Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering


Italo Meloni

Personal Information

Name and Surname                    Italo Meloni

Address                                     Department of Civil Environmental Architecture Engineerig University of Cagliari

Piazza d'Armi


Telephon                                  070/675-5268 (uff)

Fax                                         070/675-5261 (uff)


City and  e date of bird              Cagliari, 23/02/1953

Mother Tongue                          Italian

Other languages                           English reading and writing  

Position Held                             Full Professor of Transport Plannig,

Department of Civil Environmental Architecture Engineerig University of Cagliari

Education                                         Master’s Degree in Civil Enginnering

                                              University  Cagliari, 1977

Italo Meloni became Full Professor of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Architecture at the University of Cagliari in 2016 where he teaches the degree courses on Transportation Planning and Theory of Transportation Systems. He is currently also director of CIREM and CRiMM, the University centre for research on transport and mobility issues and on the integration between economic development, land use and transport supply and demand. Over the years he has contributed to several local, national and international research projects as well as to transportation plans for the Sardinian government and local government agencies. His current research interests lie chiefly in promoting changes in travel behaviour for achieving more sustainable mobility, in activity based and discrete choice modelling for travel demand forecasting,  in the micro-meso-and macrosimulation of transportation networks. He has co-authored some 150 scientific papers published in national and international books, journals and conference proceedings.

Italo Meloni is a member of the IATBR International Association on Travel Behaviour Research and of WCTR World Conference on Transport Research; he is also reviewer for a number international journals and conferences.



Since 2016 Full Professor of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Architecture at the University of Cagliari where he teaches the degree courses on Transportation Planning. 

Since 2004 Professor of Theory of Transport Systems, Master's Degree Course in Civil Engineering, University of Cagliari.

Since 2002?Professor of integrated Foundation Course in Transport, Bachelor Degree Course in Civil Engineering, University of Cagliari

Since 2002?Contract Professor of Transportation Planning supplementary course, Faculty of Engineering, University of Genoa.

2000? Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires and Rosario, Argentina within the framework of Regional Law 43 programmes for research and development in favour of developing countries.

1994\98? Professor of transportation disciplines for post-graduate specialization course in Town Planning, Environment and Land Use , Faculty of Engineering, University of Cagliari.

Since 1994?Member of Teaching Staff, PhD Course in Transport Techniques and Economics, Universities of Palermo and Cagliari (consortium).

Since 1992 ?Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Cagliari

Since 1992 ?Professor of Transportation Planning, Bachelor Degree Course in Civil Engineering, and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Cagliari.


Since 2007 ?Deputy Director of Centro Interuniversitario per le Ricerche Economiche e di Mobilità, (C.I.R.E.M.) Universities of Cagliari and Sassari Since 2005 ?

President of the Technical/Scientific Committee of the Transport Education and Training Centre with Head Office in Cagliari

Since 2003?Member of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)

2001-2007 Director of Centro Interuniversitario per le Ricerche Economiche e di Mobilità, (C.I.R.E.M.) Universities of Cagliari and Sassari

Since 1997 ?Responsible for the University of Cagliari's Specialist Center of Teaching and Research, Citilabs

Since 1995 ?Director of the Scientific Committee of the Centro di Ricerche sui Modelli di Mobilità (CRiMM), University of Cagliari

Since 1995?Member of Transport Research Society (TRS)

Since 1989 ?Member of the Italian Society for Transportation Teachers

1980?Corbellini Award - XXVIII Internazional Communications Conference - for the best scientific paper on land transport, Genoa, 7/10 Ottobre

1978? Corbellini Award - XXVI Convegno Internazionale delle Comunicazioni - per la memoria di più alto valore scientifico in materia di trasporti terrestri,Genova, 5/7 Ottobre


2018-2020 SpiralMoove: project for studying and elaborating a new form of car sharing with a view to increasing its use, aimed to provide users with a more flexible service guaranteeing wider coverage at lower costs. Responsible scientist

2017-2019 SIMPLE: Tools and models for sustainable mobility. Scientific Supervisor CIREM research team

2014-2015    Evaluating the effectiveness of soft measures through SP (Stated Preference) surveys: the effect of polluting emissions and driving stress on travel mode choice, in collaboration with Denmark Technical University Copenaghen. Scientific Supervisor

2012   Analysis, definition and assessment of behavioural strategies aimed at abating greenhouse gas emissions generated through individuals’ daily activity and travel patterns. Project eligible but not fundable under PRIN 2009 and awarded funding by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia under Regional Law No.7. Responsible scientist.

2010-2012    Innovation in models for simulating individual travel choice behaviour for correctly predicting the effects of sustainable mobility interventions. Construction and estimation of models that incorporate the dynamic effects of activity/travel participation and interperiod and interpersonal heterogeneity effects in modal choice”. Funded under Regional Law No.7 of 7.08.2007: “Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia. Responsible Scientist.

