NB: When indicating the degree awarded by another University, the field about the academic year has to be completed with the first year only (i.e. if the degree was awarded in the academic year 2016/2017, please indicate only 2016).
Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo
NB: When indicating the degree awarded by another University, the field about the academic year has to be completed with the first year only (i.e. if the degree was awarded in the academic year 2016/2017, please indicate only 2016).
Lingua spagnola in ERASMUS
20 febbraio 2025 - Opportunità lavorative in Norvegia - Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato, Blocco G - Asse D3 - aula A alle ore 11.30.
Caratteristiche presentazione Tesi di Laurea
in sostituzione della prova scritta