Dipartimento di Pedagogia, psicologia, filosofia

LUCA VARGIU is associate professor of Aesthetics at the University of Cagliari.

He studied at the University of Cagliari, where he graduated in Philosophy (1995) and specialized in Art History (2001). Later he studied at the University of Palermo, where he earned a PhD (“dottorato di ricerca”) in Aesthetics and Art Theories (2006).

He has worked as a tenured teacher of Philosophy and History in the Italian high schools and as a teacher in various vocational education courses and post-high school courses. At the University of Cagliari—as a professor by contract and then as a faculty member—he has taught several courses, including Aesthetics, Phenomenology of Styles, and History of Art Criticism.

He is a commendable member and a component of the Board and of the Scientific Committee of ISEB (Istituto “Emilio Betti” di Scienza e Teoria del Diritto nella storia e nella società). He is also a member of SIE (Società Italiana d’Estetica), ESA (The European Society for Aesthetics), and Association of Friends of CEMS (Center for Early Medieval Studies- Masarykova Univerzita, Brno). He has collaborated with the International Centre for the Study of Aesthetics (Centro Internazionale Studi di Estetica).

He is on the Scientific Board of the journal «New Theories» (J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek). He is a member of CRPM “Espace, Déplacement, Mobilité” research group (Université Paris Nanterre).

In 2009 he won the Premio Nuova Estetica (New Aesthetics Prize).



Medieval and Contemporary image theories – Theories of Art History – Aesthetics and Hermeneutics – Philosophy of Landscape.



books and long essays:
Prima dell’età dell’arte. Hans Belting e l’immagine medievale («Aesthetica Preprint: Supplementa», no. 20, 2007, 208 pp.).
Incroci ermeneutici. Betti, Sedlmayr e l’intepretazione dell’opera d’arte («Aesthetica Preprint», no. 82, 2008, 80 pp.).
Storia dell’arte contemporanea in Sardegna. Introduzione allo studio (Cuec, Cagliari 2009, 128 pp.).
Figure e bilanci. Saggi sparsi di filosofia dell’arte (Mimesis, Milan-Udine 2016, 166 pp.).
Hermeneutik und Kunstwissenschaft. Ein Dialog auf Distanz – Emilio Betti und Hans Sedlmayr (Logos Verlag, Berlin 2017, 157 pp.).
Insularità. Una metafora per l’opera d’arte (Mimesis, Milan-Udine 2020, 100 pp.).

edition of foreign books:
— Hans Belting, Il capolavoro invisibile. Il mito moderno dell’arte (Carocci, Rome 2018).
— Krešimir Purgar, Iconologia e cultura visuale. W.J.T. Mitchell, storia e metodo dei visual studies (Carocci, Rome 2019).
— Hans Belting, Immagine e culto. Una storia dell’immagine prima dell’età dell’arte (Carocci, Rome 2022).

volume chapters:
Kant at the Maracanã (in T. Richards, ed., Soccer and Philosophy. Beautiful Thoughts on the Beautiful Game, Open Court, Chicago and La Salle 2010, pp. 172-184).
Frederik Adama van Scheltema and the West between Systole and Diastole (in L. Russo, ed., Evolutions of Form, Logos Verlag, Berlin 2013, pp. 113-132).
Identity through Landscape, Identity of Landscape (in Y. Espiña, ed., Images of Europe. Past, Present, Future, Universidade Católica Editora, Porto 2016, pp. 981-989).
Mitchell and Boehm – a Dialogue: Image Science in the European Context (in K. Purgar, ed., W.J.T. Mitchell’s Image Theory. Living Pictures, Routledge, New York and London 2017, pp. 171-181).
Function and Context: Funkkolleg Kunst Thirty Years Later (in F. Pau, L. Vargiu, eds., Following Forms, Following Functions: Practices and Disciplines in Dialogue, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne 2018, pp. 51-63).
Walking through Landscapes? (in A.V. Serrão, M. Reker, eds., Philosophy of Landscape. Think, Walk, Act, Centre for Philosophy at the University of Lisbon, Lisbon 2019, pp. 205-220).
Hans Belting (in K. Purgar, ed., The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 2021, pp. 857-871).
The Beautiful Landscape? (in D.-M. Hennrich, P. Reyes, A. Rozenstraten, eds., Thinking Landscape, FAUUSP, São Paulo 2023, pp. 17-36).

