Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche

Academic Appointments

2002- ongoing  Researcher in Physiology (BIO/09), Department of Biomedical Sciences-University of Cagliari,

2003-2005-  Member and Secretary of the Committee “Campus One Project” – Degree Course of the Industrial Biotechnology – University of Cagliari

2007-  Member and Secretary of the Research Doctorate “Morphological Science”, University of Cagliari

2013-2016-  Member of the Committee ” Nucleo di valutazione e paritetica”-Degree Course of the Industrial Biotechnology,  University of Cagliari.

2016-ongoing Member of the Committee ” Nucleo di valutazione e d’indirizzo”-Degree Course of the Industrial Biotechnology, University of Cagliari.

Education and research experiences:

1988 – Degree in Biological Science, University of Cagliari

1994 – PhD in Morphological Science, University of Cagliari

1996 – Post doctoral position – Dep. of Cytomorphology, University of Cagliari

1999 – Contract Research – University of Cagliari and  Area Marina Protetta di Capo Carbonara, Villasimius, Ca

2006 – Visiting Researcher at the Chemical Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden.

Teaching: University of Cagliari

2002-20013 Laboratory of Physiology (Industrial Biotechnology)

2003-2007-Introduction to functionals mechanism of the cell I (Experimental Biology)

2007-2008-Molecolar physiology (Biology)

2008-2009-Laboratory of Physiological Techniques (Biology)

2009-2010-Physiology of Taste and Olfaction (Biology)

2013ongoing- Cellular Physiology and Laboratory (Industrial Biotechnology)

Invited lectures

2005-Olfactory sensitivity to pure volatile compounds and their mixture in the adult moth, Spodoptera littoralis. 9thESITO, Villasimius (Ca).

Collaboration on Organization of International Congresses

2001-2009-( VII, IX, XI) European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction – ESITO

2009 -XIX European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO)

Member of the Scientific Societies: European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO), Società Italiana di Fisiologia (SIF), European Symposium for Insects Taste and Olfaction (ESITO), International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society (IBANGS).

Research collaborations: Prof.ssa Ruthann Nichols – Department of Biological Chemistry, School of Medicine – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor-MI, USA

Recent Research topics

Study of the neurophysiological and neuropathological mechanisms of sleep in Drosophila melanogaster mutants

Sensory Physiology: ultrastructure and organization of the chemosensory system in animal models

Natural chemical compounds with protective role in neurodegenerative processes in experimental models

Neuropeptides controlling chemosensory/feeding and cardiac functions

Study of  the neurodegenerative diseases in invertebrate models.

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