Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

Prof. Michele Campagna, MSc in Civil and Architecturral Engineering (1997), received his PhD in Spatial Planning in 2003 at the University of Cagliari, where he is currently Full Professor of  Spatial Planning. Since 2005, he has been teaching master/doctoral courses in urban and regional planning, in GIScience, and since the last decade in Geodesign. He was Coordinator of the Civil Engineering Msc Program (2015-2021) at the University of Cagliari, and he is currently member of the PhD board in Civil Engineering and Architecture. He is supervisor of many Master (>10) and PhD thesis (10). He gave seminars and taught courses in several Universities in Italy, the United States, France, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Brazil and Russian Federation. He is coordinator of several Erasmus bilateral agreements, and promoted 3 international inter-university cooperation framework agreements. He is coordinator of the International Summer School on Scenario Analysis in Urban and Regional Planning 2010, and of the International Summer School on ICT in Spatial Planning 2011. In addition, he coordinated many Geodesign workshops in Brazil (2015) and Italy (2016-2021). He received several scholarships and grants by European and North American Institutions such as (European Commission; EU Leonardo and Marie Curie Programme;  European Science Foundation; Centre for Integrated Social Sciences and US National Science Foundation).

His main research interests include issues related to Spatial Planning, Geodesign, meta-planning, the ICT/GIS adoption and innovation in the planning practice including SDI, Planning Support Systems, Citizens Observation, Social Media and Volunteered Geographic Information.

He authored more than 140 publications ( including  papers in major International journals, a book on geo-information technologies for spatial planning, and he is editor the book “GIS for Sustainable Development” published by CRC Press in 2006. He is panel member/reviewer/invited speaker of International Conferences in planning and GIS. He served many times as track co-chair at AESOP Conferences, and in 2022 at the World Planning Schools Conference. At AESOP he coordinates the Thematic Goup on New Technologies and Planning. He regularly serve as reviewer for books and international journals on planning and GIS .

In 2017 he was invited to join  the panel on Geodesign education for the Annual Conference of the Association of the American Geographers. In addition, he was invited by the Association of the European Schools of Planning (AESOP) to give a keynote on  the Requirements for the planning curriculum in a digital world at Head of School Meeting 2017 in Warsaw.

He is AGILE contact person for the  UrbanGIS lab at the University of Cagliari since 2001.

In 2008-2009 he was post-doc researcher at the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, in Ispra (IT).

He was planning and GIS consultant for the Italian Ministry of Environment, The Regional Government of Sardinia (IT), local authorities and for private enterprises, and in 2021 coordinated the geodesign workshop of the Metropolitan City of Cagliari.

He is responsible for research projects on Spatial Planning and on GIS at the University of Cagliari, and collaborated to several international and national research projects in EU, Brazil, Cuba, Italy, and Russian Federation. He was MC substitute in the COST Action IC1203.

Since 2018 is a member of the International Geodesign Collaboration (IGC).

For further information on Prof. Campagna’s research and education and publications please visit

Update 2024


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