Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, ambientale e architettura

Massimo Faiferri (1969), architect and professor in Architecture and Planning, studied at IUAV (Venice) where he also obtained the title of PhD.

From 1993 to 2000 he taught in the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara, later at IUAV, collaborating in courses of installation and museology, history of art, history of decorative and industrial arts, taught by S. Polano.

From 2000 to 2003 he taught in the design studio run by A. Aymonino.

Since 2003 he has been teaching and researching in the Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture and Planning, University of Sassari, as a lecturer in Architectural Design.

From 2005 to 2008 he was member of the board of the School of Doctorate in Environmental Design of Space of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Sassari.

Since 2009 he is member of the board of the School of Doctorate in Architecture and Planning of the Department of Architecture Design and Urban Planning, University of Sassari.

Since 1999 he is professor of the international itinerant design seminar Villard, coordinated by Alberto Ferlenga, and a member of the Scientific Committee.

He is currently Researcher in architectural and urban composition - ICAR / 14- at the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the University of Sassari and, recently, thanks to the positive evaluation of his intensive research activities given by the commission of experts appointed by of the Ministry of Education, he has received the national scientific qualification to become full professor.

He was the creator and founder of the research laboratory "ecourbanlab." With the aim of exploring the relationship between architecture and the city. Through the organization of conferences, workshops, conferences, and some project experience, they have been investigated the latent potentialities of new forms of residence for the construction of urban landscapes, articulating the theme of inhabiting the city in different relationships with the concept of emergency, from the complex situations generated by catastrophic events to the all forms of housing hardship, even in developed countries, more and more urgent reason to think the design as a tool able to give back to man the dignity inextricably linked to the idea of home.

This research has received funding for the organization of an international conference entitled "Housing the Emergency", which took place in 2009 at the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero and for the publication of the results of research in the book entitled "Housing the Emergency-The Emergency of Housing ". The research also produced a number of publications and some experimental project carried out in the thesis studio ecourbanlab and in the design studio “Environmental Design” and presented in several exhibitions.

Since 2011, the research activities have been focused on the theme of reuse, with two important funding. The first finalized the organization of the International Seminar of design Villard 13 on the topic “ReUse: Sustainable strategies for urban regeneration” and the organization of two international conferences at the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero. This research has produced several publications and especially a number of exhibitions dedicated to the work of some prestigious international designers connected to the research topic.

These experiences have demonstrated the ability to lead complex research projects to the achievement of recognized scientific and useful contributions to the growth of knowledge of the investigated topic.

Thanks to these achievements he has been appointed Director of the International Master's Degree in Sustainable and Affordable Housing, result of the collaboration between the Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Sassari, the Facultade de Arquitectura of Universidade de Lisboa Technique (Portugal), the Universidade Presbyterian Meckenzie of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

His work shows an interdisciplinary approach to the research topic development, which translates into a focus on the learning dynamics and on the investigation of the knowledge growth process that led him to present his contributions in seminars and conferences dedicated.

The city, in its aspects of flexibility and variability, is another central theme of his research.

Rethinking the role of urban components means rethinking the city in a contemporary perspective, sensible to social change and open to the innovative contributions that come from disciplines most technical or technological environmental friendly and sustainable. The architecture that accompanies those changes to serve the community of today and tomorrow becomes one of Faiferri’s main topics of investigation and research, declined in funded projects where he is scientist chief: "sustainable strategies for urban regeneration"(2011) and "sustainable strategies for the design of contemporary city"(2010).

His numerous publication (more than 80 recognized scientific journals) and participation as a member of the editorial boards of journals or series (among them: L’industria delle costruzioni, Monograph, d’Architettura, FAMagazine), lead him to explore issues of interest through the monographic analysis of the work done by some of the most worldwide renowned architects: Steven Holl, Vittorio Gregotti, J. Stirling, A. Campo Baeza, M. Graves, A.Isozaki, Boris Podrecca, Alvaro Siza, Wiel Arets, Glenn Murcutt.

He has been able to capture the essence and principles of their work, focusing the attention on specific issues such as the architecture of the school spaces and, more generally, of learning spaces. This work allows him to characterize further research on a structured background knowledge, orienting the research project to clear coordinates such as the feasibility of the proposed solutions, the connection with on-going research at international level.

During his teaching and research activities, Massimo Faiferri has been able to consolidate a network of relationships with international teams, which he took part in directly or with whom he collaborate. This network will certainly produce proper partnerships for the activities set out in this proposal, among them: Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo UNLP La Plata Argentina, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo UNMdP Mar del Plata – Argentina, Escola da Cidade Sao Paulo -Brasil, Uni. Roma 3, Iuav, Politecnico Milano Bovisa, Politecnico Milano Leonardo, Ascoli Piceno-Uni. Camerino, Beirut University, Ancona-Uni. Politecnico delle Marche, Uni.Napoli Federico II, Patras University, Uni. Palermo, Uni. Genova, Facoltà di Architettura “Aldo Rossi” di Cesena, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Universidad International de Catalogna, Barcellona, An-Najah National University, di Nablus, Palestina, LAU Lebanese American University – Beirut, University of Patras, École d’architecture de Paris-Malaquais, la Facultade de Arquitectura dell' Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Universidade Presbiteriana Meckenzie di Sao Paulo.

Currently he is Scientific Coordinator of the project "SPIN-APP: Innovative Spaces for Learning", funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia with the regional law on Aug. 7, 2007, No. 7,  and the International Summer School "ILS _ Innovative Learning Spaces" organized in collaboration with 13 international institutional partners, associations and companies-. Partner of the European Researchers’ Night project, funded by the European Commission under the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie actions (GA N° 818728).

updated 2023

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