Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, ambientale e architettura

Curriculum Vitae (September 2023)

Personal Details

Date of birth: April 17, 1962

Place of birth: Jerzu (NU)

Home address: viale Vienna 173 – 09047 Selargius (CA)

Phone: +39 3391173540

Current Position

Full Professor of Applied Geophysics

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture

University of Cagliari

Via Marengo 2 – 09123 Cagliari

Phone: +39 070 6755172

Email: gpdeidda@unica.it 


Chair’s delegate of the Applied Geophysics Laboratory of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering.

PhD Board member of PhD course “Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technologies”, XXXIX cycle – University of Cagliari.

Board member of the Interdepartmental Center for Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CINSA) - University of Cagliari.

Currently, his research interests span from electromagnetic to seismic methods for geotechnical, environmental, and hydrogeological applications.




Mining Engineering February 3, 1989 - University of Cagliari Final grades: 110/110 with honours

Thesis in Applied Geophysics on "Gravity survey in the geothermal area of Fordongianus"

School-leaving certificate Scientific Studies July, 1981 - Liceo Scientifico di Jerzu Final grades: 60/60



Since 2023 Full Professor of Applied Geophysics Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Architecture University of Cagliari
2002 - 2023 Associate Professor of Applied Geophysics Department of Land Engineering/ Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Architecture University of Cagliari
1991 - 2002 Researcher in Applied Geophysics Mineral Resources Institute Department of Land Engineering University of Cagliari
1990 - 1991 Engineer– Plant Maintenance Nuova Cartiera di Arbatax – Cartiere Burgo S.p.A. Tortolì (NU)
1989 - 1990 Technical Office Engineer Aluminia S.p.A. - EFIM Portovesme (CA)
1985 - 1986 Temporary teacher of Mathematics High School, Jerzu


Management activities and positions in collegiate bodies and commissions

Since 2021

Chair’s delegate of the Joint Teaching-Student Committee of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture for the three years 2021-2024;

Member of Faculty Council of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, representing the Department of Environmental Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAAR);

Member of the Board of the DICAAR;

Head of the Didactic Committee and European Accreditation Committee of the Council of the Courses in Environmental and Land Engineering (CoCdS IAT) and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development (CoCdS IASS);

Member of the following Committees of CoCdS IAT and CoCdS IASS:

  • Steering Committee;
  • Committee for School Leavers’ Career Guidance
  • Internship Committee

Coordinator of the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Courses in Environmental and Land Engineering. During its mandate, the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering has been accredited with rating “Fully satisfactory” on all indicators of the quality requirements (Rapporto ANVUR – Accreditamento periodico delle Sedi e dei Corsi di Studio, Parere n. 37 della Seduta n. 26 del 10/10/2018)

Head of the following Committees of CoCdS IAT:

  • Self-Assessment Committee;
  • Didactic Committee;
  • Steering Committee;
  • Guidance Committee for first year students.

Member of the following Committees of CoCdS IAT:

  • School leavers career guidance Committee;
  • Internship Committee;
  • Internationalisation Committee.

Member of Faculty Council of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture;

Member of the Board of the DICAAR.

2017-2019 Chair of the Joint Teaching-Student Committee of the Course in Energetic Engineering
Dal 2018 Chair’s delegate of the Applied Geophysics Laboratory of the DICAAR.


Teaching Activity

Since 2023

Full Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses

  • Applied Seismology – Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Applied Geophysics -   Master’s Degree Course in in Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development, University of Cagliari;
  • Environmental Geophysics Lab – Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering and Master’s Degrees Course in Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development, University of Cagliari;
2022 - 2023

Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses

  • Applied Seismology – Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Applied Geophysics -   Master’s Degree Course in in Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development, University of Cagliari;
  • Environmental Geophysics Lab – Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering and Master’s Degrees Course in Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development, University of Cagliari;
2021 - 2022

Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses

  • Applied Seismology – Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Applied Geophysics -   Master’s Degree Course in in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Environmental Geophysics Lab – Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
2019 - 2021 Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Applied Seismology – Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Environmental and Land Engineering - Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari
  • Applied Geophysics -   Master’s Degree Course in in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Environmental Geophysics Lab – Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
2017 - 2019 Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Applied Seismology – Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Environmental and Land Engineering - Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Exploration Geophysics - Master’s Degree Course in Energetic Engineering
2010 - 2017 Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Applied Seismics – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Exploration Geophysics - Master’s Degree Course in Energetic Engineering
2006 - 2010 Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Applied Seismics – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Seismic Signals Processing – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Environmental Geophysics – Master’s Degree Course in Energetic Engineering
2004 - 2006 Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Applied Geophysics – Bachelor’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari.
  • Geophysical Data Processing – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari.
  • Environmental Geophysics – Master’s Degree Course in Energetic Engineering
2003 - 2004 Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Geophysical Data Processing – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Advanced Geophysical Methods in Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari
  • Environmental Geophysics – Master’s Degree Course in Energetic Engineering;
2002 - 2003 Assistant Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Geophysical Data Processing – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Advanced Geophysical Methods – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
2000 - 2002 Assistant Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Exploration Geophysics – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
1999 - 2000 Assistant Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Seismic Reflection Laboratory for the Applied Geophysics course – Master’s Degree Course in Civil Engineering.
1995 - 1999 Assistant Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Applied Seismics – Master’s Degree in Master Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Applied Geophysics – Bachelor’s Degree Course Environmental and Resources Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • Non-destructive Survey Methods – Bachelor’s Degree Course Environmental and Resources Engineering, University of Cagliari;
1991 - 1995 Assistant Professor in Applied Geophysics, responsible for the following courses
  • Exploration and Applied Geophysics Laboratory – Master’s Degree Course in Environmental and Land Engineering, University of Cagliari;


PhD Courses

2007 - 2013 Responsible for lecturing a short course in Data Analysis and Processing – PhD School in Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari.


Invited Lectures and Short Courses

2004 Short-Course on Geophysical Site Characterization Methods: Seismic reflection module, 2nd International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC’2), Porto – Portugal.
2003 Determination of dynamic properties using the seismic reflection method - Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa.
2002 Surface- and body-wave seismic methods in geotechnical site characterization - Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba - Bolivia.
2001 Workshop on SH-wave reflection seismics and Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves – Facultad de Geologia, Universidad de Barcelona.


Other Teaching Activity

2015 Seminar: “Introduction to seismic methods” – 3Rd Training Day: geophysical methods supporting the geological and the geotechnical method. Rovereto Town Museum, Dec. 3-4,2015.
2012 Seminars: “SH-wave reflection seismics: a routine method for geotechnical characterization”, “Invasive seismic surveys” at the Geophysical Surveys Study Day: Guidelines of the Geophysical Societies Association – San Giovanni Valdarno, Italy, May 18, 2012.
2009 Seminar: “Potential and limitations of SH-wave reflection seismics” – Refresher course “The new frontiers of applied geophysics” – Rovereto Town Museum, Italy, June 25-26,2009.
2009 Seminar: “Surface reflection seismics: a description of the method and of its applications in geotechnics and hydrogeology” – University of Padova, Italy, March 3, 2009
2008 Teacher of the module “Non-destructive methods for quality control and monitoring” – I.F.T.S. (Higher education and technical training) course for High-level technicians for land and environment management and monitoring. Cagliari, Italy.
2008 Seminar: “Seismic waves and non-invasive subsoil survey techniques” – Alberti High School, March 28, 2008.
2007 Teacher at the training course on “Geotechnical–Seismic site characterization through advanced geophysical surveys” – Regional Associations of Engineers, Marche Region, Italy.
2007 Teacher at a short course on “Advanced Geophysical Surveys the geotechnical characterization of sites”, organized by EUCENTRE (European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering) of Pavia, Italy.
2006 - 2007 Teacher for the Applied Geophysics module I.F.T.S. (Higher education and technical training) course for High-level technicians for land, resources and plant safety . Cagliari, Italy.
2004 Teacher at the refresher course on “New anti-seismic regulations” (Ordinanza del Presidente del Consiglio N. 3274 del 20.03.2003), organized by the Province of Cagliari Engineering Associations.
1999 Teaching activities on Reflection Seismics Data Processing for the course: “Geophysical methods for subsoil characterization (for the assessment of seismic risk and of slope stability)”, organized by A.S. FOR. (Training Services Association), Ferrara, Italy.


