Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

Giovanna Concu is Assistant Professor of Structural Design at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari, Italy, where she teaches Timber and Masonry Structures and Laboratory of Structural Rehabilitation. She graduated cum summa laude in Structural Engineering at the University of Cagliari, Italy and was awarded a Ph.D. in Geoengineering in the same University. She authored about eighty papers, for the most part published in international conferences proceedings and international journals. She is reviewer for some international journals and scientific associations. She has been involved in a number of research projects funded by regional, national and international public and private agencies. Her research interests include Sustainability in Buildings and Constructions, Timber Engineering, Non-Destructive Testing. Currently she is dealing with timber constructions, with specific interest in the mechanical behavior of cross-laminated timber elements and glue-laminated elements reinforced with natural fibers and in the development of short supply chain and circular economy mechanisms that aim at the use of local resources (wood, insulation materials, natural plaster, etc.) for the building industry.

Positions held November 2008 to present: Assistant Researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari (Italy)


° 2002 PhD in Geoengineering, University of Cagliari (Italy)

° 1998 Degree in Civil Engineering, specialization Structural Engineering, University of Cagliari (Italy)

° 1991 Diploma at the Liceo Classico, Cagliari (Italy)

Previous research positions

° 2006-08: Research Fellow at the University of Cagliari (Italy). Research project's title: Instrumental diagnostic for civil structures and infrastructures rehabilitation. Methodology and Instrumentation

° 1999: holder of a Young Researcher Project, University of Cagliari (Italy), entitled: Monitoring of natural stones performance in buildings facades

Courses taught

° 2009 to present Structural Design (Timber and Masonry Structures), Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari (Italy)
° 2011 to present Lab. of Structural Rehabilitation, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari (Italy)

° 2006-09 Rural Buildings Construction, School of Specialization for Secondary School Teachers, University of Cagliari (Italy)

° 2003-06 Building Science and Constructions, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sassari (Italy)

Membership and activities in scientific associations

° 2007 to present Member of the IALCCE "International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering"

° 2010 to present Reviewer for National Research Foundation of South Africa

° 2018 Reviewer for Czech Science Foundation

°Reviewer for Elsevier (Ultrasonics, Automation in Construction, Engineering Structures, Construction and Building Materials,  Structures)

°Reviewer for MDPI (Sensors, Materials)

°Reviewer for International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research

°Editor for IntechOpen

Main Research grants contracts and sponsorships

Principal Investigator
° 2018 Granted at Regione Sardegna - POR Sardegna FESR 2014/2020 - for the project Cluster Top-Down entitled: “PLES - Local Products for Sustainable Building. Development of Eco-Sustainable Building Solutions for Energy Efficient Walls and Slabs” (30 months)
° 2018 Granted at Regione Sardegna - PSR Sardegna FESR 2014/2020 - for the project entitled: “ORTIGU - Quality control of raw cork and derived products using Non-Destructive Tests” (12 months)
° 2015 Granted at Regione Sardegna - L.R. 7-8-2007 N.7 - for the project entitled: “Development of cross laminated timber elements made of Sardinian wood” (36 months – local unit)
° 2012 Granted at Regione Sardegna - POR Sardegna FSE 2007-2013 - for the project entitled: “Post-restoration monitoring and diagnosis of historical buildings. Instrumental and methodological standards for monitoring of the interrelation between architectural space as a place for cultural heritage conservation, and operating environment” (12 months)
° 2010 Granted at Regione Sardegna - L.R. 7-8-2007 N.7 - for the project entitled: "Inverse Problems modeling and solving for NDT of building heritage" (36 months – local unit)
° 2010 Granted at University of Cagliari of a prize - L.R. 7-8-2007 N.7 - for the project entitled: " Sustainable timber construction and short production chain: structural problems, energy issues and identification of the material properties" considered fundable by Italian Ministry of University – FIRB Program 2008 (local unit)
° 2008 Granted at SARDEGNA RICERCHE - Sardinian Scientific and Technologic District - POR. Sardegna 2000-06, Research and Technological Development - for the project entitled: "Tool for non-invasive diagnostic of structures" ° 2007 Granted at BOVIAR srl for the project entitled: "Development and implementation of a Software for sonic and ultrasonic tomography of building structures"

Member of the research group
° 2018 project Cluster Top-Down entitled: “COESA - Sardinian Building Components in the Circular Bioeconomy, based on renewable resources or recycling processes, for near Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) in the Mediterranean area” Considered fundable at Regione Sardegna - POR Sardegna FESR 2014/2020
° 2017 Granted at Sardinian Foundation - L.R. 7-8-2007 N.7 - for the project entitled: “Healthy Cities and Smart Territories” (24 months)
° 2008 JOINT RESEARCH PROJECTS within the III executive programme of scientific and technological co-operation between Italy and South Africa for the years 2008-2010 entitled: “Diagnosis, restoration and conservation of buildings: methodology, technologies, instrumentation. Research and development”. In cooperation with the University of Cape Town, Department of Civil Engineering. Approved in Roma, by the III Session of the Italian – South African Joint Commission (for the Italian side: Directorate for Cultural Promotion - Ministry of Foreign Affairs; for the South African side: The National Research Foundation on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology)

Organization of congresses, conferences and seminars
° Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury - INCREaSE 2019 to be held in Faro – Portugal, from 9 to 11 of October, 2019
° Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2018 GADeS Workshop, Cagliari, Italy, 20-21 September, 2018
° Member of the Local Advisory Committee of the 6th International Workshop on Design in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cagliari, Italy, 09-11 November, 2017
° Member of the International Scientific and Technical Advisory Board of the 3rd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, Cape Town, South Africa, 03-05 September, 2012

Main research interests

° Timber Engineering
° Non Destructive Testing
° Sustainability in Buildings and Constructions

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