Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy

As part of the contents of his teachings, the teacher accepts thesis proposals exclusively of an empirical and / or experimental nature.

Important prerequisites for carrying out a thesis project in these areas are considered:

  • knowledge of the English language at least at level B1 which allows to easily understand the content of scientific texts in the English language (journal articles, reports, doctoral theses, etc.);
  • knowledge of the fundamentals of qualitative and quantitative research in education;
  • a good command of statistical data analysis techniques (monovariate analysis and bivariate analysis).

To this end, having taken the Experimental Pedagogy exam is an important requirement for developing a degree thesis in these areas. As projects of an empirical and / or experimental nature, theses may typically take the form of (1) a research synthesis or (2) an applied research project.

The theses of the "research synthesis" type are aimed at conducting a systematic review and integration of the results of studies drawn from the international literature on a given research problem. The thesis of the "research project" type involves the conduct of an applied research project, of an empirical and / or experimental nature, or participation in a project already in progress.

Below, the indications relating to the structuring of the thesis for these two types can be downloaded (these structures may be adapted in some cases, due to the characteristics of the thesis work): [available soon]

  • Research synthesis: thesis-structure-research-synthesis
  • Applied research project: thesis-structure-research-project

Interested undergraduates are invited to reflect very carefully on the research problem to start from, as it is from it all subsequent choices relating to the bibliographic research, the contents to be treated, the research method itself. For this reason, it is essential that the research problem from which the work on the thesis began is well circumscribed and not general. Examples of too general topics (which cannot be accepted) are: information technology and pedagogy; educational technologies; assessment in school. The teacher is particularly interested in developing the following themes (within which well-defined problems must be framed): evidence-based research methods: systematic reviews and meta-analyzes; the use of effect-size indices in education; experimental teaching and evidence-based education; effectiveness of didactic technologies (in particular, with reference to STEM education); innovative methods of planning didactic settings; use of videos in teacher training; impact assessment of socio-educational interventions. The teacher is available for any clarification.

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