NMR and the Periodic Table
06 July 2017

Nell’ambito del Programma “Visiting Professor 2016/2017” finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna,

Professor Klaus Koch, del Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa,
terrà nei giorni 

6, 11, 12, 13 e 14 Luglio 2017

una serie di seminari intitolato

NMR and the Periodic Table
presso la Sala riunioni del Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche

(primo piano, Cittadella Universitaria)

secondo il seguente calendario:

Content and Description
9 :00-11 :00
NMR and the Periodic Table: Part 1
Review of basics principles of multinuclear NMR, nuclear properties; Nuclei with I = ½ and quadrupole nuclei I > ½.  Structure related information in in multinuclear NMR spectra.
14 :30 -17 :00
NMR and the Periodic Table: Part 2:
Isotopologues and isotopomers in NMR, chemical shift ranges and trends, heteronuclear J spin-coupling trends for selected NMR metal and non-metal I = ½ nuclei. Recording and referencing of hetero-nuclear NMR spectra. Examples of multinuclear NMR spectra and their interpretation.
14 :30 -17 :00
NMR and the Periodic Table: Part 3
Use of 195Pt and 103Rh NMR as a tool for the study of the purely inorganic complexes for speciation, structural characterization of Platinum and Rhodium complexes, in the context of the separation, refining and recycling chemistry of Pt and Rh.
14 :30 -17 :00
NMR and the Periodic Table: Part 4:
Illustration of selected applications of 195Pt and 103Rh NMR  in various areas such as chemical speciation in process solutions, photochemistry and platinum mirror formation.
14 :30 -17 :00
NMR of bionorganic properties of  some water-soluble, mixed ligand complexes of Pt(II) complexes:
Cationic water-soluble Pt(II) complexes of the general structure [Pt(diimine)(L-S,O)]+ show remarkable aggregation behaviour in polar solvents as probed by the concentration dependence of their 1H NMR spectra, due to strong non-covalent p-cation interactions. These complexes also show significant anti-malarial activity, particularly to chloroquine resistant strains of plasmodium falciparum. They interact strongly with DNA in aqueous solution, resulting in a significant melting point enhancement of DNA, as well anti-microbial toxicity to mutant E. coli AB1886 (uvrA). Diiffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) show these complexes form large aggregates in solution

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