UniCa Ateneo Docenti e ricercatori Alessio Pisci Materiale didattico English 1 (Comunicazione + Mediazione) - PROGRAMMA

Alessio Pisci

English 1 (Comunicazione + Mediazione) - PROGRAMMA

04 novembre 2021

English 1 (Comunicazione + Mediazione) - PROGRAMMA

Strategie ed esercizi di ascolto e comprensione di testi orali.

Strategie ed esercizi di lettura e comprensione di testi scritti.

• Present simple.
• Present continuous.
• Action and non-action verbs.
• Future forms: will/shall, be going to & present continuous for the future.
• Past simple.
• Present perfect simple.
• Present perfect continuous.
• Comparatives and superlatives (adjectives & adverbs).
• Articles: a/an, the & no article.
• Can, could, be able to (ability & possibility).
• Have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t, should.
• How + adjective, What + noun.
• Reflexive pronouns.
• Past perfect.
• Past continuous.
• Past simple.
• Using narrative tenses together.
• Present and past habits: usually & used to.
• The passive.
• Might, can’t and must for deduction.
• Zero conditional.
• First conditional.
• Future time clauses.
• Second conditional.
• Third conditional.
• Reported speech: sentences and questions.
• Gerunds & infinitives.
• Quantifiers.
• Relative clauses (defining & non-defining).
• Question tags.
• Make and let.

• Differences between British and American English.
• Food and cooking.
• Family
• Adjectives of personality.
• Money.
• String adjectives.
• Transport.
• Collocation: verbs/adjectives + prepositions.
• -ed/-ing adjectives.
• Phone language.
• Differences between British and American English.
• Sport.
• Relationships.
• Cinema.
• The body.
• Education.
• Houses.
• Shopping.
• Word building.
• Work.
• Words with different meaning.
• Electronic devices.
• Phrasal verbs.
• Compound nouns.
• Crime.

• Short and long vowel sounds (?, i?, æ, ??, ?, ??, ?, u?).
• The letter “o” (?, ?, ??, ??).
• The schwa sound: ?.
• Consonants: ?, d?, t?.
• Word stress.
• Sentence stress.
• Linking.
• Adjective endings.
• The: /ð?/ or /ði?/?
• When are prepositions stressed?
• Silent consonats.
• Vowel sounds (??, ??).
• Word stress.
• Sentence stress.
• Linking.
• The letter “s” (s, z, ?, ?).
• The letter “u” (u?, ?, ?, ju?).
• The letters “ai” (e?, e?, ?).
• Diphthings (a?, e?, ??, a?, e?, ??).
• “ough” and “augh”.
• Intonation in question tags.

• Giving your opinion.
• Reacting to what people say.
• Social English phrases.
• Agreeing and disagreeing.
• Starting an anecdote.
• Giving examples.
• Permission and requests.
• Social English phrases.
• Debating a topic.
• Making suggestions.
• Presenting a product.
• Indirect questions.

Stesura di brevi composizioni di circa 100 parole su argomenti che possano essere affrontati con le competenze linguistiche tipiche del livello B1/B1+ (brevi racconti, cartoline, email, descrizioni di luoghi, cose o persone, brevi biografie, recensioni di libri o film, pro e contro relativi a un determinato argomento, ecc.)

Questionario e social

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