Areas of Scientific Interest

  • Applied geophysical methods for geotechnical and hydrogeological characterisation of sites interested by landslides: P- and SH-wave reflection seismics, P- and SH-wave refraction seismics, borehole seismics, cross-hole and refraction seismic tomography, electrical resistivity tomography.
  • Applied geophysical methods for the study of saltwater intrusion phenomena in coastal aquifers: seismic reflection, electrical and electromagnetic methods in frequency and time domains.
  • Geophysical techniques for characterization of contaminated sites through electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic methods.
  • Modelling and inversion techniques of electromagnetic data
  • Application of gravity method for mapping hydrogeological structures.



2019 - 2021 Algoritmi e Modelli per l’Imaging Science (AMIS). Progetto biennale ricerca di base regione Sardegna, annualità 2017. Principal investigator: Giuseppe Rodriguez – University of Cagliari
2018 - 2020 CARMA Project: “Tecnologie di caratterizzazione, monitoraggio e analisi per il ripristino e la bonifica”. POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020, Asse 1, Azione 1.1.3. Scientific Management: Ecoserdiana S.p.A.
2018 - 2020 CARMA Project: “Tecnologie di caratterizzazione, monitoraggio e analisi per il ripristino e la bonifica”. POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020, Asse 1, Azione 1.1.3. Scientific Management: Ecoserdiana S.p.A.
2015 - 2018 Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on hydrological cycle at basin scale. L.R. 07.08.2007 N. 7. Principal investigator: Roberto Deidda – Università di Cagliari
2010 - 2012 Multi-scale (micro-scale, macro-scale and in-situ) characterization of multiphase porous media through spectral induced polarization (SIP) and seismo-electric (SE) data. L.R. 07.08.2007 N. 7. Principal investigator: Gian Piero Deidda – University of Cagliari
2007 - 2009 GRIDA3 project. MIUR 2005. Scientific management: Ernesto Bonomi – CRS4
2007 - 2008 Innovative technologies for the management of alternative water resources in dry climates - Morocco. L.R. 11.04.96 N. 19. Principal investigator: Gian Piero Deidda – University of Cagliari
2007 Geophysical monitoring for protection and management of groundwater resources. PRIN, prot. 2007ET8X4C_001. Principal investigator: Gaetano Ranieri – University of Cagliari
2005 - 2007 Geophysical surveys for the quantitative and qualitative characterization of the Korba aquifer - Tunisia. L.R. 11.04.96 N. 19. Principal investigator: Gian Piero Deidda – University of Cagliari
2006 Provision of geophysical data for the project PON “Siti Ricerca”, Italian Inter-University Group – Chemistry for the Environment. Principal investigator. Gian Piero Deidda – University of Cagliari.
2004 Near surface geophysical characterization used for the geotechnical investigation for the building of high nuclear technology structures, Pavia. Funded by the National Center of Oncological Handrotherapy for the treatment of tumours. Principal investigator: Gian Piero Deidda – University of Cagliari.
2003 Evaluation of seismic site effects at the El Salvador Basilica site in Santiago de Chile. L.R. 43/90 e L.R. 26/96. Principal investigator: Gian Piero Deidda – University of Cagliari.
2003 A new procedure to assess the vulnerability of buildings and infrastructures using micro-geophysical investigations. PRIN, prot. 2003080581_001. Principal investigator: Gaetano Ranieri – University of Cagliari.
2000 - 2001 Evaluation of the vulnerability of groundwater resources in the metropolitan region of Santiago de Chile. L.R. 11.04.96 N. 19. Principal investigator: Gian Piero Deidda – University of Cagliari
1999 - 2001 Integrated actions Italy – Spain. Principal investigator: Gaetano Ranieri – University of Cagliari
1999 - 2000 Methods for optimization and promotion of heritage sites. Collaboration with l’école Nazionale d’Architecture – Rabat (Morocco). Principal investigator Principal investigator: Gaetano Ranieri – University of Cagliari
1998 - 2000 International research project PROGRESS (Prospection Géophysique, Recherche et Excavation Sélective du Sous-sol) funded by the FEDER 10 EU Program. Administrative Management: Girona Town Council (Spain). Principal investigator: Albert Casas Ponsati – University of Barcelona.
2000 Development of high-resolution seismic and electromagnetic methods for the monitoring of monuments and for the exploration of archaeological structures in areas undergoing engineering works. PRIN, prot. MM08048145_001. Principal investigator: Gaetano Ranieri – University of Cagliari
1998 - 1999 Seismic imaging of geological and hydrogeological structures in a saltwater intrusion area (Muravera, Italy). Principal investigator: Gian Piero Deidda – University of Cagliari
1998 - 1999 Non-destructive methods for subsoil control and monitoring, applications to territorial planning, Tangeri Bay (Morocco). Principal investigator: Gaetano Ranieri – University of Cagliari
1996 Geophysical surveys for archaeology in the city of Axum, Ethiopia: Principal investigator: Roberto Balia – University of Cagliari


