Facoltà di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche

I am a senior communication expert and social media specialist with 23 years of experience orchestrating and managing a wide variety of communication projects across 55 countries. Beyond this, my experience includes communications project management, having successfully led Marcomm teams worldwide. My expertise covers an array of sectors, including green & clean technologies, healthcare & medical, ICT, construction & building, music & video industry, advertisement, railway services, organic food & beverage, human rights, and the arts. I've served a diverse clientele, ranging from Governments, public institutions, and the EU to business firms, creative agencies, political parties, and NGOs.

Having successfully concluded a 5-year tenure as Head of Communications for the EU Gateway | Business Avenues programme, a flagship initiative by the European Commission supporting SMEs in expanding into Asia, I transitioned to lead communication for the Open Government project at the Italian Government agency Formez PA. Currently, I collaborate with the Singapore-based Asia-Europe Foundation on strategic communication and social media for a major public diplomacy initiative.

Authoring "Comunicazione Digitale per la Pubblica Amministrazione" (Digital Communication for the Public Sector) and contributing to various communication-focused magazines, I have also designed and managed courses for communication in the Italian public administration. I've shared my insights by teaching communication strategy and social media at esteemed institutions such as the University of Rome La Sapienza, the University of Cagliari, and the University of Sassari. My academic background includes two Master's degrees: Media and Communication (University of Rome) and Public Affairs (University of Sydney - Faculty of Economics and Business).

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