12 – Project of Research: The island of failed projects. Great Powers and Sardinia between XIX and XX cent., Sardinia Autonomous Region Grant (member of Research Unity)
Giuseppe Garibaldi and Italian diplomacy (1860-‘61), (research for a book chapter)
2008-11 – PRIN “In the shadow of the bomb” (Research Project of National Interest, member of Research Unity at the University of Cagliari): periods of research at the Italian Foreign Ministry’s Historical Archive, Rome; and the National Archives, Kew Gardens, London, UK
2007 – Italy and the Mediterranean in the XX century: periods of research at the Italian Foreign Ministry’s Historical Archive, the State Central Archive, Rome; and the National Archives, Kew Gardens, London, UK)
2006 – The U.S. and Italian Mediterranean policy in the XX century (periods of research at the Italian Foreign Ministry’s Historical Archive, Rome; and the National Archives, College Park, MD, USA); Winner of the U.S. Embassy in Italy’s Italian Young Professors Programme
2005 – The Mediterranean: a place for cooperation and peace? (research for a book chapter)
2004 – Italy and the Peace Treaty (10th February 1947), University of Cagliari ‘Young Researcher Project’ Fellowship.
Conference Activity, 2006-2014:
Lectures given
Anniversario 30 anni caduta Muro Berlino, ACIT, Cagliari, 7 November 2019
Relatore da Comando Regionale Sardegna Legione Carabinieri per celebrazione 4 novembre: Festa delle Forze Armate, 29/10/19
Le Trasformazioni della Società dagli Anni 90. L’Europa, L ’Italia, Giornata di Formazione Quadri Terzo Settore (FQTS 2020), Tramatza, 25 May 2019
Discussant, seminario Capitalismo o democrazia. Gli anni ‘70 e la breve vita felice del keynesismo, tenuto dal Prof. Francesco Petrini, 16 novembre 2018, Ciclo di Seminari introduttivi Scuola Estiva di Alta Formazione Politica sugli Studi Internazionali Gramsciani per le Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Il Mediterraneo verso una maggiore(dis)integrazione. Pillole sul quadro geopolitico, seminario “Sardegna, hub della cooperazione euro-mediterranea?”, Associazioni Sardegna 2050 e Open Med, Cagliari 22 September 2018
L’Italia e le migrazioni mediterranee tra multilateralismo europeo e via nazionale. Una lettura diplomatica. Paper presentato al seminario Di Ricerca Sissco “L'Europa Tra Migrazioni, Decolonizzazione e Integrazione (1945-1992)”, Cagliari, 24-25 May 2018
Intervento in seminario La questione nordcoreana e gli equilibri internazionali, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, 11 December 2017
Interventi in trasmissione televisiva I Dialoghi della Memoria, 'Sardegna Uno' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoT8RJM4LBM), 1– 8 November 2017
‘Alle radici di una possibile Rinascita. La Sardegna e gli aiuti internazionali tra guerra e dopoguerra’, Ciclo di seminari ‘70 anni di Autonomia speciale della Sardegna’, organizzato da Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, November 2017
Intervento L’Italia e la firma del Trattato di pace del 1947, celebrazioni Giornata del Ricordo, Prefettura di Cagliari, 10 February 2017
Intervento al Laboratorio su Politica Internazionale e migrazioni, XXX Marcia per la Pace organizzata dalla Caritas Diocesana di Cagliari, 29 December 2016
- The mith of Italian ‘Mutilated Victory’, Third Seminar “La Sardegna nella Prima Guerra Mondiale dalla vittoria mutilata al mito della Brigata Sassari – Centenario della Grande Guerra – Conflitto e conseguenze nell’Isola”, Liceo “Fermi”, Nuoro 23 ottobre 2014
- The First World War: Peace Treaties and Diplomacy, First Seminar “La Sardegna nella Prima Guerra Mondiale dalla vittoria mutilata al mito della Brigata Sassari – Centenario della Grande Guerra – Conflitto e conseguenze nell’Isola”, Istituto “Duca degli Abruzzi”, Elmas 16 ottobre 2014
- Beyond taboos: women and diplomacy yesterday and today, Seminar “Identity, Equality and Gender Discrimination”, University of Cagliari, 10 April 2014
- Chairman, first panel, PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest) Conference: La proliferazione nucleare nella dimensione extra-europea, Cagliari, 9 November 2012
- Watching a Political Turmoil, with Fear and Hope – Italian Foreign Policy Face to British Elections of 1951, International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), 22 June 2011
