Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, ambientale e architettura

Educational curriculum
University courses
Teacher of the following courses:
1) From A.A. 2002-2003 A.Y. 2004-2005: semester-long course (50 hours) of "Urban and metropolitan road infrastructures" for students of the Building Engineering Study Course L.S.
2) From A.A. 2005-2006 A.Y. 2010-2011: semester-long courses (50 hours each) of "Integrated road design" and "Urban and metropolitan road infrastructures" for students of the Building Engineering Study Course L.S.
3) From A.A. 2011-2012 A.Y. 2017-2018: six-month course on "Urban road infrastructures" (62.5 hours) for students of the Architecture Studies Course.
4) Academic year 2018-2019 to date: six-month courses on "Public space and mobility" (40 hours) and "Accessibility of public spaces" (40 hours) for students of the Architecture Study Course.
Training Courses for Engineers and Higher Education Courses
1) Seminar on "Design criteria and capacity analysis of roundabouts" - Report: The design of roundabouts - Aula Magna of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - 10 March 2016;
2) Seminar on "New opportunities for infrastructural, environmental and economic development: materials for slow mobility and for rainwater management" - Report: Weak users - general characteristics - Aula Magna of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - 12 May 2017 .
3) Teacher of the international teaching project with virtual mobility "English for Engineering, IT and Architecture", proposed and managed by the University of Pécs - April - June 2022.
4) Seminar on "URBAN REGENERATION AND UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY - The international experience: Salvador Rueda" - Organization and introductory report - Aula Magna Baffi - 2 May 2023
Speaker at many national and international conferences.
1) Tutor of the PhD in Territorial Engineering (XX Cycle) - "Influence of the plano-altimetric characteristics of a road on the driver's behaviour: operating speed." Dr. Eng. Claudia Piras
2) Participation in the Academic Board of the PhD from 2006 to 2012. Cycle: from XXII to XXVIII
3) Doctoral School in Civil Engineering and Architecture - PhD in Territorial Engineering (XXVIII Cycle) - "Accidents in urban areas: study of driving behavior in relation to the geometric characteristics of the road infrastructure." Dr. Eng. Mariangela Zedda
Scientific responsibilities and university assignments
1) Scientific Responsible and Scientific Coordinator in many tasks by public administrations on behalf of the Department of Structural Engineering and the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering
2) Scientific coordinator of research grants
Awards, recognitions and courses
1) Best paper award for the paper written with Chiara Garau and Francesca Masala entitled "Benchmarking Smart Urban Mobility: A Study on Italian Cities", presented in Banff (Canada) during The 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2015 )
2) Best paper award for the paper co-written with other authors entitled "Thermal Performance Of Ultrathin Multi-Functional Overlay", presented at The 9th International Symposium On Pavement Surface Characteristics (SURF2022)
3) FIR funds (Supplementary Research Fund) - Year 2016. Allocation by the University of Cagliari of a loan divided by the Department for each active researcher, also on the basis of scientific production (60%) of a prize equal to 1128, 39 euros
4) Didactic rewards as a member of the PQA University Quality Presidium of the University of Cagliari and a member of the Self-Assessment Commissions
5) Training course on "Mobility management" held in Rome from 3 to 5 February 2016 by the Euromobility Association.
6) "Accessible design" course held by the Regional Center for Accessibility and Environmental Welfare of LEDHA Lombardia from 31 March to 21 April 2021.
Participation in research projects
1) Member of numerous PIARC Committees (“Road Asset Management” and “Safer Road Infrastructure Design, Management and Operation” among others) from 2002 to present.
2) Participation in PRIN projects:
- 2008: "Evaluation of the driver's behavior using the speed diagram and modeling of the effects on the accident rate" –
- 2017: WEAKI TRANSIT: WEAK-demand areas Innovative TRANsport Shared services for Italian Towns
- 2020: Smart Monitoring for Safety of Existing Structures and infrastructures (S-MoSES) on the topic of safety and reliability of structures and infrastructures
3) Participation as a senior expert in the following projects:
- "Governing the smart city: a governance-centered approach to smart urbanism"

- EasyLog (Logistics optimized for ports and intermodal transport), INTERREG Italy-France Maritime 14-20
- Techlog (Technological Transfer for Logistics Innovation in Mediterranean area), Eni CBCMED 14-20
4) Participation in the Research "Cagliari. Procedures and models for the integrated valorisation of the historical settlement heritage. Guidelines for the application of the Recommendation on the historic urban landscape. UNESCO 2011" for the aspects concerning mobility and transport infrastructures. Research funded by the Sardinia Region under the L.R. n° 7/2007 "Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia". Scientific Responsible and Coordinator: prof. E. Abis.
5) Participation in the project "TSulki: tourism and sustainability in the Sulcis" within the strategic project Sulcis - Public-private projects pursuant to CIPE Resolution No. 31 of 20/02/2015.
6) Participation in the project “(A)PRIS(ON). (Architectural) Project for the Reuse of Isolated Structures (ON)/Sardinia”, within the two-year research projects at the University of Cagliari on the basis of the three-year agreement between the Sardinia Foundation and Sardinian universities.
Management or participation in editorial boards of journals
1) Guest Editor in the Special Issue "Smart and Sustainable Streets" of the Sustainability magazine in the "Sustainable Transportation" section.
2) Guest Editor in the Special Issue "Green and Liveable Transport Infrastructures" of the Sustainability magazine in the "Sustainable Transportation" section.
List of publications
Author of over 90 articles in international journals.

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