Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering


- Damage analysis by means of experimental modal analysis

- Concrete with Recycled Aggregates

- Fragility analysis for industrial steel tank under blast load

- Automatization of experimental modal analysis



Alessia Scanu, "Anchoring Systems Evaluation for Expanded Perlite Thermal Insulation: Experimental Study and Design Model”, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2022-2023.

Nicola Schirru, “Structural behaviour of an industrial warehouse under fire: computational fluido dynamics and mechanical analysis”  University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2021-2022.

Carlo Melis: "Structural behavior of reinforced concrete footings made with recycled aggregates", University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2019-2020

Maria Rita Alimonda  "Numerical modeling of the flexural behaviour of a reinforced concrete beam", University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2019-2020

Alessandro Attoli "Analysis of the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete tower buildings under explosion load", University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2019-2020


Roberto Vacca, “Gli effetti della velocità di deformazione nel calcestruzzo armato: stato dell’arte – Strain rate effects on reinforced concrete: state of the art” advisor: Dr. Ing. Fausto Mistretta, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2017-2018.

Gianfranco Fanari, “Ottimizzazione del Modello Strutturale di un Viadotto in C.A. sulla base dell’Analisi Modale Sperimentale – Model Updating bases on Experimental Modal Analysis” advisor: Dr. Ing. Fausto Mistretta, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2017-2018.

Michele Cotza, “l metodo delle Temperature Efficaci per l’analisi della deformabilita? di strutture in calcestruzzo armato sottoposte ad incendio– The effective temperatures method for the deformation analysis of reinforced concrete structures under fire” advisor: Dr. Ing. Fausto Mistretta, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2017-2018.

Micheleandrea Oggiano, “Temperature efficaci per strutture in calcestruzzo armato – Effective temperatures for reinforced concrete structures” advisor: Dr. Ing. Fausto Mistretta, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2017-2018.

Nicola Sara, “Analisi termo-meccanica di un pilastro in calcestruzzo armato sottoposto ad incendio – Thermo-mechanical analysis of reinforced concrete column under fire” advisor: Dr. Ing. Fausto Mistretta, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2017-2018.

Maurizio Bianco, “Analisi di sensitività all’ incendio di travi in calcestruzzo armato precompresso – Sensitivity analysis of prestressed reinforced concrete beams under fire” advisor: Dr. Ing. Fausto Mistretta, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2015-2016.

Nicola Usai, “Progetto e modellazione dinamica del nuovo tleaio di contrasto del laboratorio materiali DICAAR – Deisgn and dynamic modelling of the loading frame of DICAAR laboratory” advisor: Prof. Ing. Barbara De Nicolo, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2014-2015.

Fabio Manconi, “Analisi statica di volte a crociera nervate:?La volta stellare della chiesa di Santa Maria del Monte in Cagliari  – Structural Analysis of Masonry Stellar Vault: the case of the Santa Maria del Monte church in Cagliari” advisor: Prof. Ing. Antonio Cazzani, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2015-2016.

Salvatore Scuderi, “Prevenzione incendi nelle strutture in Calcestruzzo Armato: aspetti normativi e progettuali – R.C. Structures in Fire: Standard Requirements and Design strategy” advisor: Prof. Ing. Barbara De Nicolo, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2014-2015.

Michele Serra and Alberto Napoli, “Ottimizzazione di modelli strutturali con analisi modale sperimentale – Model Updating by means of Experimental Modal Analysis” advisor: Dr. Ing. Fausto Mistretta, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2014-2015.

Alessio Serra, “Analisi degli effetti dell'incendio su un capannone in C.A.P. – Structural Assessment of a prestressed R.C. industrial warehouse damaged by fire” advisor: Dr. Ing. Fausto Mistretta, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2013-2014.

Raimondo Salaris, “Comportamento di strutture in C.A. nei confronti delle esplosioni da gas – Structural behaviour of R.C. structures under gas explosion” advisor: Prof. Ing. Sergio Tattoni, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2011-2012.

Laura Fais & Stefano Marras, “Progetto e verifica di un edificio adibito a residenza universitaria – Structural design of a hall of residence” advisor: Prof. Ing. Sergio Tattoni, University of Cagliari, A.Y. 2011-2012.

E. Ruopoli, “Chiesa Di San Domenico a Cagliari analisi strutturale alla luce delle normative attuali – St. Domenico church in Cagliari: Structural Analysis according to the current code” advisor: Prof. Ing. S. Tattoni, Uni. of Cagliari, A.Y. 2010-2011.

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