Scientific Collaboration Agreements

Since 2022 Scientific Collaboration Agreement for Archaeological Research Activity between DICAAR and the Department of Letters, Languages and Cultural Heritage (University of Cagliari) concerning the following research theme: diagnostic methods for the detection of stratigraphic deposits and latent structures in the subsoil and on the ground. Scientific management: Gian Piero Deidda (DICAAR), Carlo Lugliè (Department of Letters, Languages and Cultural Heritage)
Since 2018 Scientific collaboration agreement with Realtimeseismic (Pau, France) concerning the following research topics: 1) Development of very high-resolution seismic techniques for engineering and environmental applications; 2) Validation and testing of various seismic methods for very high-resolution of surface and in-hole seismic data. Scientific management: Gian Piero Deidda - DICAAR, University of Cagliari
2018 Scientific Collaboration Agreement between DICAAR and GEO2X - Geophysics for Geology - concerning the following research topics: 1) Acquisition of 3D SH-wave seismic reflection data aimed at imaging shallow surface structures of interest for civil and environmental engineering; 2) Optimization of 3D seismic data processing procedures. Scientific manager: Gian Piero Deidda - DICAAR, University of Cagliari.

Scientific Collaboration Agreement with FUNPEC (Fundação Norte-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisa e Cultura) – Brasile: “Projeto FUNPEC/UFN/Petrobras/Carboflex -Caracterização e evolução de feições cársticas, íntegras ou colapsadas, com métodos geofisícos rasos. Principal Investigator: Francisco Pinheiro Lima Filho (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte).

2005 Strong Site Effects in São Sebastião volcanic crater. Scientific collaboration as a consultant with the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the of the High Technical Institute of Lisbon (Institute Superior Técnico de Lisboa). Principal investigator: Jaime Santos
2001 - 2004 Acquisition and processing of shallow seismic reflection data. Collaboration with the Department of Physics, Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa – Portugal. Principal investigator: Manuela Mendes – Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa.
2000 - 2001 Scientific, cultural and training collaboration between Athens University and Cagliari University. Principal investigator: Gaetano Ranieri – University of Cagliari.
1998 - 2000 Marine Archaeology. Collaboration program with the University of Cagliari, the University of Georgia and the University of Mississippi. Principal investigator: Gaetano Ranieri – University of Cagliari



