Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

CV updated to 8.6.2023

Prof. Eng. Mauro Coni is an associate professor of the Scientific Sector ICAR04 "Roads, Railways and Airports" of the University of Cagliari. He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and a post-doctoral degree in "Transport Infrastructures." He conducts research and professional activities on environmental impact, sustainable materials in the circular economy, design and management of transport infrastructures, and their social significance.

He is active in the public debate for public works related to mobility and transport and the need to rethink their design to improve the quality of life of communities, the economy, and social relations. He coordinated public participatory debates of essential works, using specific technical expertise to propose socially sustainable solutions and reduce impacts.

He has held roles of administrative and public responsibility as Technical Councillor of the Municipality of Cagliari, Technical Consultant of the Cabinet Office of the Department of Public Works of the Sardinia Region, and numerous institutional committees (Green Public Procurement, Regional Price List of Public Works of the Sardinia Region, Technical Administrative Committee of the Lazio-Sardinia Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, etc.)

In the first decades of his activity, he acquired extensive expertise in the physical characteristics of infrastructures: materials, geometric design, environmental impact, noise, vibrations, the functional and structural performance of roads, airports, railways, and ports, F.E. numerical simulation techniques, and road maintenance.

In the last 20 years, he has directed his research and professional activity toward intangible infrastructure-related issues. How to improve the perception of the works and give a social sense to their project, reduce their emissions and energy impact, and increase their accessibility and usability. The streets are seen as safe places where people and not cars meet according to the most innovative guidelines of the modern international technique of mobility and transport infrastructures. Further interests and skills are in the field of sensors and innovative survey and control systems (SmartRoad) for the innovative monitoring of infrastructures and their works of art.

Professionally he has carried out and carries out numerous consultancy, conception, and planning activities for public and private entities, on transport infrastructural plans, resource plans, and programming, on sizing, on road, port, and airport techniques and materials, and the impacts due from infrastructures (ANAS, M.I.U.R., R.A.S., Provinces, etc.). He is responsible for or is part of various working groups appointed by Public Administrations to carry out pilot projects using innovative road materials, infrastructure programs, and pre-feasibility studies. He is one of the new SS 195 "Sulcitana" designers.

He has produced 160 publications in the scientific sector to which he belongs, which also concerns airport flight infrastructures, integrated road design, and the reuse of alternative materials in road infrastructures. He has been a consultant for Olbia Airport since 2006, Cagliari Airport since 2003, and Alghero Airport since 2006. He has been part of tender commissions for the assignment of public works and, in particular, for the assignment of works for the new runways of flight to Cagliari (2009), Olbia (2019), and the new Olbia terminal (2018).

From June 21, 2011, to June 5, 2016, he was Councilor for Transport, Infrastructure, and Networks of the Municipality of Cagliari. From November 2011 to June 5, 2016, he was the delegate of the Mayor in the ITS Consortium for implementing info mobility in the Cagliari Vast Area. In 2012 and 2013, he was delegated by the Mayor to the Port Committee of Cagliari.

In the role of City Councilor of Cagliari, he has contributed to strengthening the relations of the Administration with the University of Cagliari, innovating and developing joint applied research projects. He has dealt with the promotion of LPT, strategies for improving services, new ITS technologies at the service of users, and the integration between the different modes of transport. He edited the Mobility document for the Inter-municipal Strategic Plan of the vast area of Cagliari. On behalf of the Municipality of Cagliari, it prepared and oversaw the implementation of Program Agreements for the Cagliari Metro tramway, the cycle path network, and the safety and upgrading of the SS 554. Further interventions concerned the resolution of complex road nodes, the safety of the roads, the development of pedestrian traffic, bike sharing, and car-sharing. These activities have received various international awards, and the city of Cagliari has passed in the national rating of sustainable mobility from 38th place in 2011 to 10th in 2015.

As a consultant, he collaborated in the drafting of the Regional Transport Plan, the Mobility and Transport Observatory of the Province of Nuoro, the Transport Plan of the city of Monserrato, the Infrastructural Structure Project of the Transport System of the Province of Cagliari, the modernization works of the SS 131 "Carlo Felice" commissioned by the Regional Coordination Commission for the design analysis of superstructures, roads, and structures, Study of the Sardinian Western Corridor.

