Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura

Associate professor in Architectural and Urban Design of DICAAR Department.

Coordinator of the master's degree program in Architecture (March)

Member of the teaching board of the PhD in Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari.



Scholarship research

The research activity focuses on the themes of sustainable regenerative design of urban environment and of abandoned and underused buildings and territories. He  focuses on the regeneration of historic and modern cities and on adaptive reuse of urban heritage and mining landscapes. He is currently developing the research “designing through constellations” which explores alternative way of interpreting the complexity of derelict and frail territories, specifically focusing on the abandoned mining facilities and villages of the southern Sardinia. 

He developed a specific design research for the former mining village of Buggerru and for the reuse of a building in the former mine of Serbariu in Carbonia. In 2018 Carbonia's research-project was exhibited in the Italian pavilion of the XVI Architecture Biennaleof Venice (Italian Archipelago. Italian Pavilion at the 2018 Architecture Biennale) (references:) http://hdl.handle.net/11584/248314.

He also investigates issues of depopulation by outlining a new architectural design strategy  inspired to smart shrinkage policies to be applied to communities of inland areas characterized by  demographic, economic and social contraction. He investigates the issues of underpopulated small villages and of abandoned production sites (industrial, mining, agricultural), with special attention to former mines of Sardinia. 

He also investigates the issues of reuse and recovery of abandoned historic hospital complexes. This research is addressed both by referring to the European framework, considering the best experiences and the most significant cases, and by analysing, on a local level, the notable case of the hospital nineteenth-century San Giovanni di Dio of Cagliari. The results were presented at various international conferences, published in the Domus magazine (n°990) and other journals, and they have merged into the monograph entitled: Typological shift. Adaptive reuse of abandoned historical hospitals in Europe
published by Letteraventidue http://hdl.handle.net/11584/185406

He studies the relationships between built environment and depopulation phenomena of small villages. On these issues he experiments architectural and urban intervention strategies of "smart shrinkage" applied to the Buggerru case study.



He carries out teaching activities in the following courses:
- Integrated Architectural Design Laboratory II, (Architectural Composition module - ICAR/14) - 2nd year, degree course in Architectural Sciences L-17
- Integrated laboratory of Sustainable Architectural Design (module Architectural Composition - ICAR/14 - 2nd year, master's degree course in Architecture - LM4)

His research and teaching activity is published and summarized at:  www.surstudies.net

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