Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura

Stefano Cadoni (1985), Architect and PhD in Architecture, RTDa - DICAAR


He graduated in Architecture in 2011 at the University of Cagliari, with a thesis titled: “On the edge of the historic city. Redevelopment of the former military hospital and project for a new architecture center in Cagliari"

PhD in Architecture in 2017 at the Doctoral School in Architecture of the University of Cagliari, supervisor prof. C. Atzeni, with a thesis titled “The thickness of the limit. Metabolism of mass to rethink the existing", on the theme of contemporary design as a tool for investigating historical buildings and on longue durée landscape.


Since 2011 his fields of study have been contemporary design in historical and consolidated contexts and the typological and transformative processes of historical building fabrics, which he deals with at different scales, from the landscape to the construction dimension.

In 2012 he was part of the research group that he depicted as a study for the construction of the knowledge framework of the territory to the drafting of the detailed plans of the historic centers of the Union of rural Municipalities of Marmilla, with an interpretive work based on the sampling of the recurring building types, of the characters, also with the construction of a large photographic apparatus of relief in the field.

In 2015 he also participated in Scientific consultancy for the drafting of the detailed plan of the historical center of Cagliari - Convention of the Municipality of Cagliari and the University of Cagliari

In 2018, he won a research grant for research titled “Methodologies for the project in the historical buildings of the minor towns of Sardinia: definition of rules for the protection and innovation of traditional habitats in the Marmilla region - typologies and technologies: the case study of Mogoro”.

Since 2021 he has been part of the research group for the project “Rural landscape 3.0, from the city to the countryside: new sustainable spaces for the multifunctionality of the farm RURALkit". The project aims to develop strategies and construction models for sustainable rural spaces, questioning the role of the rural company as a new multifunctional hub of the rural landscape. The research questions the constructive and procedural dimension, promoting short-chain production circuits and the use of local materials.

The research activities, also concerned the project at the scale of the building, are the following: redevelopment guide project for Antonio Gramsci's house in Ghilarza, of the Macciotta clinics, a large 1950s building in Cagliari, of the Capra distilleries, a large industrial complex on in Quartu Sant'Elena and the Mandolesi Pavilion, a modern building designed by Enrico Mandolesi on the Engineering Campus.

In 2022 new research begins with the projects to the inclusion of Nuragic architecture in the UNESCO tentative list, focusing on the relationship between monument and landscape.

Starting from some reflections started within the doctorate, continued in research and in the profession, he took part in the annual seminars of the scientific society ArTec, also as a speaker, and on the recovery of historical architecture Rehabend.

Since 2023 he has been a fixed-term researcher in the University of Cagliari (RTDA) financed with resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - ETIC project - Einstein Telescope Infrastructure Consortium on the themes of the relationship between a great scientific infrastructure and rural landscape.


Since 2011 he has been carrying out research and teaching assistance within the University of Cagliari, on the themes of architecture and landscape design, in the architectural design and construction laboratories, in national and international summer schools.

Since 2019 he has been responsible for the elective course INTERNO/INTORNO. Strategies and methods of articulating space for living, with a series of seminars that explores the theme of the housing project as part of the disciplinary strand of typological and morphological analysis developed over the last two hundred years.

Since 2023 he has been teaching in the laboratory “Building” of the first year of the professionalizing degree course in Building and Territory Techniques Professionalizing degree course in Construction and Territorial Techniques in the University of Cagliari.

Since 2013, he plays the role of atelier and project coordinator in some innovative teaching activities in self-construction, in particular the experiences of ARCILAB 12, MAAII in Serdiana, MSL in Monastir, MogoroLab in Mogoro, DOORS in the Faculty of Architecture and OraniLAB in Orani. These experiences try to graft a low cost and low-tech model to the rural project that can serve as a simulation of a real project or as a temporary and reversible micro-transformation.


He applies his research activities to architectural projects with a focus on recovery and reuse of buildings also in rural landscape.

In 2014 he was part of the design team of project for setting up the "visitor centers", conceived as places to start the paths of knowledge of the territory, created by recovering buildings or parts of pre-existing buildings in 16 rural municipalities, within the RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2007/2013.

In 2018, he was appointed designer for the recovery and urban redevelopment of the area of environmental and historical-cultural value of the former Casa Podda complex "characterized by the presence of infrastructural elements and historical-traditional settlements in raw earth technics, in a historical rural region of Sardinia.

Also in 2018, he was appointed designer for recovery project of the former Aru-Orrù house and the pertinent areas for the construction of a cultural civic center of territorial attraction and expansion of the institutional headquarters of the Municipality of Villa San Pietro, in the south of Sardinia.

Cagliari, 28-5-2023

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