Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura

Available Research Topics

The theses assigned can be either experimental or compilative in nature, with a primary focus on environmental pollution and waste management.

Experimental Theses

The experimental theses focus on the application of the hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process for the valorization of organic waste. This innovative process allows for the transformation of waste into useful products, thereby contributing to the reduction of environmental impact and the promotion of a circular economy.

The studies may cover:

  • Production of Hydrochar: Analysis and optimization of hydrochar production from various types of organic waste.
  • Use of Hydrochar as Soil Amendments or Fertilizers: Evaluation of the effectiveness of hydrochar in improving soil quality and plant growth.
  • Recovery of High-Value Materials and Compounds: Exploration of the possibilities to extract valuable materials and compounds from the by-products of the HTC process.
  • Energy Production: Study of the potential of hydrochar and process water as sources of renewable energy.
  • ...

Compilative Theses

The compilative theses offer an in-depth analysis of existing literature on topics related to environmental pollution and waste management.

These theses may include:

  • Review of Waste Treatment Technologies: Overview of existing technologies and their practical applications.
  • Analysis of Environmental Policies: Study of regulations and policies adopted at local, national, and international levels for waste management and pollution reduction.
  • Assessment of Environmental Impacts: Examination of the environmental impacts associated with different waste management methods and suggestions for improvements.

Students interested in undertaking a thesis in any of these areas are invited to contact the professor to discuss their ideas and define a research project.

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