UniCa Biotecnologie Organization Commissions Commissione di Autovalutazione

Commissione di Autovalutazione

The Self-Assessment Commission (CAV) performs the functions of the Quality Assurance Management Commission provided for in the ANVUR-AVA documents:

  • proposes the organization and related functions, responsibilities and timelines for the QA of the CdS;
  • verifies compliance with the conditions for periodic accreditation of the CdS;
  • verifies and evaluates interventions aimed at improving the management of the CdS;
  • verifies and analyzes in depth the consistency of the objectives and the general structure of the CoS;
  • carries out monitoring of the data received concerning students;
  • proposes improvement actions;
  • compiles the SUA-CdS for the parts within its competence;
  • drafts the Cyclical Review Report.

Murgia Sergio
Phone: 070/675-4453;lab. 4463-4570 - Fax: 070/675-4388
Email: murgias@unica.it

Referente per la qualità del CdS

Zucca Paolo
Phone: +39 (0)70 675 4526 - Fax: +39 (0)70 675 4527
Email: pzucca@unica.it

De Gioannis Giorgia
Phone: 070/675-5520 - Fax: 070/675-5523
Email: degioan@unica.it

Manager didattico

Contu Grazia
Phone: +39 070 675 8603 - Fax: +39 070 675 8719
Email: grazia.contu@amm.unica.it


Manager didattico Curriculum Industriale e Ambientale (sede di Oristano)

Mastino Daniela
Struttura: ConsorzioUNO
Telefono: +39 0783 775530
Email: manager.biotin@consorziouno.it

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