2008   From time use database analysis to the construction of a microsimulation model. Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio, University of Cagliari, Turin City Council, University of Texas at Austin. Scientific Supervisor.

2002-2005    Construction of disaggregate modal choice models for interpreting and simulating freight transport” , Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio, University of Cagliari. Projects of National Interest (PRIN). Responsible Scientist local research team

2000-2003 Coordinator of post-doctoral research activities conducted by Dr. Elisabetta Cherchi on travel cost treatment from microeconomic theory to the derivation of modal utility: calculating the effects on market demand and on the VOT using RUM with mixed RP/SP data and non-linear utility functions, under different assumptions on distribution of random residues.


•          Transportation – Springer

•          Transport Policy Elsevier

•          Transportation Research Part A-Part C, Part F. Elsevier

•          Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting and publication in the Transportation Research Record Journal

•          Transportmetrica A Transport Science Taylor&Francis

•          System Editorial

•          Sustainability

•          Travel Behaviour Society

•          Journal of Transport Geography Elsevier

•          Journal of Transport & Health Elsevier

•          International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

•          International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

•          Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies

•          World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR)

•          International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)

•          European Working Group Transport (EWGT)



Sottile E., Sanjust Di Teulada B., Meloni I., Cherchi E. (2017). Estimation and validation of hybrid choice models to identify the role of perception in the choice of the bicycle. International Choice Modelling Conference 2017, Cape Town. 3-5 April.

Sottile E., Meloni I., Cherchi E. (2016). Psychological profiles of commuters in Cagliari. In: World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2016 Shanghai. 10-15 July.

Sottile E., Cherchi E., Meloni I. (2014). Measuring soft measures within a stated preference survey: the effect of pollution and stress from traffic in the mode choice. In: 10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods . Leura - Australia, November.

Cherchi E., Meloni I, J. De D. Ortuzar (2012). Measuring inertia as a latent effect in mode choice. In: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research Toronto, 15-20 July.

Spissu E., Sener I., Eluru, N., Bhat C. and Meloni, I. (2010). Spatial and social interdependencies in work participation during traditionally off-work hours. 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January.

Spissu E., Sener I., Eluru N., Bhat C., Meloni I. (2009). Spatial and social interdependencies in work participation during traditionally off-work hours. International Choice Modelling Conference, University of Leeds, 30 March-1 April.

Meloni I., Spissu E., Eluru N., Bhat C. (2009). A copula-based joint multinomial discrete-duration model of participation in special weekend events, SIDT international Conference Milan (Italy) 29-30 June.

Portoghese A., Spissu E., Eluru, N., Bhat C., Meloni, I. (2009). A copula-based joint multinomial discrete-ordered model of commuting mode choice and number of non-work stops during the commute. 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research Jaipur, Rajasthan. India, 13-18 December.


1.Piras, F., Sottile, E., & Meloni, I. (2021) Do psycho-attitudinal factors vary with individuals’ cycling frequency? A hybrid ordered modeling approach. Travel Behaviour and Society, 22, 186-198.

2.Sottile, E., Piras, F., Calli, D., & Meloni, I. (2021). Why don't Italians cycle to work? An experimental analysis. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(1), 362-373.

3.Piras, F., Sottile, E., Tuveri, G., & Meloni, I. (2021). Could there be spillover effects between recreational and utilitarian cycling? A multivariate model. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 147, 297-311.

4.Sottile, E., Giacchetti, T., Tuveri, G., Piras, F., Calli, D., Concas, V., Zamberlan, L., & Carrese, S. (2021). An innovative GPS smartphone based strategy for university mobility management: a case study at the University of RomaTre, Italy. Research in Transportation Economics, 85, 100926.

5.Giovanni Tuveri; Eleonora Sottile; Italo Meloni; Marco Garau; Lucia Pintor; Luigi Atzori (2019) Automating Ticket Validation: A Key Strategy For Fare Clearing And Service Planning 2019, 6th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS). IEEE.

6.Eleonora Sottile; Francesco Piras; Italo Meloni (2019) Could A New Mode Alternative Modify Psycho-Attitudinal Factors And Travel Behavior? 2019, Transportation Research Record

7.Francesco Piras; Eleonora Sottile; Italo Meloni (2018) Automatic Data Collection For Detecting Travel Behavior: The Ipet Platform. 2018, Procedia Computer Science

8.Eleonora Sottile; Italo Meloni; Benedetta Sanjust di Teulada; Elisabetta Cherchi (2018) Estimation And Validation Of Hybrid Choice Models To Identify The Role Of Perception In The Choice To Cycle 2018, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

9.Francesco Piras; Eleonora Sottile; Italo Meloni (2018) Modal Share Change Following Implementation Of Travel Demand Management Strategies 2018, Transportation Research Record

10.Sanjust di Teulada B., Meloni I., Spissu E. (2017) The influence of activity-travel patterns on the success of VTBC. International Journal of Urban Science, May, DOI:10.1080/12265934.2017.1332527

11.Sottile E., Meloni I., Cherchi E. (2017). Hybrid choice model to disentangle the effect of awareness from attitudes: application test of soft measures in medium size city.

