Department of Literature, Languages and Cultural Heritage

Giovanni Bonaiuti, PhD, is Full Professor at University of Cagliari (Department of Department of Literature, Languages and Cultural Heritage) where he teaches “Didattica generale” (teaching and learning).
His main areas of research are methods for teaching and learning in the perspective of evidence-based education with a focus on educational technology, instructional design, and criteria of cognitive effectiveness of technologies in enhanced learning environment. He is interested in tools for research and documentation and in devices to facilitate observation and reflection (such as video annotation as well as mobile tools for improving feedback in the students-teacher’s interaction).

He wrote books and articles on these topics (for a full list click here).

He serves on the Board of Directors of SIRD (Italian Society of educational research) and the Scientific Council of the SIE-L (Italian Society of e-Learning). He is Deputy Editor of “Form@re” (ISSN 1825-7321); he is part of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Journal of Educational Research (ISSN 2038-9736); he is member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Jelks – Journal of E-Learning and Society knowledge “(ISSN 1826-6223).

 CV Bonaiuti 2017-ANVUR

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