- La presenza americana tra Mediterraneo ed Arcipelago, Conference “La Maddalena Archipelago and Italian Military Navy’ – Inaugural Lecture, Navy Petty Officers School; La Maddalena Island, 17 September 2010
- Giuseppe Garibaldi and Italian diplomacy, Conference ‘ Thousand Times, Thousand Lives, Cagliari, 22 January 2010
- Rountable, NATO Workshop ‘Looking Towards NATO’s Future’ – NATO 60th Anniversary Conference, NATO Joint Force Command Naples, 13-14 October 2009
- Kosovo ieri e oggi: profili storici e geo-politici, Seminar at the Joint Force Training and Intelligence, Rome, 27 November, 2009
- L’impresa di Etiopia tra tradizione diplomatica e destabilizzazione, Collinas 19 September 2009
Organization of events/seminars:
- L’Australia nello scacchiere globale. Un’analisi di quantificazione del potere nazionale e delle politiche migratorie, tenuto dal Dr. Gabriele Abbondanza (Sydney University), January 2019
- Corso di Geopolitica Vaticana, Prof. P. Schiavazzi, Spring 2018
- Seminario La cooperazione nell'area euro-mediterranea -strumenti di finanziamento ed esperienze a confronto', settembre 2018: EXMA’ Cagliari
- Seminario di David C. Unger (U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, Johns Hopkins Bologna): The Election of Donald Trump: What does It mean for Europe, the world, and the United States?. Organizato in collaborazione con Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti in Italia, 22 November 2016
- Convegno internazionale Bilateral Relations in the Mediterranean. Prospects for Migration Issues. Cagliari. Convegno finale L.7 (2010) Europe, Italy Sardinia and Africa in movement. Cooperation agreements and migration in the Mediterranean: actors, contents, perspectives (https://ghum.kuleuven.be/ggs/documents/cagliari-conference-flyer.pdf), 11-12 June 2016
- Iniziativa GLOBE ISPI Milano (https://www.ispionline.it/it/Globe_2015/programma_cagliari_2015.pdf), 21 May, 2015
- La questione delle opzioni dei sud-tirolesi nei rapporti italo-tedeschi, seminar with professor Federico Scarano (University of Naples2), 18 December 2013, University of Cagliari
- Barack or Mitt? Economy, Society and Foreign Policy in S. 2012 Presidential Election – Meeting with Alan Schecther (Professor Emeritus, Wellesley College, MA), 2 October 2012
- Security in the Middle East and Obama’s Foreign Policy (key-note speaker: Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow at American Progress), Department of Botanic, University of Cagliari, 18 May 2010
- The Role of Media in Today’s US Public Diplomacy, (seminar of U.S. senator Larry Pressler), Faculty of Political Science, University of Cagliari, 16 March 2009
- A Long Road to the White House – Candidates, Issues, Media in the Presidential Campaign, University of Cagliari, 23 May 2008 (speaker: Eric Jones, John’s Hopkins University, in collaboration with the Faculty of Law and Association Amerigo)
- Foreign Policy and Transatlantic Relations (web-chat with professor J.E.Miller), 18 January 2008 (in collaboration with U.S. Embassy in Rome)
- International Decentralised Cooperation: Subjects and Operative Instruments, Faculty of Political Science, University of Cagliari, 7 December 2006 (in collaboration with Italian Foreign Ministry)
Other Recent Professional Activities:
- Ordinary member of the Italian Society of International History (SiSi)
- Member of the Council of the Inter-Departmental Center for Historical-Philological-Literary Documents (CISDSFL), University of Cagliari
- Member of the Italian Commission for the First World War (Section Sardinia)
- Referee REPRISE Cineca, ‘Athens Journal of Mediterranean Studies?, PICA UniPG
- Regional Scientific Coordinator and Teaching Staff FQTS (Third Sector Management Training), 2018-2020
- Teaching Staff Italian Diplomatic Academy, 2017-2019
- Co-Coordinator, Project ‘REACT, Awarded at the Facebook Global Digital Challenge
- Editorial Board, “World Journal of Social Science”, “International Journal of Political Science and Diplomacy”
- Fellow, Research Foundation “Giuseppe Siotto”, Cagliari, 2018-
- Member of the Working Group of the International Cooperation Forum, Italian Foreign Ministry, 2007