12.Case Studies on Transport Policy, 5 (2), pp. 400-407. DOI: 10.1016/j.cstp.2016.09.001.

13.Vacca, A., Prato, C. G., & Meloni, I. (2017). Should I stay or should I go? Investigating route switching behavior from revealed preferences data. Transportation, June, pp.1-19. ISSN:0049-4488

14.Meloni I., Sanjust B., , Spissu E. (2016). Lessons learned from a personalized travel planning (PTP) research program to reduce car dependence. Transportation 44(4) pp. 853-870. DOI:10.1007/s11116-016-9681-y - ISSN:0049-4488

15.Sanjust B., Meloni I., Spissu E. (2015). An Impact assessment of a travel behavior change program: a case study of a light rail service in Cagliari, Italy. Case Studies on Transport Policy 3, p. 19-22, Elsevier DOI: 10.1016/j.cstp.2014.04.002

16.Meloni I., Sanjust di Teulada B. (2014). Using a GPS active logger to implement travel behaviour change programs. In: Mobile Technologies for Activity-Travel Data Collection & Analysis. Soora Rasouli & Harry Timmermans Eds. pp.325-340, ISBN 978 146666 6170 7.

17.Sanjust B., Bhat C. and Meloni I. (2014). Modeling the propensity to use a sustainable mode in the context of a Voluntary Travel Behavior Change program. Transportation Research Record Vol. 1 2412 pp.11-19 ISSN: 0361-1981.

18.Cherchi E., Meloni I., Ortuzar J. (2013). The latent effect of inertia in the choice of mode. In Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects. Edited by M.J. Roorda and E. J. Miller ISBN 978-1-304-71517-3

19.Portoghese A., Spissu E., Bhat C.R., Eluru N., Meloni I. (2011) A copula-based joint model of commute mode choice and number of non-work stops during the commute. International Journal of Transport Economics, 38(3), 337-362.

20.Meloni I., Spissu E., Bhat C.R. (2011). The effect of personal cap-and-trade mileage policies on individual activity-travel patterns: the Activity Locator project. Transportation Letters, 3 (4), pp: 293-307.

21.Spissu E., Sener I., Eluru N., Bhat C.R., Meloni I. (2010). Cross-clustered model of home-based work participation frequency during traditionally off-work hours. Transportation Research Record, 2157, pp.138-146, ISSN 0361-1981.

22.Meloni I., Ferdous N., Eluru N., Bhat C.R. (2010). A multivariate ordered-response model system for adults' weekday activity episode generation by activity purpose and social context- Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 44(8-9), pp. 922-943.

23.Meloni I., Spissu E, Bez M. (2007). A model of the dynamic process of time allocation to discretionary activities. Transportation Science, 41, pp. 15-28,

24.Meloni I., Cherchi E., Ortuzar J. De D. (2005). Policy forecasts using mixed RP/SP models: some new evidence. In: Advanced OR and AI Methods In Transportation. vol. 1, p. 487-493, A. Jaszkiewicz, M. Kaczmarek, J. Zak, M. Kubiak Eds., Posnam: Publishing 20.Meloni I., Guala L., Loddo A. (2004). Time allocation to discretionary in-home, out-of-home activities and to trips. Transportation, vol. 31; p. 69-96, ISSN: 0049-4488

25.Meloni I., Guala L., Loddo A. (2003). Analysis of the interactions between time use and trip time using a structural equations model. In: Selected Proceedings 9th World Conference on Transport Research, p. 1-21, ISBN/ISSN: 0-08-044274-9.

26.Meloni I, Spissu E (2011). Providing personalised information about the environmental impact of travel behaviour as a tool for promoting sustainable mobility. In: SIDT 2011 International Conference. Venezia, 6-8 October 2011.

27.Meloni I, Spissu E, Cherchi E (2011). Implications of a new probe personal system on the quality of activity-travel data for sustainable strategy implementation. In: 9th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods: Scoping the Future while Staying on Track. Termas de Puyehue, Chile, 14-18 November 2011.

28.Meloni I., Porcu S., Spissu E. (2012). A social marketing technique for soft measures’ personalized travel plans. 91th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 22-26 January 2012.

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