2022 - 2023 Geophysical survey aimed at identifying archaeological structures at Nanni Arrù site (Quartucciu). Funded by CRS4 (Centro di Ricerche, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna) s.r.l.
2022 Geophysical survey aimed at identifying archaeological structures in 5 areas chosen for the installation of wind turbines (Ossi – Sassari). Funded by GR Value Management s.r.l.
2018 Georadar surveys for UXO detection at Santa Caterina site, Elmas – Cagliari. Funded by So.G.Aer company.
2017 Geophysical surveys with electrical resistivity tomography at the SANAC plant, Macchiareddu, Assemini (Italy). Funded by SANAC.
2017 Georadar surveys for the identification of underground utilities in the former Military Airport of Cagliari-Elmas, Italy. Funded by So.G.Aer company.
2016 Geoelectrical survey in the Decimomannu Military Airport, Italy - Funded by Golder Associates ltd.
2013 - 2014 Georadar surveys in Cagliari Airport – Funded by So.G.Aer company
2012 - 2013 Frequency-domain electromagnetic survey in Cagliari Airport – Funded by Techno Sky ltd.
2011 Frequency-domain electromagnetic survey in Cagliari Military Airport – Funded by Techno Sky ltd.
2008 Frequency-domain electromagnetic survey in Cagliari Airport airstrip– Funded by So.G.Aer company.
2008 Geotechnical e geophysical characterization of soils along the provincial road no.11 – Genna ‘e Cresia-Jerzu, Italy. – Funded by Ogliastra Province.
2007 Geophysical characterization of the municipal solid waste dumping site at Baccasara-Bacchidda, Tortolì, Italy. – Funded by Tortolì Town Council.
2006 Monitoring of the landslide of 24 December 2006 above A. Melis street in the village of Jerzu, Italy. – Funded by Jerzu Town Council.
2006 Electrical resistivity survey to support the SIPSA site characterization, Torregrande (Italy). – Funded by SIPSA company.
2002 SH-wave seismic assessment of the low-strain shear modulus of the “Fanghi Rossi” materials at the Monteponi mine. Funded by IGEA S.p.A. (Interventi Geo Ambientali S.p.A.)
1996 Geophysical and geotechnical investigations for the study of an unstable embankment, Jerzu, Italy- Funded by Jerzu Town Council.
1996 Geophysical and geotechnical surveys in the area of Terra Sciusciada, Jerzu, Italy - Funded by Jerzu Town Council.
1994 Geophysical and geotechnical surveys for the study of an unstable slope in S. Maria, Jerzu - Funded by Jerzu Town Council.



2002 US Patent US 6366537B1. Geophone and method for the study of elastic wave phenomena. Inventors: Luigi Sambuelli (Politecnico di Torino) and Gian Piero Deidda (University of Cagliari)
2001 Canadian patent CA2318036. Geophone and method for the study of elastic wave phenomena. Inventors: Luigi Sambuelli (Politecnico di Torino) and Gian Piero Deidda (University of Cagliari)
2000 Australian patent AU199918853B2. Geophone and method for the study of elastic wave phenomena. Inventors: Luigi Sambuelli (Politecnico di Torino) and Gian Piero Deidda (University of Cagliari)
1999 European patent WO9936799. Geophone and method for the study of elastic wave phenomena. Inventors: Luigi Sambuelli (Politecnico di Torino) and Gian Piero Deidda (University of Cagliari)
1998 Italian patent ITTO98A000030. Trasduttore di onde elastiche con sensibilità incrementata alle onde di taglio. Inventors: Luigi Sambuelli (Politecnico di Torino) and Gian Piero Deidda (University of Cagliari)


Other Activities

Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Remote Sensing “Near-surface geophysics: a remote sensing tool for the shallow subsurface”.

Scientific Board Member

  • Summer school “Advanced Numerical Techniques for Inverse Problems, with Applications in Imaging Science and Applied Geophysics”. Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy), July 17-21, 2017.

Scientific reviewer for

  • Engineering Geology
  • European Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
  • Geophysical Journal International
  • Geophysics
  • Hydrological Processes
  • Journal of Applied Geophysics
  • Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth

Peer Review for research projects

  • PRIN – Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca
  • SIR - Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca

Active Member of Scientific Societies

Questionnaire and social

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