Office Hours

Autore dell'avviso: Nicola Simola

02 January 2019
Instructions on how to schedule an appointment with Prof. Simola


Students who need to schedule an appointment with Prof. Simola are kindly asked to send a request by email at least one day before the intended date. Please address all correspondence to the institutional mail address

If no response is receivied within 24 hours, students are are kindly requested to send a new email.

Students should also be aware that under no circumstances will the following emails be answered:

1) Emails requesting clarifications on issues already dealth with on Prof. Simola's website and/or UniCA websites (for example, issues pertaining to the student secretariat, issues pertaining to guidance tutors, clarifications on the regulations of professional internship)

2) Emails requesting changes to the lessons' timetable and/or exam sessions

3) Emails that do not begin with a formal salutation, regardless of the content.  Beginning your emails with "Hello",  "Howdy" , "Hey", "Hey Mr.", "Dear Mr." means that you will get no response.

Students please also be informed that, if necessary, it will possible to arrange virtual meetings with Prof. Simola via the Skype/Teams platform. For more information contact Prof. Simola by email.

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