Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

Architect, PhD in History and Conservation of Architectural Heritage (Faculty of Architecture of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" - 1999), specialist in Restoration of Monuments ("Sapienza" University of Rome - 2001). Since 2019 she is Full Professor in Restoration (Icar 19) at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari, of which she is currently also Vice President.

Since 2021 she has been Director of the Interdepartmental Centres 'Cagliari Accessibility Lab' of the University of Cagliari and Board member of SIRA (Italian Society of Architectural Restaoration).

She teaches ‘Theory and History of Restoration’ at the Bachelor's Degree Course in Architectural Sciences and ‘Integrated Laboratory of Architectural Design and Restoration - Mod. Restoration’ at the Master's Degree Course in Architecture, where from 2014 to 2021 she was also coordinator of the Course of Studies.

She is the author of over 120 essays on: 1) the history and theory of restoration, concerning the debate on the old-new relationship; 2) knowledge of historical buildings, both at the architectural and urban scale, following direct and indirect analysis methods, supported by stratigraphic studies and by mensiochronological methods referring to traditional construction techniques, especially masonry; 3) the study of degradation phenomena, of individual artefacts and urban areas, preparatory to the definition of the conservation and restoration project 4) the study of the protection policies of historical centres, both internationally and locally, aimed at defining plans conservation 5) women and restoration design; 6) the reuse of ancient ‘pain’ architectures, such as prisons and asylums.

Her works have been presented at numerous national and international conferences.

Visiting professor in Italian and European universities, she is curator of international relations for the University of Cagliari with the Northeastern University of Boston.

She has carried out scientific consultancy and professional activity in the field of restoration, architectural, material and decay survey, archaeological survey and historical-stratigraphic analysis of the structures.

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