Comitato di Indirizzo

The Steering Committee (C.I.):

  • provides guidance on the orientations of the world of work and productive activities in general;
  • formulates opinions and recommendations regarding the cultural and productive needs of the world of work;
  • formulates opinions and recommendations on the educational needs and the resulting curricula of students;
  • formulates opinions and recommendations on the adequacy of the graduate profile defined by the educational pathway;
  • formulates proposals for the definition and design of the educational offerings and related learning objectives;
  • promotes contacts for student internships in companies.

(See PQA, Operational Guide for Consultation with Interested Parties)


The Steering Committee generally meets annually.

Murgia Sergio
Phone: 070/675-4453;lab. 4463-4570 - Fax: 070/675-4388

Maxia Andrea
Phone: 070/675-3504

Sanjust Enrico
Phone: 070/675-4518 - Fax: 070/675-4527

Mastino Daniela
Struttura: ConsorzioUNO
Telefono: +39 0783 775530


Carlo Aymerich
Struttura: ConsorzioUNO
Telefono: +39 0783 775256

ASSL - Oristano
Roberto Iride


Agenzia Laore - Oristano
Ignazio Ibba


KemoTech - Pula (CA)
Paolo Lazzari


CAO Formaggi - Oristano
Giangavino Buttu


AGRIS - Uta (CA)
Anna Maria Repetto


Fondazione IMC Centro Marino internazionale - Oristano
Maura Baroli


3A - Arborea (OR)
Massimo Ferniani


CRS4 - Pula (CA)
Giorgio Fotia


MULTIMEDICA Centro Medicina del Lavoro - Cagliari
Giorgio Tonon


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