papers in journals:
«Like paired dolphins». Sincronia di alternative tra Danto e Belting (in «Rivista di Estetica», XLVII, no. 35 N.S., 2007, pp. 335-355).
Hans Belting e lo sguardo dell’etnologo (in «Ricerche di Storia dell’Arte», no. 94, 2008, pp. 29-34).
— Andaht nah bildricher wise. Hans Belting e le figurazioni devozionali (in «Aesthetica preprint: Supplementa», no. 23, 2009, pp. 229-246).
— The Museum of Me e l’ideologia del museo contemporaneo (in «Studi di Estetica», XL I, series III, no. 45, 2012, pp. 243-258).
La Kulturmorphologie di Frederik Adama van Scheltema (in «Aesthetica preprint», no. 96, 2012, pp. 51-56).
Il metodo di Maria Accascina e gli affreschi di Saccargia (in «TeCLa. Temi di Critica e Letteratura artistica», no. 11, 2015, pp. 65-80).
Hans Belting, l’estetica della compensazione e la Riforma (in «Aisthema. Philosophy Theology Aesthetics», 5, no. 1, 2018, pp. 19-35).
Notes for an Aesthetic Approach to Walking (in «Antae», 6, no. 2-3, 2019, pp. 146-158).
Luigi Russo e il “quadrante metateorico” di Nicea (in «Aesthetica preprint», no. 113, 2020, pp. 287-295).
Emilio Betti. “A teoria geral da interpretação” (in «Philosophica», no. 55-56, 2020, pp. 239-248).
Walking as an Art. Experience, Political Engagement, Image (in «New Theories», 3, n. 2, 2021, pp. 42-69).
Hans Belting and Hermeneutics – Between Unease and Awareness (in «Labyrinth», 24, n. 2, 2022, pp. 134-149).

edition of volumes and journal issues:
Sguardi sul paesaggio, sguardi sul mondo. Mediterranei a confronto (with S. Aru, F. Parascandolo and M. Tanca, Franco Angeli, Milan 2012).
Paesaggio e democrazia (with S. Aru, F. Parascandolo and M. Tanca, «Rivista Geografica Italiana», CXX, no. 4, 2013).
Esplorare nel passato indagare sul contemporaneo. Dare senso al paesaggio vol. 1 (Mimesis, Milan-Udine 2015).
Crisis of Landscapes, Landscapes of the Crisis. What are the Solutions? (with S. Aru, F. Parascandolo and M. Tanca, «J-Reading. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography», 5, no. 1, 2016).
Following Forms, Following Functions: Practices and Disciplines in Dialogue (with F. Pau, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne 2018).
Abitare. Approcci interdisciplinari e nuove prospettive (with L. Boi and A. Cannas, Unicapress, Cagliari 2019).
Esperienze e interpretazioni della morte tra Medioevo e Rinascimento (with A. Virdis, affinità elettive, Ancona 2020).
Le arti e l’esperienza estetica. Suoni, immagini e parole per Maria Barbara Ponti (with F. Pau, affinità elettive, Ancona 2022).
Studiare le immagini. Teorie, concetti, metodi (with K. Purgar, Carocci, Rome 2023).
Georg Simmel. Variazioni estetiche (with F. Pau, Meltemi, Milano 2024).


LATEST UPDATE April 23, 2024


LUCA VARGIU docet aestheticam in Universitate Studiorum calaritana. Campi investigationum eius sunt: theoriae imaginum medii aevi atque aetatis nostrae, elementa theorica historiae artis, nexus inter aestheticam et hermeneuticam, philosophia prospectus.


LUCA VARGIU é professor associado na Universidade de Cagliari, onde ensina Estética. Formado em Filosofia, com especialização em História da Arte na Universidade de Cagliari, e doutorado em Estética e Teoria das Artes na Universidade de Palermo, as suas áreas de especialização são: as teorias medievais e contemporâneas da imagem, a reflexão teórica sobre a historia da arte, as relações entre estética e hermenêutica e a filosofia da paisagem. Escreveu numerosos textos sobre estes temas e, em 2009, ganhou o prémio Nuova Estetica, da Sociedade Italiana de Estética.

Última atualização 4 de Janeiro de 2022

LUCA VARGIU lehrt Ästhetik an der Universität Cagliari. Seine Forschungen befassen sich mit der mittelalterlichen Bildtheorien, mit der zeitgenössischen Kunst- und Bildwissenschaft, mit dem Verhältnis zwischen Ästhetik und Hermeneutik, und mit der Landschaftsphilosophie. Er ist wohlverdienter Mitglied und Teilnehmer des Beirates und des Wissenschaftsausschusses des ISEB (Istituto Emilio Betti di Scienza e Teoria del Diritto nella storia e nella società), Mitglied der SIE (Società Italiana d’Estetica), der ESA (The European Society of Aesthetics) und der Association of Friends of CEMS (Center for Early Medieval Studies - Masarykova Univerzita, Brno). 2009 erhielt er den Premio Nuova Estetica.


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