He has been in charge of over 70 projects and consultancy concerning the sizing and static and dynamic behavior of road, airport, railway, and port superstructures and foundations and the definition of restoration and consolidation interventions at a regional and national level, and the sizing of numerous flooring of runways, aprons, and taxiways at the airports of Cagliari, Olbia, Alghero, and Oristano. Was in charge of the environmental analyses for the SS 291, SS131 DCN ring road of Olbia, and SS 131 from km 109 to km 210. He is the designer in charge of the works of the SS 195 "Sulcitana" (30 km type B new C.N.R.)

Since 1999 he has been teaching the course "Superstructures of Roads, Railways and Airports" and 2013 "Construction of Roads, Railways and Airports" at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari. At the same University, from 2005 to 2013, he held the course "Management and Maintenance of Road Infrastructures," since 2006, he has held the Laboratory of Superstructures of Roads, Railways, and Airports.

In his university career, he achieved all the following academic levels:

  • 04.05.1991 Degree in Civil Engineering - Structures, 110/110 cum laude
  • 10.27.1995 Ph.D. in "Mechanical Design" University of Pisa;
  • 19.03.1999 Post-doctoral research "Road and Transport Infrastructures."
  • 03.06.1999 University researcher of the scientific sector "Roads, Railways and Airports."
  • 15.03.2000 Associate Professor of the scientific sector "Roads, Railways and Airports."

The teaching and promotion activity is also expressed in the hundreds of degree theses and the accompaniment of young graduates into the world of work. In the last ten years, he has supervised over 250-degree theses, and the satisfaction index of the students of the last three years is excellent, over 96 (higher than that of the Civil Engineering Course (70) of the Faculty of Engineering (75) and the University of Cagliari (77).

From 1.07.2021, he was elected Coordinator of the Degree Course in Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari.

Further activities are carried out on behalf of the Territorial Engineering Department of the University of Cagliari as scientific responsible for Third Party consultancy concerned: analysis and consultancy for the superstructures of urban and extra-urban roads (Municipalities, Provinces, ANAS, etc. ); analysis for innovative materials in the road, railway, airport and port fields; the reuse of waste materials from mining and civil activities; non-destructive surveys and F.E.M. modeling for the flooring of runways and port docks.

His scientific activity is documented in a total of 160 papers published in journals and in Proceedings of National and International Conferences, published starting from June 1992. In the same period, he was part of over 50 research programs and assignments financed and/or co-financed by the University of Cagliari, the Ministry of University and Research, the Region of Sardinia, and companies.

He is co-author of the Zanichelli text "Progettazione Stradale Integrata" of 2004, edits reviews on behalf of road sector magazines, and is a reviewer for various international magazines. He has organized numerous international conferences and is a member of international scientific committees. He was the promoter and representative of the University of Cagliari on the Board of Directors of C.R.I.V.A.S. "Research Consortium for Road, Airport and Structural Infrastructures," founded by the University of Cagliari and the three Sardinian airports, in April 2005. He co-authored the text Flaccovio " Road Design. From Research to Road Design. Design Manual," published in March 2007. From 2002 to 2007, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Society of Road Infrastructures S.I.I.V., which brings together all university professors and researchers in the road, railway, and airport science sectors. As a technical consultant of the Cabinet Office of the Regional Councilor for Public Works of the Sardinia Region, he oversaw the technical procedures for the planning of the SS 554, the SS 547- SS199 Sassari-Olbia, SS 195, SS 131, SS125, SS 128 Monastir -Serri, the update of the P.R.T. as regards the road system and the definition of spending programs for managing bodies (ANAS, provinces, municipalities).

He was part of the Intersectoral working group of the R.A.S. for the definition of the Guidelines for G.P.P., Green Procurement.

He is an expert member of the C.T.A. Technical Administrative Committee Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Provv. Interreg. OOPP Lazio-Abruzzo- Sardinia, since 2018.

Since July 2021, he has been an expert member of the Regional Public Works Price List of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

He has been part of tender commissions for the design and works services assignment for selecting technical personnel at the regional Administration.

He has established international collaborations with the University of Illinois (U.S.A.), University of Nottingham (U.K.), Curtin University in Perth in, Australia, and the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa (Z.A.), where in 2017, he was appointed Professor Honorary.

He is a member of:

  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI)
  • Construction Institute (CI)
  • Int'Soc of Soil Mech Geotechnical Eng (I.S.S.M.G.E.)
  • World Road Association (P.I.A.R.C.)
  • ASIT Scientific Association of Transport Infrastructures

He has been a member of the SIIV (Italian Road Infrastructure Society)

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