The final examination consists of a short report (maximum 30 pages) on a topic related to a subject of the Degree Programme.

This report should be the outcome of the student’s original work, and it should not reproduce any existing written work, in full or in part. Students should take great care to avoid plagiarism and the related legal liabilities.

The Graduating Committee awards the final marks following standard set criteria, using the students’ weighted grade average base, and excluding the lowest marks, up to a maximum of 9 credits. Up to seven further points can be awarded, following the criteria described below:

  • from 0 to 3 points for early or timely graduations: 3 points to students graduating in the April, July or October session of their third year; 2 points to those graduating in the December or February sessions, 1 point to those graduating within one year of the 3-year course duration; 0 points to those graduating beyond this time;
  • 0 to 2 points for overall attendance and experience; the committee awards 1 point to students who had international experience without demerit;
  • 0 to 2 points for the report, taking into account the supervisor's assessment.

The Committee awards Honours after unanimous assessment of the scientific value of the dissertation.

This Degree Programme also activates TeTi (Thesis & Training) projects, for further information please refer to the Internship page.

Editorial rules for the final report

  • left side margin with cm 4
  • other margins width cm 2
  • Times or Helvetica font or other fonts, neither expanded nor compressed
  • text size: 16 for chapter headings; 14 for paragraph headings; 12 for body text; 10 or 8 for notes
  • single spacing for body text; spacing 2 before each paragraph and spacing 3 before paragraph change

Special exam sessions for graduating students

Students who have applied for graduation and are one exam away from completing their Degree Programme, may apply for a special exam session reserved for them, subject to the availability of the relevant lecturer.

At least 40 days before the planned graduation session, qualifying students must send a special request via e-mail to the relevant Student Office, to the Co-ordinator of their Degree Programme and, for information, to their thesis supervisor.

The request must contain the following information:

  • First name, surname and Student Number;
  • Code and Degree Programme
  • Code and name of the examination;
  • Name of the thesis supervisor.

The request must be accompanied by the supervisor’s statement on the progress of the thesis (which must be close to completion within the deadline set for its upload).

For further information, please consult the corresponding section on the Student Office webpage



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