Students must acquire 120 CFU credits to obtain a postgraduate degree. The normal duration of the Degree Programme is two years.
To access the final examination, students must submit an application via the online procedure within the deadlines set by the University for each session. Please refer to Art. 22 of the Regulations.
Special exam sessions for graduating students
Students who have applied for graduation and are one exam away from completing their Degree Programme may apply for a special exam session reserved for them, subject to the availability of the relevant lecturer.
At least 40 days before the planned graduation session, qualifying students must send a special request via e-mail to the Student Office (, to the Coordinator of their Degree Programme and, for information, to the dissertation supervisor.
The request must contain the following information:
- First name, surname and Student Number;
- Code and Degree Programme
- Code and name of the examination;
- Name of the dissertation supervisor.
The request must be accompanied by the dissertation supervisor's statement on the progress of the dissertation (which must be close to completion within the deadline set for its upload).