Department of Humanities, Languages and Heritage
- Ruolo
- Professore associato
- Area scientifico disciplinare
- Antiquity, Philology, Literature, History and Art Sciences
- Settore scientifico disciplinare
- L-LIN/12 - English Language and Translation
- - Please do NOT use different email addresses, which are NOT enabled to send automatic replies in case of Prof Virdis' unavailability.
- Telefono
- +39 (0)70 675 6229
- Indirizzo
- Via San Giorgio 12, 09124 Cagliari
- Orario di ricevimento
In-person, telephone and online appointments can be arranged by contacting Prof Virdis by email. When emailing Prof Virdis, please state what your query is.
Before contacting Prof Virdis, students must check carefully if the answers to their questions are already clearly posted on this website or the official websites of the Degree Courses in Foreign Languages and the Faculty of Humanities.
Given the large number of English Language students, and given the large number of incoming and outgoing Erasmus students, Prof Virdis is unable to provide by email:
1. Information which is already clearly posted on this website or the official websites of the Degree Courses in Foreign Languages and the Faculty of Humanities;
2. Information which she is not directly in charge of or responsible for providing, e.g., problems with exams on ESSE3 (please contact Segreteria Studenti), administrative and bureaucratic matters and paperwork (please contact Segreteria Studenti), etc.